1.                   ZONING – 2225 Mer Bleue Road, Part of 2168 tenth line road and part of 2233 mer bleue road


ZONAGE – 2225, chemin mer bleue, partie du 2168, chemin tenth line et partie du 2233, chemin mer bleue




Committee recommendation


That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 2225 Mer Bleue Road, Part of 2168 Tenth Line Road and Part of 2233 Mer Bleue Road from MC13, MC[1573] and R4A[1572] to MC[XXXX], as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.



Recommandation du comité


Que le Conseil approuve une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 pour changer le zonage du 2225, chemin Mer Bleue, d’une partie du 2168, chemin Tenth Line et d’une partie du 2233, chemin Mer Bleue de MC13, MC[1573] et R4A[1572] à MC[XXXX], tel qu’il est indiqué dans le Document 1 et qu’il est précisé dans le Document 2.






1.   Deputy City Manager's report, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability, dated 1 February 2011 (ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0051)





1.   Rapport du Directrice municipale adjointe, services d'infrastructure et de la viabilité des collectivités, daté le 1 février 2011 (ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0051).

Report to/Rapport au :


Planning Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme


and Council / et au Conseil


01 February 2011 / le 01 février 2011


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability/Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Derrick Moodie, Acting Manager/Gestionnaire intérimaire, Development Review-Suburban Services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services suburbains, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

(613) 580-2424, 15134  Derrick.Moodie@ottawa.ca


Cumberland (19)

Ref N°: ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0051




ZONING – 2225 Mer Bleue Road, Part of 2168 tenth line road and part of 2233 mer bleue road (FILE NO. D02-02-10-0087)




ZONAGE – 2225, chemin mer bleue, partie du 2168, chemin tenth line et partie du 2233, chemin mer bleue





That the Planning Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 2225 Mer Bleue Road, Part of 2168 Tenth Line Road and Part of 2233 Mer Bleue Road from MC13, MC[1573] and R4A[1572] to MC[XXXX], as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 pour changer le zonage du 2225, chemin Mer Bleue, d’une partie du 2168, chemin Tenth Line et d’une partie du 2233, chemin Mer Bleue de MC13, MC[1573] et R4A[1572] à MC[XXXX], tel qu’il est indiqué dans le Document 1 et qu’il est précisé dans le Document 2.




The subject lands, 2225 Mer Bleue Road, Part of 2168 Tenth Line Road and Part of 2233 Mer Bleue Road, are located east of Mer Bleue Road, west of Tenth Line Road, north of the Blackburn Bypass and south of the hydro and future rapid transit corridor. These lands form part of the Mixed Use Centre designation in the Official Plan and are subject to the Mer Bleue Community Design Plan (CDP) and the Mer Bleue Mixed-Use Centre CDP.


Purpose of Zoning Amendment


The purpose of this Zoning By-law Amendment is to create an exception to the MC Mixed Use Centre zone by adding a "Community Health and Resource Centre" and a "Hospital" as permitted uses. In order to facilitate the long term proposal for this site this exception will also add “Parking Garage”, “Parking Lot”, “Residential Care Facility” and “Retail Store limited to a pharmacy” as permitted uses.


This amendment will allow the construction of the Orléans Family Health Hub facility which will offer a variety of health services under one roof.  It is anticipated that over the long term, the Mer Bleue site could expand and transition from a "Community Health and Resource Centre" to a "Hospital" and may provide services similar to those offered at Hôpital Montfort.


A 0.5-hectare park is also proposed on the southeast quadrant of the site. This park will eventually replace a temporary stormwater pond once storm sewers are constructed and the pond is no longer required.  The future park will be connected to other uses on the site, as well as the future transit station and the community to the east, via a pathway system.


Existing Zoning


The subject lands are zoned MC13 – Mixed-Use Centre Zone Subzone 13 and MC [1573] – Mixed-Use Centre Zone Exception 1573.  Both zones allow a variety of uses which are envisioned in a Mixed-Use Centre designation including a park.


A small portion of this property is also zoned R4A [1572] – Residential Fourth Density Zone Exception 1572, which was established based on the approved draft plan of subdivision. However, through the severance process this land has been parcelled out slightly differently for conveyance to the Orléans Family Health Hub.


The existing mixed use zoning was created to allow a combination of transit-supportive uses such as offices, hotels, medical facilities, community recreation and leisure centres, day care centres, some retail uses, entertainment uses, plus services such as restaurants and personal service businesses and high density residential.


Proposed Zoning


This Zoning By-law amendment would use the existing MC [1573] zone, retain the listed permitted uses which includes a “park” and add a "Community Health and Resource Centre", a "Hospital" , a “Parking Garage”, a “Parking Lot”, a “Residential Care Facility” and a “Retail Store limited to a pharmacy” as permitted uses.  It would also modify some of the zoning provisions to accommodate the health centre proposal.




