Report to/Rapport au:
Planning and Development
Comité de l'urbanisme et de
and Council/et au Conseil
21 February 2001/ le 21
fevrier 2001
Submitted by/Soumis par: Ned
Lathrop, General Manager/Directeur général
Development Services
Department/Services d'aménagementI
Ref N°: ACS2001-DEV-APR-0009 |
By-law Minor Variance - 1485 Laperriere Avenue |
That the Planning and Development Committee recommend
that Council approve a variance to the Signs By-law 36-2000, of the old City of
Ottawa, to permit an internally illuminated ground sign at 1485 Laperriere
Avenue located 19 metres from a residential zone instead of the minimum 30
metres, provided that the sign does not exceed an area of 5 square metres, does
not exceed a height of 4 metres, utilizes reverse illumination only and is not
illuminated between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’aménagement recommande au Conseil
d’approuver une dérogation au Règlement sur les enseignes 36-2000 de l’ancienne
Ville d’Ottawa afin d’installer une enseigne illuminée au sol située au 1485,
avenue Laperriere à 19 mètres d’un quartier résidentiel au lieu du minimum
de 30 mètres habituellement requis, pourvu que l’enseigne ne mesure pas
plus de cinq mètres carrés, ne dépasse pas une hauteur de quatre mètres et utilise un éclairage inverse, lequel ne sera pas
en fonction entre 22 h et 7 h.
property is located at the northeast corner of Laperriere and Lady Ellen and is
zoned industrial/commercial in the Zoning By-law (see Document 1). Adjacent area land uses are primarily
commercial on the north side of Laperriere Street and low density residential
on the south side. Under the Signs
By-law, this site is designated as a District 4 category which allows
illuminated ground signage provided that it complies with various setbacks to
property lines and adjacent residential zones.
purpose for the sign would be to identify the property owner and various
tenants located in the building. Based
on a review of the scale, the sign would comply with by-law area and height
restrictions. The proposed sign (see Document
3) would have an area of 6.5 square metres with a height of 5.5 metres. Although an illuminated ground sign is
permitted, illuminated signs must be located 30 metres from an adjacent
residential zone. The intent of this
general provision is to reduce the impact of light-spillover on nearby
residential uses.
Department has reviewed the application and feels that the variance for the
illuminated ground sign within 30 metres of an adjacent residential zone would
be acceptable provided that certain conditions are imposed to lessen the impact
of the illuminated component on the community, and in particular the
residential homes directly across from the subject site. Given that this street has a mix of
commercial/industrial and residential land uses, limited illumination would
allow the business some degree of visibility without adversely affecting the
adjacent residents.
The applicant believes that the sign is necessary to
allow visibility normally afforded permitted commercial uses thus allowing the
business to compete and survive. In
addition, the applicant believes that the impact of the illuminated sign is
minimized since the sign would be situated perpendicular to the street (not
directly facing the residents across the street), has most of the illumination
through lettering only and there will be no other signage on this site.
Department is of the opinion that the intensity of the sign’s lighting would be
substantially reduced if all the sign has illumination through lettering
only. Reversed illumination is defined
in the by-law as illumination only through the lettering or graphics of an
opaque sign face. In addition, it is
believed that the installation of a timer to restrict illumination during
typical sleeping hours would further lessen the impact to nearby residents. Finally, if illumination is necessary, a
smaller sign is suggested to address the expressed concerns of the
neighbourhood as it was felt that the proposed sign would be larger than other
signage in this area. These conditions
are deemed necessary to address the concerns expressed by the community and to
be in keeping with the intent of the Signs By-law.
light of the above, the Department is recommending a conditional approval of
the application for variance.
In response to the standard early notification to area residents, community and business groups, and the Ward Councillor, eighteen responses were received, fifteen were opposed to the application, one supported the application and two had no objections. The Carlington Community Association and the Central Park Citizens Group did not support the original application.
on a February executive meeting, the Carlington Community Association
recommended support of the conditions stated in the report recommendation
allowing a variance conditional upon a smaller sign and with reversed
illumination, but with an illumination restriction from
9:00 p.m. instead of 10:00 p.m. as suggested by the Department. Councillor Wendy Stewart stated that she
would like to support the recommendations of the Carlington Community Association
in an attempt to lessen the impact of this sign on the adjacent residential
Circulation comments were as follows:
The sign is
too large and too bright for a residential area.
The sign
would be significantly larger and brighter sign than anything else in the
· The size of the sign seems
unusually large for this area (residential) especially since it is very close
to residential homes just across the street
· I am very concerned that such
as sign would cause an obstruction with the traffic coming out of Lady Ellen put a large sign on the corner would again impede the vision for
· We are vehemently opposed to
the erection of a sign of such proportions.
The proposed sign is over 18 feet and 10 feet wide, with “high output
illumination”. We are opposed to the
thought of looking out our living room windows and being greeted by such a
mammoth sign. We feel that a sign of
this size would be overwhelming and out of place in our community.
· We are opposed to the “high
illumination lighting. Laperriere
Avenue is an extremely quiet street with no appreciable traffic after
5:30pm. The use of illumination after
5:30pm can serve little or no commercial benefit. We do concede that a level of illumination would be beneficial,
especially during the winter months, however we feel that signage illumination
after 6pm is unnecessary, undesirable and wasteful.
Response to Comments
the mixed use nature of this street, the Department is of the opinion that an
illuminated sign at this location would be appropriate provided that the
lighting is restricted through conditions which will lessen it’s impact to
adjacent residential uses. Although the
scale of the proposed sign complies with the area and height restrictions of
the Signs By-law, it is recommended that a smaller sign be installed to lessen
the impact and to address the concerns of nearby residents who believe that the
scale of the proposed illuminated sign is too large for this area. Regarding location, the sign will not be
located within the corner lot site triangle and it would comply with the
by-law’s visibility regulation.
Document 1 Location
Document 2 Site
Document 3 Elevation
Corporate Services
Department, Secretariat Services Branch
to notify the agent, Rainbow Neon, Attention: Andre Charron, 1451 Star Top
Road, Ottawa, Ontario. K1B 3S5 and the owner The Willow Group, Attention:
Benoit Comeaw, 1485 Laperriere Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1Z 7S8 of City
Council’s decision.
Site Plan Document
Elevation Drawings Document