Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


28 April 2005 / le 28 avril 2005


Submitted by/Soumis par : Ned Lathrop, Deputy City Manager/Directeur municipal adjoint,

Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Grant Lindsay, Manager / Gestionnaire

Planning and Infrastructure Approvals/Approbation des demandes d’aménagement et d’infrastructure

(613) 580-2424 x13242,


Knoxdale -Merivale(9)

Ref N°: ACS2005-PGM-APR-0135













That the Planning and Development Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the former City of Nepean Urban Area Zoning By-law 100-2000, to change the zoning of 20 Farlane Boulevard from an Institutional Zone to an R5B - Residential Fifth "B" Density Zone with Exceptions, as detailed in Document 2 and as shown on Document 3.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage urbain 100-2000 de l’ancienne Ville de Nepean en vue de modifier le zonage du 20, boulevard Farlane de zone institutionnelle à R5B - zone résidentielle de densité « B »  cinq assortie d’exceptions, comme il est détaillé dans le document 2 et indiqué dans le document 3.




The subject property, 20 Farlane Boulevard, is located on the west side of Farlane Boulevard and south of Baseline Road and is part of a larger property known municipally as 1026 Baseline Road that is owned and occupied by Villa Marconi Long Term Care facility.  A Consent for Severance application was approved by the Committee of Adjustment on April 12, 2005 pending a 20-day appeal period to allow for the sale to the applicant of the subject property which is vacant and surplus to the needs of the Long Term Care facility.  The lands surrounding the site to the south, east, and west contain a mix of low-profile residential dwellings. 


The applicant is requesting permission to amend the site’s current zoning designation to permit the development of 50 dwelling units (25 semi-detached).  To facilitate this, the applicant is requesting to rezone the site from I – Institutional to R5B – Residential Fifth "B" Density Zone with some exceptions.  The proposed exceptions would establish increased required yard setbacks, and would permit a maximum of 50 dwelling units for the subject lands.




The property is designated Residential in the former City of Nepean Official Plan, and General Urban Area in both the former Regional, and City Council Approved Official Plans.  All three of these plans permit residential intensification. 




The City Council Approved Official Plan designates the land as "General Urban Area".  Section 2.2.3 Managing Growth Within the Urban Area states "The projected urban population and associated land required for housing and jobs can be accommodated within the existing urban area provided: Development in greenfields occurs at densities somewhat higher than densities achieved in greenfields in the past and land uses intensify within existing areas of development.  Intensification means the density of development, measured in households or employment per hectare, increases.  Intensification occurs along a continuum, from expansion of an existing use or infill on a vacant lot, right up to large - scale redevelopment of an areas such as Rockcliffe Airbase."

Section 2.2.3 (1.) states that "Within the General Urban Area, opportunities for intensification exist and will be supported.  Where a zoning by-law amendment is required, the appropriateness of the scale of development will be evaluated along with the design and its compatibility." 

Section 2.2.3 (3.) states that "The City supports intensification and infill development throughout the urban area, including areas designated General Urban Area.  The City will promote opportunities for intensification and infill in the following cases, provided that all other policies in the Plan are met...c)  Lands where the present use is maintained but the addition of residential uses or other uses can be accomplished in a complementary manner, such as on under-utilized shopping centre sites." 

Section 2.5.1 provides guidance on the Compatibility of Development.  Paragraph one indicates that "introducing new development in existing areas that have developed over a long period of time requires a sensitive approach to differences between the new development and the established area, in terms of building heights, setbacks, and other characteristics. 

Compatibility of Proposal

The proposed development represents an appropriate location for infill development.  It is to be located on an underutilized portion of the Villa Marconi Long Term Health Care facility lands.  The access to the developments’ private road will be from Farlane Boulevard, a designated collector road in the City Council Approved Official Plan.  The traffic assessment has indicated that the proposed development would have a minor impact on the existing operation of traffic along Farlane Boulevard and would result in little traffic cutting through the community as the majority of traffic would head north along Farlane Boulevard to Baseline Road.  The site is located within walking distance to bus service on Baseline Road, approximately 200 metres to the north.

