Report to/Rapport au :


Planning Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme


and / et


Council / Conseil


15 March 2012 / le 15 mars 2012


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager

Directrice municipale adjointe, Planning and Infrastructure/Urbanisme et Infrastructure


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Derrick Moodie, Acting Manager/Gestionnaire intérimaire, Development Review-Suburban Services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services suburbains, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

(613) 580-2424, 15134


Gloucester South Nepean (Ward 22)

Ref N°: ACS2012-PAI-PGM-0079













That the Planning Committee recommend Council:


1.                  Approve and adopt an amendment to Volume 2A of the Official Plan – Secondary Plan Nepean Areas 4, 5, and 6 to redesignate 3311 Woodroffe Avenue from Business Park to Business Park – Special Policy Area, as detailed in Document 2; and


2.                  Approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 3311 Woodroffe Avenue from DR to GM5 [XXXX] and from DR to GM9 [XXXX] as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 3.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme recommande au Conseil :


1.                  d’approuver et d’adopter une modification au Volume 2A du Plan officiel – Plan secondaire, secteurs 4, 5 et 6 de Nepean, afin de changer la désignation de zonage du 3311, avenue Woodroffe de Parc d’affaires à Parc d’affaires – zone de dérogation, comme il est expliqué en détail dans le document 2; et


2.                  d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 afin de changer la désignation de zonage du 3311, avenue Woodroffe de DR à GM5 [XXXX] et de DR à GM9 [XXXX], comme il est indiqué dans le document 1 et expliqué en détail dans le document 3.





The subject property, 3311 Woodroffe Avenue, consists of approximately 5.3 hectares located in Barrhaven.  The property is vacant and is a relatively flat and featureless site devoid of any significant vegetation. The property is located on the south west side of Strandherd Drive immediately north of the Transitway and a large City-owned woodlot (see Document 1).  The area to the north is an established community made up of ground oriented single detached and street townhouse dwellings, a vacant site designated Business Park and Grovenhurst Park.  The property to the west is the Strandherd Crossing commercial plaza. Properties situated generally south and southeast of the subject property are characterized by medium density stacked town houses and walk-up apartments – some under construction and at various stages of completion.


The Proposal


The entire property is currently owned by Minto. The City is intending to acquire the south and east portions (Area B on Document 1) of the subject lands to accommodate a park and ride facility adjacent to the future transit station planned at the southern boundary of this site.  The lands to be acquired by the City represent approximately 2/3 of the subject property.  The proposed Official Plan Amendment would apply to the lands being retained by Minto (Area A on Document 1).  The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment would apply to the entire property.


The proposed development for the lands to be retained by Minto is a mixed-use office and commercial development consisting of two single storey buildings.  The two buildings would have an approximate Gross Floor Area of 1,486 square meters and 1,695 square meters respectively.  The proposed development would be subject to a site plan control application, which has not been submitted at this time.  The site plan is attached as Document 5.


The Applications


Proposed Official Plan Amendment


The subject property is designated General Urban Area in the Official Plan.  In addition to residential uses, the General Urban Area designation permits a wide range of complementary uses such as employment, retail, leisure, entertainment and cultural uses.  The proposed use of the property complies with the General Urban Area designation.


The property is also designated as “Business Park” in the South Nepean Secondary Plan.  Ancillary retail / service uses and restaurants are permitted uses provided that they are internally integrated as a component of an office building and clearly intended for the use of local businesses and employees. 



The proposed development does not include the retail and commercial uses “within” an office building because the facilities would provide service and amenities to transit station users and to the greater community.  As such, the commercial retail and service cannot be considered as ancillary.  Accordingly, a Secondary Plan amendment is required.


The proposed Official Plan Amendment would be site specific and would amend the South Nepean Secondary Plan to permit stand alone retail, service and restaurant uses on the retained lands.  A provision is also proposed which would ensure that office remains the predominant use of the site by restricting the retail uses to a maximum of 49% of the constructed Gross Floor Area on the subject lands.  It is proposed to include a Business Park – Special Policy Area designation to cover these specific provisions.


Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment


The entire property is currently zoned Development Reserve Zone (DR). The Development Reserve Zone is used to reserve lands that are intended to accommodate future urban development.


An amendment to the Zoning By-law is required to permit the development of the property.  This proposal would amend the lands to General Mixed-Use Zone (GM) subzones.  The General Mixed-Use Zones permit a broad range of commercial and employment uses.


