Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


30 July 2009 / le 30 juillet 2009


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager

Directrice municipale adjointe

Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability

Services d'infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Michael Wildman, Manager/Gestionnaire, Development Review-Suburban Services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services suburbains, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

(613) 580-2424, 27811



Barrhaven (3)

Ref N°: ACS2009-ICS-PGM-0135




OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING bY-LAW AMENDMENTS - 199 Kennevale drive, 200, 755 Cobble Hill Drive, and 300, 309 and 361 Moffat Pond Court (FILE NO. D01-01-09-0004 AND D02-02-09-0046 )




modification du plan officiel et du règlement de zonage – 199, promenade KENNEVALE, 200 ET 755, PROMENADE COBBLE HILL ET 300, 309 ET 361, COUR MOFFAT POND (DOSSIERS NOS D01-01-09-0004 ET D02-02-09-0046)





The Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Council:


1.         Approve and adopt an amendment to the Official Plan, Volume 2A, South Nepean Areas 9 and 10, to redesignate 199 Kennevale Drive, 200 and 755 Cobble Hill Drive, and 300, 309 and 361 Moffat Pond Court from Commercial to Residential, as shown in Documents 1 and 3, and as detailed in Document 2.


2.         Approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250, to change the zoning of 199 Kennevale Drive, 200 and 755 Cobble Hill Drive, and 300, 309 and 361 Moffat Pond Court from Residential Third Density Zone, “Z” Subzone (R3Z) to Residential Third Density Zone, “Z” Subzone, Exception XX (R3Z[XX]), as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 4.






Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande au Conseil :


1.         d’approuver et d’adopter une modification au Plan officiel, volume 2A, secteurs 9 et 10 de Nepean-Sud, visant à faire passer la désignation des propriétés situées au 199, promenade Kennevale, aux 200 et 755, promenade Cobble Hill, et aux 300, 309 et 361, cour Moffat Pond, de « commerciale » à « résidentielle », comme l’illustrent les documents 1 et 3 et le précise le document 2.


2.         d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 visant à faire passer la désignation de zonage des propriétés situées au 199, promenade Kennevale, aux 200 et 755, promenade Cobble Hill et aux 300, 309 et 361, cour Moffat Pond de « zone résidentielle de densité trois, sous-zone Z » (R3Z) à zone résidentielle de densité trois, sous-zone Z, exception XX » (R3Z[XX]), comme l’illustre le document 1 et le précise le document 4.





These applications affect 199 Kennevale Drive, 200 and 755 Cobble Hill Drive, and 300, 309 and 361 Moffat Pond Court. The site comprises six parcels of land located east of Strandherd Drive (an arterial road) and south of Kennevale Drive (a collector road), as shown in Document 1. The property forms part of a subdivision which was approved in December 2004 for the development of a mix of single-detached residential units and street townhouses, as well as some institutional uses, parks and open space. The site contains an area of approximately 2.5 hectares. The site is vacant and is surrounded by employment lands west of Strandherd Drive, a vacant commercial site to the north across Kennevale Drive, and a mix of single, detached, semi detached and townhouse residential uses east of Strandherd Drive.


At the time of subdivision approval in 2004, the Official Plan and the Secondary Plan for Areas 9 and 10 designated the site as “General Urban Area” and “Residential”, respectively. The site was zoned for “Residential Mixed Use” (RMU) under the former City of Nepean Zoning By-law. The same year, the owner made applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments to permit the development of the site for commercial uses. City Council refused the requests. The applicant filed an appeal with the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) against City Council’s refusal to approve the Official Plan Amendment application. The OMB allowed the appeal in 2006 and as a result the Secondary Plan designation of the lands was changed from “Residential” to “Commercial”. The original RMU zoning was converted to “Residential Third Density Zone” (R3Z) when City Council enacted Zoning By-law 2008-250 on June 25, 2008.


Recently, as part of the settlement of OMB appeals, the City reached an understanding with the property owner to revert the Secondary Plan designation of the lands to “Residential”, in order to develop townhouses on the site, thus the applications.







Official Plan


The site is designated “General Urban Area” in the Official Plan. This designation permits the development of a full range of housing types and employment, retail and service uses in order to support the development of sustainable communities. In addition, development applications are further evaluated in accordance with Policy 4.11 to ensure that proposed uses are compatible with and complement the surrounding land uses.


Secondary Plan


The site is subject to the South Nepean Secondary Plan (Areas 9 and 10).  The main purpose of the Secondary Plan is to facilitate the application of the general planning principles expressed in the Official Plan, and to provide a framework for addressing planning issues affecting or characterizing specific areas of the city.


The South Nepean Secondary Plan designates the site as “Commercial”. This designation does not permit residential uses.  The designation was applied on the site in 2006, in compliance to an Ontario Municipal Board order.


