Transportation Committee Comité des transports MINUTES 17 / PROCÈS-VERBAL 17 Wednesday, 4 April 2012, 9:30 a.m. le mercredi 4 avril 2012, 9h30 Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Andrew S. Haydon, 110, avenue Laurier ouest Present / Présent : Councillors / Conseillers M. Wilkinson (Chair / Présidente), B. Monette (Vice-Chair / Vice-président), R. Bloess, D. Chernushenko, P. Clark, S. Moffatt, D. Deans, M. Fleury, D. Thompson, T. Tierney DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT No declarations of interest were filed. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES / RATIFICATION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL Minutes 16 of the Transportation meeting on 7 March 2012 were confirmed. PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE URBANISME ET INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING AND GROWTH MANAGEMENT URBANISME ET GESTION DE LA CROISSANCE 1. AREA TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROJECT PRIORITY INFORMATION UPDATE MISE À JOUR DE L'INFORMATION CONCERNANT LA PRIORITÉ DES PROJETS DE GESTION DE LA CIRCULATION LOCALE ACS2012-PAI-PGM-0082 CITY WIDE / A L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS That Transportation Committee recommend that Council: 1. Receive this Area Traffic Management Project Priority Information Update, and 2. Remove the hold that was placed on outstanding localized Area Traffic Management Study requests. The Committee received the following written submissions, copies of which are held on file with the City Clerk: * Email dated 19 March 2012 from Patrick and Kerrie Burton * Email dated 19 March 2012 from Janice Duval * Email dated 19 March 2012 from Tom and Brenda Ellacott * Email dated 19 March 2012 from Marguerite Henderson-Davis * Email dated 19 March 2012 from David Jones * Email dated 19 March 2012 from Bill Pugsley * Email dated 19 March 2012 from Robert Samuel and Caroline Leonardelli * Email dated 19 March 2012 from Ruth Taaffe * Email dated 19 March 2012 from Shailendra Verma * Email dated 20 March 2012 from Michael Kent * Email dated 20 March 2012 from Gerald Taaffe * Email dated 21 March 2012 from Leah Walker * Email dated 22 March 2012 from John and Mabel Bannerman * Email dated 22 March 2012 from Vickie Lemieux-Viau * Email dated 22 March 2012 from Garry and Daryl Lindberg * Email dated 22 March 2012 from Jim Rader and Margaret Richardson * Email dated 22 March 2012 from Tristene Villanyi Bokor * Email dated 22 March 2012 from Elizabeth Villanyi Bokor * Email dated 23 March 2012 from Paul Haggins * Email dated 23 March 2012 from Claude Viau * Email dated 24 March 2012 from Tony and Sharon Bernard * Email dated 25 March 2012 from Aubrey Morantz * Email dated 26 March 2012 from Wendy Bull * Email dated 27 March 2012 from Maureen Cook * Email dated 27 March 2012 from John Lark * Email dated 27 March 2012 from Doris Maloney * Email dated 27 March 2012 from Ross Pryde * Email dated 27 March 2012 from Rock Radovan * Email dated 27 March 2012 from Cameron Smith * Email dated 27 March 2012 from Mike Spratt * Email dated 27 March 2012 from Cristina Y. Wong * Email dated 27 March 2012 from Alta Vista Drive Residents’ Association * Email dated 28 March 2012 from Grace and Barrett Brickell * Email dated 28 March 2012 from Judy Paré * Email dated 28 March 2012 from Charles Villanyi Bokor * Email dated 30 March 2012 from RK Hawkins * Email dated 30 March 2012 from Glen R. Hodgins * Email dated 1 April 2012 from Rob Blake / Karen Humphries * Email dated 2 April 2012 from Alta Vista Community Association * Email dated 2 April 2012 from Brenda Ellacott * A petition from the Alta Vista community containing 111 signatures The Committee also received correspondence from the following councillors: * Councillor P. Hume e-mail dated 3 April 2012 * Councillor M. McRae e-mail dated 4 April 2012 Garry Lindberg, President, Alta Vista Drive Residents’ Association spoke in support of the item. A copy of his presentation is held on file with the City Clerk. MOTION TRC 17/1 Moved by Councillor S. Moffatt : WHEREAS on October 26, 2011, Council passed a motion directing Area Traffic Management (ATM) to re-examine their pending projects and studies and report back to the Transportation Committee and Council with an ATM Project Priority Information Update by Q1 of 2012; and, WHEREAS the ATM review shows a number of projects and studies sitting in the queue for years as low or medium priority; and, WHEREAS the Traffic Management and Operational Support Branch may be able to implement low cost solutions, such as signage, pavement markings, minor geometric changes, subject to available funding, or educational campaigns in a more timely and cost effective manner; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that when low cost solutions cannot resolve issues brought forward by the Community and that more expensive solutions such as geometric measures could potentially address these issues, that the Traffic Management and Operational Support Branch be responsible for escalating items to the status of an ATM study request. