Report to/Rapport au:
de l'urbanisme
and Council / et au Conseil
19 December 2012 / le 19 décembre 2012
Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy
Schepers, Deputy City Manager/
municipale adjointe, Infrastructure
Services and Community Sustainability/
Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités
Person/Personne-ressource : Derrick Moodie, Manager/
Gestionnaire, Development Review/Examen des projets
Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la
580-2424, 15134
- 2781, 2791, 2797 Baseline Road and 2704, 2706,
2724, 2734 Draper Avenue |
ZONAGE – 2781, 2791, 2797, chemin Baseline
et 2704, 2706, 2724, 2734, avenue Draper |
That the Planning Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the
Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning provisions of the Residential Fifth Density Subzone A
Exception Holding Zone (R5A[1700] S247-h) for 2781, 2791, 2797 Baseline Road 2704, 2706, 2724 and 2734 Draper
Avenue as detailed in Document 2.
Que le Comité de l’urbanisme recommande au
Conseil d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 en vue de
changer les dispositions de zonage de la Zone résidentielle de densité 5,
sous-zone A, à aménagement différé et assortie d’une
exception (R5A[1700] S247-h) pour les propriétés
situées aux 2781, 2791, 2797, chemin Baseline et aux 2704, 2706, 2724, 2734,
avenue Draper, comme l’explique le document 2.
This report is being brought forward to implement performance standards outlined in the staff report when this matter was originally adopted by Council but not carried forward into the Zoning By-law.
On 23 September 2009, Council adopted a Zoning By-law in respect of this site. The report contained the following discussion:
The applicant is proposing to redevelop the property into a multi-storey housing complex containing a mix of residential building forms ranging from stacked to mid-high rise apartment dwellings. The proposed development, as shown in Document 2, will consist of a total of seven buildings including two, three-storey stacked units (Buildings C and D), two, four-storey apartments (Building A and B), one, six-storey apartment (Building G), one, eight-storey apartment (Building F) and one, 12-storey apartment (Building E). A total of 334 dwelling units are proposed with parking to be provided predominantly in an underground parking garage located under Buildings E, F and G. The number of units and building heights are summarized in the chart below:
Building |
Number of Units |
Storeys/Height Above Grade |
A |
34 |
4 storeys/ 16 metres |
B |
34 |
4 storeys/16 metres |
C (stacked) |
13 |
3 storeys/13 metres |
D (stacked) |
13 |
3 storeys/13 metres |
E |
108 |
12 storeys/39 metres |
F |
71 |
8 storeys/27 metres |
G |
61 |
6 storeys/21 metres |
334 |
Previous Approvals
An application for change in zoning was submitted on behalf of Redwood Residences on July 25, 2008 (File D02-02-08-0089) to rezone the property from Residential Fourth Density Zone (R4N) to Residential Fifth Density Exception Holding Zone (R5A[1700] S247-h). The original application proposed a development concept which included seven new buildings ranging in height up to 20 storeys with approximately 537 units. The application was later revised and brought forward for consideration based on a concept which proposed 334 units as outlined above and shown in Document 2. The application was considered by Planning and Environment Committee on September 8, 2009 and by Council on September 23, 2009. The application was subsequently appealed however; the appeal was later withdrawn thereby placing By-law 2009‑361 into full force and effect. The implementing by-law established a schedule and site-specific performance standards for the site to allow for the development of the site in a manner consistent with the conceptual site plan, while also allowing for some flexibility and/or adjustment to the final site plan to be brought forward for approval.
Following the approval of the Zoning By-law amendment an application for Site Plan Control (file D07-12-10-0040) was submitted on February 17, 2010 which was consistent with conceptual site plan included in the staff report dealing with the change in zoning application. The conceptual site plan, as shown on Document 2 of this report, proposed a development program which consisted of seven buildings ranging in height from 10 metres (two storeys) to 39 metres (12 storeys) with a total of 334 residential units and 474 parking stalls. The application was approved on September 18, 2010 however to date a site plan agreement has not been executed as the City is currently considering two applications in support of a revised development program for the site.
The first application (File D07-12-10-0099) proposes a minor revision to the buildings which front along Baseline Road (Buildings F and G) as shown on Document 3. This application has not proposed any significant changes to the building form and/or volume from the original site plan approval and has resulted in a increase in the unit count within these two buildings from 132 to 162.
