Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


29 May 2009 / le 29 mai 2009


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager

Directrice municipale adjointe,

Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability

Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités 


Contact/Personne-ressource: Michael Murr, Acting Director/Directeur intérimaire, Community and Sustainability Services/Services de viabilité et des collectivités

 (613) 580-2424, 25195


City Wide/à l'échelle de la Ville

Ref N°: ACS2009-ICS-DCM-0003




PEC STRATEGIc PRIORITIES 2009 - 2010: Alignment to departmental workplans




Priorités stratégiques 2009-2010 du CUE : harmonisation avec les plans de travail des services





That Planning and Environment Committee receive this report for information.




Que le Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement prenne connaissance du présent rapport.





On 19 February 2009 members of the Planning and Environment Committee (PEC) held a strategic planning session to discuss the Committee's strategic priorities relative to its main areas of responsibility for 2009-2010.  Three departments within Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability, namely Planning and Growth Management, Environmental Services (formerly Water and Wastewater Services and Solid Waste Services) and Community Sustainability, participated in the session highlighting their accomplishments to date and the planned activities for 2009-2010.


A summary report was presented to PEC at its 10 March 2009 meeting.  The report entitled, Results of the Planning and Environment Committee Strategic Planning Session - Strategic Priorities for 2009-2010 (ACS2009-ICS-DCM-0001) was discussed and approved by Council on 11 March 2009. 


The PEC priorities approved were:


Planning and Growth Management

·           Build community trust and confidence

·           Development Review

·           Policy (Building Communities)

·           Create a Lessons Learned Environment.


Environmental Services (formerly Water and Wastewater Services and Solid Waste Services) 

For Water and Wastewater:

·           Rebuild the brand

·           Rebuild public trust

·           Source water protection/supply

For Solid Waste:

·           Increase customer focus

·           Leverage Councillor involvement

·           Encourage industrial commercial & instituational (IC&I) waste recycling

·           Extend producer responsibilities.


Community Sustainability

·           Make sustainability a priority

·           Pilot new ways of developing policy

·           Encourage energy self-sufficiency

·           Understanding true environmental impacts.


The disposition of the staff report indicated staff would review their respective 2009-2010 work plans to ensure there is strong alignment with PEC priorities, and would identify and bring forward for committee's consideration potential pilot projects that could be undertaken to advance the priorities and opportunities listed, including recommendations regarding deferral of work as needed to accommodate.




Following approval of the report, staff undertook a review of the work plans from Planning and Growth Management, Environmental Services and Community Sustainability for:


·        Overall alignment to the PEC's priorities;

·        Identification of new initiatives that would support the priorities;

·        Identification of programs that would have to be deferred in order to advance new initiatives; and

·        Short-term, quick opportunities


Based on this review, staff can confirm the existing departmental workplans are strongly aligned to PEC's strategic priorities.


Document 1 illustrates the alignment of PEC priorities by Department and identifies examples of projects, timelines and quick hits.


Only one project was identified as a potential deferral.  Environmental Services is undertaking an enhanced communications plan with many components, and the information/inquiry service request management system may be postponed to 2010 to meet the other requirements of this plan.  There is no anticipated service impact due to the delay of this project as there currently is a system in place to ensure these requests are being managed.  The project will provide a more robust and comprehensive inquiry management system.


In Summary

Going forward, departmental staff will continue to look for opportunities to support PEC's priorities and will bring forward new projects and related funding requirements for PEC's consideration as the initiatives are developed. 




No public consultation was undertaken as part of this report as it was a review of internal workplans to ensure alignment to PEC priorities. 




There are no Legal/Risk Management implications associated with this report.




There are no financial implications as 2009 workplan initiatives will be completed within the Council approved budget.




Document 1 - 2009/2010 Workplans Aligned to PEC Priorities




Upon Committee receipt of this report, the 2009/2010 Departmental work plans will be monitored by the General Managers or Directors of their respective areas for implementation.  Any new projects requiring funds for 2010 will be brought forward as part of the 2010 budget process.





Planning and Growth Management Department



Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines and cost


Build Community Trust and Confidence

·         Clearly communicate and share the City’s development vision and design principles with developers (applicants) to minimize compatibility issues

·         Undertake education and engagement (e.g. CDP process)

Develop stakeholder engagement strategy

Targeting Councillors, the public/community associations and development industry

Modeled after the Planning Primer, utilize existing technology to communicate development vision, design principles and further education surrounding issues such as CDP process.

Use the review of the Downtown Urban Design Peer Review Panel as a vehicle to set new direction for design review within the city.

