Report to/Rapport au :
Planning Committee
Comité de l'urbanisme
and Council / et Conseil
12 April 2012 / le 12 avril 2012
Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe, Planning and Infrastructure / Urbanisme et Infrastructure
Contact Person/Personne-ressource :Don Herweyer, Acting Manager/Gestionnaire intérimaire, Development Review-Suburban Services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services suburbains, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance
(613) 580-2424, 28311
OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT – Deletion of Centrum Boulevard Extension |
modification au PLAN OFFICIEL – suppression du prolongement du boulevard Centrum |
That the Planning Committee recommend Council direct staff to complete the Environmental Assessment process to identify the right-of-way for the future Centrum Boulevard Extension and bring forward the construction of a pedestrian and emergency vehicle access for future budget considerations and take no further steps to amend the Official Plan in respect of Centrum Boulevard.
Que le Comité de l’urbanisme recommande au Conseil de charger le personnel des tâches suivantes suivre le processus d’évaluation environnementale afin de désigner l’emprise occupée par le prolongement futur du boulevard Centrum, et rappeler le projet de construction d’un accès pour véhicules d’urgence et pour piétons, aux fins d’évaluation budgétaire future, et de ne prendre aucune mesure visant à modifier le Plan officiel en ce qui a trait au boulevard Centrum.
Pursuant to a request by Councillor Monette, the following motion was approved by Planning Committee and Council in April of 2010:
WHEREAS the East-West extension of Centrum Boulevard has been identified within the City of Ottawa’s Official Plan since April 8, 1987;
AND WHEREAS the east-west extension of Centrum Boulevard does not have the support of adjacent residents or the developer that owns the lands;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council direct that staff:
1. Initiate an official plan amendment to the Town Centre Secondary Official Plan (former City of Cumberland) to delete the Centrum Boulevard extension;
2. Review the feasibility of replacing the Centrum Boulevard extension with a pedestrian pathway; and
3. Schedule the amendment for a public hearing no later than the Planning and Environment Committee meeting of August, 2010;
Centrum Boulevard currently runs in an east west direction through the Orléans Town Centre, from Place D’Orléans Drive to a cul-de-sac at its current terminus east of the intersection of Centrum Boulevard and Prestone Drive, as shown on Document 1. The location of the proposed extension is surrounded by existing apartment buildings to the north-west and south-west, detached dwellings located to the south which front on St. Joseph Boulevard and vacant lands to the east proposed for medium and high density residential development. The proposed residential development located to the east is part of the Council approved P3 partnership involving the development of the Orléans Town Centre lands, which included the now built Shenkman Arts Centre, future hotel, theatre, office space, and residential development.
Policies in the Orléans Town Centre Secondary Plan require that the Centrum Boulevard be extended easterly to intersect with a proposed road, Brisebois Crescent, which will in turn head south to intersect with St. Joseph Boulevard. Brisebois Crescent is the road currently being constructed to provide access to the proposed medium and high density residential development located in the northwest quadrant of the St. Joseph Boulevard/Tenth Line Road intersection. The purpose of the extension is to provide transportation network connectivity in support of planned future development along Centrum Boulevard and the vacant residential lands to the east. Specifically, Section of the Orléans Town Centre Secondary Plan (Cumberland) states:
Section – Orléans Town Centre Secondary Plan (Cumberland)
(d) “Develop an east-west link for the central area, known as Centrum Boulevard to provide access to both the central core area and the proposed high density residential areas to the east. This collector road shall have a right-of-way of 26.2 metres (86 feet). It is the intention of the City that this road provide for an urban village atmosphere, and that it will narrow where possible to two lanes in the central core area with wide landscaped sidewalks to ensure a human scale and pleasing pedestrian environment.”
Staff have undertaken an analysis of the possible deletion of the proposed extension. A transportation engineering consultant was retained to complete a Transportation Study to examine the impacts of the elimination of the roadway extension on surrounding road network and to examine the impacts of constructing a pedestrian connection only along the alignment of the Centrum Boulevard extension. The application was also circulated to other City Departments, technical agencies, community organizations and adjacent residents for comment.
Official Plan Land Use Designation
Centrum Boulevard is located in an area designated as “Mixed-Use Centre” in the Official Plan. Mixed-Use Centres are to enhance opportunities for walking, cycling and transit and in particular Section 3.6.2 (d) states that they “will contribute to the creation of a street network that provides a convenient and pleasant walking and cycling environment which links housing, employment and the rapid transit station. The Mixed-Use Centre designation encourages the development of “complete neighbourhoods” and suggest that where a single-use activity occurs (e.g. the high density residential lands to the east), their interface with the surrounding community should be improved through physical linkages.
