Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


25 September 2007 / le 25 septembre 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager /

Directrice municipale adjointe,

Planning, Transit and the Environment /

Urbanisme, Transport en commun et Environnement


Contact Person/Personne Ressource : Grant Lindsay, Manager / Gestionnaire, Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424, 13242


Kanata South (23)

Ref N°: ACS2007-PTE-APR-0158




ZONING - 20 Frank nighbor Place (FILE NO. d02-02-04-0152)




ZONAGE - 20, place frank nighbor





That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Council approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-law 138-93 to change the zoning of 20 Frank Nighbor Place from "M1C-2(H)-f" (Light Industrial, Mixed, Exception 2, Holding (Flood Fringe)) to "M1C-XX(H)-f" (Light Industrial, Mixed, Exception, Holding (Flood Fringe)), as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Documents 4 and 5.  




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification du Règlement de zonage no 138-93 de l’ancienne Ville de Kanata afin de faire passer le zonage du 20, place Frank Nighbor, de « M1C-2(H)-f » (zone d'industrie légère, utilisations mixtes, exception 2, utilisation différée [périmètre d’inondation]) à « M1C-XX(H)-f » (zone d'industrie légère, utilisations mixtes, exception, utilisation différée [périmètre d’inondation]), comme l’indique le document 1 et le précisent les documents 4 et 5.



Assumptions and Analysis:


20 Frank Nighbor Place is located within the Terry Fox Business Park.  The 7.8-hectare site is undeveloped and is bounded by Highway 417 to the north, a Home Depot store to the east, an office building to the south, and the Carp River to the west.  The western portion of the site is located within the regulatory flood line for the Carp River. 


The applicant proposes to develop the site with a shopping centre containing a total floor area of approximately 19772 square metres.  Potential tenants for the shopping centre include a  department store with a floor area of approximately 10000 square metres; two retail warehouses each with a floor area in the range of 2600 to 2800 square metres; and smaller retail and service commercial uses.  Frank Nighbor Place and Silver Seven Road will provide vehicular access between the site and Palladium Drive, which is part of the City’s arterial road network.


The majority of the site is zoned “M1C-2(H)-f” (Light Industrial, Mixed, Exception 2, Holding (Flood Fringe)), which permits a range of light industrial and commercial uses including offices, business park retail outlets, home renovation centres, hotels, offices, planned retail centres, retail warehouses, automobile sales dealerships and restaurants.  A retail warehouse use, which has a minimum gross floor area of 1858 square metres and a maximum gross floor area of 4999 square metres, is only permitted after the holding (H) symbol has been lifted.  The conditions to lift the holding symbol include the submission of a traffic study, a market study, a site plan application, and any other information required by the City.  The flood plain "f" symbol requires all permitted uses to be flood proofed. 


The west side of the site is zoned “H” (Hazard), which permits a range of non-residential uses including conservation, bird sanctuaries, wildlife reserves, flood and erosion control works, and an at grade parking area, subject to the approval of Mississippi Valley Conservation and site plan control approval. 


The applicant is applying for a site-specific Zoning By-law amendment to add a department store, retail stores and a shopping centre as permitted uses.


The subject property is designated “Employment Area” and “Major Open Space” in the Official Plan.  The Employment Area policies allow retail uses on the subject property provided that adequate road capacity is available.  The Ontario Municipal Board has determined that the existing road network can provide adequate road capacity subject to the implementation of roadway modifications on Frank Nighbor Place and Silver Seven Road and at the Palladium Drive/Silver Seven Road intersection.  The recommendation is to rezone part of the subject property from “M1C-2(H)-f” to a new, site-specific “M1C-XX(H)-f” (Light Industrial, Mixed, Exception, Holding (Flood Fringe)) zone.  The portion of the site zoned “H” (Hazard) for the Carp River floodway will not be rezoned.  The conditions associated with the holding symbol (H) have been modified to ensure that the required roadway modifications will be implemented prior to permitting a department store, a planned retail centre, a retail store, a retail warehouse and a shopping centre.  The proposed uses comply with the applicable Official Plan policies.  The proposed shopping centre will complement the existing Home Depot and Costco stores located east of the site, and further establish this area as a regional shopping node.


Financial Implications:


No costs are anticipated to be incurred by the City.    


Public Consultation/Input:


There were no public comments received in opposition to the application.




