Report to/Rapport au :
Comité de l'urbanisme
and Council / et au Conseil
05 April 2012 / le 05 avril 2012
Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe, Planning and Infrastructure/Urbanisme et Infrastructure
Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Don Herweyer, Acting Manager/Gestionnaire intérimaire, Development Review-Suburban Services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services suburbains, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance
(613) 580-2424, 28311
ZONING - 5649 Hazeldean Road (formerly 1774 Maple Grove Road) |
ZONAGE – 5649, CHEMIN Hazeldean (AUPARAVANT 1774, CHEMIN Maple Grove) |
That the recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By‑law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 5649 Hazeldean Road (formerly 1774 Maple Grove Road) from Development Reserve (DR) to Residential Third Density Subzone YY Exception 1297 (R3YY[1297]) and Parks and Open Space Subzone R (O1R), and from R3YY[1297] to O1R, from O1R to R3YY[1297] and from DR to R3YY[1297]-h , as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.
The subject site is located north of Hazeldean Road east of Huntmar Road and west of Terry Fox Drive (see Location Map in Document 1). The lands, 5649 Hazeldean Road (formerly 1774 Maple Grove Road), comprise approximately five hectares within the Kanata West Concept Plan immediately to the east and south of the registered Fairwinds South development.
The lands were formerly used for agriculture prior to being rezoned Development Reserve (DR). The lands are generally flat and are bounded by Poole Creek on the northern edge, which is a tributary to the Carp River. South of the subject land are a variety of commercial developments which front onto Hazeldean Road.
A public meeting regarding the related subdivision (File No. D07-16-08-0005) was held on September 29, 2011. There were no comments directly relating to the proposed zoning amendment.
Purpose of Zoning Amendment
The Zoning By-law Amendment seeks to implement the Mattamy Homes Fairwinds South Phase 5B Draft Plan of Subdivision, approved on March 1, 2012 (File No. D07‑16-08-0005), to allow the development of single-detached dwellings.
Also, the zoning amendment realigns portions of the existing Open Space zoning that encompasses the Poole Creek Corridor with the rear lot lines of the Draft Plan of Subdivision.
Existing Zoning
The existing zoning over the majority of the subject lands is DR which recognizes lands intended for future development. Two small parcels are zoned Parks and Open Space Zone (O1R) and Residential Third Density Subzone YY (R3YY[1297]).
Proposed Zoning
The proposed zoning amendment is to apply the Residential Third Density Subzone YY Exception Zone (R3YY[1297]) and Parks and Open Space Zone (O1R) to the subject lands. In addition, a Holding Zone or “h” symbol will be placed on lands being used for a temporary stormwater management pond.
Official Plan
The property is designated as General Urban Area within the Official Plan. The General Urban Area designation permits the development of a full range and choice of housing types to meet the needs of all ages, incomes and life circumstances, in combination with conveniently located employment, retail, service, cultural, leisure, entertainment and institutional uses. This will facilitate the development of complete and sustainable communities. A broad scale of uses is found within this designation, from ground-oriented single-purpose to multi-storey mixed-use; from corner store to shopping centre. This development is proposing single-detached residential dwellings, consistent with the uses permitted in the General Urban Area designation.
The subject lands are also within a Community Design Plan Area directed by the Kanata West Concept Plan, which identifies the lands as Residential Area B. This designation is primarily intended to be for a range of residential dwelling types in a transit-integrated and pedestrian friendly environment.
The development will have sidewalks on all streets, a pedestrian linkage to a pathway along Poole Creek and a pedestrian linkage to the commercial development to the south along Hazeldean Road. Also, the Implementation Plan for the Kanata West Development Area identified that the construction of pathways within certain portions of the valley lands would have a negative impact on stream function. As such, it was determined through a further analysis in 2006 that the overall goal of creating a linked pathway network was achieved through connecting the pathways at various key points and intersections, rather than having continuous pathways on both sides of the corridor. These connections include the provision of a pedestrian bridge through Mattamy Fairwinds Phase 5A development to the pathway located on the northern edge of Poole Creek, adjoining the previous phases of development. In addition, there will be a sidewalk along the North-South Arterial connecting the recreational pathway along the Poole Creek Corridor, maintaining public access throughout the corridor.
Transit Supportive Density
The proposed development has a net residential density of approximately 34 net units per hectare (based on the draft approved plan). The Kanata West Concept Plan outlined the goal of achieving post war densities (minimum of 30 to 40 units per hectare) similar to those within the Glebe in Ottawa. This density provides for a compact urban form supportive of higher-order/rapid transit. This is consistent with the densities as proposed for the “Developing Community” designation of the Official Plan of a minimum of 34 units per hectare. The density as proposed works to achieve the transit supportive densities outlined in the Official Plan and Kanata West Concept Plan. As well, the development is adjacent to a future rapid transit corridor to the east, as identified on Schedule D of the Official Plan. Further, this aligns with the transportation strategy of the Kanata West Concept Plan to have 32 per cent of external trips made via transit and a reduction of automobile use.
Poole Creek Corridor Environmental Protection
The proposed zoning enhances and broadens the current zoning protection area for the Poole Creek corridor, consistent with the Kanata West Concept Plan. In the Implementation Plan for the Kanata West Development Area, an overall corridor width of 80 – 130 metres is identified for the Area within Reach 4 – Huntmar Road Crossing to Hazeldean Road. While 90 metres may be the approximate average of the overall corridor, it is recognized that there are areas where the corridor is narrower than 90 metres, while there are also areas where the corridor is wider than 90 metres. Further, the report also recognizes that in some areas the corridor will be physically limited and set by the meander belt allowance within the valley lands. As such, while there is variance in the overall corridor width, the overall goal of maintaining the health of the watershed is being upheld.
