Overall Progress and Accomplishments
2010-2012 Business Plan (January to June 2012)
The Ottawa Police Service regularly monitors and tracks the progress in meeting the goals, objectives and outcomes as expressed in the Business Plan. Every six months, a self-assessment is completed and the results reported to the Police Services Board, the Ottawa Police Executive, the community and members of the Ottawa Police Service. The assessment summarizes the overall progress using the following rating system.
Significant Progress On Track Moderate Progress Limited Progress
The Business Plan Implementation/Action Plan (I/A Plan) and Directorate Operational Plans and/or Work plans identify and align operational tasks and actions to support the 17 goals and 57 objectives in the Business Plan, and are valuable resources for monitoring and reporting.
The current Business Plan is set to expire at year-end. The most recent self-assessment indicates that there has been significant progress with the completion of a large majority of the actions and outcomes, and there continues to be demonstrated progress to achieve any outstanding goals and performance indicators.
To assist with the self-assessment, the Business Plan Advisory Group undertook a review of the current strategic priorities in June 2012. The Group reviewed the status of all outstanding deliverables and performance indicators to identify those actions that were expected to be accomplished based on current 2012 operational realities. Based on the results of the review, continued progress is being made towards the outstanding actions with the expectation that these will be completed by year’s end. Also identified were potential deliverables that may roll forward into 2013. For example, work on the Business Continuity Plan and compliance with the requirements of Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) will continue into 2013 and will be considered as part of the 2013 to 2015 business planning cycle. The Business Plan Advisory Group will meet again later in the year to review progress, with the results reported in the final Progress Report on the 2010-2012 Business Plan expected in January 2013.
The self-assessment identifies accomplishments that have been achieved during the first quarter of 2012, and are grouped below within each of the four strategic priorities.
Reducing, Investigating and Preventing Crime
2. Improve assistance to victims through better support, information, referrals and education.
3. Improve assistance to victims through better support, information, referrals and education.
4. Enhance our ability to gather, analyze and share information to facilitate an intelligence led approach.
5. Employ an intelligence-led enforcement approach to support the deployment of resources to target priority areas and offenders in order to reduce and prevent crime.
ü In January, the Direct Action Response Team (DART) was contacted by Gatineau Police Service Street Gang Unit to assist with an active file on a known street gang member in Ottawa involved in trafficking large quantities of cocaine in both cities. Two search warrants were executed by DART and OPS Tactical. Seized were large amounts of cocaine powder, crack cocaine, marihuana, ecstasy pills and oxycodone valued at $12,000.00. Seized was almost $20,000.00 in Canadian currency. Charges include Trafficking in a Controlled Substance and Proceeds of Crime.
ü In February, a warrant was executed on Fairlea Crescent by Guns & Gangs for Toronto Police Service regarding a shooting homicide investigation in their jurisdiction. This is the residence of the suspect’s brother. Ammunition, a handgun and a bullet proof vest were seized.
ü During the weekend of February 25-26, the Ottawa Police Service executed several warrants for Project ACE. This endeavor was the result of a four month investigation by the Guns and Gangs Unit and the Direct Action Response Team (D.A.R.T.) targeting street gang members within the city and surrounding area involved in drug trafficking and firearms related offences. The eight warrants executed resulted in 11 persons charged with 85 firearms and drug related offences, 5 firearms recovered several items seized, such as firearms, drugs and currency.