Hypothèses et analyse


Sis au 20 de la place Frank Nighbor, le bien-fonds se trouve dans le parc d’affaires Terry Fox. Il a une superficie de 7,8 hectares, n’est pas aménagé et est délimité au nord par l'autoroute 417, à l’est par un magasin Home Depot, au sud par un immeuble de bureaux et à l’ouest par la rivière Carp. La partie la plus à l’ouest du bien-fonds est définie par la limite d’inondation réglementaire de la rivière Carp. 


Le requérant désire construire sur le terrain un centre commercial dont la surface de plancher totale serait d’environ 19 772 mètres carrés. Le centre commercial aurait pour locataires potentiels un grand magasin ayant une surface de plancher approximative de 10 000 mètres carrés, deux entrepôts de vente au détail qui auraient chacun une surface de plancher de 2 600 à 2 800 mètres carrés ainsi que de petits commerces de service et de vente au détail. La place Frank Nighbor et le chemin Silver Seven serviraient de voies de circulation entre le bien‑fonds et la promenade Palladium, laquelle fait partie du réseau artériel municipal d’Ottawa.


Le zonage actuel de la majeure partie du bien-fonds est « M1C-2(H)-f » (zone d'industrie légère, utilisations mixtes, exception 2, utilisation différée [périmètre d’inondation]), ce qui permet un éventail d’utilisations commerciales et d’industries légères, comme les immeubles de bureaux, les commerces de détail dans un parc d’affaires, les centres de rénovation, les hôtels, les centres de vente au détail projetés, les entrepôts de vente au détail, les concessionnaires d’automobiles et les restaurants. Les entrepôts de vente au détail, qui ont une surface de plancher hors oeuvre brute d’au moins 1 858 mètres carrés et d’au plus 4 999 mètres carrés, ne sont permis que si l’utilisation différée (H) est levée. Pour qu’une utilisation différée soit levée, il faut soumettre à la Ville une étude de la circulation, une étude de marché, une demande de plan d'implantation et toute autre information exigée. Lorsqu’un bien-fonds porte la mention de plaine inondable (f), toutes les utilisations permises doivent offrir une protection contre les inondations.


Le zonage de la partie ouest du bien-fonds est « H » (terres dangereuses), ce qui permet une gamme d’utilisations non résidentielles, comme les zones de protection de la nature, les refuges d’oiseaux, les réserves fauniques, les ouvrages de contrôle des inondations et de l’érosion et un terrain de stationnement de surface, sous réserve de l’approbation de l’Office de protection de la nature de la vallée du Mississippi et de la réglementation du plan d’implantation. 


Le requérant demande l'approbation d’une modification ponctuelle du Règlement de zonage qui ajouterait les grands magasins, les commerces de vente au détail et les centres commerciaux aux utilisations permises sur le bien-fonds en question.


La propriété visée est désignée « secteur d’emploi » et « espace libre d’importance » dans le Plan officiel de la Ville d’Ottawa. Les politiques relatives au secteur d’emploi permettent les utilisations de vente au détail sur le bien-fonds en question, à condition que le réseau routier soit en mesure d’absorber la circulation connexe. La Commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario a déterminé que le réseau routier actuel peut recevoir la circulation connexe si des modifications sont apportées à la chaussée de la place Frank Nighbor et du chemin Silver Seven ainsi qu’à l’intersection de la promenade Palladium et du chemin Silver Seven. La présente recommandation vise à faire passer le zonage d’une partie du bien-fonds visé de « M1C-2(H)-f » à « M1C-XX(H)-f » (zone d'industrie légère, utilisations mixtes, exception, utilisation différée [périmètre d’inondation]). La partie du bien-fonds dont le zonage est « H » (terres dangereuses), qui correspond à la plaine inondable située aux abords de la rivière Carp, ne fera pas l’objet d’une modification de zonage. Les conditions associées à la lettre H (utilisation différée) ont été changées de manière à ce que les travaux de réfection de la chaussée nécessaires soient réalisés avant qu’un grand magasin, un centre de vente au détail projeté, un commerce de détail, un entrepôt de vente au détail et un centre commercial soient autorisés sur la propriété visée. Les utilisations proposées sont conformes aux politiques pertinentes du Plan officiel. Le centre commercial servirait de complément aux magasins Home Depot et Costco qui se trouvent actuellement à l’est du bien-fonds et contribuerait à faire de ce secteur un noyau commercial régional plus établi.


Répercussions financières


La présente recommandation n’a aucune répercussion financière pour la Ville.


