Complaint #:                        12-0106

Date of Incident:                 23 February 2012

Date of Complaint:             15 March 2012

Date Completed:                07 July 2012


Summary of Complaint:


An owner of a towing service expressed concern with the manner in which OPS are dealing with vehicle tows at motor vehicle collisions.  The complainant cited one case in which one of the towing drivers was dispatched to the scene of a motor vehicle collision to tow a vehicle at the request of an owner who had roadside assistance.  When the driver arrived the vehicle was already being towed by another towing company.  The driver approached the officer, advised him of the owner's request and was told by the officer that he had the situation well in hand and that the vehicle would be towed.  When the driver mentioned to the officer that it wasn't fair to the owner to have the car towed by the other company and the owner would not incur a fee,the officer threatened the driver with a ticket for solicitation of services at an accident site. 


Summary of Findings and Actions Taken:


The Office of the Independent Police Review Director received a letter from the complainant advising they have chosen to withdraw the public complaint and satisfied that the matter has been brought to the attention of the City and police personnel involved with managing the towing contract.




Complaint #:                        12-0151

Date of Incident:                 Unknown

Date of Complaint:             16 April 2012

Date Completed:                28 August 2012


Summary of Complaint:


The complainant alleged that because officers did not arrest the complainant’s common-law spouse for assault, the complainant was re-assaulted on a second occasion.


Summary of Findings and Actions Taken:


The investigation determined that the service provided to the complainant was appropriate.  The OPS is using this opportunity to review a better information sharing process between the Partner Assault Unit and the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC). A Professional Accountability and Corporate Excellence (PACE) recommendation through the OPS Quality Assurance Unit has been submitted.






Complaint #:                        12-0212

Date of Incident:                 20 April 2012

Date of Complaint:             11 May 2012

Date Completed:                06 July 2012


Summary of Complaint:


The complainant alleged that the OPS is not providing adequate service to a neighbourhood.


Summary of Findings and Actions Taken:


The Office of the Independent Police Review Director received a letter from the complainant advising they have chosen to withdraw the public complaint. The complainant no longer wished to pursue the matter and was satisfied that the concerns brought to OPS’s attention were addressed.  





Complaint #:                        12-0267

Date of Incident:                 02 June 2012

Date of Complaint:             19 June 2012

Date Completed:                20 July 2012


Summary of Complaint:


The complainant advises that they have phoned the police a number of times about the same trespasser and police are not dispatched right away.  When police officers did attend (about an hour later) the trespasser had left.


Summary of Findings and Actions Taken:


The Office of the Independent Police Review Director received a letter from the complainant advising they have chosen to withdraw the public complaint.  The complainant no longer wished to pursue the matter and was satisfied, after speaking to the Professional Standards Investigator, that the concerns will be addressed.






Complaint #:                        12-0313

Date of Incident:                 24 November 2011

Date of Complaint:             23 July 2012

Date Completed:                27 July 2012


Summary of Complaint:


The complainant reports they tried to obtain a copy of a report and waiting for several months for an investigator to contact them.  It was determined the complainant had never made a formal complaint nor provided the officers on scene with details of the incident.


Summary of Findings and Actions Taken:


The Office of the Independent Police Review Director received a letter from the complainant advising they have chosen to withdraw the public complaint.  The complainant no longer wished to pursue the matter and was satisfied, after speaking to the Professional Standards Investigator, that their concerns will be addressed.






Complaint #:                        12-0356

Date of Incident:                 27 July 2012

Date of Complaint:             17 August 2012

Date Completed:                24 September 2012


Summary of Complaint:


The complainant called the police because a person who appeared inebriated was disrupting citizens in a park.  The call was not a priority.  The police attended after the event.  The complainant did not feel this was appropriate.  


Summary of Findings and Actions Taken:


The Office of the Independent Police Review Director received a letter from the complainant advising they have chosen to withdraw the public complaint.  The complainant no longer wished to pursue the matter and was satisfied, after speaking to the Professional Standards Investigator, that the concerns will be addressed by the Community Police Centre officer to ensure police presence at critical times.   






Complaint #:                        12-0386

Date of Incident:                 20 July 2012

Date of Complaint:             11 September 2012

Date Completed:                11 September 2012


Summary of Complaint:


The complainant's spouse had their phone stolen when shopping.  They were able to follow the signal from the cell phone to an address, out of town.  They contacted OPS to make a request for police to attend the address and were advised there was nothing the police could do.


Summary of Findings and Actions Taken:


After taking all the information into consideration, the OIPRD opted not to proceed with the complaint as it has been determined to be not in the public interest to do so.