Orléans Town Centre Secondary Plan (former City of Cumberland portion)
As shown on Schedule A-1 of the Orléans Town Centre Secondary Plan, (see Document 2), the subject area is designated as “Urban Residential”. Urban Residential and Transportation policies contained within the Plan indicate a major objective of the Town Centre Secondary Plan is to provide a residential community to add “life” to the Town Centre and provide for people who would like to live and work in the same location. Transportation policies state that a transportation system must be designed to serve the proposed land use pattern and to facilitate the most efficient and convenient movement of people and goods throughout the Town Centre. Such a system should include provision for automobiles, bicycles, pedestrians, service vehicles, and public transportation.
Transportation Report
Delcan Transportation consultants were retained to analyse the operational impacts of the adjacent road network should the extension, as a road, be eliminated. A total of four scenarios were evaluated as part of the assessment, namely:
The analysis indicates that there is generally sufficient capacity available at the affected intersections in the near-term (five years) to accommodate the projected traffic volumes assuming the extension is eliminated for use by automobile traffic. The southbound left-turn movement at St. Joseph Boulevard/Prestone Drive intersection does present a potential operational constraint should the future volumes exceed the projected volume during the critical PM peak hour. Given the potential operational constraints identified, and the likelihood of area traffic volumes increasing over the fullness of time, the implemented solution should not preclude the provision of a roadway at this location in the future. In other words, sufficient right-of-way should be protected to implement a future two-way roadway link for use by transit vehicles exclusively and/or automobiles.
However, the Transportation Assessment concludes retaining the proposed Centrum Boulevard Extension for use by all modes of travel is recommended from an overall transportation perspective on the basis that it provides more direct access to future development, enhances overall transportation network connectivity, and no traffic operational issues are projected.
Policies in the Official Plan and the Orléans Town Centre Secondary Plan outline the planning framework for the Town Centre lands. The Town Centre is planned to be developed with a mix of uses with convenient and efficient pedestrian and vehicular links and access to transit facilities. In addition to office uses, major commercial uses and open space, medium and high density residential development in the Town Centre serves to increase population density, minimize travel distances to work and to provide a central location for people to live in close proximity to services.
Achieving connectivity for all modes between the two ends of the community is critical to having a mixed-use centre that provides the residential uses with easy access to commercial uses and services. Conversely, the roadway link will provide improved access to local businesses in the Town Centre which are currently under considerable competition from other nearby commercial concentrations (Innes Road, St. Joseph Boulevard).
From a traffic perspective, deletion of the Centrum Boulevard connection would force vehicular, as well as transit connections between the two ends of the neighbourhood to run along St. Joseph Boulevard and Prestone Drive. However, St. Joseph Boulevard is currently nearing capacity. Replacement of the Centrum Boulevard roadway link with a pedestrian link only may not adequately address the long term need for transit connectivity within the mixed-use centre. The extension of Centrum Boulevard will create a public transit corridor for existing and future residents traveling to and from Place d’Orléans Drive, St. Joseph Boulevard commercial main street, medical appointments, places of worship and other locations.
The extension of Centrum Boulevard will provide an additional access to the Town Centre and help alleviate congestion at the existing intersections with Preston Drive and Place d’Orléans Drive. The Council approved Town Centre Secondary Plan policies outline the requirement to minimize diversion of traffic onto Prestone Drive. The extension is also required to provide all-directional access for future re-development of the properties fronting on St. Joseph Boulevard located at 3211, 3217 and 3227 St. Joseph Boulevard. St. Joseph Boulevard is currently a divided roadway and access is restricted to right-in right-out.
Staff does not support the Official Plan Amendment to remove the Centrum Boulevard extension. However, given that the east residential lands have yet to develop and there is sufficient vehicular capacity available at the affected intersections in the near-term to accommodate the projected traffic volumes, it is recommended that for the near future (five years) the east –west link not be constructed for vehicular traffic, but for pedestrians, cyclists and emergency vehicles only.
Comments were received from adjacent residents concerned with proposed road link and pedestrian safety in the area. Staff acknowledges that improvements are needed to the pedestrian routes to and from existing residential buildings, the Seniors Park and other areas within the Town Centre. On that basis, staff will review applicable planning applications with the needs of the pedestrian community in mind and will make every effort to ensure new sidewalks and extensions to existing sidewalks are implemented to provide safe pedestrian movements. This urban design feature is further emphasized within the Orléans Town Centre Secondary Plan where particular attention is given to Centrum Boulevard “to provide for a pedestrian system, low profile street lighting, seating and landscaping areas in order to encourage [the safe] pedestrian use of the street.”