Consultation publique/commentaires


Aucun membre du public n’a exprimé son opposition à la présente recommandation.




20 Frank Nighbor Place is located within the Terry Fox Business Park, as shown in Document 1.  The 7.8-hectare site is undeveloped and is bounded by Highway 417 to the north, a Home Depot store to the east, an office building to the south, and the Carp River to the west.  The western portion of the site is located within the regulatory flood line for the Carp River. 


Proposed Development


The applicant proposes to develop the site with a shopping centre containing a total floor area of approximately 19772 square metres.  A conceptual site plan is shown in Document 2.  Potential tenants for the shopping centre include a department store with a floor area of approximately 10000 square metres; two retail warehouses each with a floor area in the range of 2600 to 2800 square metres; and smaller retail and service commercial uses.  Frank Nighbor Place and Silver Seven Road will provide vehicular access between the site and Palladium Drive, which is part of the City's arterial road network.


Existing Zoning


The majority of the site is zoned "M1C-2(H)-f" (Light Industrial, Mixed, Exception 2, Holding (Flood Fringe)).  The west side of the site is zoned "H" (Hazard).  


The "M1C-2(H)-f" zone permits a range of light industrial and commercial uses including offices, business park retail outlets, home renovation centres, hotels, offices, planned retail centres, retail warehouses, automobile sales dealerships and restaurants.  A retail warehouse use, which has a minimum gross floor area of 1858 square metres and a maximum gross floor area of 4999 square metres, is only permitted after the holding (H) symbol has been lifted.  The conditions to lift the holding symbol include the submission of a traffic study, a market study, a site plan application, and any other information required by the City.  The flood plain "f" symbol requires all permitted uses to be flood proofed. 


The "H" zone permits a range of non-residential uses including conservation, bird sanctuaries, wildlife reserves, flood and erosion control works, and an at grade parking area, subject to the approval of Mississippi Valley Conservation and site plan control approval.


The existing zoning was implemented through a Zoning By-law amendment in 2002 (Report Reference No. ACS2002-DEV-APR-0128).  The amendment was based on an analysis of the Carp River system and the potential for a two-zone flood plain for the reach from Richardson Side Road to the Glen Cairn Detention Pond.  The findings of the analysis indicated that a two-zone approach could be applied to the subject property and to the adjacent property to the south at 50 Frank Nighbor Place. 


A two-zone approach establishes a floodway, which is defined as the area within a flood plain where depths and velocities of flood waters make development unsafe, and a flood fringe, which is defined as the area within a flood plain where depths and velocities of flood waters can be safely overcome and development may occur, subject to the implementation of flood proofing measures.  The existing "H" zone corresponds with the Carp River floodway.  The western portion of the "M1C-2(H)-f" zone is located within the flood fringe area.  The extent of the flood fringe area is shown in Document 3. 


Proposed Zoning


The applicant is applying for a site-specific Zoning By-law amendment to add a department store, retail stores and a shopping centre as permitted uses.  Specifically, the applicant has requested zoning to permit retail stores with a gross floor area of less than 1858 square metres.    


In April 2006, the applicant appealed the subject application to the Ontario Municipal Board because the City refused to make a decision on the application within the prescribed timeframe under the Planning Act.  A hearing has not been scheduled to date for the application.  However, a separate hearing was held in 2006 for a nearby property at 15 Frank Nighbor Place and 737 and 777 Silver Seven Road.  Traffic issues that relate to the proposed development at 20 Frank Nighbor Place were examined at this hearing. 




Official Plan


The site is located within the Terry Fox Business Park, which is designated as an "Employment Area" in the Official Plan.  The Carp River corridor is designated as "Major Open Space".


Employment Area Designation


The Terry Fox Business Park is bounded by Highway 417 to the north, Terry Fox Drive to the east, Maple Grove Road to the south and the Carp River to the west.  Employment Areas are planned to provide at least 2000 jobs at a range of densities.  Permitted uses include a variety of industrial and employment-generating uses, such as warehousing and distribution, manufacturing, communications, storage, construction, office, institutional, and research and development uses.  Complementary uses, such as recreational, health and fitness uses, child care and service commercial uses are also permitted. 


