Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


08 July 2009 / 08 juillet 2009


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager

Directrice municipale adjointe,

Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability

Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Michael Wildman, Manager/Gestionnaire, Development Review-Suburban Services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services suburbains, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

(613) 580-2424, 27811


Innes (2)

Ref N°: ACS2009-ICS-PGM-0100




ZONING - 3730 AND 3868 INNES ROAD AND 2170 MER BLEUE ROAD (FILE NO. D02-02-09-0019)




Zonage – 3730 ET 3868, CHEMIN INNES ET 2170, CHEMIN MER BLEUE (DOSSIER NO D02-02-09-0019)





That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve:


1.         An amendment to the Zoning By-law 250-2008 to change the zoning of 3730 and 3868 Innes Road and 2170 Mer Bleue Road from IL2 H(14)-h, IL2[1532] H(14)-h, IL2[1642] H(14)-h and IH H(11)-h to IL2[1642] H(21)-h and IH[1642] H(21)-h, as detailed in Document 2 and shown in Document 3; and


2.         An amendment to the former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law to change the zoning of 3730 and 3868 Innes Road and 2170 Mer Bleue Road from HMp, HMg and HMe to HMp(E36), HMg(Exx) and HMx(Exx), as detailed in Document 2 and shown in Document 4.





Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l'environnement recommande au Conseil


1.         D’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage 250-2008 en vue de changer la désignation de zonage du 3730 et du 3868, chemin Innes ainsi que celle du 2170, chemin Mer Bleue de IL2 H(14)-h, IL2[1532] H(14)-h, IL2[1642] H(14)-h et IH H(11)-h à IL2[1642] H(21)-h et IH[1642] H(21)-h, tel qu’il est décrit en détail au Document 2 et illustré au Document 3; et


2.         D’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage de l’ancienne Ville de Gloucester en vue de changer la désignation de zonage du 3730 et du 3868, chemin Innes ainsi que celle du 2170, chemin Mer Bleue de HMp, HMg and HMe à HMp(E36), HMg(Exx) and HMx(Exx), tel qu’il est décrit en détail au Document 2 et illustré au Document 4.





The purpose of the subject application is to request amendments to the Zoning By-law and former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law as they apply to 3730 and 3868 Innes Road and 2170 Mer Bleue Road, highlighted in Document 1.


The subject site consists of approximately 70 hectares of undeveloped land west of Mer Bleue Road within the Orléans Industrial Park.  The site has approximately 500 metres of continuous public road frontage along Mer Bleue Road that is interrupted only by the proposed access road to the City’s future snow disposal facility, which the subject site surrounds.  Immediately north of the site are the Innes Shopping Centre (Wal-mart/Canadian Tire) and the site of the future Trinity Developments shopping centre (Lowe's/Empire Theatres) currently under construction.  A substantial City owned woodlot situated between the two shopping centres also abuts the site’s northern limit, while the hydroelectric power corridor that bisects the South Orléans community in a southwest to northeast direction defines the southern extent of the site.  The properties immediately west of the site and farther south of the hydroelectric power corridor could be characterized generally as a featureless meadow.  There are 10 occupied residential properties along the east side of Mer Bleue Road opposite the site’s public road frontage.  The subject lands are generally flat and featureless, containing only a sparse cluster of mature trees and shrubs along a minor creek that flows through the northern half of the site.


The Comprehensive Zoning By-law currently zones the subject lands “Light Industrial” (IL2[1624] H(14)-h, IL2[1532] H(14)-h and IL2 H(14)-h), which generally permits a wide range of low impact light industrial uses, as well as office and office type uses in a campus like industrial park setting.  Another parcel is zoned “Heavy Industrial” (IH H(11)-h), which permits a wide range of industrial uses, including those which, by their nature, generate noise, fumes or odours, and are hazardous or obnoxious.  All of these parcels are subject to a holding designation, and the applicable maximum height limitations are 11 and 14 metres.


