Report to/Rapport au :


Planning Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme


and Council / et au Conseil


May 14, 2012

14 mai 2012


Submitted by/Soumis par : Councillor Katherine Hobbs


Contact Person / Personne ressource  Katherine Hobbs, Councillor/conseillère,
Ward/Quartier 15  




Kitchissippi (15)






AMENDMENT TO THE Demolition Control
agreement for 389 Wilmont Avenue









That the Planning Committee recommend Council direct the City Clerk and Solicitor Department to amend the Demolition Control agreement for 389 Wilmont Avenue to allow an access for construction vehicles to the Roosevelt Avenue site and an access for visitors to a sales centre to be located temporarily at 335 Roosevelt Avenue.


Recommandation du rapport


Que le Comité de l’urbanisme recommande au Conseil de demander au greffier municipal et chef du contentieux de modifier l’entente sur la réglementation de la démolition de l’immeuble situé au 389, avenue Wilmont, de façon à donner accès aux véhicules se rendant sur le chantier de construction de l’avenue Roosevelt et à permettre aux visiteurs d’accéder à un centre de ventes temporaire situé au 335, avenue Roosevelt.




Pursuant to Section 77 (12) of the Procedure By-law, Councillor Hobbs requested that the following motion be placed on the Planning Committee Agenda of 22 May 2012:


WHEREAS City Council approved a demolition control application for the single detached dwelling at 389 Wilmont Avenue subject to certain conditions;
AND WHEREAS a Demolition Control Agreement was registered on title to the subject property on July 27, 2010;
AND WHEREAS this Agreement required that the property be seeded or sodded, with the installation of bollards around the perimeter to maintain the property as open space and to prevent the interim use of the property for such uses as vehicle parking;


AND WHEREAS the subject property has been sold to the land owner of 335 Roosevelt Avenue, who wishes to use 389 Wilmont Avenue for construction access to 335 Roosevelt Avenue in order to build proposed high-rise apartment buildings on the Roosevelt Avenue property;


AND WHEREAS the use of 389 Wilmont Avenue for construction access will free up land at 335 Roosevelt Avenue so it may be landscaped at an earlier date;


AND WHEREAS after the construction at 335 Roosevelt Avenue is completed the new property Owner will be constructing a new residential dwelling at 389 Wilmont Avenue;


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Clerk and Solicitor Department amend the Demolition Control agreement for 389 Wilmont Avenue to allow an access for construction vehicles to the Roosevelt Avenue site and an access for visitors to a sales centre to be located temporarily at 335 Roosevelt Avenue.





In April 2010, City Council approved a demolition control application for the single detached dwelling at 389 Wilmont Avenue subject to certain conditions.  A Demolition Control Agreement was registered on title to the subject property on July 27, 2010, which required that the property be seeded or sodded, with the installation of bollards around the perimeter to maintain the property as open space and to prevent the interim use of the property for such uses as vehicle parking.


The subject property has subsequently been sold to the land owner of 335 Roosevelt Avenue, who wishes to use 389 Wilmont Avenue for construction access to 335 Roosevelt Avenue in order to build proposed high-rise apartment buildings on the Roosevelt Avenue property.  The use of 389 Wilmont Avenue for construction access will free up land at 335 Roosevelt Avenue so it may be landscaped at an earlier date;


Once the construction at 335 Roosevelt Avenue is comple, the new property Owner will be constructing a new residential dwelling at 389 Wilmont Avenue.






There are no rural implications.




Councillor Hobbs has consulted with the Planning and Growth Management Department and the City Clerk and Solicitor Department in the preparation of this report.





The proposed amendment to the demolition control agreement will not negatively impact the surrounding neighbourhood, as construction access would have been provided from the property adjacent to the west, which is also under the same ownership.  Approval of this amendment will help provide for the orderly development of 335 Roosevelt Avenue, as it will also allow the earlier completion of landscaping and a direct north-south pedestrian connection across the proposed development at 335 Roosevelt Avenue, to provide access to a City path and the transitway.



Comments by the Ward Councillor(s)

Councillor Hobbs supports the amendment, and is moving the motion to this effect.




There are no legal impediments to implementing the recommendation of this report.




There are no Risk Management implications.




There are no direct financial implications.




As part of the proposed development for 335 Roosevelt Avenue, a north-south pedestrian pathway is proposed to be constructed from Winston Avenue, across that property to the east-west City pathway parallel to the south side of the transitway.  This City pathway provides access to surrounding Rapid Transit Stations and the neighbourhood to the north.  Construction access was to be provided where the pedestrian pathway would start on Winston Avenue and therefore would delay the construction of this pedestrian link.  With the use of 389 Wilmont Avenue for construction vehicle access, the pedestrian link can be completed at an earlier date.



Technology Implications

There are no direct technical implications associated with this report.



TERm of council priorities

Not applicable.




The City Clerk and Solicitor Department will amend the Demolition Control agreement in accordance with Council’s direction.