Policy 3.6.5(g) in the Official Plan specifically permits retail uses on lands located south of Highway 417, west of Terry Fox Drive, east of the Carp River and north of Palladium Drive, save and except for property with any frontage on Palladium Drive, and provided that adequate road capacity is available.  This policy recognizes that the former City of Kanata Official Plan permitted limited retail uses within part of the Terry Fox Business Park.  As the subject property is located within the geographic area described in the policy, retail uses are permitted provided that adequate road capacity is available.  The Official Plan does not contain any restrictions on the type of retail uses permitted, and does not provide any minimum or maximum sizes for retail uses in this area. 


Road Capacity


The issue of road capacity in the Terry Fox Business Park was examined at an Ontario Municipal Board hearing in 2006 regarding appeals to four planning applications at 15 Frank Nighbor Place and 737 and 777 Silver Seven Road.  These properties are located on the south side of Frank Nighbor Place across from Home Depot.  The appeals were to two minor variance applications, an application to lift the holding symbol from the existing "M1C-2(H)" zone to permit retail warehouse uses, and a site plan application to permit 12167 square metres of retail and service commercial space.


One of the conditions to lift the holding symbol was for the proponent to submit a traffic study identifying the roadway/intersection modifications required to support the scale of development proposed.  Existing retail developments in the area include a Home Depot store with a floor area of 11891 square metres and a Costco store with a floor area of 13311 square metres. In addition, a Zoning By-law amendment application has been submitted to permit approximately 8175 square metres of retail uses at 720 Silver Seven Road, which is located immediately south of the Costco store.  In total, there is upwards of 65000 square metres of existing and proposed retail commercial space in the vicinity of the subject site including the proposed shopping centre at 20 Frank Nighbor Place.  In terms of scale, the existing and proposed developments would form one of the larger retail nodes within the city.


Silver Seven Road provides the only access between Palladium Drive and the existing and proposed retail developments.  There is no other access between the developments and the arterial road network.  The hearing focused primarily on the ability of the road network to accommodate all of the existing and proposed retail developments in the Terry Fox Business Park, and whether a single access was appropriate to support the scale of development. 

The City argued that a single access is not sufficient to accommodate all of the retail and service commercial space proposed, and that the applications should not be approved until a second access can be provided.  The developers argued that the road network could support all of the existing and proposed developments without the addition of a second access. 


The Board issued a decision that supports all of the proposed retail and service commercial space proceeding with a single access.  In particular, it was found that the intersection of Palladium Drive and Silver Seven Road will operate with a volume to capacity ratio of 0.9 during the peak hour and will meet the City's transportation criteria.  The Board found that a second access is unnecessary.  The Board's decision was predicated on roadway modifications being undertaken and the implementation of a cost-sharing agreement between the area landowners.  The required modifications affect Silver Seven Road, Frank Nighbor Place and the Palladium Drive/Silver Seven Road intersection.  After these roadway modifications have been implemented, there will be adequate road capacity available to support all of the existing and proposed retail developments.  Accordingly, retail uses are permitted at 20 Frank Nighbor Place under Policy 3.6.5(g).


Employment in the Terry Fox Business Park


As discussed previously, there is a minimum employment requirement of at least 2000 jobs in the Official Plan for each Employment Area.  The Department excludes retail jobs from the employment calculations for the purpose of meeting the employment requirements in Employment Areas.


According to preliminary data from the 2006 Employment Survey, there were 2155 total jobs in the Terry Fox Business Park in 2006 including full-time and part-time jobs.  This figure includes 542 total jobs at Home Depot and Costco, which are classified as retail jobs.  When the retail jobs are excluded, there were 1613 non-retail jobs in the Business Park in 2006.  Since the survey was conducted, buildings for EMS Satcom at 400 Maple Grove Road and Smart Technologies at 501 Palladium Drive have been occupied adding approximately 681 non-retail jobs.  In total, it is estimated that there are approximately 2294 non-retail jobs in the Business Park, which exceeds the minimum employment requirement in the Official Plan.


The proposed shopping centre development will create up to 542 full-time equivalent jobs.


Department Store Use


While the former City of Kanata Official Plan is no longer in force, the background to Official Plan Amendment No. 46 to this Plan provides additional planning context for the subject application.  In 2000, the Ontario Municipal Board approved Amendment No. 46, which redesignated the subject lands from "Restricted Industrial" (MR) to "Restricted Industrial, Exception 3" (MR-3).  The MR-3 designation added a limited range of retail uses including a business park retail outlet, a retail warehouse, a large retail warehouse of 5000 square metres or more, and a planned retail warehouse consisting of two or more of the foregoing uses with a maximum aggregate gross floor area of up to 35000 square metres per lot.  The Amendment also contained specific conditions to be met prior to permitting retail warehouses, large retail warehouses and planned retail centres. 