ü Despite the recent success with our enforcement efforts in Project Ace and Project Bullseye (131 criminal charges laid) we continue to work pro-actively with our community partners to educate our youth on the dangers of gang activity
ü Over 100 officers are part of the 2012 bike patrol in parks, pathways, neighbourhoods and the downtown core
ü The Coordinated Victims Assistance Network of Ottawa continued its work with all regional victims of crime service providers, funders and advocates
ü School Resource Officers and the local School Boards hosted free “Teens and Technology” information sessions to inform parents and educators about sexting, cyber bullying, safety and mental health
ü In the sixth year of the program, over 245 applicants applied for the 39 available positions in the 2012 Youth in Policing Initiative (YIPI)
ü Traffic Escort and Enforcement officers were part of a unique Distracted Driving Enforcement initiative in April as part of the City of Ottawa’s “Safer Roads Ottawa” road safety plan. Officers dressed in plain clothes watched for drivers that were using their mobile devices. When observed, they were directed to a uniformed officer further down the road. A total of 175 charges were laid, of which 71 drivers were charged for using their mobile devices while driving. There was a significant media and public attention around this initiative, which proved to be a valuable opportunity to further educate the public on the risks of distracted driving.
ü The adjustments and re-alignments within the Criminal Investigative Directorate to improve workload, co-ordination of workflow and build investigative capacity as a result of the CID Enhancement Project were substantially completed by year-end 2011, with a final report on outcomes achieved submitted to the OPSB in January 2012.
ü A total of 3,147 citizens participated in the 2012 Public Survey on Policing Services conducted between February and April 2012. Overall, the 2012 survey returned positive results and enhances our knowledge of community priorities and identifies potential opportunities for service improvement.
ü Work continues with an examination of efficiencies and ways to improve the delivery of our policing services to the community through Service Initiative
ü To ensure timely data and improve customer service with response/processing of Motor Vehicle Collisions, the OPS is developing a new Collision Reporting
Center model and implementing eMVA software for front line officers and front desk to be completed in 2012
ü The Victim Crisis Unit, in partnership with Algonquin College, Victimology Program hosted a workshop on April 24, titled “Partnering with victims of Crime: Foundation for Life-Long Growth” as part of the 2012 national Victims of Crime Awareness Week
ü The OPS renewed its commitment to the Group Home Initiative with the assignment of OPS Liaison Officers under the District Directorate with the overall objective to reduce calls for service and strengthen partnerships with group home operators and youth
Investing in Our People
1. Develop Performance Management Strategies to enable supervisors to better develop their staff.
2. Establish training and development standards and expectations for organizational programs and individual education.
3. Establish a leadership development strategy.
4. Support recruitment, retention and development.
ü Ottawa Police members participated in the Carleton University study released April 24, 2012 that deals with work-life conflict and role overload within Canadian police services. Our members have been fortunate to work with Professor Linda Duxbury, one of the report authors, for over a decade. The information from the study (Work-life balance, control and supervision) are pressing and will be examined for the continued health and well-being of our organization.
ü On January 23, the OPS Ethics Program was launched. An official kick off to the Ethics Program as well as the first annual Ethics Week at the Ottawa Police Service. As police professionals, it is the duty of each and every member to preserve life, property and the peace within the context of Canadian law and at the direction of the Ottawa community. While the Ethics Program is intended to help guide us in making the best decisions possible, whatever the circumstance, they remain only words on paper until we put them into action. Our Ethics Program will serve as a reminder for all members of the fundamental ethical values behind our various roles in the police profession: Honour, Courage and Service
ü Two additional composite artists within the Forensic Identification Section have been trained to assist in identifying a potential suspect during an investigation
ü The Civilian Career Initiative has moved from project to program status. To provide oversight to the program, a CCI Joint Steering Committee has been established to ensure the ongoing effectiveness and efficiency of the process and ensure that the guiding principles of fairness, transparency and consistency are supported
ü With the pilot program full with 100 participants, the “Real You Ottawa Police Service Wellness Pilot Program” was approved for expansion for another 100 members, to improve the overall health and positive lifestyle changes under the guidance of a multi-disciplinary team of a licensed medical doctor, psychologist, physiotherapists and, naturopathic physician.
ü To assist all civilian and Sworn supervisors, managers, NCO’s and Senior Officers with performance feedback, the Career Development Unit has developed and is delivering a Feedback Training Course
ü The Professional Development Center in conjunction with the Ottawa Police Association hosted an informative seminar on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
ü Expected outcomes have been achieved in several areas and progress continues with the activities of COMPAC as it pertains to updates to the Terms of Reference; membership recruitment; research and development and community consultation.
