Exhibit #4 Preferred Design Solution for the Eastern Section (Functional Design)

This exhibit includes ten maps which address the section of Innes Road from Orléans Boulevard east to Trim Road (6.5 km).  Existing Innes Road through this section is predominantly a two-lane rural cross-section with ditches and many individual site driveways.  The series of maps show how the road will be widened to a four-lane divided urban roadway.  Due to the widening requirements, several properties will have to be purchased, in whole or in part, by the City.  All major intersections are shown as requiring signalization and new noise attenuation barriers are shown at the rear of some of the older subdivisions that back onto Innes Road.  Due to the widening and increased traffic volume, a number of the existing site driveways are shown as being restricted to right-in/right-out only.  Where all movement access is permitted it is shown as being accommodated by a centre turn lane which replaces the median.


Exhibit 4-1 (pdf)

Exhibit 4-2 (pdf)

Exhibit 4-3 (pdf)

Exhibit 4-4 (pdf)

Exhibit 4-5 (pdf)

Exhibit 4-6 (pdf)

Exhibit 4-7 (pdf)

Exhibit 4-8 (pdf)

Exhibit 4-9 (pdf)

Exhibit 4-10 (pdf)