Official Plan Amendment No. 46 was based in part on an Employment and Commercial Land Use Study prepared by Malone Given Parsons Ltd. and FoTenn Consultants Inc. dated November 1998.  The study included an analysis of commercial land use needs, which suggested that at least one and possibly two new department stores could be warranted in Kanata in the future.  The study recommended that, given the importance of the Kanata Town Centre and its role as a regional facility, it is important that the next new department store be located in the "Regional Shopping Centre" (RSC) designation in the Town Centre unless it cannot be accommodated for whatever reason. 


According to the Kanata Town Centre Site-Specific Policies, which form part of the City of Ottawa Official Plan, the RSC designation is intended to accommodate a full range of commercial and other Town Centre activities and will include the largest concentration of highest-order retail and service commercial uses in the City of Kanata.  The RSC designation is bounded by Campeau Drive to the north, Kanata Avenue to the east, Highway 417 to the south and Terry Fox Drive to the west.  Since the Employment and Commercial Land Use Study was completed, development within the RSC designation has expanded to a total floor area of over 86000 square metres.  In particular, the southern portion of the RSC designation was developed with a Holiday Inn hotel and the Kanata Entertainment Centrum, which includes an AMC cinema complex, Centrum Walk, and a variety of retail and service commercial uses.   The northern portion of the designation is occupied by the Kanata Centrum Shopping Centre including a Wal-Mart department store and a Loblaws supermarket.


Staff reviewed the possibility of locating the proposed department store within the RSC designation.  However, the remaining vacant land parcels do not possess a suitable size and configuration to accommodate a second department store.  The only large vacant parcels of land are located on the south side of Kanata Avenue between Earl Grey Drive and Lord Byng Way within the RSC-3 designation.  This designation is intended to be a high density employment area with the potential for high-density residential uses and a limited amount of retail and service uses on the ground floor.  A department store use is not permitted under the RSC-3 policies. 


To the east of the RSC designation is a large tract of vacant land that is designated as "Central Business District" and "Main Street".  These designations are intended to accommodate a significant concentration of employment uses in order to achieve the minimum employment target of 12500 jobs in the Town Centre.  This area is also planned to accommodate 1000 to 1500 dwelling units.  The Kanata Town Centre Site-Specific Policies do not contemplate a land-extensive retail use such as a department store in these designations.


The Employment and Commercial Land Use Study included a planning strategy for the Terry Fox Business Park.  It recommended that this area be developed for both employment and retail, with retail focused on the Highway 417 frontage between Terry Fox Drive and the Carp River, and business employment uses planned for the remainder of the Business Park.  Further, the planning strategy was to permit large format retail uses on the Highway 417 frontage that are space extensive and regionally oriented, but that would not compromise a possible future regional shopping centre within the Town Centre.  Therefore, the strategy was to prohibit department stores and supermarkets, which often function as anchor stores for regional shopping centres, from the Terry Fox Business Park.  This strategy is reflected in the existing "M1C-2(H)-f" zoning of the subject property.  


The development of the proposed department store on the subject site will not compromise the planned function of the Regional Shopping Centre.  First, the RSC designation is already anchored by a Wal-Mart department store and a Loblaws supermarket.  Second, the RSC designation has reached a sufficient size to firmly establish it as the dominant regional shopping centre within the West Urban Area.  Third, the retail component of the RSC designation has been substantially built-out and the remaining vacant land cannot accommodate another department store.  The proposed shopping centre will satisfy the demand for additional commercial space within the trade area that cannot be accommodated within the RSC designation.


The type of department store proposed by the applicant is considered to be a senior or major department store, and the subject property at 20 Frank Nighbor Place is a suitable location for this use.  The proposed department store would be the only senior department store located west of Bayshore Shopping Centre within the city, and is expected to attract customers from a large trade area.  The site provides high visibility from Highway 417 and a regionally accessible location near the Highway 417 and Terry Fox Drive interchange.  The site is located near a Home Depot store and a Costco store, which are also regionally oriented retailers that attract customers from large trade areas.  The addition of a new shopping centre anchored by a department store will complement the Home Depot and Costco stores and further establish this node as a regionally oriented shopping destination. 


