Description: OPS_BLK_ENG






22 April 2013



Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board



Chief of Police, Ottawa Police Service







That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.




The ‘2012: A Year in Review’ is an annual compilation of organizational achievements and operational initiatives, along with preliminary crime statistics and performance figures.  The Year in Review forms part of the Ottawa Police Service’s (OPS) ongoing performance monitoring and meets Provincial Adequacy Standards and Board Policy for annual reporting on organizational priorities and objectives. 




The ‘2012: A Year in Review’ features written contributions from over thirty sworn and civilian members of the Ottawa Police, as well as videos and other media.  It is intended to be an accessible, dynamic, and interactive community resource that highlights OPS successes and challenges in 2012. 


The Review provides a snapshot of the work that has been done in the past year, and provides insight to what we do and how we are working with the community and our partners.   It highlights how we addressed our three operational priorities – guns and gangs, violence against women, and traffic safety, and how we’re changing to better serve the citizens of the city.  It also reflects our commitment to public accountability and transparency; providing police performance and preliminary crime statistics for 2012, including stories behind the statistics to provide valuable context and meaning.


Our 2011 edition received the “Annual Report of the Year Award” from the Ontario Association of Law Enforcement Planners and the 2012 edition continues to build on this award-winning format and template.  The 2012 “Year in Review” has been given a fresh new look and feel, with enhancements to further improve the navigation, accessibility, and search capabilities.  New for 2012 are:


·         more articles, as well as improved interactivity with additional graphics and images;

·         social media links for both the site and for each article so that they can be easily shared;

·         improved search function through a menu that makes it easier to search articles;

·         available and accessible on a range of platforms and devices; and

·         enhanced accessibility to ensure compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).


Content and media includes articles about our successes and challenges in ensuring public safety, reducing and preventing crime, assisting victims of crime, our use of policing tools and technology, and investments in our members.  A selection of photos and videos of Ottawa Police members engaged in daily police work across the City and in communities are also featured.  


The Review has dedicated sections covering how we addressed our three operational priorities – guns and gangs, violence against women, and traffic safety - and how the OPS is changing to serve citizens better, with coverage on our future plans like the Service Initiative and the 2013-2015 Business Plan:  A Plan Where Everyone Matters.


A range of 2012 performance figures and key statistics are presented, including Use of Force, calls for service, authorized strength of the OPS, and the cost of policing.  The Annual Report allows readers to view preliminary crime trends at a citywide level or for their local police district using an interactive map.  A full report on crime, traffic offences, calls for service, and response times across the City and by ward will be available later in the spring.


An outreach and promotional strategy has been developed to create awareness, expand and diversify our audience, and to encourage the community to visit the online version, with the ability to download in .pdf and print a paper version.  The strategy is consistent with last year’s link-building approach to reach a broader audience through our partners and other community groups by placing the Annual Report’s unique URL on their websites, as well as being posted on 


An advertising campaign will be launched through print and online media such as Le Droit and the local community newspapers to reach the entire City including rural residents.  We will continue to promote and distribute the 2012: A Year in Review through city councillors, internal networks (CPC Officers, Diversity and Race Relations, SRO, Victim Crisis Unit), email lists, community networks and partners (including COMPAC, ONWEC, GLBT, and YAC), list servers and bulletin boards such as Ottawa’s Community 2-1-1.  The website has been designed so that the entire site or individual articles can be shared through a range of social networking sites including Facebook and Twitter. 


An online feedback evaluation survey tool will assist in gathering community opinions and input on how to improve future publications.




The Year in Review forms part of the OPS ongoing performance monitoring, and meets Provincial Adequacy Standards for annual reporting on organizational priorities and objectives, and the Ottawa Police Services Board Policy AI-011 ‘Framework for Annual Reporting’.




A number of articles in this year’s Review offer hyperlinks to community partners and the print media to support the article’s content.  Through the link-building strategy community partners and agencies have the opportunity to link the Review’s unique URL on their websites, as well as being posted on  In addition to the written contributions from over thirty sworn and civilian members of the Ottawa Police, an internal editorial board expanded member engagement and provided input to the storyboard and assisted in the overall development of the Annual Report.  Finally, in building on existing academic partnerships, students from University of Ottawa and Carleton University criminology programs were invited to interview OPS members for the Review, and they have prepared five of this year’s articles.




The OPS moved from print to an online version of the Annual Report in 2010 with the goal to be environmentally conscious, improve access and availability, and to achieve cost savings.  The total costs for the ‘2012: A Year in Review’ were reduced by ten percent from 2011, for a total cost savings of over $10,000 since moving to a digital online format. 




The ‘2012: A Year in Review’ highlights the accomplishments of the OPS over the past year that reflect actions taken to protect the safety, security and quality of life in the city.  The annual report also highlights our successful engagement efforts with our community partners, investments made in our members, and how our members have made a difference in our community.  The Review demonstrates how we’re changing to serve citizens better and working to keep this community safe.  It provides preliminary performance figures for 2012 and reflects the ongoing commitment of the Ottawa Police to be accountable and transparent to the community.

The OPS was among the first police services in Canada to go to a digital online format in preparing its annual report.  This innovation has now been recognized and commended by our peers with last year’s edition receiving the Annual Report of the Year Award for Ontario.  This year’s edition builds upon this strong foundation and success.  The Review is another opportunity for continued communication and engagement with our citizens.


(Original signed by)


Charles Bordeleau

Chief of Police



Responsible for report:   Superintendent Terrance Cheslock