Report to/Rapport au :


Finance and Economic Development Committee

Comité des finances et du développement économique


and Council / et au Conseil


April 24, 2012

le 24 avril 2012


Submitted by/Soumis par :  Kent Kirkpatrick, City Manager / Directeur municipal


Contact Person / Personne ressource:  Steve Box, Director, Corporate Programs and Business Services Department  / Programmes municipaux et Services opérationnels

(613) 580-2424 x24200,



Ref N°: ACS2012-CMR-OCM-0008




2011–2014 City strategic plan






That the Finance and Economic Development Committee:


1.            Approve Appendix A to this report; and


2.            Refer the report to the Transit Commission, Standing Committees and Council for their consideration and approval as follows:


·         Transportation Committee – Appendix B: 2 May 2012;

·         Environment Committee – Appendix C: 3 May 2012;

·         Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee – Appendix D: 10 May 2012;

·         Planning Committee – Appendix E: 8 May 2012;

·         Transit Commission – Appendix F: 16 May 2012;

·         Community and Protective Services Committee – Appendix G: 17 May 2012;

·         Council – Appendix H: 23 May 2012; and


3.            That Council consider and approve this report in its entirety following consideration by the Transit Commission and the various Standing Committees.



RecommandationS du rapport

Que le Comité des finances et du développement économique :

1.            Approuve l’Annexe A ci jointe; et


2.            présente ce rapport à la Commission du transport en commun, aux comités permanents et au Conseil aux fins d’examen et d’approbation, comme suit :


·         Comité des transports – Annexe B : le 2 mai 2012;

·         Comité de l’environnement – Annexe C : le 3 mai 2012;

·         Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales – Annexe D : le 10 mai 2012;

·         Comité de l’urbanisme – Annexe E : le 8 mai 2012;

·         Commission du transport en commun – Annexe F : le 16 mai 2012;

·         Comité des services communautaires et de protection – Annexe G : le 17 mai 2012;

·         Conseil – Annexe H : le 23 mai 2012; et


3.            Que le Conseil examine et approuve ce rapport dans son intégralité à la suite de son examen par le Commission du transport en commun et des divers comités permanents.




Subsequent to a municipal election the newly elected Council determines its strategic priorities for its Term of Council. The City’s Strategic Plan is refreshed accordingly to reflect Council’s identified priorities. The Plan is monitored on an ongoing basis, reported against annually and adjusted as part of Council’s mid-term governance review where warranted and directed by Council.


As part of this Council’s strategic planning exercise an integrated strategic planning and performance reporting process, the Corporate Planning Framework (CPF), was adopted by Council (Ref No: ACS2011-COS-ODP-0007) in May 2011. In its adoption of the CPF Council directed the inclusion of a Corporate Balanced Scorecard in the City Strategic Plan (CSP) to strengthen how the City governs Council’s priorities and measures progress on them.


The CPF also responds to the following:

·         previous recommendations by the Office of the Auditor General regarding the alignment of the City’s planning and budgeting processes;

·         Council’s directions on establishing accountability at all levels of the City; and,

·         recommendations emanating from mid-term governance reviews related to strategic planning. 


In July 2011, Council formally approved its Term of Council priorities (Ref No: ACS2011-COS-ODP-0011) and directed that senior management work with the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Transit Commission and Standing Committees of Council in the development of performance measures, which will form the City’s Balanced Scorecard.


The Term of Council Priorities defines what the City will accomplish over the 2011 to 2014 term and forms the basis of the City Strategic Plan. The CSP includes eight (8) strategic priorities;  twenty-six (26) strategic objectives which articulate what the City is seeking to achieve; and a number of related strategic initiatives, which are the concrete actions, tactical programs and services, that will advance Council’s objectives and strategic priorities. The CSP includes the mandated oversight responsibilities of the Transit Commission and Standing Committees as well as the budget requirements associated with the implementation of the strategic initiatives.




The purpose of this report is to gain Council’s approval of the recommended performance measures for the Term of Council Priorities. Once approved, the performance measures will form the City Balanced Scorecard which will be included in the 2011-2014 City Strategic Plan. The report also contains recommended amendments to the Term of Council Priorities as identified through consultation with the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Transit Commission and Standing Committees. These amendments are outlined in the Appendices to this report.


There are several instances where the recommended performance measure will be forthcoming as part of, or subsequent to, Council consideration and approval of a key policy, strategy or implementation plan. These include the following: 14-A related to the Transportation Demand Management Strategy and Implementation Plan, 62-A related to the Rural and Urban Opportunity Development Plan and 63-A and 63-B related to the Sustainability Program Plan.


Previous Motions and Amendments to the Term of Council Priorities


The recommended amendments contained in the Appendices to this report reflect all motions adopted by Council when it approved the Term of Council Priorities report (Ref No: ACS2011-COS-ODP-0011) in July 2011.