At a larger scale, there are existing and proposed regional-scale retail facilities at the northeast, northwest and southwest quadrants of the Highway 417 and Terry Fox Drive interchange.  The proposal to add additional regional-scale retail uses at 20 Frank Nighbor Place reinforces this area as a regional shopping destination.


Retail Store Use


The applicant has proposed smaller retail uses with a gross floor area of less than 1858 square metres as a component of the shopping centre development.  Smaller retail uses are typical of shopping centres and often depend on the customer traffic that is initially generated by an anchor tenant or by the shopping centre as a whole.  The addition of smaller retail uses will allow for a broader range of retail uses to be provided at the shopping centre, and will complement the proposed department store and retail warehouse uses.  The proposed Zoning By-law amendment to allow a department store and smaller retail uses will facilitate a broader retail mix for the shopping centre and improve product selection, choice and convenience for customers.  




The proposed shopping centre is compatible with existing and proposed development in the area. In particular, it will have a similar built form to the existing Costco and Home Depot developments on Frank Nighbor Place and Silver Seven Road.  There are no residential developments located adjacent to the site that would be directly impacted by the proposed shopping centre. 


Market Study


The subject application was supported by a Retail Market Feasibility Study.  Currently, there are no senior department stores located within the primary trade area.  There are two junior department stores located within this area - one at Kanata Centrum and one at Hazeldean Mall.  The Retail Market Feasibility Study demonstrated that the proposed shopping centre, and especially the proposed senior department store, would serve a strong unmet market demand.  The major existing retail facilities within the primary trade area, including Kanata Centrum and Hazeldean Mall, do not have a major department store.  Therefore, the proposed senior department store should have a minimal impact on these facilities. 


Major Open Space Designation


The Major Open Space designation, which applies to the Carp River corridor, is intended to protect the larger open spaces in Ottawa that are to be generally available for public use and enjoyment.  The western portion of the site is located within the regulatory flood plain for the Carp River.  The portion of the site zoned "H" corresponds with the Carp River floodway and the Major Open Space designation.  The lands currently zoned "H" will be conveyed to the City as a condition of a future site plan approval application.


Details of Recommended Zoning


The proposed amendment will rezone part of the site from an “M1C-2(H)-f” zone to a new, site-specific “M1C-XX(H)-f” zone.  The portion of the property that is zoned “H” is not affected by the proposed amendment.  The details of the new zone are contained in Documents 4 and 5, and summarized below. 


The proposed “M1C-XX(H)-f” zone will permit all of the uses allowed under the existing “M1C-2(H)-f” zone, and will add a department store, retail stores and a shopping centre as permitted uses.  The proposed amendment will add definitions for a retail store and a shopping centre.  New zoning provisions will be created for a department store, a planned retail centre, a retail store, a retail warehouse and a shopping centre including provisions for minimum yards, minimum required parking spaces, landscaping and maximum building height.  The existing zoning restricts the density of retail warehouses and planned retail centres to a maximum gross floor area of 2298 square metres per development hectare.  There is no longer any need to regulate the density of these uses for traffic or market impact reasons, and the proposed zoning will delete the density provisions. 


The existing zoning has a holding symbol that requires the submission of a traffic study, a market study, a site plan application and any other information that the City may require, prior to permitting retail warehouse uses.  These conditions to lift the holding symbol are no longer relevant.  The Ontario Municipal Board has already accepted a traffic study supporting retail development on the site. A market study is no longer required because development in the Regional Shopping Centre designation exceeds a gross floor area of 50000 square metres.  A condition to submit a site plan application is unnecessary as development of any of the permitted uses will require the submission and approval of a site plan application.  Therefore, the Department recommends that the four conditions to permit a retail warehouse be deleted.


The Employment Area policies only permit retail uses on the subject property if there is adequate road capacity available.  The Ontario Municipal Board has identified the roadway modifications necessary to accommodate all of the existing and proposed retail uses in the Terry Fox Business Park.  However, the implementation details for the required roadway modifications remain outstanding. 