Official Plan


The Official Plan designates these lands Mixed Use Centre.  This land use designation provides for a wide range of permitted uses and such locations are expected to form a focal point of activity, both at the community and wider-city level.  Transit supportive land uses are encouraged.  From a land use perspective, the key goal is a mixture of uses within a building or adjacent buildings.  This could include institutional buildings, as well as offices and high density residential uses.


Parking in the Mixed Use Centre should be limited; however the Official Plan recognizes that the minimum and maximum requirements for parking within this designation may vary in response to the contextual influence of the geographic location of individual Mixed-Use Centres and the stage of rapid transit development.  As it is anticipated that the rapid transit system and station will not be established in the near future, it is imperative that sufficient parking is provided to allow for the community to access the medical facility, particularly in an emergency situation, via alternative modes of transportation. Even once the transit infrastructure is in place, adequate parking will need to be maintained to accommodate this and other related uses which will be developed in the future. However, the long term concept plan shows the potential redevelopment of surface parking areas into parking structures.


The Official Plan encourages the establishment of usable areas of public space that support and encourage informal social activity, recreation and civic gatherings.  A 0.5-hectare park will be conveyed to the City as part of this proposal through the site plan process.  In the long term the park will serve the neighbouring community and the site development which in the future may include a residential care facility. The short term project is intended to also include an outdoor landscaped courtyard in the centre of the building for use by staff, patients and visitors.


The policies aim to achieve transit-oriented development by functionally integrating transit and the surrounding uses, enhancing accessibility to rapid transit stations with recognizable pedestrian circulation systems that connect development with the public transit system, is barrier-free and does not conflict with vehicular movement systems. Through the site plan approval process the City will secure an easement for a pedestrian pathway which will cross the site and link the existing community to the park and to the future transit station. In the short term, public access (north-south) will be provided through the building during the facility’s operating hours which will connect the sidewalk along the Blackburn Bypass with the north side of the site and eventually to the Mer Bleue transit station.


Details of Proposed Zoning


The proposed amendment would establish a site specific zone which would include most of the existing provisions in the parent MC zone and the MC [1573] zone.  In order to facilitate the development of this health centre the following provisions listed in the MC [1573] zone will be removed: the maximum front yard setback for non-residential buildings, the minimum lot coverage, the glazing requirement on any of the building façades, the loading facilities in a yard abutting a residential zone, parking not permitted in a front yard or corner side yard and employment targets and community design guidelines provided in the Mer Bleue Mixed Use Centre Community Design Plan (CDP).  The details of the zoning are shown in Document 2.


All of these provisions were included in the existing exception zone to reflect some of the requirements specified in this CDP.  Given the nature of this proposed development, some of the provisions will not be achieved in the short term. However, it is intended that most of these guidelines will be implemented in the overall design of the future hospital site in the long term.


Mer Bleue Community Design Plans


The Mer Bleue Community Design Plan was approved by Council on May 24, 2006 which established a land use framework to guide the future development within the Neighbourhood 5 community between Mer Bleue Road and Tenth Line Road, south of the Hydro corridor and future transitway.  A Community Design Plan for the Mixed Use Centre was also approved by Council October 25, 2006 which takes into consideration the existing conditions, defines specific employment and residential targets and outlines urban design principles and guidelines to accommodate a transit-oriented built form that minimizes impact on the surrounding residential areas. In both CDP’s, the demonstration plans for the subject site envisioned a pedestrian access way connecting the transit station and the civic centre/park surrounded by mixed land uses, such as office, commercial and high density residential located on a grid street pattern.


While the Mer Bleue Community Design Plan (CDP) did not envisage a medical facility of this magnitude, the proposed creation of the Orléans Family Health Hub meets many of the objectives outlined in the Mer Bleue CDP and will be an important asset for the surrounding community and City as a whole.


Plan Objectives


The objective of the Mer Bleue Mixed Use Centre Community Design Plan is to have pedestrian and transit oriented development, compact urban form, provision for jobs and higher density residential development.  The development is to have easy pedestrian access to the future Mer Bleue Transit Station from the surrounding residential community. This Mixed Use Centre CDP area forms part of a larger Mixed Use Centre which straddles the west and east side of Mer Bleue Road and is identified in the Official Plan.  This designation applies to lands which have been strategically located along the rapid-transit network adjacent to major roads.


The CDP speaks to providing sidewalks, pedestrian connections and cycling linkages along major streets throughout the mixed use area. The roads serving the mixed use area are to be on the basis of a modified grid system and be integrated with the surrounding road network. Because of the proximity to the future transit station, consideration is to be given to reduced parking standards. At grade parking is to be discouraged and parking within structures and buildings encouraged.  Urban design guidelines covering built form, streetscape, parking, connections, parkland, loading and utilities have also been included in the CDP.


Employment and Residential Uses:


The mixed use area east of Mer Bleue Road is intended to provide a minimum of 1500 jobs and 175 residential units in accordance with the Mer Bleue Mixed Use Centre Community Design Plan. In the long term, with the future expansion of this health facility, it is expected that both these employment and residential targets will be achieved.




