M E M O   / N O T E   D E   S E R V I C E




To / Destinataire

Chair and Members of Planning Committee/

Président et membres du Comité de l’urbanisme

    File/N° de fichier: 



From / Expéditeur

John L. Moser, General Manager/

Directeur général,

Planning and Growth Management/

Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

    Contact/Personne ressource:

    Simon M. Deiaco, MCIP, RPP


Subject / Objet

Update on staff report ACS2012-ICS-PGM-0017, Zoning 2781, 2791, 2797 Baseline Road and 2704, 2706, 2724 and 2734 Draper Avenue / Mise à jour sur le rapport du personnel ACS2012-ICS-PGM-0017, zonage des 2781, 2791 et 2797, chemin Baseline  et des 2704, 2706, 2724 et 2734, avenue Draper

    Date : March 26, 2012





City-initiated rezoning, file ACS2012-ICS-PGM-0017, was brought forward to Planning Committee for consideration on January 10, 2012.  The purpose of the application was to implement performance standards outlined in the staff report when this matter was originally adopted by Council but not carried forward into the September 23, 2009 Council adopted Zoning By-law.  The 2009 staff report contained a detailed breakdown of the proposed building and the number of units within the proposed buildings.  An application under consideration by staff, if approved, would have resulted in a potentially significant increase in the amount of units as considered in 2009.  The City-initiated rezoning recommended a cap 334 residential units and a maximum amount of gross floor area as new performance standards to be applicable to the site.


The outcome of the January 10, 2012 meeting resulted in a motion (PLC 26/1) to defer the staff report for 90 days to allow time for the applicant and staff to discuss the files currently under consideration and a possible reconsideration of the development program.  The applicant agreed that during this time applications currently under consideration would be put on hold and that these applications would not be referred to the Ontario Municipal Board.


During the deferral period, staff have met with the applicant to formally preconsult on a new development program for the site.  The applicant has been advised and agrees that a reassessment of the site will require new applications for change in zoning and site plan control, both which would be subject to public consultation and notification, any applications which are currently active would be closed. 


As a result, staff are recommending a further deferral of staff report ACS2012-ICS-PGM-0017 until such time as the new applications for change in zoning and site plan control have been brought forward to Planning Committee and Council for consideration.  Staff expects the submission of the new applications in the Spring of 2012. 


John L. Moser