Transit Commission DISPOSITION 23 Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 9:30 a.m. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Minutes 21 of 23 April 2012 and Minutes 22 of Special Meeting of 4 May 2012. CONFIRMED CHAIR’S ITEMS 1. CHAIR’S UPDATE CITY WIDE RECEIVED CITY OPERATIONS TRANSIT SERVICES 2. UPDATE FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER, TRANSIT SERVICES CITY WIDE RECEIVED 3. TRANSIT SERVICES DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITIES – 2012 (EN) ACS2012-COS-TRA-0006 CITY WIDE That the Transit Commission receive this report for information. RECEIVED 4. TRANSIT SERVICES BY-LAW AMENDMENTS (REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR FARE INSTRUMENTS) ACS2012-COS-TRA-0005 CITY WIDE That the Transit Commission recommend that Council: 1. Approve the amendments to the Transit By-law (2007-268, as amended) as described in this report and as set out in Document 1; and, 2. Authorize the General Manager, Transit Services, to place amending by-laws directly on Council’s agenda for enactment when required to effect the required administrative changes related to the implementation of the Presto smart card, including repealing fare instruments that are no longer required. CARRIED CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE CITY CLERK AND SOLICITOR DEPARTMENT 5. 2011–2014 CITY STRATEGIC PLAN ACS2012-CMR-OTC-0009 CITY-WIDE That the Transit Commission consider and recommend to Council, approval of Appendix F to the 2011-2014 City Strategic Plan. CARRIED CITY TREASURER AND FINANCE 6. 2012 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET Q1 – TRANSIT COMMISSION STATUS REPORT ACS2012-CMR-FIN-0019 CITY-WIDE That the Transit Commission receive this report for information. RECEIVED INFORMATION PREVIOUSLY DISTRIBUTED A. FACILITY RENOVATION – OC TRANSPO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING – 1500 ST. LAURENT ACS2012-COS-TRA-0007 ALTA VISTA (18) RECEIVED