The development can be serviced with existing sanitary, water and storm sewers providing servicing efficiencies to the City.  The proposal for stormwater management will improve the existing situation for the Fisher Heights area which has experienced flooding issues during major rainstorm events.  The applicant is proposing to redirect all stormwater from the proposed site, as well as from the remainder of the Villa Marconi property and the property located to the west of the Villa Marconi site.  The stormwater from these sites currently drains towards the storm sewer under Farlane Boulevard producing approximately 400 L/s of storm flow during a five year storm event.  As part of the servicing of the proposed development this stormwater will be redirected to the storm sewers on Baseline Road which has capacity and has no connection to the Fisher Heights system along Farlane Boulevard.  This will, therefore, improve the situation for the Fisher Heights storm sewer system. 

Densities are higher than along the streets of the existing adjacent homes, but the site has been designed so that it is compatible with the existing homes.  The proposed homes will be two-storeys in height or 9.2 metres.  This is compatible with the existing one- and two-storey homes immediately adjacent to the site.  The existing homes on Eleanor Drive are zoned R2 and on the east side of Farlane Boulevard are zoned R3.  Both zones allow a 9.2 metre maximum building height.  Adjacent to the west is a higher density development comprising of multiple attached bungalow dwellings on private road.  The zoning for these properties is R5A – Residential Fifth Density Zone. 

In summary, the use proposed, the building height, building mass, setbacks between buildings and rear yard setbacks all contribute to making this a compatible infill project.  Density increases are moderate, servicing efficiencies and improvements will be realized, and the traffic impacts are to be minor. 
Approval of this application to allow a more intense form of residential development is in keeping with the intent of the City Council Approved Official Plan.




The Official Plan of the former Region contains a development strategy for residential intensification.  As stated in the Official Plan, this strategy is intended to encourage denser, compact and more balanced development on land designated for urban purposes.  This policy was established to achieve objectives related to reducing the dependence on the automobile, providing more efficient use of existing land, facilities and services as well as supporting and encouraging economic development.  


Compatibility of Proposal

This infill residential project is located at the edge of a residential neighbourhood on a collector road.  There is close access to the bus stop at Baseline and Farlane - approximately 200 metres away.  The Nepean Zoning By-law requires that one parking space be provided per semi-detached dwelling.  Two parking spaces will be provided per unit (garage and driveway) in addition to eight visitor parking spaces (visitor parking not required but to be provided).  A traffic assessment was completed which indicted that the proposed development would have a minor impact on the operation of traffic along Farlane Boulevard and the other local roads.  The development would result in little traffic using the neighbourhood streets as the majority of traffic would head north along Farlane Boulevard to Baseline Road (arterial).  The proposed two-storey semi-detached residential units are compatible with the adjacent existing one- and two-storey single detached homes and bungalow style townhouses.  Alternative development standards are proposed for the site with the use of a private road to serve the development.


Approval of this application to allow a more intense form of residential development is in keeping with the intent of the former Regional Official Plan.




The Official Plan of the former City of Nepean designates the subject lands as "Residential".  Section 2.0 (b) states  "On Map Schedule 1, areas which are to be predominately used for residential purposes have been designated "Residential" and further in subsection 2.0 (b) (III) it states "Notwithstanding the policies of Sections 2.1 and 2.2, Council recognizes that higher density residential, institutional, local shopping, local office and service uses may be appropriately located outside the core area of the neighbourhood Community.  In such cases, Council shall encourage these uses to be located along a collector or arterial roadway and shall ensure that the development harmonizes with and has an appropriate relationship to neighbouring development."


Compatibility of Proposal

Two storey semi-detached residential uses are proposed for this development.  The development will access on to Farlane Boulevard, which is designated a Collector Road, in the Nepean Official Plan.  The use and height of the proposed homes is in scale with the existing homes in the area.  The relationship to the neighbouring development has been considered.  A rear yard setback of 7.5 metres is provided adjacent to the rear yards of the existing homes located along Eleanor Drive and Briardale Crescent.  Privacy will be maintained in the rear yards with cedar hedging and planting of deciduous trees.  Eight homes will front along Farlane Boulevard, as opposed to backing onto the street, to enhance the Farlane Boulevard streetscape.  Approval of this application to allow a more intense form of residential development is in keeping with the intent of the former City of Nepean Official Plan.


