Working together for a safer community La sécurité de notre communauté, un travail d’équipe |
DATE 17 January 2012
TO/DEST. Chair and Members, Ottawa Police Services Board
FROM/EXP. Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board
That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve a contribution of $15,000 to fulfill its responsibilities in hosting the 2012 Annual Conference of the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards on April 18 - 21, 2012.
Each year in late April or early May, the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards (OAPSB) hosts an annual meeting and conference over a three-day period. The event brings together members of police boards, board staff, senior police personnel, provincial officials and others to network, hear from expert speakers and discuss issues of relevance to police governors and police services. It is one of the two most important professional development opportunities each year for board members, the other being the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Police Boards in August. The location of the conference varies each year.
In July 2009 the Ottawa Police Services Board approved extending an offer to host the OAPSB’s 50th Anniversary Meeting and Conference in April 2012, which was accepted by the Association’s Board of Directors. Planning is now well underway by the Board’s Executive Director, OAPSB staff and its Board of Directors, which includes First Vice President Henry Jensen. Assistance is also being provided where required by the Ottawa Police Service under the leadership of Supt. Keeley, with the full support of Chief White.
The Conference draws about 350 delegates and 50 companions to the host community for the three-day period. In addition to the obvious economic benefits to local businesses that hosting the conference will bring, it also provides an opportunity for the Ottawa Police Service to showcase some of its many innovative programs and approaches to policing. The preliminary program attached as Annex A includes two break-out sessions lead by members of the Ottawa Police Service, and Chief White has agreed to be a guest luncheon speaker.
Host Responsibilities
When the Board approved its willingness to host the 2012 Conference, it was advised of the responsibilities the host board is expected to fulfill. The host board is responsible for the following:
· Raising sponsorships and donations.
As is clear from the above list of duties, the largest contribution by the Ottawa Police Services Board and the Police Service will be in the form of human resources required to organize and carry out the conference. However, a financial contribution is also expected from the host board; based on past experience this has been in the range of $15,000, primarily to assist with the costs of the host dinner event.
To help offset this financial obligation, complimentary conference registrations are provided to all members and staff of the host Board, as well as the host board’s Chief of Police.
Not applicable.
The OAPSB provides a conference budget and costs are paid for by the OAPSB through a combination of registration fees and sponsorship donations, primarily from other police services boards. To cover the cost of the expected host Board contribution, funds were included in the Board’s 2012 budget in two accounts:
1. Funds in the amount of $10,000 have been earmarked in the Development and Travel account that, in other years, would have been spent to allow several members and senior Board staff to travel to the OAPSB conference and to cover their registration fees.
2. Funds in the amount of $5,000 have been earmarked in the Board’s Discretionary Fund account. The Board traditionally makes a contribution in the range of $1,500 to the OAPSB conference and last year contributed $2,500 from this account. This level of contribution will still leave sufficient funds for the Board to support the fundraising events of some of its close partners, such as the Ottawa Boys and Girls Club, Crime Stoppers, and the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Program, which are typically funded from this account.
The Ontario Association of Police Services Boards’ annual conference is one of the two most important networking and professional development opportunities each year for members of police services boards. The Ottawa Police Board has been a strong supporter of the OAPSB since 1995 when local police services in Ottawa were amalgamated. Several past members of the Ottawa Board have served on the OAPSB Board of Directors, and member Jensen is currently the First Vice President. The ongoing strength of the OAPSB to advocate on behalf of municipal police services boards and to deliver services of benefit to local boards is reliant on continued support from its member boards. The Ottawa Board is very pleased to be able to host the Association’s 50th Anniversary Conference. The conference provides a unique opportunity for the Board to demonstrate its support for the work of the OAPSB and at the same time, showcase both the City of Ottawa and the many innovative programs of the Ottawa Police Service.
(original signed by)
Wendy Fedec