Zoning By-law


The site is zoned Residential Third Density, “Z” Subzone (R3Z). This zoning permits townhouses, subject to a minimum lot area of 150 square metres and a minimum lot frontage of six metres. The proposed site-specific R3Z exception zoning is to permit the reduction of these minimum standards to 109 metres and 5 metres respectively, in order to accommodate development of the site at a higher housing density.




The proposed Official Plan amendment is required as part of the settlement of an Ontario Municipal Board appeal. City Council, on May 27, 2009, endorsed in principle a residential development on the Kennevale lands of approximately 146 townhomes. The proposed “Residential” designation of the lands is consistent with the Official Plan policies for lands designated as “General Urban Area”. The “Residential” designation is also consistent with a long-standing planned land use of the lands. The proposed development of townhouses is compatible with and will complement surrounding land uses. The proposed reductions in minimum lot area and lot width will permit development at higher housing density, which supports the City’s intensification policies. Staff recommends approval of these applications.





Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.


A resident expressed a desire for commercial development on the subject lands, such as a grocery store, which would be within walking distance of the surrounding residential developments. Staff responded that there are planned commercial uses on the parcel of land just north of Kennevale Drive.





Approval of this application will implement settlement as it relates to this matter, currently before the Ontario Municipal Board.  As a result, the outstanding appeal will be resolved.









This application was processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Official Plan amendment and Zoning By-law amendment applications.




Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Proposed Official Plan Amendment

Document 3      Schedule A - Official Plan Amendment

Document 4      Details of the Recommended Zoning





City Clerk and Legal Services Branch, Legislative Services to notify the owner, William D Buchanan, DCR/Phoenix 18A Bentley Avenue, Ottawa ON K2E 6T8, applicant, N/A,, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, and Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning and Growth Management Department to prepare the by-law adopting the Official Plan Amendment, forward to Legal Services Branch, and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council


LOCATION MAP                                                                                                  Document 1


PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT                                                 Document 2
















Official Plan  Amendment X








To the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa
























Part A – THE PREAMBLE introduces the actual amendment, but does not constitute part of Amendment No. X to the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa.


Part B – THE AMENDMENT constitutes Amendment No. X to the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa.




  1. Purpose


The purpose of this Official Plan Amendment No. X is to redesignate the lands known as 199 Kennevale Drive, 200 and 755 Cobble Hill Drive, and 300, 309 and 361 Moffat Pond Court as shown on Schedule A – Official Plan Amendment from Commercial to Residential.


  1. Location


The lands affected by the amendment are located south of Kennevale Drive and east of Strandherd Drive in the community of Barrhaven. A schedule change is required to Schedule A – Land Use, Areas 9 and 10, of the City of Ottawa Official Plan, Volume 2A, as shown on  Schedule A – Official Plan Amendment.


  1. Basis




The City of Ottawa has initiated applications for an Official Plan amendment and a Zoning By-law amendment to permit the development of approximately 146 townhouse units, as part of the settlement of an Ontario Municipal Board appeal.




City of Ottawa Official Plan


The subject lands are designated as “General Urban Area” in the Official Plan, and as “Commercial” in the Secondary Plan.


The proposal responds to the need for residential land in Ottawa. It conforms to Section 5.2.2 – Amendments to the Official Plan in Volume 1 of the Official Plan. This is the predominant policy section in the Official Plan for guidance in changing the land use designation of lands. The proposal supports the City’s housing strategy by providing a type of housing which is on demand in Barrhaven. The proposal is in accordance with the intent of the Official Plan in terms of providing multiple residential units at higher density on lands that are adjacent to arterial roads where the site lies adjacent to, or between, developments of a similar nature. The proposal also supports the Official Plan objective of developing greenfields at densities somewhat higher than densities achieved in greenfields in the past.





1.      Introduction


All of this part of this document entitled Part B – The Amendment, consisting of the following text, constitutes Amendment No. X to the City of Ottawa Official Plan.


2.      Details


The Volume 2A, South Nepean – Areas 9 and 10 Secondary Plan of the Official Plan will be amended by changing the land use designation on Schedule A – Land Use – Areas 9 and 10 from “Commercial” to “Residential”.


3.      Implementation


The implementation of this Amendment to the Official Plan shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the City of Ottawa Official Plan.

SCHEDULE A - OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT                                               Document 3


DETAILS OF THE RECOMMENDED ZONING                                              Document 4


Proposed Changes to Zoning By-law 2008-250:


The lands known municipally as 199 Kennevale Drive, 200 and 755 Cobble Hill Drive, and 300, 309 and 361 Moffat Pond Court and shown on Document 1 will be rezoned from Residential Third Density Zone, “Z” Subzone (R3Z) to Residential Third Density Zone, “Z” Subzone, Exception XX (R3Z[XX]) as follows:


A new exception, R3Z[XX], will be added to Section 239 - Urban Exceptions and will contain the following provisions:


- minimum lot area: 109 square metres

- minimum lot frontage: 5.0 m