ü A revised Communicable Post Exposure Protocol card was issued to all Sworn and Special Constables that is designed to fit in the duty book and contain simple, clear and concise instruction in the event of a communicable disease exposure
Enhancing Partnerships and Interoperability
1. Enhance information and intelligence sharing to ensure timely information that supports decision-making and integrated response to changing threat and risk levels to public safety in the National Capital Region.
2. Develop an internal and external communications network to improve information sharing and intelligence gathering with the community, the City of Ottawa, emergency service and policing agencies.
3. Expand and enhance sustainable community partnerships that promote positive interaction and continual dialogue to meet community and operational needs.
4. Leverage partnerships to create an accessible police service that meets the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
ü On December 1st, the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) unit of OPS joined with the RCMP to form a Joint OPS/RCMP CBRNE team. Every year, the Ottawa Police explosives unit responds to about 60 calls, ranging from suspicious packages to bomb threats and homemade laboratories. In the last quarter of 2011, the RCMP CBRNE section responded to about 250 calls, ranging from VIP-related events to providing expertise to law enforcement organizations around the world. The integration between the two agencies will overcome jurisdictional lines and should provide invaluable opportunities for training and research. The integration should be a cost saving measure and provide for development of the expert skills for both organizations in the long-term
ü In January 2012, the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) of Ottawa commenced a one year secondment with the Ottawa Police Service’s Youth Section. This one year pilot is being conducted as a cooperative venture to improve service to “At Risk Youth in Crisis” and their families through timely assessment and intervention on non-criminal matters. It also assists OPS officers and staff in facilitating interventions, providing clinical guidance and making effective referrals to other youth supporting community agencies
ü East Division staff hosted 35 youth from James Bay and members of the judiciary and police in February as part of a week visit to Ottawa. All 35 youth were foster children who have suffered tremendously from neglect, physical and emotional abuse. Justice of the Peace Louise Logue, Her honours Justice
Dorval and Nicholas, and OPS members Inspector Pat Flanagan and K9 Sgt Mark MacMillan spoke with the group about reaching their full potential in the
context of contemporary issues that have had an impact on their community including teen suicides
ü Working with the Carlington Community Health Centre, the OPS continues to leverage community relationships and resources to address neighbourhood concerns, as part of the Carlington Community Development Framework (CDF). In February, along with community representatives from other CDF neighbourhoods, the OPS Carlington Co-Chair, accompanied by Carlington residents presented to the City of Ottawa’s Community and Protective Services
(CPS) Committee about CDF successes, including the positive impact and importance of all stakeholders continuing to work together
ü As part of the partnership with the National Research Council, this past March the OPS added 10 new vehicles with Idle reduction systems for a total of 14
ü With the cooperation from Ottawa Fire Services, City Public Works and the Ottawa Paramedic Service the Manotick CPC has relocated to Fire Station 94 at 5669 Manotick Main Street and opened in May, introducing the combined operation to the community.
ü Since its inception and through its partnerships the OPS Mental Health Unit has become a leader in dealing with mental health calls. A new pilot program begin in July that will have resident psychiatrists working with a MHU officer in the downtown core to deal with mental health calls
ü An assessment of the Service Delivery Model for the Communication Center/911 was conducted in March 2012 that involved an analysis of our service level objectives, development and testing of a proposed new model through scenario based exercises as well ongoing consultations with CAE and Facilities staff. The results of the trial were positive with a demonstrated improvement in the effectiveness of the Communication Centre. The new service delivery model was approved in May 2012 and will become fully operational upon completion of the improved layout of the Communication Center, all to be undertaken within the existing square footage of the current Communication Centre
ü As part of Ottawa’s Strategic Road Safety Action Plan: 2012 – Beyond and the 2012 Safer Roads Ottawa Program Work Plan,, a joint initiative between Ottawa Public Health, City of Ottawa Public Works Department, Ottawa Paramedic Service, Ottawa Fire Services and the OPS continues with its monthly Selective Traffic and Enforcement Program to enforce and educate the
community on road safety priorities and will help make the “City of Ottawa the safest traffic environment for all”.
