Report to/Rapport au :
Comité de l'urbanisme
and Council / et au Conseil
16 March 2012/ le 16 mars 2012
Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe, Planning and Infrastructure/Urbanisme et Infrastructure
Contact Person/Personne-ressource: John Smit, Manager/Gestionnaire, Development Review - Urban Services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services urbains
Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance
(613) 580-2424, 13866
That the Planning Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By‑law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 468 Wilbrod Street from Residential Fourth Density, Subzone M, Exception 481 (R4M[481]) to Residential Fourth Density, Subzone M, Exception xxxx (R4M[xxxx]), as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.
Que le Comité de l’urbanisme recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250, en vue de faire passer le zonage du 468, rue Wilbrod de Zone résidentielle de densité 4, sous-zone M, exception 481 (R4M[481]) à Zone résidentielle de densité 4, sous-zone M, exception xxxx (R4M[xxxx]), tel qu’illustré dans le document 1 et exposé en détail dans le document 2.
The subject property is located at 468 Wilbrod Street, west of Charlotte Street, and north of Laurier Avenue East as seen in Document 1. The lot area is approximately 1233.53 square metres with 24 metres of frontage on Wilbrod Street. The property is currently leased to the Embassy of Vietnam. The site is accessed from Wilbrod Street, through a private laneway at the rear of the property. The site is adjacent to a high rise apartment building and is surrounded by low to medium density residential uses. Other surrounding uses include the Embassies of Austria and Brazil, and Uganda High Commission, as well as dine-in and take-out restaurants.
Purpose of Zoning Amendment
The purpose of the proposed amendment is to change the current Residential Fourth Density zoning to allow for the construction of an addition to the existing building and permit the use of an instructional facility and post-secondary educational institution, for the purpose of additional classroom space for Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts School Ottawa.
Existing Zoning
The current zoning is Residential Fourth Density, Subzone M, Exception 481. The zone permits for a variety of residential uses and diplomatic missions. The zone provides an exception to allow an office accessory to a diplomatic mission as well. The subject site is within a heritage overlay which limits the massing and gross floor area of additions to existing structures on site. The zoning restricts the gross floor area of additions to 30% of the gross floor area of the existing building, and prohibits the height of the addition from exceeding the height of the existing building. These limitations ensure that the character of the heritage buildings are preserved and remain a point of focus on the streetscape.
Details of Proposed Zoning
The applicant is requesting to amend the current zoning in effect over the subject site to add the use of instructional facility and post-secondary educational institution, and to include site-specific performance standards to reduce the parking requirement, reduce the rear yard setback, and increase the permitted size of an addition within the Heritage Overlay. This is demonstrated through the proposed concept plan as shown in Document 2. The proposed concept plan features a one-storey, 140 square metre addition to the existing building, interior renovations to the existing accessory structure, and renovations to the exterior deck of the existing main building.
To allow for the development of the site to be carried out as proposed by the concept plan, the applicant proposes an amendment to the parking requirements as defined by Part 4 of the Zoning Bylaw. The applicant proposes a parking space rate of 1.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres. At this rate, six spaces would be required instead of eight. Further, the applicant proposes to remove the requirement of a loading space. Loading will be facilitated at the main building located at the adjacent site, 453 Laurier Avenue East, making an additional loading space at 468 Wilbrod Street unnecessary. A reduction to the required 6.7 metre driveway and aisle width to allow 5.0 metres and 6.0 metres, respectively, is proposed as well.
Additional amendments to the zoning include reducing the rear yard setback from 7.5 metres to 4.75 metres given that the existing accessory structure will become part of a single building on the site. An amendment is required to allow for the gross floor area of the addition to exceed 30% of the gross floor area of the existing building as required in Section 60 of Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2008-250, Heritage Overlay. As shown in Document 2, the applicant proposes an addition of 45% which will not encroach on the interior side yards, the front yard, nor exceed the height of the existing building. Details of the proposed zoning are described in Document 3.
Planning Act and Provincial Policy Statement
Within Section 2 of the Ontario Planning Act, the provision of orderly and safe communities and the appropriate location of growth and development, among others, are identified as matters of provincial interest. Furthermore, the Planning Act requires that all planning decisions made by a municipality are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). As the guiding policy document for land use within the province, policies for the development of liveable communities and efficient use of land and resources are identified within the PPS.
