The Ottawa Police Services Board is responsible for the provision of adequate and effective police services in the municipality. For 2013, its work plan consists of the responsibilities listed below. In addition to the duties noted, the Board holds regular meetings each month except August.
Jan. |
Feb. |
Mar |
April |
May |
June |
July |
Aug. |
Sept. |
Oct. |
Nov. |
Dec. |
Notes |
Establishing Expectations
1. Adopt 2013 Calendar of Monitoring Requirements |
X |
2. Approve 2013 Board Work Plan |
X |
3. Review Board Committee membership |
X |
4. Develop a crisis communications plan with OPS |
X |
X |
Consultant will be retained to assist |
5. Review existing communications policies, protocols and procedures (P&G and consultant) |
X |
X |
Consultant to assist |
6. Consultation & adoption of Board policy on Human Rights and Racial Profiling |
X |
7. Meet with targeted community partners (P&G) |
X |
X |
8. Hold Public Interest Meetings in collaboration with OPS
X |
X |
9. Schedule OPS presentations at Board meetings (as required) |
10. Issue Board Quarterly Newsletter |
X |
X |
X |
X |
11. Review Board policies scheduled for review (P&G) |
X |
X |
X |
Most policies in Chapters 1, 2 and 4 are due for review. |
12. Provide input into annual Audit Plan (FAC) |
X |
13. Provide input into the development of fiscal policies, objectives & priorities (FAC) |
X |
14. Review annual budget for consistency with the OPS long range financial plans (FAC) |
X |
15. Review annual budget development process and guidelines, & make recommendations for revisions. (FAC) |
X |
16. Review and approve budget guidelines and timetable |
X |
17. Receive draft Budget |
X |
18. Review & approve OPS budget |
X |
19. Develop 2014 Board work plan (P&G) |
X |
Evaluating & Monitoring Performance
1. Track activities of Board
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
2. Report on 2012 Board Activities, Training & Performance |
X |
3. Review activities of Police Service (Annual Report). |
X |
4. Review remuneration for Executive positions |
X |
5. Review performance in achieving Business Plan. |
X |
X |
6. Receive quarterly reports on the administration of the complaints system. |
X |
X |
X |
7. Review 2012 annual report on administration of the complaints system. |
X |
8. Receive quarterly reports on the finances of the organization. |
X |
X |
X |
9. Review 2012 annual Financial Status report |
X |
10. Review quarterly reports on Legal Services |
X |
X |
X |
X |
11. Review quarterly reports on Labour Relations (In Camera) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
12. Review quarterly reports on Workforce Management |
X |
X |
X |
X |
13. Receive quarterly reports on Board Monitoring Requirements |
X |
X |
X |
X |
14. Review quarterly reports on OPS performance |
X |
X |
X |
X |
15. Receive quarterly reports on senior officer assignments |
X |
X |
X |
X |
16. Review annual report on Appointments made under Interprovincial Policing Act |
X |
17. Review annual report on Use of Force
X |
18. Review annual report on Board Policy CR‑1: Positive Workplace
X |
19. Review annual report on Quality Assurance Unit, including compliance with Ministry standards. |
X |
20. Review annual report on Audit Plan |
X |
21. Review annual report on Asset Management |
X |
22. Review annual report on Board Policy CR‑7: Workforce Management (Divided into 3 separate reports): |
a) Promotion Process |
X |
b) Tenure Program |
X |
c) Non-Exec. Succession Plan |
X |
23. Review annual report on Board Policy CR‑6: Public Consultation |
X |
24. Review annual report on Executive Succession Planning |
X |
25. Review performance of Chief, Deputy Chiefs and Director General. |
X |
26. Review annual report on Board discretionary funding |
X |
27. Review annual report on Secondary Activities |
X |
28. Conduct mini Board performance review
X |
1. Collective bargaining with OPA |
2. Attend OAPSB Conference – Toronto, May 29-June 1 |
X |
3. Attend CAPB Conference –Saskatoon, Aug. 16-18 |
X |
4. Attend Zone 2 Fall meeting in Ottawa |
X |