It is recommended that a holding symbol be used to ensure that the roadway modifications will be implement prior to permitting any retail uses including a department store, a planned retail centre, a retail store, a retail warehouse and a shopping centre.  The conditions to lift the holding symbol will be as follows:


a)                  The detailed design for the roadway modifications described in Exhibit 61 to the Ontario Municipal Board hearing regarding 15 Frank Nighbor Place and 737 and 777 Silver Seven Road (File Nos. PL051066, PL060317 and PL060318) has been approved by the City;

b)                  All necessary road widenings to accommodate the roadway modifications identified in subclause (a) above have been conveyed to the City;

c)                  A registered cost sharing agreement to construct the roadway modifications identified in subclause (a) above has been entered into between the owners of 15 Frank Nighbor Place, 20 Frank Nighbor Place, 720 Silver Seven Road, 737 Silver Seven Road and 777 Silver Seven Road, and provided to the City;

d)                  An implementation plan including a construction schedule for the roadway modifications identified in subclause (a) above has been provided to the City; and

e)                  A performance deposit has been provided to the City for the roadway modifications identified in subclause (a) above.


Prior to the lifting of the holding symbol, the permitted uses shall exclude a department store, a planned retail centre, a retail store, a retail warehouse and a shopping centre.




The subject property is designated “Employment Area” and “Major Open Space” in the Official Plan.  The Employment Area policies allow retail uses on the subject property provided that adequate road capacity is available.  The Ontario Municipal Board has determined that the existing road network can provide adequate road capacity subject to the implementation of roadway modifications on Frank Nighbor Place and Silver Seven Road and at the Palladium Drive/Silver Seven Road intersection.  The recommendation is to rezone part of the subject property from “M1C-2(H)-f” (Light Industrial, Mixed, Exception 2, Holding (Flood Fringe)) to a new, site-specific “M1C-XX(H)-f” (Light Industrial, Mixed, Exception, Holding (Flood Fringe)) zone to add a department store, retail stores and a shopping centre as permitted uses.  The portion of the site zoned “H” (Hazard) for the Carp River flood way will not be rezoned.  The conditions associated with the holding symbol (H) have been modified to ensure that the required roadway modifications will be implemented prior to permitting a department store, a planned retail centre, a retail store, a retail warehouse and a shopping centre.  The proposed uses comply with the applicable Official Plan policies.  The proposed shopping centre will complement the existing Home Depot and Costco stores, and further establish this area as a regional shopping node. 




The western portion of the site is located within the existing regulatory flood plain for the Carp River.  In 2002, the site was rezoned to permit a two-zone flood plain approach on the subject property.  The floodway will remain within the existing “H” (Hazard) zone.  The zoning for the flood fringe area requires all permitted uses to be flood proofed.


The Carp River, Poole Creek and Feedmill Creek Restoration Class Environmental Assessment was completed in June of 2006.  The preferred alternative restoration approach for the Carp River includes a change to the channel cross-section and plan.  Recommendations include narrowing and increasing the sinuosity of the low flow channel to a more “natural” form, channel/corridor modifications, creation of fish habitat ponds, riparian plantings and pedestrian pathways.  This project is still being reviewed by the Ministry of Environment as Part II Order requests were submitted to the Minister in July of 2006.  The restoration works within the Carp River cannot proceed until a decision from the Minister approving the project is received.  However, the Zoning By-law amendment for the subject property is not subject to the Minister’s review as the existing “H” hazard zone is in effect and not being amended through this application.




Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.  The City did not receive any negative comments or opposition to this application.








The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments.  Additional time was required to resolve the traffic issues associated with the application.  The applicant also appealed the subject application to the Ontario Municipal Board in April 2006.




Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Conceptual Site Plan

Document 3      Flood Fringe/Floodway Map

Document 4      Details of Recommended Zoning

Document 5      Zoning Key Plan




City Clerk’s Branch, Council and Committee Services to notify the owner/applicant, 764703 Ontario Inc., c/o David Kardish, Regional Group, 6th Floor, 200 Catherine Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 2K9, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26‑76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                  DOCUMENT 1

CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN                                                                                 DOCUMENT 2

FLOOD FRINGE/FLOODWAY MAP                                                                   DOCUMENT 3

DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                         DOCUMENT 4


1.                  Schedule “A” of By-law Number 138-93 of the former City of Kanata is amended by rezoning the lands shown as Area “A” on Document 5 from “M1C-2(H)-f” (Light Industrial, Mixed, Exception 2, Holding (Flood Fringe)) to “M1C-XX(H)-f” (Light Industrial, Mixed, Exception, Holding (Flood Fringe)).


