24 September 2012 |
Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board |
Chief of Police, Ottawa Police Service |
The 2010-2012 Plan for a Safer Ottawa is the Ottawa Police Services Board’s fifth business plan that ensures the delivery of adequate and effective police services for the citizens of Ottawa - responding to emergencies, enforcing the law, crime prevention, investigating crime, maintaining public order and assisting victims. It is a plan of action comprised of 17 goals and 57 objectives developed in consultation with the community to address community policing priorities and assists in guiding Ottawa Police program and service delivery to ensure a safer community.
The Board receives progress reports on the business plan in January and July of each year. It includes a list of reports approved by the Board that supports the implementation of the goals and outcomes as outlined in the Plan for a Safer Ottawa, as well as a self-assessment on progress and accomplishments during the reporting period. This is not the only mechanism that reports on progress. The recently released annual Activity Report, annual Crime, Police and Traffic statistics and quarterly operational performance reporting (e.g. Call Response, Workforce Management / Career Management, Employer of Choice, etc.) are other means provided to the Board with reference to the strategic priorities of the Business Plan.
The 2010-2012 Plan for a Safer Ottawa articulates how the Board and the Ottawa Police will successfully achieve the OPS vision, mandate and respond to community concerns. The actions to achieve the desired results are grouped into four strategic priorities and provide a common focus of accountability:
· Reducing, Investigating & Preventing Crime
· Investing in our People
· Enhancing Partnerships & Interoperability
· Expanding Public Education, Community Engagement & Mobilization
The Ottawa Police Service regularly monitors and tracks
the progress in meeting the goals, objectives and outcomes as expressed in the
2010-2012 Business Plan. A self-assessment is completed every six months and
the results reported to the Police Services Board, the community and members of
the Ottawa Police. The current Business Plan is set to expire at year-end.
The most recent self-assessment
indicates that there has
been significant progress with
the completion of a large
majority of the actions
and outcomes, and there continues to be demonstrated progress to achieve any
outstanding goals and performance indicators.
To assist with the self-assessment, the Business Plan Advisory Group undertook a review of the current strategic priorities in June 2012. The Group reviewed the status of all outstanding deliverables and performance indicators to identify those actions that were expected to be accomplished based on current 2012 operational realities. Based on the results of the review, continued progress is being made towards the outstanding actions with the expectation that these will be completed by year’s end. Also identified were potential deliverables that may roll forward into 2013. For example, work on the Business Continuity Plan and compliance with the requirements of Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) will continue into 2013 and will be considered as part of the 2013 to 2015 business planning cycle. The Business Plan Advisory Group will meet again later in the year to review progress, with the results reported in the final Progress Report on the 2010-2012 Business Plan expected in January 2013.
During the reporting period the Board received a total of 42 reports that supports the implementation of the strategic priorities, goals and objectives as outlined in the 2010-2012 Business Plan (Annex A).
Annex B highlights some of the many actions and accomplishments undertaken by front line officers and civilians, over the first two quarters of 2012 that demonstrate the engagement and work of members that support the strategic priorities as outlined in the 2010-2012 Business Plan. Below are some key actions and accomplishments:
Reducing, Investigating and Preventing Crime
· During the weekend of February 25-26, the Ottawa Police Service executed several warrants for Project ACE. This endeavor was the result of a four month investigation by the Guns and Gangs Unit and the Direct Action Response Team (D.A.R.T.) targeting street gang members within the city and surrounding area involved in drug trafficking and firearms related offences. The eight warrants executed resulted in 11 persons charged with 85 firearms and drug related offences, five firearms recovered, and several items seized such as firearms, drugs and currency
· School Resource Officers and the local School Boards hosted free “Teens and Technology” information sessions to inform parents and educators about sexting, cyberbullying, safety and mental health
· Traffic Escort and Enforcement officers were part of a unique Distracted Driving Enforcement initiative in April as part of the City of Ottawa’s “Safer Roads Ottawa” road safety plan. Officers dressed in plain clothes watched for drivers that were using their mobile devices. When observed, they were directed to a uniformed officer further down the road. A total of 175 charges were laid, of which 71 drivers were charged for using their mobile devices while driving. There was a significant media and public attention around this initiative, which proved to be a valuable opportunity to further educate the public on the risks of distracted driving
Investing in our People
· On January 23, the OPS Ethics Program was launched. An official kick off to the Ethics Program as well as the first annual Ethics Week at the Ottawa Police Service. As police professionals, it is the duty of each and every member to preserve life, property and the peace within the context of Canadian law and at the direction of the Ottawa community. While the Ethics Program is intended to help guide us in making the best decisions possible, whatever the circumstance, they remain only words on paper until we put them into action. Our Ethics Program will serve as a reminder for all members to reconnect with the fundamental ethical values behind our various roles in the police profession: Honour, Courage and Service