The former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law zones the subject lands “Business Park” (HMp, HMp(E36)), “Industrial General” (HMg) and “Industrial Extraction” (HMe), the range of permitted uses for which is similar to that of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law.  These parcels also are subject to a similar holding designation, and the maximum allowable building heights range from 10.7 metres to 13.7 metres.


The subject application proposes amendments to both the Comprehensive Zoning By-law and the former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law to change the current industrial zoning in effect over the subject lands to increase the maximum building height provisions to 21 metres and to consistently apply over the entire subject lands a set of conditions to be met prior to the lifting of the holding designation.  The amendment also corrects a minor error pertaining to the subject lands that has gone undetected in the former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law since its initial adoption in 1999.  The intent of the proposed amendments is to allow greater flexibility for large office uses on the lands.




Official Plan


The Official Plan assigns two land use designations to the subject site.  The majority of the subject site is designated in the Official Plan as “Employment Area”, which is assigned to those lands throughout the city where concentrations of at least 2,000 jobs at a range of densities can be provided in an effort to achieve a balance of housing and jobs, especially in communities outside the Greenbelt.  The uses permitted in this designation include a variety of industrial and employment generating uses, such as warehousing, manufacturing, office, institutional, and research and development.  Retail uses are prohibited from Employment Areas, except for convenience commercial uses occupying small sites and intended to serve employees of the area and the passing general public.


The southern portion of the subject lands adjacent to the hydro corridor are designated as “Mixed Use Centre”, which is the designation applied to select areas throughout the city that are strategically located along the rapid-transit network, and that are, or are intended to be, compact centres of activity containing a wide range of transit-supportive uses, including offices, institutions, entertainment uses, retail and service uses, and medium and high-density residential uses.  The Plan considers Mixed Use Centres to be priority locations for development or redevelopment and, accordingly, encourages the use of such strategies and techniques as flexible zoning controls, reduced parking requirements, and increased height and density provisions, to achieve the desired development.


Other Relevant Planning Documents


The affected lands are also subject to the Orléans Industrial Land Use and Design Study Urban Design Guidelines, December 2003.  This document was developed out of Council’s desire to shape an overall vision for future development within the Orléans Industrial Park.  Among other initiatives, it establishes a set of urban design guidelines and development requirements to help direct the visual image of future development within the park.


A community design plan has not yet been developed for the portion of the subject lands within the Mixed Use Centre designation, but will be required.


Details of Proposed Zoning


The details of the recommended changes to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law and the former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law appear in Documents 2.  The Department is recommending that the five parcels zoned “Light Industrial” and “Heavy Industrial” in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law (parcels A to E in Document 3) be changed to IL2[1624] H(21)-h and IH[1624] H(21)-h, respectively, to increase the maximum building height to 21 metres and to apply a consistent set of conditions to be met prior to the lifting of the holding designation.  The exception suffix [1624] lists such conditions, which are the approval of a community design plan for the Mixed Use Centre and proof that the lands can be adequately serviced prior to any future development approvals.  The existing exception suffix [1532], which currently applies to parcel B and permits a “storage yard limited to a landscape business” as an additional use, has been removed.


The Department is also recommending that similar and corresponding changes be made to the former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law.  Specifically, two of the same five parcels zoned “Business Park” and “Industrial General” (parcels A and B in Document 4) are to be rezoned to HMp(E36) and HMg(E36), respectively, to increase the maximum building height to 21 metres and to consistently apply the same set of conditions to be met prior to the lifting of the holding designation.  The exception (E36) attached to these parcels outlines such conditions as well as the increased height limitation.    The remaining parcel zoned “Industrial Extraction” (parcel C) is recommended to be changed to “Heavy Industrial - Exception” HMx(E36) to correct the zoning that was applied in error at the time of the adoption of the Zoning By-law and to apply the above same exception.




