Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council/et au Conseil


12 October 2007 / 12 octobre 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/

Directrice municipale adjointe,

Planning, Transit and the Environment/

Urbanisme, Transport en commun et Environnement


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Richard Kilstrom, Manager/Gestionnaire, Community Planning and Design/Aménagement et conception communautaire, Planning Branch/Direction de l’urbanisme

(613) 580-2424 x22653,



Ref N°: ACS2007-PTE-POL-0057








AU-DELÀ D'OTTAWA 20/20 : dépôt des livres blancs sur l'examen du plan officiel




That the Planning and Environment Committee receive for information the white papers and rural discussion papers prepared as part of the consultation strategy being carried out in association with the Official Plan, Transportation Master Plan and Infrastructure Master Plan reviews as outlined in this report.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement prenne connaissance des livres blancs ainsi que des documents de travail sur le secteur rural, établis dans le cadre de la stratégie de consultation mise en œuvre relativement à l’examen du Plan officiel, du Plan directeur des transports




In December of 2006, Council decided to put into effect a two-year “white paper” pilot project to allow Councillors to have input into major city-wide policies at the beginning of the process.  It was determined that it would be appropriate to produce a number of white papers and background papers as part of the 2008 review of the Official Plan and the Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plans to engage the Councillors and the community in debate on the most important issues for which staff needs direction.  Use of the white papers at this stage is exploratory.  Positions have not been taken. 


In May of 2007, Council considered a report on the scope and timing of the Review of the Official Plan, the Transportation Master Plan and the Infrastructure Master Plan.  In August, Council considered a second report outlining the recommended framework of the Consultation Strategy associated with these reviews.  That report indicated that staff would subsequently be tabling a number of white papers for the information of Planning and Environment Committee and Council prior to the release of the documents for public comment. 


The purpose of this report is to table these papers with Planning and Environment Committee and City Council.




Two types of papers are being tabled: nine white papers and five rural discussion papers.  Document 1 contains a list of the subjects covered.  The papers will be made available at the Planning and Environment Committee meeting.   The community-based working groups that were established following the Rural Settlement Strategy workshop have prepared five rural discussion papers. These differ from the white papers mainly in that it is the rural-based groups themselves who have authored the documents after meeting regularly to debate matters emanating from the Rural Settlement Strategy workshop, and who have included a number of recommendations within the body of these five discussion papers. The white papers, on the other hand, do not contain any recommendations but rather, set out issues and questions to prompt community discussion.


The consultation events and methods will follow as outlined in the staff report addressing the Consultation Strategy for the Official Plan, Transportation Master Plan, and Infrastructure Master Plan considered by Planning and Environment Committee on August 28, 2007. Table 1 below highlights major milestone events from this earlier report but reflects the most recent dates associated with each event.


Table 1: Events, 2007




November 3

Rural Workshop

·        Follow up to March workshop to discuss papers prepared by community-based working groups

November 9

Off-site Council Session

·        Facilitated Discussion of White Papers

November 24

City Café – Official Plan, Transportation Master Plan, Infrastructure Master Plan

·        Major kick-off event for OP, TMP and IP reviews

·        Key-note speaker followed by round tables on White Paper topics.  Participants move around the room and build on previous groups’ discussion

December 4

Transportation Master Plan

·        Technology-assisted workshop to confirm the Transportation Vision and the Planning Principles




An Environmental Review is a key component of the comprehensive Official Plan review.  Several of the white papers address environmental matters.




The Rural Settlement Strategy is a fundamental aspect of the Official Plan review.  Community-based working groups have prepared Discussion Papers on the key issues.




Funds associated with production and public consultation regarding the white papers are available in a one-time operating account for the Official Plan review (112730), in a capital account for the Transportation Master Plan review (903513) and in three capital accounts for the Wastewater, Water and Rural aspects of the Infrastructure Master Plan review (900256, 900851, 902571).




Document 1      List of White Papers and Rural Discussion Papers




Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to initiate the consultation on the review of the Official Plan, Transportation Master Plan and Infrastructure Plan and the Environmental Review utilizing the white papers as outlined in this report.


WHITE PAPERSAND RURAL DISCUSSION PAPERS                                     DOCUMENT 1



White Paper Topics



  1. Residential Intensification: Building More Vibrant Communities
  1. The Balance of Jobs and Housing in Orléans
  1. Compensation for Wetlands and Other Environmental Lands
  1. Moving Forward with Rapid Transit
  1. Addressing Ottawa’s Transportation Challenges
  1.  Supporting Growth in Ottawa: Water and Sewer
  1. Development in the Greater Ottawa-Gatineau Area
  1. Climate Change and the Official Plan
  1. Ottawa’s Natural Environmental System:  How Well is it Working?





Rural Papers


  1. Rural Settlement Strategy:
    1. Village Development
    1. Development Outside of Villages
    1. Groundwater Resources: Their Wise Use and Protection
    1. Planning Processes
    1. Agriculture (ongoing)