The park and ride facility (Area B) would be amended to GM9 subzone to accommodate the long-term development with an exception to permit a “parking lot” as a site specific permitted use.  The retained parcel (Area A) is proposed to be amended to GM5 subzone with exception to permit a “bank” as an additional site specific permitted use and remove “hotel” from the list of existing permitted uses. 


Minto has revised their original application and is now also requesting that the amendment include an exemption from the maximum parking provision (Table 103) for properties situated within 600m of a designated transit station.  The existing transit station is not yet designated on Schedule 2A of the Consolidated Zoning By-law so Table 103 does not currently apply.  The applicant is concerned that the transit station could be designated on Schedule 2A prior to the final site plan being approved, and they have decided to be pro-active and request this amendment now rather than having to potentially address the matter at time of building permit or site plan approval.




Provincial Policy Statement


The proposed development is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) which promotes efficient development within the urban boundary (settlement areas). Development is encouraged in appropriate locations particularly those on major roads, and those located in proximity to public transit stations.  This site is an appropriate location for a small retail commercial/office development and a park and ride facility now, and a full office campus development in the future.  In the shorter-term, the park and ride facility will encourage local transit ridership, and in the longer-term more intense office and employment development will occur in proximity to the transit station.


Official Plan


The site is designated General Urban Area in the Official Plan. This designation permits the development of a full range of housing types and employment, retail and service uses in order to support the development of sustainable communities. The uses as proposed are all permitted in the General Urban Area designation.




In addition, development applications are further evaluated in accordance with Policy 2.5.1 and Policy 4.11 of the Official Plan to ensure that proposed uses are compatible with and complement the surrounding land uses.  The proposed development of the property will be subject to site plan approval and issues regarding landscaping and site integration will be dealt with through this process.  The parking lot and the commercial/office buildings will be screened by street tree plantings and landscaping along Strandherd Drive and will be integrated into the existing transit station to the south. Appropriate landscaping is proposed to help screen the parking lot from the view of the adjacent residential development to the south.


The proposed use of the site for a park and ride facility is an interim use of the lands.  The applicant has provided an Ultimate Development Concept Plan (see Document 6) that shows how the entire site could be developed in the longer term for an office campus in conformity with the General Urban Area designation and the Business Park Secondary Plan designation.  The eventual redevelopment of the subject lands will require site plan approval and specific measures can be adopted to ensure the integration of the final development into the surrounding community.


Further, the applicant has submitted traffic, environmental, geotechnical and servicing studies in support of the proposed amendments.  There are no technical impediments to the development of the property as proposed.


Secondary Plan


The site is subject to the South Nepean Secondary Plan (Areas 4, 5 and 6).  The main purpose of the Secondary Plan is to facilitate the application of the general planning principles expressed in the Official Plan, and to provide a framework for addressing planning issues affecting or characterizing specific areas of the city.


The South Nepean Secondary Plan designated the site as Business Park in the mid 1990s. It permits a wide range of commercial uses including offices, hotels, institutional uses, health and fitness recreational uses, banks, gas bars, and community facilities such as places of worship. The proposed development of the site is consistent with the goals of the Business Park designation with the exception that the commercial uses will not be integrated within an office building and that the retail and services proposed will serve the surrounding community – hence the requested amendment.

At present, there is a very limited demand for office space in this area, but the owner has determined that there is a need for commercial and retail services.  The proposed development will allow an interim mixed-use development of the lands without compromising the ability of the site to be fully developed for office uses at a later time.  The proposal is to redesignate this site to a Business Park – Special Policy Area which will restrict the commercial and retail uses to 49% of the floor space to ensure that office remains the predominant use on site.


Ultimate Use of Lands


The applicant has provided a concept plan demonstrating that the longer term office campus development contemplated by the Business Park designation would not be compromised by the current proposal (see Document 6).  The proposal effectively allows for a first phase of development on lands that are not currently marketable for any significant office development. It also preserves the ability for future office development when a viable office market has evolved in this location.


Proposed Zoning


The applicant is seeking an amendment to the Zoning By-law to rezone the property from DR- Development Reserve to a site-specific GM5 [XXXX] and GM9 [XXXX] zone. The GM5 [XXXX] zone would permit the proposed commercial/office development on the lands retained by Minto.  It is proposed to restrict the retail/commercial uses to no more than 49% of the GFA, remove “hotel” as a permitted use and add “bank” as a permitted use.  The GM9 [XXXX] zone would be site specific to the lands the City is acquiring and would permit the park and ride facility.