Plan developed by July 2009.

Implementation and cost to be determined depending on technology solutions.


Development Review

·         Increase transparency by reporting annually on applications which have been amended and/or refused

First report in September 2009 for Q1 and Q2 2009.

Reporting mechanism to be developed. 



First report in September 2009


·          Strengthen Councillor engagement by providing regular Councillor briefings on key development applications

Regular Councillor briefings to be included in stakeholder engagement strategy



Development of stakeholder engagement strategy July 2009


·         Consider whether there should be more design expertise within the development review process (DRP) to inform the City’s vision and design principles



·      Urban design expertise will be included in development review teams through implementation of One Stop Service


Implementation of One Stop Service – summer 2009

Planning and Growth Management Department



Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines and cost


Policy (Building Communities)

·          Ensure that community facilities (e.g. parks, libraries) are constructed in tandem with new development (with more certain timeframes) and secure provincial funding timed with the development


Work with stakeholder groups to develop creative opportunities to deliver parks in a timely manner.


Liaise with other Departments responsible for the delivery of municipal facilities.


Explore front-ending delivery options for parks delivery through Development Charges Review.



June 2009



·          Identify and explore the use of new incentives to achieve new policy goals

Continue to identify and explore new incentives.


Explore options through the review of the Official Plan and the Development Charges Review.



Create a Lessons Learned Environment

·          Evaluate the community impact of policy and development decisions (e.g. What was the outcome? Did it meet its original objectives?)

·          Consider the use of pilot projects, and validation by subject matter experts

Initial discussions held with stakeholders on both community and development side, with positive results.


Mechanism to be developed to document/process ‘lesson learned’ environment and use of pilot projects.


Develop mechanism by December 2009


Community Sustainability



Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines and cost


Make Sustainability a Priority: 

·         Develop a set of sustainability principles to guide City investments in infrastructure and operations


Choosing our Future Project initiative officially launched in May 2009.

Will create a set of sustainability principles to guide Corporate decision making.


Will develop a Corporate framework to ensure Corporation understands and integrates sustainability within the programs and services provided.

Capacity training for staff and community





Project completion is expected in 2011 however training and education would be completed in 2009.

Project budget in place – no additional cost.








·         Ensure that City investments are based on full life-cycle costing, not just for the short term (e.g. the budget year)


Developing a Green Procurement Policy

Incorporating life cycle cost into the criteria for procurement decisions.


Staff consultation will be required to ensure integration into existing processes.

No cost – staff time to develop


Anticipated completion is Q4 2009




·         Create incentives to reward sustainable innovation.


Environmental Strategy Refresh

Will be used to set priorities for any incentives to be offered to the community.

Enhance promotion and recognition of the City’s Environmental Excellence Awards, which recognizes employees who put forward innovative ideas to increase sustainability at the corporate level through the Employee Environmental Excellence award. 


Report on approach to refresh anticipated going to PEC in June 2009 with completion of strategy in mid 2010.

Community Sustainability



Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines and cost


Pilot New ways of Developing Policy

·         Appoint PEC member(s) to act as ‘sponsors’ for the refresh of the Environmental Strategy

Refresh of the Environmental Strategy

Request PEC to appoint one or more members to act as ‘sponsors’.

Report on approach to refresh anticipated going to PEC in June 2009.


Encourage Energy Self-Sufficiency

·         Support the development of alternative sources of energy to increase the City’s resiliency and reduce its dependency on traditional sources.

Community Energy Plan

This is one of the deliverables of Choosing Our Future, will provide a strategy and targets for the development of alternative energy sources in the community.

Seek opportunities to pilot alternative energy sources in City operations, facilities and projects

Community Energy Plan scheduled for completion in early 2011. 


Understand True Environmental Impacts

·         Assess the cumulative environmental impact on watershed, ecosystem and community basis (both above and below ground).

Environmental Strategy Refresh

The Strategy and supporting logic model will include the development of targets and indicators, which will aid in assessing cumulative impact.  Currently updating forest cover and composition database. 


Report on approach to refresh anticipated to go to PEC in June, 2009.


Environmental Services

– Drinking Water and Waste Water and Drainage Operations




Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines and cost


Rebuild the Brand

·         Recognize that the City’s Water and Wastewater ‘brand’ directly affects how this service is viewed by the public.


Comprehensive Strategic Communications Plan for Water and Wastewater

Drinking Water Week;

       May 3 to 9, 2009


To inform residents of the benefits of drinking water and promote tap water.