The Orleans Industrial Park, which includes the subject lands, was designated for industrial purposes by the former City of Gloucester well over 25 years ago and has been zoned accordingly for more than 20 years.  To date, not a single industrial use occupies the park primarily because the lands are not serviced, but also because the industrial marketplace has shown little interest in the park’s location as a focus of warehouse, assembly and manufacturing establishments.  In recent years, the development of two large commercial shopping centres along the park’s Innes Road frontage has occurred through a combination of Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments and negotiated settlements to Ontario Municipal Board appeals.  In addition, the southern portion of the park was designated as a mixed-use centre, as noted above, in part to create more favourable conditions for development of the adjacent employment lands.  As a result of these recent policy changes, the future development potential of the park now appears to be more suited for prestige industrial and office uses than the lower profile, more industrial type uses that the former municipality contemplated for these lands.  It is within this context, therefore, that the proposed amendment has been evaluated.


Staff evaluated the proposed zoning amendment in terms of its appropriateness and the impact that the increased building height would have on the surrounding uses.  With respect to the appropriateness of the increase in building height, staff reviewed the Employment Area and Mixed Use Centre policies of the Official Plan, the intent of the current zoning in force, and the height provisions of similar zones in the immediate vicinity of the subject site.  While the Employment Area policies provide no direction respecting building height, the Mixed Use Centre policies specifically encourage the use of such strategies and techniques as increased height to achieve the desired development.  In fact, the lands east of Mer Bleue Road in proximity of the subject lands are zoned “Mixed Use Centre” (MC13 and MC[1573]) and permit maximum building heights ranging from seven to 10 storeys, or 25 metres to approximately 30 metres.  These performance standards implement in part the recently approved community design plan for the Mer Bleue Mixed Use Centre.  Therefore, it is reasonable to suggest that the future required community design plan yet to be undertaken for the portion of the subject lands within the Mixed Use Centre designation may possibly establish a similar maximum building height.  In the meantime, to apply a maximum building height of 21 metres to these lands, as proposed, would be appropriate.


The intent of the “Light Industrial” (IL) zone currently in force over the subject lands is, in part, to permit a wide range of low impact light industrial uses as well as office and office type uses in a campus like industrial park setting.  The Comprehensive Zoning By-law establishes a maximum building height of 18 metres for the IL zone category unless otherwise specified by exception or specific height requirement.  In the case of the subject lands, specific height limitations of 11 and 14 metres apply.  These more restrictive height limitations were established by the former municipality when the industrial park was largely undeveloped and were intended to attract the large floor plate, low-rise industrial uses, such as warehouses, assembly and manufacturing establishments.  However, the IL zone also permits other more prestige industrial and office uses that generally require more flexibility in building height than the current zoning provides.  Accordingly, staff looked to how other nearby lands in the Orléans Industrial Park are zoned for purposes of comparison.  The majority of the lands to the north and east of the subject lands are zoned either “General Industrial” (IG) or “Arterial Mainstreet” (AM).  These lands are subject to maximum building height limits of either 20 or 21 metres, which is comparable to what is proposed for the subject lands.  Therefore, it is reasonable once again to suggest that the proposed increase in the maximum building height to 21 metres applied over the entire subject lands is appropriate.  Doing so would not preclude the large floor plate, low-rise industrial uses from locating there.


As noted, the subject lands are part of the Orléans Industrial Park, which extends over the majority of the lands from Innes Road south to the hydroelectric power corridor, and encompasses several residential properties that have existed since the time the lands were rural.  These residential properties lie within industrial zones and are now deemed legal non-conforming uses.  Ten of such residential properties front along the east side of Mer Bleue Road opposite the subject lands.  Staff evaluated the impact that the proposed increased building height would have primarily on these surrounding residential uses and considered such matters as increased traffic and noise, and loss of enjoyment of property.