Staff recommends approval of the requested amendments for the following reasons:


The proposed amendments are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement.  The property is within a settlement area and the proposal makes efficient use of the existing infrastructure.  The proposal helps promote transit and protects for the ability of the site to be fully developed in a compact urban form in the future.


The proposed amendments are consistent with the Official Plan General Urban Area designation and they maintain the general purpose and intent of the Secondary Plan Business Park Designation.  But for the facts that the retail and commercial uses are not being located within an office building and that they will service the surrounding community, no amendment would be needed to the Secondary Plan.  The site will still be developed for a mixed-use development, but the retail uses will be in a standalone building.  In the longer-term, when the office market matures, the site can be developed for an office campus – as depicted by the concept plan submitted by the applicant.  The zoning will effectively limit the commercial/retail uses to ensure that the long term office use of the lands is protected for.


The City can ensure that the proposed development is consistent with the Secondary Plan, and that the streetscape and interface of the subject site are appropriately screened.  The proposed development is subject to site plan approval.


The required geotechnical, traffic, engineering, and environmental studies were completed in accordance with the Official Plan requirements; the studies support the proposed development and demonstrate that it is appropriate within this context.




There are no rural implications associated with this report.




Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.


The issues can be summarized as follows: Visibility and screening issues of the parking lot, removal of greenspace, increased traffic activity, loss of property value.


Detailed responses to the notification/circulation are provided in Document 5.




Councillor Desroches is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.




There are no direct legal implications associated with this report.




There are no risk management implications association with the recommendation in this report.




There are no direct financial implications.




There are no direct accessibility impacts associated with this report.  Accessibility impacts related to future development on the subject property will be reviewed through the Site Plan Control application.




There are no environment implications associated with the recommendations of this report.




There are no direct technical implications associated with the recommendations of this report.




The Council Strategic Priorities provide direction to meet the challenge of managing growth, providing infrastructure, maintaining environmental integrity and creating liveable communities within Ottawa. To meet these challenges, priorities are set out to pursue a mix of land uses and compact forms of development.  The proposed rezoning will support this overall goal and can move forward the following priorities and objectives.



Maximize density in and around transit stations

Plan well-designed, compact neighbourhoods where residents can live, work, shop and play close by, complete daily activities easily, access viable transit, and support local businesses.


Provide infrastructure to support mobility choices

Improve residents’ mobility choices by supporting initiatives related to routes, rapid transit, walking, and cycling.


Promote alternative mobility choices

Promote alternative mobility choices by emphasizing transit, cycling and walking as preferred ways of getting around the City. Use education, promotion and incentives to encourage alternatives to driving, and provide information that encourages responsible travel.



This application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Official Plan amendments due to revisions to the application and planning rationale to add a zoning exemption for the maximum parking provisions for developments within 600m of a designated transit station.



Document 1    Location Map and Zoning Key Plan

Document 2    Proposed Official Plan Amendment

Document 3    Details of the Recommended Zoning

Document 4    Consultation Details

Document 5    Site Plan

Document 6    Ultimate Development Concept Plan




City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify the owner, applicant, OttawaScene Canada Signs, 1565 Chatelain Avenue, Ottawa, ON  K1Z 8B5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning and Growth Management to prepare the by-law adopting the Official Plan Amendment, forward to Legal Services, and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council


LOCATION MAP AND ZONING KEY PLAN                                               DOCUMENT 1


PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT                                             DOCUMENT 2


Official Plan Amendment XX








To the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa



Official Plan for the City of Ottawa






















Part A – THE PREAMBLE introduces the actual amendment, but does not constitute part of Amendment No. XX to the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa.


Part B – THE AMENDMENT constitutes Amendment No. XX to the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa.




1.                  Purpose


The purpose of this Official Plan Amendment No. XX is to redesignate 3311 Woodroffe Avenue from Business Park to Business Park – Special Policy Area in order to permit limited stand alone retail and commercial uses not otherwise integrated within a mixed-use office building.


2.                  Location


The lands affected by the amendment are located on the southwest of Strandherd Drive. A schedule change is required to Schedule A – Land Use, Areas 4, 5 and 6, of the Official Plan, Volume 2A.


