Report to/Rapport au:

 Planning and Development Committee/

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'aménagement


and Council/ et au Conseil


12 March 2001 / le 12 mars 2001


Submitted by/Soumis par: Ned Lathrop, General Manager/Directeur général Development Services Department/Services d'aménagement


Contact/Personne-ressource:  Grant Lindsay, Manager, Development Approvals/

Gestionnaire, Approbation des demandes d’aménagement

244-5300 ext. 1-3242,





Ref N°: ACS2001-DEV-APR-0011




Signs By-law Minor Variance - 400 Albert Street







That the Planning and Development Committee recommend that Council:


1.   Approve a variance to the Signs By-law 36-2000, of the old City of Ottawa, to permit two internally illuminated wall signs at 400 Albert Street, installed on the east façade as shown on Document 2, and located within 30 metres of a residential zone, provided that the signs use reverse illumination only and are not illuminated between the hours of    11 p.m. and 7 a.m.; and


2.   Approve a variance to the Signs By-law 36-2000, of the old City of Ottawa, to permit two internally illuminated wall signs at 400 Albert Street, installed on the west and south façades as shown on Documents 3 and 4, and located within 30 metres of a residential zone, provided that the signs are installed on the first storey, use reverse illumination only and are not illuminated between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’aménagement recommande au Conseil municipal :


1.   d’approuver une dérogation au Règlement municipal sur les enseignes no 36-2000 de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa afin de permettre l’installation d’enseignes murales illuminées sur la façade est du 400, rue Albert, telle qu’elle est décrite au document 2, et situées à moins de 30 mètres d’une zone résidentielle, pourvu que les enseignes utilisent uniquement un éclairage inverse, lequel ne sera pas en fonction entre 23 h et 7 h;


2.   d’approuver une dérogation au Règlement municipal sur les enseignes no 36-2000 de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa afin de permettre l’installation d’enseignes murales illuminées sur les façades ouest et sud du 400, rue Albert, telle qu’elle est décrite aux documents 3 et 4, et situées à moins de 30 mètres d’une zone résidentielle, pourvu que les enseignes soient installées au premier étage et utilisent uniquement un éclairage inverse, lequel ne sera pas en fonction entre 23 h et 7 h.





The property is located in the central area abutting Albert, Lyon, Slater and Bay Streets.  The existing bank use is located on a property that is zoned residential (see Document 1), but permits the bank/office use.  Adjacent area land uses are primarily residential to the south, institutional to the west and commercial to the north and east.  Under the Signs By-law, this site is designated as a District 2 category that allows only externally illuminated wall signage provided it complies with various setbacks to the property lines and to adjacent residential zones.


Permits have been issued for the two existing east façade signs without an illumination component.  Permits have not been issued as yet for the existing Bay/Slater signage.  The applicant applied for the variance to allow the illumination component to be later activated if carried by the Committee.  The proposed illumination would be back-lit reversed illumination.  The applicant contends that the purpose of the signs is to identify the property and to provide better visibility for the CS Co-op bank.


Based on a review of the scale, the signs would comply with by-law area regulations.  The signs included in Recommendation 1 (see Document 2) have an area of 6.3 square metres per sign. The signs requested for Recommendation 2 have an area of 4 square metres per sign. Although wall signs are permitted, illuminated signs must be located 30 metres from an adjacent residential zone.  The proposed signs would be setback approximately 20 metres.  The intent of this general provision is to reduce the impact of light-spillover on nearby residential uses.





Recommendation 1


The Department has reviewed the request and feels that the variance for the proposed illuminated signs located within 20 metres of an adjacent residential zone would be acceptable provided certain conditions are imposed to lessen the impact of the illuminated component on the community.  These conditions are deemed necessary to address the concerns expressed by the community and to be in keeping with the intent of the Signs By-law.


The signs on the east facade are perceived as having less impact than the signs on the west and south façade requested in Recommendation 2.  The latter signs would directly face residential apartment buildings.  Given that this area has a mix of commercial/residential land uses, illumination as suggested in Recommendation 1 would allow the business visibility without adversely affecting the adjacent residents.