Details of Proposed Zoning


A rear yard setback of 7.5 metres is proposed adjacent to the existing homes on Eleanor Drive and Briardale Crescent, whereas 6.0 metres has been proposed elsewhere on the site.  The side yard setbacks or building separation between the semi-detached homes is similar to the side yard requirements of the adjacent homes.  The R2 zone for the homes on Eleanor Drive permit side yards of 0.9 metres on 1 side and a 1.5 metre side yard on the other side, for a total of 2.4 metres.  The R3 zone for the homes along the east side of Farlane Boulevard permit 0.9 metres and 1.2 metres for a total of 2.1 metres.  The proposed development will provide 1.2 metres on each side for a total of 2.4 metres of side yards.

The building width will also be compatible, if not smaller, than permitted in the zoning of the existing homes on Farlane and Eleanor Drive.  The proposed semi-detached homes will be 6.0 metres in width for each dwelling unit or 12.0 metres for each block of two homes.  The homes along Eleanor Drive and Farlane Boulevard are zoned to allow a maximum building width of 17.4 metres. 




The public was consulted by the posting notification signs on the subject property and by the mailing of notices to community organizations serving the area.  As well, two public meetings were held by the applicant to discuss the proposal with the community.  There were four responses to the notification, which are described and addressed in Document 5.


The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.










This application was processed within the “On Time Decision Date” established for Zoning By-law Amendments.





Document 1      Explanatory Note

Document 2      Details of Proposed Zoning

Document 3      Location Plan

Document 4      Schedule C2

Document 5      Consultation Details





Department of Corporate Services, Secretariat Services to notify the agent (Debbie Belfie, 21 Pinecone Trail, Stittsville, Ontario, K2S 1E1) of Council’s Decision.


Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.


Planning and Growth Management Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Service Branch and undertake the statutory notification and the Program Manager, Assessment, corporate Services Department of City Council’s decision.


EXPLANATORY NOTE                                                                                           Document 1





By-law Number ………  amends By-law Number, 100-2000, the former City of Nepean’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law.  This amendment affects the lands located at the rear of the Villa Marconi site (1026 Baseline Road) on the southwest corner of Baseline Road and Farlane Boulevard.  This parcel of land is known municipally as 20 Farlane Boulevard is vacant and has been deemed surplus to the needs of the Villa Marconi retirement home.   It is proposed to sever the lands from the Villa Marconi site and rezone the property to permit the development of 50 dwelling units (25 semi-detached houses) on private road.  The extent of the lands can be seen on Document 2.


Current Zoning


The subject property is currently zoned Institutional - I.  This zoning allows a limited number of uses, such as a cemetery, day nursery, funeral parlour, long term care facility, place of assembly, place of worship, private club, respite care facility, retirement home and private school.  The allowable lot coverage by the buildings on the property is 40%, while the height limit is 24.4 metres.  All of the yard setbacks are a minimum of 6.0 metres.


Proposed Zoning


The proposed zoning is Residential Fifth “B” Density – R5B Exception Zone.  This is a zoning that allows detached and multiple attached dwellings.  The allowable lot coverage by the buildings on the property is 40%, while the height limit is 10.7 metres.  A density of 40 dwelling units per hectare is permitted.  The minimum front and rear yard setback is 6.0 metres and the side yard setback is 6.0 metres with a main building spacing of 3.0 metres.  The exceptions are the following:  consider the newly severed lands as one lot for the purposes of determining zoning requirements; permit semi-detached dwelling as a use; allow a maximum of 50 dwelling units; allow main building spacing of 2.4 metres; establish increased rear yard setback from 6.0 metres to 7.5 metres; allow reduced front yard setback of 5.2 metres; allow reduced side yard setback of 3.5 metres for a length of 27.8 metres along the south property line; allow parking space length of 5.2 metres and width of 2.6 metres; allow visitor parking space length of 5.2 metres and width of 2.6 metres;  and change the lot frontage requirement from a minimum of 30.0 metres to an overall lot frontage requirement of 97.0 metres minimum.


