22 October 2012 |
Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board |
Chief of Police, Ottawa Police Service |
That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve:
1. A budget transfer in the amount of $464,000 from Capital Project #906260 – “Facility Initiatives 2011” to Project #906772 – “Facility Security Initiatives”.
2. A budget transfer in the amount of $370,000 from Capital Project #905093 – “E‑Ticketing & Collision Reporting” to Project #906213 – “Business Transformation”.
The quarterly financial report summarizes the current financial position of the organization, outlines the operational issues affecting the Service’s finances and presents the projected year-end financial position for Ottawa Police Service (OPS). This report updates the previous quarter’s projection which was presented in the second quarter report, at the July 30th meeting of the Board with any significant variances that are known at this time. The accuracy of this projection improves with each quarter as the Service’s expense and revenue patterns become more certain.
Staff continues to project a breakeven position for the Service after analyzing the identified pressures and solutions that have emerged in the first nine months of the year. One item that is still unknown is the outcome of the collective agreement negotiations. The arbitrator’s decision on the 2011 salary award could have a negative impact on our financial position.
The projected pressures continue to include fuel and overtime costs, along with several other smaller pressures, which were identified in the second quarter report. The potential solutions include paid duty and various other revenue accounts, as well as savings in court overtime costs. Each of these significant variances is summarized in Table 1 and discussed in more detail below.
Table 1 - Ottawa Police Service2012 Projected Year End – Significant Variances |
Pressures |
($000) |
Fuel Costs |
(180) |
Overtime Costs |
(370) |
WSIB Costs Academic Commitments |
(100) (80) |
Total Pressures |
(730) |
Solutions |
Paid Duty & Other Revenue |
400 |
Court Overtime Costs |
130 |
Alarm Revenue |
100 |
Compensation |
100 |
Total Solutions |
730 |
Projected Surplus (Deficit) |
0 |
Identified Pressures & Solutions
a) Fuel Costs
The Ottawa Police Service’s 2012 fuel budget was developed using a retail pump price of $1.25/litre. This amount is reduced to an effective price of $1.07/litre, after accounting for tax exemptions and discounts through the fuel card program. The budget of $3.0 million was based upon a consumption level of 2.8 million litres of fuel for 2012.
The average retail price for regular unleaded gasoline at Ottawa-area self-service filling stations is outlined in Table 2. The average for the period of $1.24 was slightly below our budgeted price of $1.25/litre.
Table 2 |
Average Retail Price of Gasoline Per Litre - 2012 |
Month |
Average Retail Price |
January |
$1.218 |
February |
$1.240 |
March |
$1.263 |
April |
$1.306 |
May |
$1.255 |
June |
$1.191 |
July |
$1.207 |
August |
$1.247 |
Average |
$1.241 |
Source: Statistics Canada (http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/62-001-x/2012004/t047-eng.htm-Table 13) |
Using costs to date, along with an expected increase in the pump price for the remainder of the year, staff is estimating the fuel account will be in a deficit position of $180,000. This forecast is based upon current pump prices that have been consistently higher than $1.25 in the month of September.
As fuel prices continue to fluctuate, staff will be monitoring and analyzing different pricing scenarios. A one cent change in the average pump price will result in a $20,000 variance in the projection.
b) Overtime & Court Time Costs
Though overtime is expected to be in a deficit position at year-end, third quarter overtime costs are lower than in previous years. There have been fewer major events in the third quarter and Ottawa has also experienced fewer homicides in 2012, which has also contributed to a reduction in the forecasted pressure in overtime. The overall estimated pressure from overtime of $370,000 is being partially offset by a surplus in court overtime of $130,000.
c) WSIB Costs
Costs relating to WSIB (Workplace Safety and Insurance Board) have increased over the past several years. Although minor adjustments to the budget were made, a budget pressure continues in this area. A pressure in the amount of $100,000 is projected.
d) Academic Commitments
As identified in the last quarterly report, as part of the previous Chief’s initiative, officers are encouraged to pursue higher education in order to support succession planning at OPS. These commitments have resulted in an $80,000 pressure.
e) Paid Duty & Other Revenue
Staff projects a net surplus of $400,000 in various revenue and recovery accounts, arising largely from paid duty. Although there has already been an upward adjustment to the revenue budgeted for paid duty, the OPS has historically experienced a surplus in this area largely due to City requests. This trend has continued in 2012 based on the scope of City capital projects underway for road construction; paid duty officers are required for traffic control at intersections.
f) Alarm Revenue
A surplus of $100,000 is being projected for 2012 alarm revenue based on the actual volume of false alarm calls compared to the expected volume used in the budget. Although a decrease in the number of false alarm calls was included in the 2012 budget, the reduction has not been as great as budgeted, resulting in the projected surplus.
g) Compensation
A surplus of $100,000 is being projected for 2012 in the compensation area based on a forecast of actual costs. This is due to an analysis of the leave liability, which is decreasing. The bank of unused vacation days is dropping as more members take their full annual leave entitlement.
Contract Settlement Costs
The Ottawa Police Association (OPA) and the Senior Officers’ Association (SOA) contract negotiations for 2011 are still in progress. An arbitration hearing on the OPA contract is scheduled to be held in October 2012.
Capital Project Budget Transfers
As per the Financial Accountability Procedures Manual Section, the Director General may close capital projects by returning any remaining balance to the originating sources and funding any deficits. Annex C indicates the three projects which are being closed. Any remaining funding is being returned to source.
Staff is requesting that the Ottawa Police Services Board approve a budget transfer in the amount of $464,000 from Capital Project #906260 – “Facility Initiatives 2011” to Project #906772 – “Facility Security Initiatives”. This budget transfer is being requested to support facility security upgrades at OPS divisional facilities. Also, a budget transfer is required in the amount of $370,000, from Capital Project #905093 – “E-Ticketing & Collision Reporting” to Project #906213 – “Business Transformation” to consolidate all transformation projects into one.
Reporting Requirements
Section 2(e) of the Board’s Policy BC-2 on Monitoring Requirements requires the Chief to provide the Board with information on specific operational issues. With respect to financial reporting, these requirements include:
§ Annex A, which provides the Q3 results summarized by directorate;
§ Annex B, which provides a list of all contracts awarded under delegated authority which exceed $25,000;
§ Annex C, which provides a summary of the OPS capital budget works in progress.
There are no activities to report under Board Policy CR-8 - “The Acceptance of Donations, Gifts, Loans and Sponsorships”.
Consultation with external stakeholders is not required for this matter.
The financial implications are as outlined in this report.
The Police Service is identifying several pressures and potential solutions based on operating results to the end of the third quarter. The analysis shows a projected break-even financial position at year-end. This outcome is highly dependent on the arbitrator’s decision on the 2011 salary award. In March 2013, staff will present the final quarterly report on the Service’s financial position as at 31 December 2012. It will provide a year-end update on the above-noted issues, and identify the year-ending financial position of the Service.
(Original Signed By)
Charles Bordeleau
Chief of Police
Attach (3):
Annex A - 3rd Quarter Financial Report – Summary by Directorate;
Annex B - Purchase Orders Issued Under Delegated Authority
Annex C - Capital Budget Works in Progress (Annex C also indicates which projects are being closed and the money returned to source or any deficits funded from same as per the Financial Accountability Procedures Manual Section