Based on the above, the proposed zoning conforms to the designations and intent in the Official Plan and the Kanata West Concept Plan and implements residential development as contemplated in the applicable designations and policies.
Details of Proposed Zoning
Document 1 is a location map which outlines the areas of the various zoning amendments to occur. In addition, the details of the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law are outlined in Document 2.
The existing zoning is DR, which is intended to recognize lands for future urban development in areas designated as General Urban Area and Developing Communities in the Official Plan. Further, the zone limits the range of permitted uses ensuring they do not preclude future development options.
The purpose of the Residential Third Density Zone (R3) is to allow for a mix of residential building forms ranging from detached to multiple attached dwellings in areas designated as General Urban Area in the Official Plan. It also permits other residential uses to provide additional housing choices within the third density residential areas and ancillary uses to the principal residential use to allow residents to work at home. In addition, the zone regulates development in a manner that is compatible with existing land use patterns so that the mixed dwelling, residential character of a neighbourhood is maintained or enhanced. Lastly, the zone would permit different development standards, identified in the R3YY[1297] exception zone, which has been primarily for use in the Mattamy Homes Fairwinds development. It has been implemented for residential uses designated as General Urban Area in the Official Plan and also within the Kanata West Concept Plan Area. This exception zone promotes efficient land use and compact form while showcasing newer design approaches.
The Parks and Open Space Zone (O1R) encompass the Poole Creek Corridor. The proposed amendment will re-align the O1R zone to the rear lot lines of the Draft Plan of Subdivision, while removing two small portions of the O1R zone that are within registered residential lots. The overall effect will essentially increase the protection zone for the Poole Creek Corridor.
In terms of infrastructure servicing, the sanitary discharge will be provided by an extension of the existing sanitary sewers from the adjacent Mattamy subdivision and in the interim, until the Kanata West Pumping stations is constructed, will be serviced by the existing private pumping station off of Maple Grove Road.
A holding zone/provision will be placed over lands which currently have a temporary stormwater management pond servicing the Fairwinds South development (lots 59 to 92 as identified in the draft subdivision approval). This is a requirement of the conditions of draft approval of the plan of subdivision for Fairwinds South Phase 5B, approved on March 1, 2012, which came into effect on March 22, 2012. The holding provision will also be in place in order to deal with sanitary servicing matters. Lots 59 to 92 will be serviced by the Kanata West Sanitary Pumping Station. The details of the conditions of the holding zone are provided in Document 2.
There are no rural implications associated with this report.
Notice of the zoning amendment was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. The application was originally circulated for public and agency comment along with the associated plan of subdivision application (File No. D07-16-08-0005).
The City received comments in opposition to the subdivision application regarding the impact on the Poole Creek Corridor in general and the impact of the implementation of the Kanata /Stittsville Recreational Pathway System. However, during the consultations there were no objections expressed specific to the proposed zoning amendment.
Councillor is aware of the application and staff recommendation respecting the proposed conditions of Draft Approval of Subdivision associated with the subject zoning amendment.
There are no direct legal implications associated with this report.
There are no risk implications with this application.
There are no financial implications associated with this report.
There are no environment implications associated with this report.
There are no direct technical implications associated with this report.
Policy TM2 of the City’s Strategic Plan seeks to maximize density in and around transit stations. The objective is to ensure that the City plans well-designed, compact neighbourhoods where residents can live, work, shop and play close by, complete daily activities easily, access viable transit, and support local businesses. This development is within proximity to a future bus rapid transit corridor, situated to the east of the subject site and has direct pedestrian linkages to areas for shopping, banking and restaurants along Hazeldean Road. As well, there is a linkage to a pathway along the Poole Creek corridor for recreation.
The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments due to the complexity of the issues associated with the Draft Approval of the associated subdivision.
Document 1 Location Map
Document 2 Details of Recommended Zoning
City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify the owner, applicant, OttawaScene Canada Signs, 1565 Chatelain Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1Z 8B5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code: 26-76) of City Council’s decision.
Planning and Growth Management to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.
Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.
1. The Zoning Map of By-law 2008-250 will be amended by rezoning the subject lands and revising the boundaries of the flood plain hazard overlay on the subject lands shown on Document 1 as follows:
a. Area A rezoned from DR to R3YY[1297].
b. Area B rezoned from R3YY[1297] to O1R
c. Area C rezoned from DR to O1R
d. Area D rezoned from O1R to R3YY[1297]
e. Area E rezoned from DR to R3YY[1297]-h.
2. Section 239 – Urban Exceptions will be amended by adding a new exception for the lands identified as Area E as identified in Document 1 and including the following:
Column IV: “all uses are prohibited until the holding symbol is removed, except those that existed on July 14, 2010,
Column V
- the holding symbol can be removed only at such time as it is shown to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning and Growth Management that the interim storm water management facility can be decommissioned and the site can utilize the ultimate stormwater facility and Kanata West Sanitary Sewage Pumping Station, as indicated in the Kanata West Master Servicing Study. The SWM facility (Stormwater Management Pond 5) and the Kanata West Sanitary Sewage Pumping Station must be constructed and operational and have the necessary capacity to permit the development of the property, all to the satisfaction of the City.”
3. Add to Part 17 - Schedules Document 3 as Schedule XXX.