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if an operational review determines that there is no significant traffic issue on a given street, that no further review be undertaken by City staff. CARRIED MOTION TRC 17/2 Moved by Councillor R. Bloess: That Pagé Road between Innes and Meadowglen be added to Document 6 for future study requests. CARRIED YEAS (6): R. Bloess, D. Deans, T. Tierney, D. Chernushenko, D. Thompson, B. Monette NAYS (4): M. Fleury, P. Clark, S. Moffatt, M. Wilkinson MOTION TRC 17/3 Moved by Councillor D. Deans: That Infrastructure staff review opportunities, including Section 37 of the Planning Act, to include traffic calming and management solutions as part of infrastructure planning and report back to Transportation Committee outlining costs, risks and opportunities. CARRIED MOTION TRC 17/4 Moved by Councillor P. Clark: That Bathgate Drive be added to Document 6 for future study requests. LOST YEAS (2): R. Bloess, T. Tierney NAYS (7): D. Deans, M. Fleury, P. Clark, D. Chernushenko, D. Thompson, S. Moffatt, M. Wilkinson The report recommendations were then put to Committee and CARRIED, as amended by Motions 17/1, 17/2 and 17/3. 2. WAIVER OF PATIO ENCROACHMENT FEES DURING CONSTRUCTION RENONCIATION AUX FRAIS DE PERMIS D’EMPIÉTEMENT POUR TERRASSE EXTÉRIEURE DURANT LES TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION ACS2012-PAI-PGM-0078 CITY WIDE / A L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE REPORT RECOMMENDATION That Transportation Committee recommend Council delegate authority to the General Manager of Planning and Growth Management to waive outdoor patio encroachments fees during road reconstruction. CARRIED CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE BUREAU DU DIRECTEUR MUNICIPAL CITY CLERK AND SOLICITOR GREFFIER ET CHEF DU CONTENTIEUX 3. COMMEMORATIVE NAMING COMMITTEE PROPOSAL – HARRY ALLEN BRIDGE PROPOSITION DU COMITÉ SUR LES DÉNOMINATIONS COMMÉRORATIVES – PONT HARRY-ALLEN ACS2012-CMR-CCB-0017 INNES (2) REPORT RECOMMENDATION That the Transportation Committee recommend that Council approve the proposal to name the St. Joseph Bridge over Greens Creek the “Harry Allen Bridge.” CARRIED 4. STATUS UPDATE – TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE INQUIRIES AND MOTIONS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 27 MARCH 2012 RAPPORT DE SITUATION - DEMANDES DE RENSEIGNEMENTS ET MOTIONS DU COMITE DES TRANSPORTS POUR LA PÉRIODE SE TERMINANT LE 27 MARS 2012 ACS2012-CMR-CCB-0028 CITY WIDE / A L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE REPORT RECOMMENDATION That the Transportation Committee receive this report for information. RECEIVED INFORMATION PREVIOUSLY DISTRIBUTED INFORMATION DISTRIBUÉE AUPARAVANT A. REPORT ON USE OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY DURING 2011 BY PUBLIC WORKS AS SET OUT IN SCHEDULE ‘B’ CITY OPERATIONS PORTFOLIO OF BY-LAW 2011-28 RAPPORT SUR L’UTILISATION DE LA DÉLÉGATION DE POUVOIRS EN 2011 PAR TRAVAUX PUBLICS, COMME IL EST INDIQUÉ À L’ANNEXE B DU PORTEFEUILLE DES OPÉRATIONS MUNICIPALES, DU RÈGLEMENT -2011-28 ACS2012-COS-PWS-0006 CITY WIDE / A L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE RECEIVED INQUIRIES DEMANDES DE RENSEIGNEMENTS Councillor Bloess submitted the following inquiry with respect to the Interprovincial Crossings – Truck Study: What is the status of the truck study and the economic impact study requested by council in July 2010 which reads as follows: ...that the Interprovincial Crossing Study proponents be requested to undertake a comprehensive study of the diversion of all trucks from the KERWN corridor and that this study: i) Includes an economic analysis of such a diversion on truck traffic; ii) Includes consultation with the affected business interests; iii) Includes analysis of safety considerations of continuing to mix heavy (articulated intercity transports) trucks in the Central Area given the availability of a proposed alternative; iv) Determines how the corridors under study would provide a viable alternative for intercity heavy trucks so that all such trucks could be diverted from the KERWN corridor; v) Becomes a direct input into Phase 2B analysis; vi) Is completed prior to the selection of a recommended corridor; and vii) Completion of the truck origin-destination study for inclusion in Phase 2B. Has the NCC study complied with: Addendum No.1 Future Interprovincial Crossings in the National Capital Region, Environmental Assessment Study, Study Design Report, September 9, 2010? The Terms of Reference specifically call for: “Consult with the trucking and business community in Ottawa and Gatineau through trucking associations, Business Improvement Associations and other relevant groups. The purpose of this consultation is to understand truck use characteristics and requirements from the user’s perspective, to provide input to the economic impact analysis such as the potential impact of the various scenarios on business. Consultation approach will be decided in discussion with the relevant organizations.” Could staff advise as to the deficiencies in a fulsome study dealing with trucking and commercial impacts of the various corridors and what actions need to be taken by City Council to remedy these deficiencies? ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The Committee adjourned the meeting at 10:45 a.m. Committee Coordinator Chair TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MINUTES 17 4 APRIL 2012 2 COMITÉ DES TRANSPORTS PROCÈS-VERBAL 17 LE 4 AVRIL 2012 Note: 1. Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including names but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to City Council and the public. 2. Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Council consideration were presented to Council on 25 April 2012 in Transportation Committee Report 16. Nota: 1. Veuillez noter que toute présentation écrite ou orale (accompagnée des noms, mais sans coordonnées) sera versée aux dossiers publics et sera mise à la mise à la disposition du Conseil municipal et de la population. 2. À mois d’avis au contraire, les rapports nécessitant un examen par le Conseil municipal ont étés présentés au Conseil le 25 avril 2012 dans le Rapport No 16 du Comité des transports.