The second application (File D07-12-11-0167) is requesting changes to the built form of development considered through the preceding applications which staff are of the opinion is not in keeping with the agreed upon development concept. The second application proposes an increase in the unit count for Buildings A to E from 202 to 428. The revised development concept as shown on Document 4 proposes a wider building with an increased volume in the centre of the site (Building E) and the consolidation of buildings A and C and B and D from four building into two buildings. Should the second application be approved the overall unit count for the site would increase from 334 to 590 which is a significant departure from the development concept considered in 2009.
Purpose of Zoning Amendment
The City-initiated application proposes to implement
and regulate the form and amount of development to be permitted on the subject
lands as implemented through the passing of By-law 2009-361. The City-initiated by-law would seek to
amend the existing site-specific exceptions by adding additional performance
standards to these lands. The intent of
the amendment would be to ensure a development program that is more in keeping
with the negotiated concept plan as understood by Committee, staff and the
Existing Zoning
The subject property is currently zoned Residential Fifth Density Exception Holding Zone - R5A[1700] S247-h. The current zoning permits a range of residential uses such as multiple attached dwellings and low and high-rise apartments. Schedule 247 sets out the maximum permitted height over the site, and areas where no principle building is permitted above grade. The exception also sets out site-specific provisions with respect to minimum landscaping requirements and the size and location for additional permitted uses which include uses such as office, retail, restaurant, personal service and convenience store. The existing zoning does not have a performance standard that regulates the amount of development permitted on site.
Proposed Zoning
The proposed by-law amendment, as shown on Document 3 will further modify the existing exception (Exception 1700) by adding an additional site-specific performance standards which will regulate the maximum amount of residential units permitted on the entire parcel and regulated the amount of development permitted on site. Staff recommends that the maximum amount of residential units permitted over the subject lands shall not exceed 334. This maximum unit count proposed is consistent with staff report ACS2009-ICS-PGM-0129 which rationalizes the development program of the site as agreed to by the applicant and is consistent with conceptual site plan considered at that time. As well, staff recommends introducing a maximum Gross Floor Area (GFA) of development permitted on the site which is consistent with the amount represented in staff report ACS2009-ICS-PGM-0129, but which also allows for some minor flexibility in the design of the site.
Through the consideration of the initial application for a change in zoning, staff reviewed the proposal and prepared a report in support of the negotiated proposed zoning as it was consistent with the strategic directions and General Urban Area land use policies of the Official Plan which speak to providing a full range and choice of housing types as well as directing growth within the existing urban area. Staff recommended approval of the application as it advanced residential and other key policies of the Official Plan and provided for an appropriate residential infill development for the neighbourhood when reviewed against the policies of the Official Plan which speak to compatibility and design.
The implementing by-law amendment and schedule was intended to capture the agreed upon development concept while also allowing for some flexibility in the final architectural design. At that time the Site Plan Control process had not yet been concluded due to the need for appropriate zoning to first be in place. Staff felt it was appropriate to allow for some flexibility in the final design should issues arise during this detailed design process. The intent of the amending by-law and schedule was not to allow for a drastic redesign of the site later on as the staff report indicated that:
“…as a result of the public consultation process and staff negotiations with the applicant, building heights and number of units were reduced” – taken from ACS2009-ICS-PGM-0129.
This implied that the conceptual site plan agreed upon and included in the report would be highly representative of the design for the site with respect to unit count, building height, spacing and form and massing, and was the concept for the site which staff advanced their recommendation upon for Committee and Council to consider and ultimately approve.
Therefore, staff recommends an amendment to the existing exception zoning to further modify the zoning for the site which will permit a level of development that is consistent with the conceptual site plan negotiated, presented and recommended for approval.
Concurrent Application
An application for Site Plan Control is currently under review for a revision of the previously approved plans (File D07-12-11-0167).
Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.
The ward councillor is aware of the application.
There are no direct financial implications. In the event of an appeal, staff will defend Council’s position.
The staff recommendation is consistent with the Planning and Growth Management objective of managing growth and creating sustainable communities by ensuring that new growth is integrated seamlessly with established communities.
This application was processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendment applications.
Document 1 Location Map
Document 2 Approved Site Plan – File D07-12-10-0040
Document 3 Phase
1 Revision – File
Document 4 Phase
2 Revision – File D07-12-11-0167
Document 5 Details of Recommended Zoning
City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify the owner, applicant, OttawaScene Canada Signs, 1565 Chatelain Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1Z 8B5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code: 26-76) of City Council’s decision.
Planning and Growth Management to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.
Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.
As presented to the Committee on September 8, 2009
Amend Exception 1700 of Section 239, Exceptions by adding the following to column V:
- maximum number of dwelling units: 334
- maximum Gross Floor Area permitted for the site: 34,000m2