The requested amendment essentially requests an increase in building height of seven metres above the current maximum of 14 metres.  This represents an increase of two to three floors above the three to four storeys that are permissible today abutting Mer Bleue Road.  The proposed amendment does not seek a change in the uses currently permitted (except in the case of the proposed zoning correction to the by-law of the former municipality, discussed below) or an increase in the development density of the site.  In essence, the amendment seeks to provide more flexibility in built form throughout the entire subject lands.  As such, it is expected that any increase in traffic volume or noise levels associated with the proposed increased height provision can be mitigated and accommodated.  Similarly, it is anticipated that there would be minimal impact on the residents’ enjoyment of their properties due to light infiltration and loss of access to sunlight.  Light infiltration is a matter of site design that is addressed through the site plan control approval process.  With respect to access to sunlight, the potential increased building height of up to three storeys adjacent to Mer Bleue Road would likely cast longer shadows over a few of the properties during the late afternoons of the summer months.  However, because most of the affected residential properties are directly opposite the subject site and therefore would already be impacted by the shadow of a four-storey building if one existed, the proposed increased maximum building height would have negligible impact on these properties. 


The proposed by-law amendment also changes the zoning in effect over a portion of the subject lands identified as parcel C on Document 4 to correct an error that has existed since the adoption of the former municipality’s Zoning By-law in 1999.  The current “Industrial Extraction” (Me) zone is intended to recognize active or future quarry operations.  There is no such current or intended use of the subject property.  Therefore, the amendment proposes to change the zoning to the more appropriate “Heavy Industrial” (Mx) zone category.


Finally, the proposed amendment seeks to apply a consistent set of conditions for the lifting of the holding designation that is already in effect over the entire subject lands.  Two differently worded sets of conditions are currently in effect over the subject lands even though the intent of each is the same.  Staff support this change.  The details of the proposed single set of conditions are outlined in Document 2.


In conclusion, it is staff’s opinion that the proposed Zoning By-law amendment conforms to the relevant policies of the Official Plan, and that the increased maximum building height provision is appropriate and compatible with both the surrounding industrial and non-industrial uses.





City staff, in consultation with the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, have identified no natural heritage or natural hazard features that would preclude the approval of the subject proposed zoning amendment.





Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City’s Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.


Two local residents expressed concerns with the potential impact the proposed zoning change could have on adjacent residential properties.  One other resident expressed support.  The concerns are addressed in Document 5.





There are no legal/risk management implications associated with this report.









This application was processed by the “On Time Decision Date” established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendment applications.




Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Details of Recommended Zoning

Document 3      Zoning Map – Comprehensive Zoning By-law (Revised)

Document 4      Zoning Map – Former Gloucester Zoning By-law (Revised)

Document 5      Consultation Details





City Clerk and Legal Services Branch, Legislative Services to notify the owner, Mr. Kevin McCrann, Emparrado Corporation, 190 Lisgar Street, Ottawa, ON  K2P 0C4, applicant, Mr. Daniel Paquette Paquette Planning Associates Ltd., 56 Hutchison Avenue, Ottawa, ON  K1Y 4A3;, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, and Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76), of City Council’s decision.


Planning and Growth Management to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                  DOCUMENT 1


DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                       DOCUMENT 2


Proposed Changes to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law


The proposed zoning amendment affects one section and the zoning map of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law, as amended.  The proposed changes are outlined in general terms below.


1.        The lands shown on Document 3 will be rezoned as follows:


a.    Area A from IL2 H(14)–h to IL2[1624] H(21)–h;

b.    Area B from IL2[1532] H(14)–h to IL2[1624] H(21)–h;

c.    Area C from IL2[1624] H(14)–h to IL2[1624] H(21)–h;

d.    Area D from IL2[1624] H(14)–h to IL2[1624] H(21)–h; and,

e.    Area E from IH H(11)–h to IH[1624] H(21)–h.