The Department is of the opinion that the proposed Zoning By-law amendment is consistent with the matters of provincial interest as outlined in the Planning Act and the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement, which promotes efficient land use and development patterns to support strong, liveable and healthy communities. The proposal is an appropriate use of land that makes use of existing infrastructure and serves to support a liveable community.
Official Plan
The subject site is designated as “General Urban Area” in Schedule B of the Official Plan. Lands located in this area are to be a full range of uses including a mix of housing types, employment, retail, cultural, leisure, and institutional uses. The purpose of this range is to meet the needs of a diverse population. The policies recognize the importance of new development relating to existing community character.
The General Urban Area designation requires that development have regard for the compatibility criteria found in Section 2.5.1 of the Official Plan and that development applications be reviewed and evaluated in the context of Section 4.11. Policies within these sections include those regarding the applicability of existing design guidelines, secondary plans and community design plans for the site, as well as design objectives.
The proposed Zoning By-law amendment responds to the policies for the General Urban Area by allowing for the conversion and expansion of a former dwelling unit within an established neighbourhood, while maintaining the original character of the building and its presence on the streetfront. Additionally, the site is located within walking distance of transit routes and transit stations, as well as the University of Ottawa campus.
Sandy Hill Secondary Plan
Within the Sandy Hill Secondary Plan, the site is designated as a ‘low profile residential area’. The residential policies of the Plan permit public uses that complement the residential uses of the neighbourhood in type and intensity. Additionally, the general policies of the Plan include the policy to “preserve and enhance Sandy Hill as an attractive residential neighbourhood, especially for family living”. The proposed development supports these policies by locating all development at the rear of the site, maintaining the existing streetfront, and providing a low‑impact use that is complementary to the existing educational component of the Sandy Hill neighbourhood.
Heritage Considerations
The existing buildings on the site are designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. As such, a Cultural Heritage Impact Statement (CHIS) was required with the submission of the development application. Additionally, a permit is required under the Ontario Heritage Act to construct the addition and alter the existing buildings on site. Further detailed review will be undertaken of the CHIS as part of the heritage application review process and through the Site Plan Control approval process. The application to alter this property designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act was considered and recommended for approval by the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee (OBHAC) at its meeting of April 5, 2012. The OBHAC recommendation is the subject of a separate report for consideration by the Planning Committee at the April 24, 2012 meeting.
Staff are satisfied that the proposed change of 468 Wilbrod Street is consistent with the policies of the Planning Act, Provincial Policy Statement and the Official Plan. Therefore, the requested Zoning By-law amendment is recommended for approval.
There are no rural implications associated with this report.
Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. The City did not receive any negative comments or opposition to this application.
Councillor Mathieu Fleury is aware of the application and has no concerns.
There are no legal implications associated with the proposed zoning amendments in this report.
There are no risk management implications association with the recommendation in this report.
There are no financial implications associated with this report.
There are no accessibility implications associated with this report.
There are no environmental implications associated with this report.
There are no direct technical implications associated with this report.
This report is consistent with Strategic Priorities EP3 – Support Growth of Local Economy and
GP3 – Make Sustainable Choices.
This application was processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendment applications.
Document 1 Location Map
Document 2 Concept Plan
Document 3 Details of Recommended Zoning
City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify the owner, applicant, OttawaScene Canada Signs, 1565 Chatelain Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1Z 8B5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code: 26-76) of City Council’s decision.
Planning and Growth Management to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.
Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.
Proposed Changes to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2008-50
1. The lands shown on Document 1 zoned R4M [481] under Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2008-50 will be rezoned to R4M[xxxx].
2. Section 239 of By-law 2008-250 will be amended to add a new exception, R4M[xxxx], including provisions similar in effect to the following:
Additional Land Uses Permitted
- Office associated with a diplomatic mission, instructional facility, and post-secondary educational institution
- Instructional Facility
- Post-Secondary Educational Institution
- the provisions of Table 101, rows (bk), (cf), and (bx) do not apply, and parking for the non-residential permitted uses must be provided at 1.5 spaces per 100 square metres of gross floor area.
- minimum rear yard setback of 4.75 metres
- minimum driveway width of 5.0 metres
- minimum aisle width of 6.0 metres
- Section 113 does not apply
- an addition to a building in an area to which a heritage overlay applies is permitted if the gross floor area of the addition does not exceed 45% of the gross floor area of the building