Proclamation from the Mayor announcing at Council, activity sheets, library displays, PSA’s (general DWW, AMI, Water Efficiency kits), City Briefs notice, web page, newspaper ads, radio ads, posters

$8,200 (2009)

$21,200 (2010)



·         Develop the branch’s capacity to undertake leading-edge research in areas that contribute to the performance of the City’s drinking water, wastewater and storm water services.



Participation in research initiatives that contribute to the performance of drinking water, wastewater and storm water activities, establish partnerships with local universities and the NRC to leverage available research expertise.




·         Establish partnerships with local universities and the National Research Council to leverage available research expertise.

·         Promote the results of this research to the public and other stakeholders.


See above.




Environmental Services

        Drinking Water and Waste Water and Drainage Operations



Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines and cost



Promoting City Water (PEC report re:  City water/bottled water)

To highlight the purity and quality of City water, the positive measures the City has taken to reduce the use of single-use water bottles in its own facilities and meetings, and the positive impact individuals can have on the environment by drinking tap water and using refillable water bottles


It is anticipated the report will be going to PEC in June 2009 $10,000 (2009)



Environmental Services

– Drinking Water and Waste Water and Drainage Operations



Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines and cost


Rebuild Public Trust

·         Increase communications and outreach activities to rebuild the public’s confidence in the City’s delivery of water and wastewater services.

(Specific techniques could include road shows/open houses, good news stories, user-friendly reporting, progress reports on key initiatives, etc.)

·         Develop information pieces that can be used by Councillors to communicate with their constituents.

Doors Open:  June 6 & 7, 2009

To create materials appropriate for this event as well as prepare for reinstating public tours of the Britannia Purification Plant and ROPEC.

Environment Week

Bus Ads

Bus Shelters Ads

Ads on City Vehicles

Home Shows

To create various materials to help promote the City’s ESD programs at home shows – to concentrate on Water Efficiency program for 2009 and 2010.

Sewer Campaign

       To educate the public on        sewers and how they work.

Family channel Kids Science show follows golf ball from sewer to treatment plant.


To educate the public on work we do, follow the water cycle from sky to river, to be used at home shows, education program.








$23,000 (2009), $20,000 (2010)

$14,000 (2009), $13,000 (2010)

$20,000 (2009), $5,000 (2010)

$1,000 (2009), $3,000 (2010)





















Environmental Services

– Drinking Water and Waste Water and Drainage Operations




Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines and cost









Website redesign for ESD information on

To review, prioritize and update all the ESD information on, to improve overall look/feel and currency of data and information


$50,000 (2010)


2009 No budget impact



Water Meter Installation (new AMI Deployment)

Inform residents that the City will be installing new water meters to improve quality of customer information and better service delivery


March 2009-2010



Water & Wastewater Inquiry Management System

Develop an information inquiry/service request management system. This is a 2009 priority workplan item for ESD that will see some technology efficiency gains.  However, it is anticipated that given the number of new initiatives to support the PEC priorities, this project will be postponed to 2010.


Postponed to 2010 due to reallocation of resources to support other PEC priorities.


Environmental Services

– Drinking Water and Waste Water and Drainage Operations




Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines and cost



Discharges Communication Strategy

To inform public of discharges to the Ottawa River as appropriate

Sewer Lateral Maintenance Program

To inform residents of the eligibility requirements for the program, and report on our continued progress in reducing the backlog.

Protective Plumbing Program

To inform residents of the benefits of protective plumbing devices and the financial assistance available to eligible homeowner to protect against the entry of wastewater into basements resulting from a sewer backup.

Lead Service Replacement Program


As required


Environmental Services

– Drinking Water and Waste Water and Drainage Operations




Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines and cost


Source Water/Protection Supply

·         Recognize the importance of the Ottawa River and the need to provide long-term protection of the City’s watersheds

·         Develop cost-effective solutions to protect the rural water supply (cost-effective solutions not driven by development)

·         Develop better understanding of the effect of development on the rural aquifer.

Ottawa River Water Quality Assessment

Water Quality Assessment circulation and public consultation – report tables in June, community consultation to take place over the summer.

Water Efficiency

Promote responsible use of water by residents indoors and outdoors, especially during peak lawn watering periods – branded as the WaterWise outdoor water efficiency campaign.  Funded through program capital account.

Water and Wastewater Cost, Revenue and Rate Study – 2009

To determine the full cost to plan, operate, and maintain in operating condition the existing water, wastewater and storm water systems at current levels of service over 50 years commencing 2010.

Council carried motion requesting Province of Ontario to set up inter-jurisdictional committee to protect Ottawa River.