Recommendation 2


Similar to Recommendation 1, the Department has reviewed the request and feels that a conditional variance for the illuminated signs located within 20 metres of an adjacent residential zone would be appropriate.  However, given the comments and concerns received from the adjacent residents, an additional condition is recommended to install the illuminated signage on the first storey in order to lessen the impact from light spill-over on the apartment buildings located across the street at Bay and Slater. 


This type of signage would be similar to the former first storey signage that existed on this site prior to façade renovations.  The former signs were approved under permit and a west façade sign was subject to a variance for illuminated signage that was granted for a sign on the first storey in 1994.  The rationale for approval was that the signage was small in scale, not visible from the abutting residential uses and would be identical to the existing approved sign on the Slater Street façade.  Given the proximity to residential uses, it is recommended to limit any proposed illuminated signs to something similar to what existed prior to the renovations of the building.  By lowering the signage to the first storey, it is felt that the signs would be less visible to residential uses.  Therefore, it is felt that the conditional variance found in Recommendation 2 would provide adequate visibility for the business without adversely affecting the adjacent residents.





In response to the standard early notification to area residents, community and business groups, and the Ward Councillor, fifteen responses were received, seven were opposed to the application, six supported the application and two had no objections.  Concern was mainly on the illumination factor of the signs.  Comments were as follows;


·      Councillor Arnold stated, “Although I object to the installation of non-conforming signs in violation of the by-law, and requests for approval for the “as-built” sign after the fact – I would not object to the regularization of this sign on one condition: that the commemorative bronze plaque honouring the poet Archibald Lampman be re-installed on the exterior of the building once the renovations are completed.  The plaque was erected when the Lampman House was demolished in the early 1960s for the office building now containing the CS Co-op, and I do not wish to see it discarded.”


·      Councillor Arnold’s comments on the Bay/Slater signs were, “These signs were installed in contravention of the Signs By-law, and this practice should not be condoned by an automatic approval of the minor variance to legalize the violation after the fact.  I would prefer to see the Bay Street sign lowered to the original first floor location of the previous sign, and the internal illumination discontinued.  As stated in my previous comments, any approvals should be contingent on the building owners restoring the “Archibald Lampman” commemorative bronze plaque that was located on the wall of the building at Slater and Bay Streets.”


·      “I fail to see why the present sign needs to be illuminated.  We do not want more light pollution in this area.  The business of the Co-op takes place mainly in daylight hours, therefore, the present signs would see to be sufficient.”


·      “Night time doesn’t look like night time anymore with all the existing illumination; makes it difficult to sleep not to mention the electrical or energy pollution this creates.”


·      “All it takes is one sign to get approval then anyone can light up signs anywhere and we will have a miniature Time Square.”


·      The existing signs have significant visibility.


Response to Comments


Regarding the Councillor’s request for a condition, it is the Department’s policy to only request conditions that are related to the proposed signage such as location, types of illumination and hours of operation.  The Department wrote to CS Co-op to inquire about the plaque and was informed that the CS Co-op fully intends to install this commemorative plaque in its original location as soon as it is feasible.


Given the mixed use nature of this street, the Department is of the opinion that illuminated signs at this location would be appropriate provided that the lighting is restricted through conditions which will lessen it’s impact on adjacent residential uses.  The Department has recommended conditional approval of the variances provided that the lighting impact is reduced by reversed illumination, hours of operation and location as noted in the recommendations.










Document 1   Location Map

Document 2   East Elevation Signs

Document 3   Bay Street Sign

Document 4   Slater Street Sign




Corporate Services Department, Secretariat Services Branch to notify the agent, Eyecom, Attention: Reg Irving, 23-81 Auriga Drive, Ottawa, Ontario. K2E 7Y5 and the owner CS CO-OP, Attention: Ian Glasgow, 400 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 5B2 of City Council’s decision.


Location Map                                                                                                                        Document 1



East Elevation Signs                                                                                                             Document 2


Bay Street Sign                                                                                                                     Document 3


Slater Street Sign                                                                                                                  Document 4