





28 April 2014



Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board



Chief of Police, Ottawa Police Service








That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.




The Ottawa Police Service (OPS) monitors and evaluates information on a variety of performance metrics. The Service also contributes data to a number of local and provincial initiatives, including the Ontario Municipal Benchmarking Initiative (OMBI) and the Municipal Performance Measurement Project (MPMP). As part of a cooperative effort in sharing performance data, performance indicators are first presented to the Board, then forwarded to the City of Ottawa for inclusion in its Quarterly Performance Reports.




As part of our commitment to measuring performance, the OPS continues to work with the City by providing selected metrics to be included in the quarterly performance reporting framework, including:


§  Total calls for police service;

§  Emergency response calls for service (Priority 1);

§  Response performance on Priority 1 calls (on-scene in 15 min, 95 percent of the time);

§  Service time (citizen-initiated, mobile response calls); and,

§  Number of Criminal Code Offences per sworn officer.


This Quarterly Performance Report covers the reporting period between January 1 and March 30, 2014. First quarter metrics are now presented to the Board prior to being compiled with other city data for Council.


Total Calls for Service – All Priorities


The OPS received an average of 374,000 calls for service annually over the past five years. This total includes both calls that were dispatched and those that were handled through alternative means.  


Figure 1: Total Calls for Service (All Priorities)


The number of calls in the first quarter declined nearly two percent (-1.6%) to 78,765 from 80,034 calls during same time period last year. The decline has been driven by six percent (6%) fewer 9-1-1 calls, determined to be non-emergencies known as Alternative Response. Calls requiring a mobile response remained constant during this time period at approximately 57,800.


Emergency Calls for Service (Priority 1)


The OPS Call Response Protocol reflects the need to respond to citizens’ calls for assistance in a manner that reflects the seriousness of the incident, while weighing the interests of the safety of police officers and the general public. The circumstances surrounding the incident determine the priority level assigned. 


In the first quarter, the OPS received 767 calls (-24%) for service classified as Priority 1, compared to 1,010 from the same time period last year. This includes all events involving a known imminent danger to life; actual or potential danger for bodily injury or death; crimes in progress or imminent. Calls include the known use of weapons or apparent life-threatening injuries, and all police officers assistance call. 


The decline in number of Priority 1 calls is partially attributed to 130 fewer tiered response calls from the Ottawa Paramedic Service. The decline may be a positive indicator of the Tiered Response Agreement signed by Police, Paramedic, and Fire Services in July 2012. The agreement aims to ensure only the appropriate resources are dispatched to calls requiring more than one emergency service. The OPS also received fewer calls related to accidents, disturbances, assaults, and suspicious incidents during the first quarter.       

Priority 1 Response Performance


The OPS aims to respond to Priority 1 calls for service within 15 minutes, 95 percent of the time. The Service has continued to achieve this standard since the implementation of the Call Response Protocol in June 2012. The OPS responded to Priority 1 calls within 15 minutes 95.3 percent of the time in the first quarter.


Service Time (Citizen-Initiated, Mobile Response Calls)


Service Time refers to the cumulative amount of time (hours) officers spend responding to and dealing with calls for service from the public. The service time metric is used for operational planning and deployment of personnel. Reactive workload generally fluctuates seasonally throughout the year, with variations in climate influencing call volume and criminal behaviour.  

Figure 2: Service Time (Citizen Initiated, Mobile Response)


In the first quarter, Service time increased by five percent to 66,598 hours. The cumulative amount of time officers spend on calls remains in line with the five year average.


Number of Criminal Code Offences Handled per Police Officer


The number of reported Criminal Code of Canada incidents prorated over the number of sworn personnel is one indication of workload.  This, of course, does not capture the entire scope of police operations, including proactive initiatives, assistance to victims of crime, traffic enforcement/Highway Traffic Act violations, street checks, and other community and public safety activities.

Figure 3: Number of Criminal Code Offences per Officer


In Q1 2014, the number of criminal code offences handled per officer declined to 5.2 offences per officer. The decline continues to be driven by fewer offences (-283) from the same period in previous year.




The performance metrics presented in this report and subsequently forwarded to Council are part of the Performance Measurement Framework developed with the assistance of a citizens’ advisory panel. The metrics are also reported to the public by way of the Ontario Municipal Benchmarking Initiative (OMBI).




There is no financial impact from this report.




The Board will continue to receive performance updates as part of the Performance Monitoring Framework. Further development of the Framework is currently taking place under the Value priority (Goal 2.0) in the 2013-2015 Business Plan. Ottawa Police representatives will continue to serve on the OMBI Police Expert Panel, the national Police Information and Statistics (POLIS) Committee, and other venues that contribute to the ongoing discussion, improvement, and transparency of police performance measures.


    (Original signed by)



Charles Bordeleau

Chief of Police



Responsible for report: Superintendent Terrance Cheslock