2.        Exception [1624] of Section 239, Urban Exceptions, will be amended by deleting the zone code currently contained within Column II and replacing it with IL2[1624] H(21)–h and IH[1624] H(21)–h, and by deleting the exception provision currently contained within Column V in its entirety and replacing it with the following new exception provision:


-  the h symbol will not be removed until such time as:

     (i) it can be demonstrated that lands can be serviced by all municipal services, including roads, water and sanitary and storm sewers, and
(ii) a Community Design Plan for the Mixed Use Centre is approved.”



Proposed Changes to By-law 333-1999


The proposed zoning amendment affects one section and zone map of former City of Gloucester By-law 333-1999, as amended.  The proposed changes are outlined in general terms below.


1.        Section 9.15 Exceptions to Industrial Zones is amended by deleting the text to the existing exception Mp(E36) listed at subsection 9.15.36 in its entirety and replacing it with the following new special provisions or ones having the same effect:


a.    Any lands zoned Mp(E36) that are subject to a holding designation, shown as HMp(E36) on Map 14B of this By-law, may be used for any permitted use in the Mp zone at such time as the following conditions are met and the holding designation is removed:


1)        it can be demonstrated that lands can be serviced by all municipal services, including roads, water and sanitary and storm sewers, and

2)        a Community Design Plan for the Mixed Use Centre is approved.


b.    In any area on Schedule A of this By-law designated Mp(E36), the maximum permitted building height is 21.0 metres.


2.        The lands shown as Area A on Document 4 are rezoned from HMp to HMp(E36).


3.        The lands shown as Area B on Document 4 are rezoned from HMg to HMg(Exx).


4.        Section 9.15 Exceptions to Industrial Zones is amended by creating a new exception zone, Mg(Exx).  The new Mg(Exx) zone shall contain the following provisions or ones having the same effect:


a.    Any lands zoned Mg(Exx) that are subject to a holding designation, shown as HMg(Exx) on Map 14B of this By-law, may be used for any permitted use in the Mg zone at such time as the following conditions are met and the holding designation is removed:


1)        it can be demonstrated that lands can be serviced by all municipal services, including roads, water and sanitary and storm sewers, and

2)        a Community Design Plan for the Mixed Use Centre is approved.


b.    In any area on Schedule A of this By-law designated Mg(Exx), the maximum permitted building height is 21.0 metres.


5.        The lands shown as Area C on Document 4 are rezoned from HMe to HMx(Exx).


6.        Section 9.15 Exceptions to Industrial Zones is amended by creating a new exception zone, Mx(Exx).  The new Mx(Exx) zone shall contain the following provisions or ones having the same effect:


a.    Any lands zoned Mx(Exx) that are subject to a holding designation, shown as HMx(Exx) on Map 14B of this By-law, may be used for any permitted use in the Me zone at such time as the following conditions are met and the holding designation is removed:


1)        it can be demonstrated that lands can be serviced by all municipal services, including roads, water and sanitary and storm sewers, and

2)        a Community Design Plan for the Mixed Use Centre is approved.


b.    In any area on Schedule A of this By-law designated Mx(Exx), the maximum permitted building height is 21.0 metres.




                                                                                                              DOCUMENT 4 (revised)


ZONING MAP – FORMER GLOUCESTER ZONING BY-LAW                                             


CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                DOCUMENT 5




Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments.  No public information sessions were held in the community.





Comments were received from three residents who own properties fronting on Mer Bleue Road adjacent to the subject lands.  Two of the residents expressed concern over the increased traffic, noise and light emissions that the proposed change to the maximum building height may cause.  The possibility of ground floor retail stores opened late into the evening, for instance, may contribute to the loss of enjoyment of their properties due to increased traffic, noise and excessive amounts of light infiltration.  The third resident supports the proposed zoning change by suggesting that large employment generators are needed in Orléans and the subject site would be ideal for such uses.


Staff Response


The residents’ concerns are addressed in the Discussion section of this report.