3.                  Basis




The applicant has submitted applications for an Official Plan Amendment, a Zoning By-law Amendment for the development of a single storey commercial development on a portion of the subject property.  The remainder of the property is intended to be purchased by the City for use as a park and ride facility for the adjacent transit station.




Official Plan


The subject lands are designated as “General Urban Area” in the Official Plan, and as “Business Park” in the Secondary Plan.


The proposal is responding to the need for limited retail and commercial services in this area of the south urban community.  The existing Business Park designation in the Secondary Plan permits retail and service commercial provided it is integrated within an office building.  There is currently a very limited market for office space in the south urban community and the applicant is seeking permission to develop a portion of the lands into a mixed-use, commercial and office development.  The balance of the site is to be developed as a park and ride lot by the City.


In support of the applications Minto was required to submit concept plans that demonstrate how the site could ultimately be developed for office and employment uses consistent with the Business Park designation. 

The demonstration plan submitted shows a plausible office campus development which integrates the proposed two buildings with the park and ride lot into a well planned and appropriate office development.  In essence, the stand alone commercial/office buildings and the park and ride facility are interim land uses which will not preclude the eventual development of the property consistent with the Business Park designation.




1.                  Introduction


All of this part of this document entitled Part B – The Amendment, consisting of the following text, constitutes Amendment No. XX  to the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa.


2.                  Details

a) Volume 2A- Secondary Plans of the Official Plan being Areas 4, 5, and 6 of the South Nepean Urban Area Secondary Plan is amended as follows:


1.      Subsection 2.1 of the Secondary Plan is hereby amended by adding the following text immediately following the content thereof:

“2.1.3 Special Policy Area – 3311 Woodroffe Avenue.


Notwithstanding the provisions to the contrary of Subsection 2.1.1, for the lands designated as Special Policy Area only, retail and commercial uses can be provided which are not wholly integrated within an office building and which are intended to serve more than just the local business and employees.  The floor space devoted to retail and commercial uses shall not exceed 1560 sq. m such that it represents less than 49% of the GFA of the floor space in the Special Policy Area.”


b) Volume 2A, South Nepean – Areas 4, 5 and 6 Secondary Plan of the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa will be amended by changing the land use designation on Schedule A– Land Use – Areas 4, 5 and 6 from “Business Park” to “Business Park – Special Policy Area”.


3.                  Implementation


The implementation of this Amendment to the Official Plan shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa.



OPA 2240WoodroffeARC.TIF




DETAILS OF THE RECOMMENDED ZONING                                           DOCUMENT 3


Proposed Changes to Zoning By-law 2008-250:


The lands known municipally as 3311 Woodroffe Avenue and shown on Document 1 will be rezoned from DR to GM5 [XXXX] and GM9 [XXXX] as follows:


1.                  A new exception, GM5[XXXX], will be added to Section 239 - Urban Exceptions and will contain the following provisions:


            - To permit “bank” as an additional permitted use

            - To delete “hotel” as a permitted use

            - To restrict the amount of retail and commercial space to 1560 sq. m. such that it represents no more than 49% of the total floor space (GFA)

- To exempt the subject site form the provisions of Table 103 which provides a maximum parking restriction for lands situated within 600m of a designated transit station.


2.                  A new exception, GM9[XXXX], will be added to Section 239 - Urban Exceptions and will contain the following provisions:


- To permit “parking lot” as an additional permitted use

CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                             DOCUMENT 4


Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy for Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-law Amendments.



Comment: Transportation

One comment was received outlining a concern with the additional traffic as a result of the rezoning of the subject property.



A Transportation Impact Study was prepared in support of the proposed amendments and it was reviewed by City staff.  The findings indicated that the arterial and collector roads were operating at an acceptable level-of-service and that the proposed development had no significant adverse impact on the local network.

Comment: Landscaping, Screening, and Noise

Two local residents were concerned about the unsightliness of a parking lot and were concerned about screening and the effects of lighting.



The detailed site plans have yet to be vetted for either proposed development.  These are technical matters that will be addressed as part of site plan approval.  The applicant will be required to submit detailed landscaping and servicing plans for approval.  A Noise study is also required under certain circumstances.







SITE PLAN                                                                                                             DOCUMENT 5




Ultimate Development Concept Plan                                        DOCUMENT 6