June – August 2009





















Environmental Services

– Drinking Water and Waste Water and Drainage Operations


Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines and cost














New initiatives, to commence in 2009 and continue if there are remaining funds.   


Renewal of Public Information

On an annual and on-going basis, ESD will develop and deliver over 100 different public information notices, education brochures, and reports that require refresh and renewal.

Public Tours

To develop communications material relevant to reinstatement of public tours at Water Purification Plants and ROPEC to develop various tours targeting specific groups – to hire resources and develop some tour material in 2009, will host an opening tour program in 2010.

Citizen Survey

Follow up to Citizen Satisfaction Survey

H20 to Go trailer

Investigate potential of using travelling water tank that is taken to festivals in the City to provide complimentary portable water for drinking and hand washing.



$10,000(2009), $10,000 (2010)








$24,000 (2009), $20,000 (2010)










$20,000 (2009), $10,000 (2010)







$25,000 (2009), $50,000 (2010)


Solid Waste Operations




Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines

and cost


Increase Customer Focus

·         Make Recycling User-friendly, uncomplicated and accessible (convenient)



Continue to advance the Rethink Garbage education/communication campaign

Pending Full Producer Responsibility legislation - work towards developing a #3-7 plastics recycling/market to help alleviate confusion regarding plastics recycling.


Harmonize recycling contracts between City and School Boards to ensure continuity from school to home.

Various outreach initiatives currently in place


$1.45M 2009 Capital funding for communications


·         Create incentives that encourage recycling

Leverage Green Bin program and communications to increase recycling participation.


Various outreach initiatives currently in place


$1.45M 2009 Capital funding for communications



Communications budget TBD pending award of RFP for communications consultant


Solid Waste Operations



Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines

and cost


·         Engage Councillors to help develop standards for recycling of new products


As part of City strategy for Extended Producer Responsibility hold a workshop with Councillors and develop workplan going forward to account for full range of post consumer packaging products.




No budget implication


·         Develop robust communication strategies when introducing new services

Communication contract for Green Bin Program to be awarded in May 2009.


Various outreach initiatives currently in place.



Early summer 2009 thru' September with delivery of bins.


$1.45M 2009 Capital funding for communications.

Communications budget TBD pending award of RFP for communications consultant


Leverage Councillor Involvement

·         Leverage Councillor interest and relationships through action teams, community connections and partnerships, and creation of pilot projects (e.g. Barrhaven schools recycling)

Mayor and Members of Council and their assistants will be invited to participate in the organics pilot project prior to full-scale launch of Green Bin Program in January 2010.


Further engage Councillors in expansion of organics program to commercial establishments.



2009 TBD - tender to be awarded shortly

Solid Waste Operations



Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines

 and cost


·         Provide program information and updates that can be used in Councillors' newsletters.


Solid Waste Division will provide regular updates on pilot projects to Committee and Council.

Solid Waste outreach and education section will provide monthly bulletins to Councillors on upcoming events, pilot projects and other useful information.


No budget implication


Encourage Industrial – Commercial and Institutional (IC&I) Waste Recycling

·         Lobby the Province to enforce its IC&I mandate or devolve the power to local municipalities

As part of IC&I Strategy, develop a closer partnership with MOE local and head office. Work towards a co-coordinated effort with respect to IC&I recycling regulations and advocate for change at Provincial level.



No budget implication


·         Help develop markets for IC&I Waste materials


As part of IC&I strategy, conduct waste audits at Trail Road Landfill site to determine the potential quantity of material available (i.e. roofing shingles, dimension wood, etc.).  Engage processors in development of end markets for identified materials.


$330,000 (Full IC&I Program Budget - to be allocated as required) 2009


$330,000 (Full IC&I Program Budget - to be allocated as required) 2010


·         Seek out private sector partners to pilot IC&I waste recycling programs.


As part of City IC&I strategy facilitate working sessions with collectors and processors of IC&I waste (including C&D waste) to facilitate greater diversion


$330,000 (Full IC&I Program Budget - to be allocated as required) 2009

$330,000 (Full IC&I Program Budget - to be allocated as required) 2010



Solid Waste Operations




Priorities and Opportunities identified by Planning and Environment Committee

Examples of projects supporting the priorities

(with 2009 budget $)

Short term ‘quick hit’ opportunities

Implementation timelines

and cost


Extended Producer Responsibilities


·         Initiate a policy debate to gain further understanding of what needs to be done to prepare for extended producer responsibilities

Develop a White Paper to generate a discussion on extended producer responsibility and its implications on community services and operations.


 2009 No budget implication