The CDP also requires that a 0.5-hectare parcel of land be dedicated to the City as a public park and demands strong pedestrian connections to the transit station and surrounding area. An interim pond will be required on site to manage stormwater run-off until storm sewers are constructed. Once this pond is decommissioned, a 0.5-hectare park will be conveyed to the City to serve the surrounding community and this development in the long term. In the short term the site will be designed with pedestrian linkages through the site from the residential neighbourhood to the future park and to the future transit station.


Compliance with the CDP


This proposal will deviate from some of the requirements in the Mer Bleue Mixed Use Centre CDP initially because instead of developing as several blocks on a plan of subdivision with local streets, the Orléans Family Health Hub will be constructed in phases on one large consolidated parcel of land.


In the interim, a minimum lot coverage of 50 per cent will not be attained because the development will be constructed in phases. However, in the long term it is expected that this will be achieved.  In the long term it is anticipated that the expanded facility will include up to five new buildings which will be designed in consideration of the policies for built form and urban design in the Official Plan and Mer Bleue Mixed Use Centre CDP. Overall lot coverage will be increased, surface parking will be decreased with parking structures introduced, buildings will be oriented more to the internal private street system with reduced setbacks and abundant landscaping to create a more intimate streetscape and facilitate pedestrian and wheelchair accessibility throughout the site.


Traffic Issues


The existing and future road extensions surrounding the site will be able to accommodate the traffic circulation for this proposed development. In the future Mer Bleue Road will be widened to four lanes south to Renaud Road and the extension of the two northern lanes of the Blackburn Bypass to Mer Bleue Road is expected to be completed by 2012.


Transit services are expected to extend to the intersection of Mer Bleue Road and the Blackburn Bypass once construction of these roads is completed. The eastern extension of the transitway is not within the horizon of the 10-year Long Range Transit Capital Plan and therefore transit service to the site will be limited to bus routes along Mer Bleue Road and the Blackburn Bypass in the interim. In the long term, the expanded facility will be supported by planned improvements to the road network, the transitway and the Mer Bleue Transit Station.


Servicing Issues


The development of the site cannot occur until such time as proper servicing (water, storm and sanitary) is provided to the satisfaction of the City. The applicant has acknowledged this requirement.




Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  The City did not receive any negative comments or opposition to this application.




Councillor Blais fully supports this zoning amendment and the project as a whole.  Establishing new health care facilities in the East end is a top priority for residents in this community.




There are no legal/risk management implications associated with this report.




The application is consistent with the Planning and Growth Management priority which encourages the infill and intensification of lands designated General Urban Area.








There are no direct financial implications associated with this report.




This application was processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendment applications.




Document 1    Location Map

Document 2    Details of Recommended Zoning




City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify the owner, applicant, OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning and Growth Management to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                DOCUMENT 1




DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                    DOCUMENT 2



1.            Rezone the subject lands shown on Document 1 from MC13, MC[1573] and R4A[1572] to MC[xxxx]

                Area A from


2.            Amend Section 239 to add a new exception [xxxx] as follows:


                a.            include the following permission for uses from column IV of exception 1573:

                                All uses other than:

                                - amusement centre limited to a billiard establishment

                                - apartment dwelling, low rise

                                - apartment dwelling mid-high rise

                                - bank

                                - cinema

                                - community center

                                - convenience store

                                - daycare

                                - group home

                                - hotel

                                - library

                                - medical facility

                                - office

                                - park

                                - personal service business

                                - place of assembly limited to a club

                                - place of worship

                                - recreational and athletic facility

                                - restaurant

                                - retail food store limited to a bakery or a farmer’s market

                                - theatre


                b.            add the following uses to the list of uses in column IV, having the effect of making them permitted uses:

                                - community health and resource centre

                                - hospital

                                - parking garage

                                - parking lot

                                - residential care facility

                                - retail store limited to a pharmacy


                c.             include the following provisions from column V of exception 1573:

                                - maximum building height- 10 storeys

                                - minimum density for apartment dwelling, low rise or apartment dwelling mid-high rise- 80 units per hectare

                                - 4 metre wide landscaped buffer is required adjacent to a residential zone;

                                - 3 metre wide landscaped buffer is required between surface parking and the transit corridor.

                                - all garbage, service and loading areas must be screened by a 2.4 metre high wall or enclosure which is in keeping with the architectural treatment of the main building.

                                - storage must be completely enclosed within a building

                                - in a parking area, a maximum of 20 parking spaces positioned side by side without a landscaped island are permitted

                                - the minimum required width of a landscaped island is 2 metres

                                - the maximum required surface parking rate for office use is 3.7 spaces for every 100m2 of gross floor area

                                - the minimum required surface-parking rate for retail stores is 3.45 spaces for every 100m2 of gross floor area and the maximum rate is 3.85 spaces for every 100m2

                                - the required parking rate may be reduced by 25%