Working together for a safer community La sécurité de notre communauté, un travail d’équipe |
DATE 28 January 2013
TO/DEST. Ottawa Police Services Board
FROM/EXP. Policy & Governance Committee
That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve the 2013 Board Work Plan.
The Ottawa Police Services Board’s Policy #GA-5 – Board Planning and Performance, stipulates that the Board will follow an annual planning cycle that includes establishing a yearly work plan for the Board and its four committees.
Annex A contains a 2013 work plan for the Ottawa Police Services Board prepared by the Policy and Governance Committee and submitted for the Board’s approval. It incorporates the Board’s legislative responsibilities as well as a number of initiatives identified by the Committee after a review of the Board’s 2012 work plan, its Strategic Plan and its Communications Plan. Still to be analyzed are the findings of the comprehensive performance evaluation of the Board conducted in December 2012; this may result in additional tasks being added to the work plan for 2013.
The majority of tasks included in the work plan are routine duties that must be performed by the Board each year to meet its legislated monitoring and oversight responsibilities. There are also requirements each year for new or amended Board policies to address Ministry requirements or emerging issues, as well as regular review of existing policies to ensure they remain current. In addition to these duties, in January 2012 the Board adopted a Strategic Plan for itself that includes objectives the Board wishes to achieve, and these are incorporated into the plan.
The Chief of Police and OPS staff have been consulted in the development of the work plan and their input has been incorporated.
All activities listed in the work plan can be accomplished within the Board’s approved 2013 budget.
The Board’s Policy #GA-5 – Board Planning and Performance, stipulates that the Board will follow an annual planning cycle that includes establishing a yearly work plan for the Board. Approval of the attached work plan will set a course for the Board in 2013 that will fulfill its legislative and oversight responsibilities. Any priorities identified following a pending review of the Board’s performance in 2012 will need to be added to the work plan.
Submitted by the Policy & Governance Committee:
Carl Nicholson, Chair
Adriana Doyle
Jim Durrell
Attach. (1)