Transit Commission Commission du transport en commun DISPOSITION 16 / SUITE À DONNER 16 Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 9:30 a.m. Le mercredi 18 janvier 2012, 9 h 30 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DES PROCÈS-VERBAUX Minutes 15 and Confidential Minutes 9 of 8 December 2011 CONFIRMED Response to Inquiries/ Réponses aux demandes de renseignements OTC-18-11 Staff Response to ATU Submission / Réponse du personnel à la lettre du SUT OTC-19-11 Use of Cameras on buses / Utilisation de caméras dans les autobus OTC-21-11 OC Transpo Responses to Public Complaints About Routes / Réponses d’OC Transpo aux plaintes du public concernant les circuits OCC-29-11 Federal Tax Credit for Transit Passes / Crédit d’impôt fédéral pour laissez-passer de transport en commun Other Correspondence Received / Autre correspondance reçus * Letter from the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa / Lettre de la Fédération étudiante de l’Université d’Ottawa * Petition re Reinstating Route 154 / Pétition pour rétablir le circuit 154 * Petition re Reinstating Route 18 to Ottawa Technical Secondary School / Pétition pour rétablir le circuit 18 vers l’Ottawa Technical Secondary School RECEIVED 1. CHAIR’S VERBAL UPDATE MISE À JOUR VERBALE DE LA PRÉSIDENTE RECEIVED 2. VERBAL UPDATE FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER, TRANSIT SERVICES MISE À JOUR VERBAL DU DIRECTEUR GÉNÉRAL, SERVICE DU TRANSPORT EN COMMUN CITY WIDE / À L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE RECEIVED 3. ETRANSPO UPDATE MISE À JOUR ETRANSPO CITY-WIDE / À L'ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE That the Transit Commission receive a verbal presentation on the above-noted subject. RECEIVED DIRECTION TO STAFF That staff report back at the next regular meeting with respect to identifying which Federal departments have been contacted and what their response has been to introduce apps to their Blackberries. 4. CHOOSING TRANSIT FOR EVERDAY LIFE: OC TRANSPO 2012 BUSINESS PLAN OPTER POUR LE TRANSPORT EN COMMUN AU QUOTIDIEN :  PLAN D’AFFAIRES 2012 D’OC TRANSPO ACS2011-ICS-TRA-00XX CITY WIDE/À L'ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE Report to be tabled at this meeting for subsequent consideration at the February Transit Commission meeting. WITHDRAWN * * To be tabled at a Special Meeting of the Transit Commission scheduled for Thursday, 26 January at 1 p.m. 5. Q3 TRANSIT SERVICES PERFORMANCE REPORT RAPPORT SUR LE RENDEMENT DES SERVICES DE TRANSPORT EN COMMUN - 2e TRIMESTRE ACS2012-ICS-TRA-0002 CITY-WIDE / À L'ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE That the Transit Commission receive this report for information. RECEIVED IN CAMERA ITEMS POINTS EN HUIS CLOS 6. STANDING ITEM - TRANSIT COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UPDATE –- IN CAMERA - NOT TO BE REPORTED OUT POINT PERMANENT – LE POINT SUR LA NÉGOCIATION COLLECTIVE DANS LE TRANSPORT EN COMMUN –À HUIS CLOS  - N’A PAS À ÊTRE PRÉSENTÉ CITY WIDE / A L’ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE Verbal presentation / Exposé oral No update was provided. NOTICES OF MOTION (FOR CONSIDERATION AT SUBSEQUENT MEETING) AVIS DE MOTION (POUR EXAMEN LORS D’UNE RÉUNION SUBSÉQUENTE) COMMISSIONER S. BLAIS / COMMISSAIRE S. BLAIS WHEREAS the protection of taxpayers dollars is of utmost importance; AND WHEREAS the delivery of timely service is a priority for OC Transpo and the City of Ottawa; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT all contracts issued by OC Transpo include financial penalties for failure to deliver on-time or to expected standards. TRANSIT COMMISSION DISPOSITION 16 18 JANUARY 2012 3 COMMISSION DU TRANSPORT EN COMMUN SUITE À DONNER 16 LE 18 JANVIER 2012