· With the pilot program full with 100 participants, the “Real You Ottawa Police Service Wellness Pilot Program” was approved for expansion for another 100 members, to improve the overall health and positive lifestyle changes under the guidance of a multi-disciplinary team of a licensed medical doctor, psychologist, physiotherapists, and naturopathic physician
· Expected outcomes have been achieved in several areas and progress continues with the activities of the Community and Police Action Committee (COMPAC) as it pertains to updates to the Terms of Reference; membership/recruitment; research and development; and, community consultation
Enhancing Partnerships and Interoperability
· In January 2012, the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) of Ottawa commenced a one year secondment with the Ottawa Police Service’s Youth Section. This one year pilot is being conducted as a cooperative venture to improve service to “At Risk Youth in Crisis” and their families through timely assessment and intervention on non-criminal matters, and assist OPS officers and staff in facilitating interventions, providing clinical guidance and making effective referrals to other youth supporting community agencies
· With the cooperation from Ottawa Fire Services, City Public Works and the Ottawa Paramedic Service the Manotick CPC was relocated to Fire Station 94 at 5669 Manotick Main Street and opened in May, introducing the combined operation to the community
· Since its inception and through its partnerships the OPS Mental Health/Offender Management Unit has become a leader in dealing with mental health calls. A new, first of its kind, pilot program began in July that will have resident psychiatrists working with a MH/OM officer in the downtown core to deal with mental health calls
Expanding Public Education, Community Engagement and Mobilization
· The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) had its inaugural meeting in June and will be officially launched in the fall. It will bring a youth voice to policing and provide them with another avenue to share ideas and work with police on decisions and projects that matter to youth. Interest from the community exceeded expectations, with over 165 applications received for the 20 available spots on the Youth Advisory Committee. The YAC looks forward to this new partnership with the Ottawa Police Service and making a meaningful contribution
· A big part of effective police work is being engaged, listening and working with the public. Social media connects us with more people and gives us an opportunity to engage with them in a way that did not previously exist. Positive public feedback has been received with the launch of the official OPS Facebook and Twitter accounts, mediums to further our engagement with the community.
The Semi-annual Report forms part of the Ottawa Police Service’s compliance with Provincial Adequacy Standards and Ottawa Police Services Board Policy AI-001, Framework for Business Planning.
The Plan for a Safer Ottawa was the product of many months of collaborative work undertaken by the members of the Police Service, engaged citizens, and the Police Services Board. It reflects the needs of our community and members of the Police Service that were identified through the active participation of residents, community partners, and members of the Police Service who contributed valuable input to making Ottawa a safer community.
During the life of the Plan, regular and ongoing community, member, and stakeholder feedback is received during the development and implementation of projects and initiatives that are identified in Annex B, along with additional input that is received at Police Services Board and community meetings and through ongoing consultations with community-based policing partners, organizations, and stakeholders.
There are no immediate financial impacts or implications from the results of this report.
The 2010-2012 Plan for a Safer Ottawa is a three-year plan of action that responds to community concerns and will improve the way we deliver policing services in the future. The actions outlined in the Plan will continue to strengthen and foster the long tradition of excellence and community collaboration that this Police Service has established.
Initiatives to reduce and prevent crime, improve assistance to victims of crime, enhance our community relationships and partnerships, and improve supports to our members continue to be strategic priorities of this Police Service. These and other measures in the Plan were identified through the active participation and valuable input from residents, community partners, and members of the Police Service. As we continue with the final phases of implementing the 2010-2012 Plan for a Safer Ottawa, the planning and gathering of input for the 2013-2015 business planning process is well underway. The Police Service has reported the results of the 2012 Public Survey on Policing Services, the 2012 Members Survey and the 2012 Environmental Scan, evidence to assist in setting the future priorities, goals and outcomes for the 2013-2015 Business Plan.
While the evidence from the self-assessment indicates demonstrated progress, the Ottawa Police Service will continue to advance actions and activities to respond to community concerns and improve the Police Service’s ability to effectively and efficiently deliver policing services to residents by “Working together for a safer community”.
(original signed by)
Charles Bordeleau
Chief of Police
Annex A (Reports/Presentations Supporting Implementation of 2010 – 2012 Business Plan)
Annex B (Progress and Accomplishments – January to June 2012)
This document contains information that reports on activities related to the Ottawa Police Service Business Plan.