For further information, please contact Denis Charron at 580-2424 extension 13422.


DETAILS OF PROPOSED ZONING                                                                      Document 2


The property as shown in Document 3 will be rezoned from I to R5B Block __ including the following zone requirement exceptions:


1.      notwithstanding Subsection 5:9 & 5:10, the land zoned R5B Block __ is considered one lot for the purposes of determining zoning requirements despite the lawful severance of a lot pursuant to the Planning Act or the Condominium Act.

2.      yard setbacks are determined as per Schedule C2 (see Document 4).

3.      Maximum allowable dwelling units of 50.

4.      lot frontage requirement changed from 30.0 metres minimum to an overall lot frontage requirement of 97.0 metres minimum.

5.      Uses permitted: semi-detached.

6.      Main building spacing of 2.4 metres

7.      notwithstanding Subsection 5:20:2(iv), parking spaces shall have a minimum width of 2.6 metres and a minimum length of 5.2 metres.

8.      notwithstanding that the lands zoned R5B Block __ are considered as one Lot for zoning purposes, the provisions of Subsection 5:18 shall apply to each dwelling unit and its associated lands with all necessary modifications.

9.      notwithstanding Subsection 5:20:2 (ii) and 5:20:4 (ii), visitor parking shall be permitted in the designated visitor parking area.  Parking shall be 2.6 metres in width and 5.2 metres in length.

LOCATION PLAN                                                                                                   Document 3




SCHEDULE C2                                                                                                         Document 4


CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                   Document 5




Notification and public consultation procedures were carried out in accordance with the Notification and Consultation Procedures approved by City Council for Zoning By-law Amendments.




This application was subject to Notification and Consultation, which required the posting of an on-site information sign and circulation to concerned community groups.  Four responses in opposition were received from the posting of the on-site sign.  A summary of their comments and responses to their comments are presented below.  On March 3, 2005 and April 1, 2005, public meetings were held by the developer with the local community.  Approximately 30 people attended these meetings.  A summary of concerns received from the public meetings and from the posting of the on-site sign and a response to their concerns are presented below.


Councillor’s Comments


Councillor Gord Hunter is aware of the application.


Summary of Concerns and Response


1.   The proposed development will result in too much traffic and should necessitate traffic lights at Baseline Road and Farlane Boulevard.




A Traffic Assessment was undertaken by the applicant and accepted by the City.  It indicates that the proposed residential development will not have a significant impact on traffic levels on the surrounding streets and intersections.  As well, no roadway modifications or traffic lights at Baseline and Farlane are required as a result of this development.


2.   The proposed higher density of the development is not compatible with the existing community and bungalows instead of semis should be proposed.




The proposed density increase is moderate and the proposed semi-detached houses will allow a more denser and compact form of residential development that is more in keeping with the intent of the City Council Approved Official Plan policies for residential intensification.


3.      This development will result in a loss of my privacy in the rear yards and second floor windows.





As stated in the report, the Department does not believe that the proposed rezoning will result in a development that will create a privacy nuisance to existing residential properties.  While it is true that semi-detached dwellings will have a higher level of occupancy than a detached dwelling, it is the Department’s position that the proposed development will have a minimal impact on the privacy of residential dwellings located to the south and west.  The rear yard setback will be 7.5 metres as opposed to 6.0 metres for similar developments.  Also, the Site Plan Control application will ensure that the proper landscaping achieves privacy for all affected rear yards.


4.   This proposal will lower my property value.




The reduction of property values is a common concern with development proposals.  This is not a consideration of a rezoning proposal.  Further, the Department is not aware of any evidence supporting the proposition that infill development negatively affects property values.  The developer intends to build quality homes with attractive landscaping.