With approval in 2008 of the Orléans Town Centre P3 partnership arrangement with Forum Equity Partners Inc., it provided the opportunity to commence work on the Centrum Boulevard Extension. An Environmental Assessment (EA) process was started with the retention of a consultant and the initiation of public consultation. As a result of the Councillor’s motion, the EA process was halted and the requirement of the previous P3 partner, Forum Equity Partners, to construct the road link subsequently was removed leaving the City responsible for the cost of the road construction. With approval of the subject report’s recommendations, work would continue on the EA process and staff would be directed to bring forward a funding request for the construction of the Centrum Boulevard Extension for Council consideration within a five to 10 year timeframe.
A key goal to planning of any area is to ensure that land uses are properly located and suitably distributed and to ensure that an adequate transportation system is designed to serve the proposed land use pattern and to facilitate the most efficient movement of people and goods throughout the area. The extension of Centrum Boulevard is seen as a vital east-west link needed to provide roadway and pedestrian connectivity which will create a dynamic, multiple use town centre, with a “main street” focus. For this reason, staff does not support the amendment to the Secondary Plan to delete the Centrum Boulevard Extension.
Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.
The City received comments both in support and in opposition of the amendment. The issues with not approving the Official Plan Amendment and having the road extended are summarized as follows: increased traffic volumes, increased noise and creation of unsafe pedestrian routes. Detailed responses to the notification/circulation are provided in Document 2.
Comments were also received from OC Transpo which indicated that they do not support the deletion of the Centrum Boulevard extension “as it should be retained for future Transit use to provide more convenient access to transit to an expanded service population.”
The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.
There are no legal implications if the recommendation is adopted. In the event the amendment is adopted and appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, it will be necessary to retain outside planning and transportation witnesses. It is estimated that the cost of doing so would be approximately $60,000.
There are no risk management implications association with the recommendation in this report.
In the event the amendment is adopted and appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, it will be necessary to retain outside planning and transportation witnesses. It is estimated that the cost of doing so would be approximately $60,000. Funds are not available within existing resources, and the expense would impact Planning and Growth Management’s operating status.
Funds for the environment assessment are available within existing budget. Funds for the pedestrian/cyclist/emergency vehicles link and the Centrum Boulevard extension will be brought forward within five years and within five to ten years respectively through the capital budget process, subject to the availability of funds.
There are no direct accessibility impacts associated with this report.
There are no direct technical implications associated with this report.
The Council Strategic Priorities provide direction to meet the challenge of managing growth, providing infrastructure, maintaining environmental integrity and creating liveable communities within Ottawa. To meet these challenges, priorities are set out to pursue a mix of land uses and compact forms of development. The proposed application to delete the Centrum Boulevard extension would not support this overall goal.
This application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Official Plan amendments due to workload volumes.
Document 1 Location Map
Document 2 Consultation Details
City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify OttawaScene Canada Signs, of City Council’s decision.
Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for an Official Plan amendment.
Staff received approximately 18 written comments from the public in support of the Official Plan Amendment to delete the Centrum Boulevard extension and five comments in opposition to the Official Plan Amendment, meaning they support the retention of the future road connection.
Comment: Traffic and Noise
A number of comments which were received from existing residents living in the adjacent apartment buildings expressing concerns that if the road link is constructed there would be increased traffic and noise in the area.
The area is designated as a Town Centre in the Official Plan and achieving connectivity between the two ends of the community is critical to realizing a mixed-use centre that provides the residential uses with easy access to commercial uses and services. It is the intention that the future road will provide for an urban village atmosphere with a narrow right-of-way width restricting traffic to slower speeds, and wide landscaped sidewalks to ensure a human scale and pleasing pedestrian environment. Staff will review the opportunity to allow angled or parallel parking along the extension of Centrum Boulevard in order to provide a visual cue to drivers that low speeds should be maintained.
Comment: Unsafe for Walking
Concerns were raised that once the road is completed it will be hazardous for seniors to walk in the area and improvements to existing pedestrian routes are needed now.
The future roadway construction will also involve the construction of clearly defined landscaped sidewalks which will allow for safe pedestrian movement adjacent to the travelled road. Staff will also endeavour to ensure new sidewalks and extensions to existing sidewalks are constructed as development occurs. Following the construction of the Centrum Boulevard extension, as requested, staff will review pedestrian crossing warrants to see if a signalized pedestrian crossing at the Seniors’ Park is warranted.
Comment: Extension needed to create better connectivity
Comments received in opposition of the Official Plan Amendment indicated they do not support the deletion the road connection as they believe it is needed for the public and future residents to more easily access all areas of the Town Centre. Furthermore, they admitted that they moved to the Town Centre area because “they love the character of this dynamic, walkable neighbourhood and would love nothing more than to see it blossom into a trendy urban core of Orléans.”
Staff are in agreement with this comment and it supports the vision that Town Centres must contain a finer grain of streets and small blocks rather than super blocks. This creates a better urban fabric where, with good design, a more liveable community can be created.