Additional amendments were made to reflect the decisions made when Council adopted the 2012 Operating and Capital Budget in November 2011. These include the consolidation of strategic initiatives under the ‘Ottawa on the Move’ capital program, the integration of initiatives under the Service Ottawa program and the deletion of the Neighbourhood Traffic Improvements from strategic objective TM3 – Transportation and Mobility. There were several technical amendments made to correct omissions or errors in the original report such as: moving the strategic initiative Recreation Major and Minor Capital Partnership from strategic objective HC1 to HC2 and re-naming strategic initiatives such as: Corporate Asset Management to Comprehensive Asset Management, Lansdowne Urban Park Redevelopment to Lansdowne Urban Park Revitalization, Environmental Strategy 2011- 2015 to Environmental Strategy 2012-2016, etc.


There were also recommended amendments which were identified by the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Transit Commission and Standing Committees during the development of the performance measures related to the strategic priorities, objectives and related initiatives. In most instances these are modifications to the existing language which enhance clarity, or better describe the respective strategic priority, objective or initiative.


The recommended amendments are listed in the Appendices to this report for the Transit Commission and the respective Standing Committees. Appendix H contains two recommended amendments for which it is appropriate that Council directly consider and provide approval.


2011-2014 City Strategic Plan


The 2011-2014 City Strategic Plan is the key corporate planning document which defines what Council and the City will accomplish over its four-year term and how it will do so. The City Strategic Plan serves to communicate to residents, staff and stakeholders the strategic direction of the City and the tangible actions that are being taken by the City.


The Term of Council Priorities adopted in July 2011 included the resource requirements (budget and FTEs) to implement the strategic initiatives. These resource requirements were identified in the Long-Range Financial Plan and informed the 2012 budget process; as a result the recommended changes to the 2011-2014 City Strategic Plan will ensure that is fully reflective of the 2012 budget approved by Council on 30 November 2011.


The 2011-2014 City Strategic Plan includes performance information that will be used to monitor and report progress against the Term of Council Priorities. As directed, senior management worked with the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Transit Commission and Standing Committees to develop the specific measures and targets that will be used to form the City Balanced Scorecard.


The Balanced Scorecard contains both financial and non-financial measures as part of an information system that links all levels of the City to the priorities of Council. Progress will be reported to Council through an annual performance report that will be initiated in 2012. The public will have the opportunity to comment on results through delegations at the Transit Commission and Standing Committees.


Alignment of external boards to the 2011-2014 City Strategic Plan


The Corporate Planning Framework report (Ref No: ACS2011-COS-ODP-0007) and Term of Council Priorities report (Ref No: ACS2011-COS-ODP-0011) included motions for the Ottawa Police Service, Ottawa Public Library, Ottawa Public Health and Ottawa Community Housing boards to ensure that their respective priorities are aligned to the City’s strategic priorities.


The Term of Council Priorities were approved in July 2011, with consideration of the information received from the Ottawa Police Service, Ottawa Public Library, Ottawa Public Health and Ottawa Community Housing boards. City staff worked with these boards to inform their strategic planning processes in order to align their strategic priorities to the Term of Council Priorities. These boards will inform Council, through their respective governance processes, of their strategic plans as they complete their planning processes. Ottawa Police Service submitted a report to the Ottawa Police Services Board on 24 October 2011, which highlighted alignment with the Term of Council Priorities. Ottawa Public Library submitted a report to the Ottawa Public Library Board on 12 December 2011 which included their 2012-2015 Strategic Plan. Ottawa Public Health submitted a report to the Ottawa Board of Health on 16 January 2012 which included their strategic priorities for 2011-2014. Ottawa Community Housing is currently completing their strategic planning process with the goal of delivering their new strategic plan to Council in Q2 2012.




The rural implications of implementing the recommendations set out in this report are identified in the strategic initiatives outlined in the 2011-2014 City Strategic Plan.




The Term of Council Priorities in the 2011-2014 City Strategic Plan were developed collaboratively with: 1) direction and input from the Mayor, Transit Commission and Standing Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs; 2) direction from the Executive Committee; 3) input from senior management; 4) input received from members of the public through delegations at Transit Commission and Standing Committees; and 5) presentations from Advisory Committees that occurred at Transit Commission and Standing Committee meetings.



Comments by the Ward Councillor(s)

This item is citywide.




There are no legal impediments to implementing the recommendations of this report.




There are no risk management implications with respect to implementing the recommendations as set out in this report.


There are no additional financial implications associated with the approval of this report. The budget requirements to implement the strategic initiatives contained in the 2011-2014 City Strategic Plan were included in the 2012 budget and 2013, 2014 capital budget forecasts approved by Council in November 2011.




There are no accessibility implications with respect to implementing the recommendations set out in this report.



Environmental Implications

There are no environmental implications with respect to implementing the recommendations set out in this report.



Technology Implications

Information Technology Services will work with departments to identify the technology requirements and establish the appropriate work plan.



TERm of council priorities

This report, and the supporting documentation, directly relates to the Term of Council Priorities. The report contains proposed performance measures for, and recommended amendments to, the Term of Council Priorities.




·      Appendix A – Finance and Economic Development Committee

·      Appendix B – Transportation Committee

·      Appendix C – Environment Committee

·      Appendix D – Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee

·      Appendix E – Planning Committee

·      Appendix F – Transit Commission

·      Appendix G – Community and Protective Services Committee

·      Appendix H – Council




The City Strategic Plan will be revised in accordance with Council’s approval and direction to staff.