Expanding Public Education, Community
Engagement and Mobilization
1. Assess and develop priorities for public education in every division and expand education about police services and structure where beneficial.
2. Recognize and support the value of community engagement from the front-line and specialty sections.
3. Mobilize communities around priority policing issues including reducing youth and domestic violence, positive youth outreach, reducing drug-related crime and crime prevention through social development initiatives.
4. Align Ottawa Police Service education, engagement and mobilization efforts with those of the City of Ottawa and partner agencies and organizations, and link activities with operations.
ü The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) had its inaugural meeting in June and will be officially launched to the PSB in the fall. It will bring a youth voice to policing and provide them with another avenue to share ideas and work with police on decisions and projects that matter to youth. Interest from the community exceeded expectations, with over 165 applications received for the 20 available spots on the Youth Advisory Committee. The YAC looks forward to this new partnership with the Ottawa Police Service and making a meaningful contribution to the work that gets done.
ü In May, community members from the Iranian and Arab Communities attended a community engagement meeting at the Ottawa Police Association. The event brought members of the Ottawa Police Service, the Ottawa Police Services Board, COMPAC, and the Iranian and Arab Communities, together around issues such as how to make the right call, hate crimes and their reporting, and diversity and race relations.
ü A number of great community-police events were celebrated across the city during Police Week (May 13 to 19) with this year’s theme, “Leading the way to a safer tomorrow – your home, your community…keep it safe!” The week was officially proclaimed at a BBQ fundraiser for the Ontario Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run and included eighteen neighbourhood events, planned by our Community Police Centre officers, their volunteers, and community partners, which focused on one of our main crime prevention and community mobilization programs – Neighbourhood Watch.
ü The Ottawa Police Venturers Program celebrated its 27th anniversary in May that also included a graduation ceremony for 29 youth.
ü Effective police work means being engaged, listening and working with the public. Social media connects us with more people and gives us an opportunity to engage with them in a way that does not exist today. Positive public feedback has been received with the launch of the official OPS Facebook and Twitter accounts. These are new mediums to further our engagement with the community
ü In May, community members from the Jewish Community were invited to an evening of dialogue and discussion at the Soloway Jewish Community Centre. In attendance were members of the Ottawa Police Service, the Ottawa Police Services Board, COMPAC and the Jewish Community
ü In partnership with the Women’s Events Network, 474 Elgin Street was home to one of the annual Clothesline Project, to help “air” the issue of violence against women and children.
ü OPS members again supported the one day initiative on May 11th to the Give Back to School Day where volunteers complete beautification at designated schools in the community
ü On April 3rd the Ottawa Police Service Soccer Mentoring Program was officially recognized as a program of the OPS. The mentoring of approximately 120 children, involving 60 different police and community mentors. The
Program has been successful because of the commitment from the mentors and the many partners such as the Ottawa Carleton District School Board, The Ottawa Inuit Children’s Centre, The United Way, The City of Ottawa, the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health. Phase VII started in April and wrapped up in June.
ü Through the Flag and Banner Program, the community and police come together in partnership to create a culture of mutual respect and build strong communities and understanding. The OPS, in partnership with the community, celebrated Festival franco-ontarian; Vietnamese Culture Month; Vaisakhi with the Sikh Community; Irish Week; Asian Heritage Month; Italian Week; Lebanese Week; Philippine Independence
ü As part of National Volunteer Week’s “Volunteers: Passion, Action, Impact” in April, over 350 OPS active volunteers and auxiliary members were recognized by the OPS at the 13th annual Volunteer Appreciation Brunch.