2.                  Section 6.1 (Industrial Zone Provisions, Permitted Uses) of By-law Number 138-93 of the former City of Kanata shall be amended to add the following:


a)                  M1C-XX Zone

(i)                  On land zoned M1C-XX, all of the provisions of the “M1C” zone shall apply except for those contrary to the following:


1.      Permitted Uses:


-All permitted uses in the M1C Zone;

-Automobile Related Retail Uses;

-Automobile Rental Establishments;

-Automobile Sales Dealership;

-Department Store;

-Planned Retail Centre;

-Retail Store;

-Retail Warehouse;

-Shopping Centre.


2.      All permitted uses in the M1C-XX Zone must employ concealed or enclosed storage.


3.      Automobile Related Retail Uses cannot exceed 25% of the total land area within the M1C-XX Zone, and cannot be located abutting Highway 417.


4.      "Retail Store" means a building or structure or part thereof where consumer goods are displayed for sale or rent, or sold directly to the public for the purchaser's own use, and includes a garden centre and a home sales display court.


5.      “Shopping Centre” means one or more buildings designed, developed and managed as a unit primarily for commercial uses and having the required off-street parking provided on the same lot.


6.      Notwithstanding [ITS1] Subsections 6.2 and 6.4, the following provisions shall apply to a Department Store, a Planned Retail Centre, a Retail Store, a Retail Warehouse, and a Shopping Centre:

a.       Minimum Lot Area: 0.81 [ITS2] hectares

b.      Maximum Allowable Coverage: 45[ITS3] % of the total lot area

c.       Minimum Lot Frontage: 45.0 metres[ITS4] 

d.      Minimum Front Yard: 3.0 metres

e.       Minimum Exterior Side Yard: 3.0 metres

f.        Minimum Interior Side Yard: 3.0 metres

g.       Minimum Rear Yard: 3.0 metres

h.       Maximum Building Height: 11.0 metres[ITS5] 

i.         A strip of landscaped open space with a minimum width of 6.0 metres shall be provided between any parking spaces or paved area and the lot lines adjacent to Highway 417 and Frank Nighbor Place. 

j.        The parking rate for a Department Store, a Planned Retail Centre, a Retail Store, a Retail Warehouse and a Shopping Centre shall be a minimum of 1 parking space per 20 square metres of gross floor area. 


7.      For the lands zoned “M1C-XX” that are subject to holding provisions denoted by the holding (H) symbol identified on Schedule “A”, the holding symbol may only be lifted when the following conditions have been fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning Branch:

a.       The detailed design for the roadway modifications described in Exhibit 61 to the Ontario Municipal Board hearing regarding 15 Frank Nighbor Place and 737 and 777 Silver Seven Road (File Nos. PL051066, PL060317 and PL060318) has been approved by the City;

b.      All necessary road widenings to accommodate the roadway modifications identified in subclause 5(a) above have been conveyed to the City;   

c.       A registered cost sharing agreement to construct the roadway modifications identified in subclause 5(a) above has been entered into between the owners of 15 Frank Nighbor Place, 20 Frank Nighbor Place, 720 Silver Seven Road, 737 Silver Seven Road and 777 Silver Seven Road and provided to the City;

d.      An implementation plan including a construction schedule for the roadway modifications identified in subclause 5(a) above has been provided to the City;

e.       A performance deposit has been provided to the City for the roadway modifications identified in subclause 5(a) above; and

f.        Prior to the lifting of the holding (H) symbol, a Department Store, a Planned Retail Centre, a Retail Store, a Retail Warehouse and a Shopping Centre are excluded from the list of permitted uses in “M1C-XX” zone.

ZONING KEY PLAN                                                                                               DOCUMENT 5


 [ITS1]There are different development standards for different uses in the existing M1C zone provisions.  The first set of standards is listed in Section 6.2, there is a second set of standards in Section 6.4 for retail warehouses and for a planned retail centre, and there is a third set of standards in Section 6.5 for a large retail warehouse.  I would like to clarify that the new site-specific provisions in the M1C-XX will apply rather than the existing standards in Subsections 6.2 and 6.4.  Section 6.5 won’t apply because we are not permitting a large retail warehouse.

 [ITS2]I’ve reduced the minimum lot area to the same minimum in Clause 6.2(a).

 [ITS3]I’ve increased the maximum allowable coverage to the same maximum in Clause 6.2(b).

 [ITS4]I’ve reduced the minimum lot frontage to the same minimum in Clause 6.2(c).

 [ITS5]The maximum building height has been increased to the same maximum in Clause 6.2(e).  This would allow the site to be developed with an office building of up to about 8 storeys.