22 April 2013



Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board



Chief of Police, Ottawa Police Service








That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.




Attached for the information of the Board are excerpts from letters of appreciation / thanks received from the public since the last regular meeting for services rendered by members of the Ottawa Police Service.




(original signed by)



Charles Bordeleau

Chief of Police


Attach. (1)


Responsible for the report:  Director John Steinbachs




Date Received: 15 February 2013

From: Member of the Public

OPS Members: Cst. Mark Bradley and Cst. Sarah Nitschmann.

Excerpts from Letter:  Many thanks to the kind officers who came by today at around 5:45 pm, 15 Feb, after our 2.5 year old daughter locked herself in the house.  Their calming, professional presence and help were much appreciated, and won't be forgotten. 


Date Received: 13 December 2012

From: Capital City Condors Special Needs Hockey 

OPS Members: Cst. Marc Daviault , Cst. Kim Meam, Sgt Mike Lamothe, Cst Jon MacLean, Cst. Jorge Mendoca, Cst. Mark Cutts, Cst. Jon Kenney, Cst. Jerome Belanger, Cst. Eric Perreault, A/Sgt. Rob Haggarty

Excerpts from Letter: Recently I organized a fun game involving some members of the Police Service and the kids from the Condors—kids playing hockey on a team where their personal challenges, skill level and health issues are not judged.  Just a small note to thank you and the Ottawa Police Association on the generosity and continued support you have shown towards this amazing program for special people.  This week, we are heading to the yearly tournament in Kitchener with teams from as far as London, England attending; next year it is in Detroit.  To both of you I just wanted to identify the members who without hesitation committed to a fun day on the ice with the kids and provided memories and gifts for them they will cherish.  Could you please acknowledge the members who made this recent event a big success and thank them sincerely on my behalf and the Condors family? They represent your Service with respect and pride:


Date Received: 13  December 2012

From: Member of the Public

OPS Members: Cst. Katherine Ste Marie 

Excerpts from Letter: I got pulled over by Cst. Ste Marie . She was very kind and gave me a warning because one of my headlights was out.  Once I got my warning I drove home only to realize I forgot to get my license back. Cst. Ste Marie then drove to my house and delivered my license to me.  I am very grateful for her gesture.  Thank you!


Date Received: 30 January 2013

From: Member of the Public

OPS Members:  Cst. Cst. Dale Short and Cst. Dawn Ethier,

Excerpts from Letter: An officer stopped a car today that had 2 feet of snow on its roof. The lady was on a cell phone making an improper lane change.  The officer asked that she pull into the parking lot.  The compliment is twofold: First the officer showed insight for safety by directing the lady to pull into the parking lot; second, I fully believe that had he not stopped that car when he did, the snow would have flown off causing a serious accident to the car behind.  My friend and her two month old baby were right behind her.  Thank you officer!


Date Received:  28 January 2013

From: Member of the Public

OPS Member:  Cst. Jeff Eva-Gonzalez

Excerpts from Letter: Just to congratulate Cst. Jeff Eva-Gonzalez for his participation in the Human Library program and to let him know he is appreciated as a person and officer.


Date Received: 8 March 2013

From:  Member of the Public

OPS Member: Cst. Earle Cooke, A/Sgt Robert Cairns, Cst. Taryne Smith and Sgt. Steven Cattral

Excerpts from Letter: Just a quick note of appreciation for the great officers who responded to the call when sadly my wife passed away at home after a long battle with cancer.  There was a shift change so there were 4 great people who ended up at the house. It was a tremendously sad time and the officers all acted with the utmost class and professionalism. They were like 4 good friends helping me cope with my loss.  One of the officers who stayed until the end was particularly amazing as she calmed Grandma down and was amazing with the kids and our dogs.  If you could pass on my praises I would greatly appreciate it.


Date Received: 25 November 2012

From: Member of the Public

OPS Members:  Cst. Trevor Burgess and Cst. Keith Waucaush

Excerpts from Letter: I called the OPS because I was receiving SMS messages that appeared to be coming from a pedophile/sexual predator.  Two officers came promptly and talked to me professionally.  They accepted and understood my concern that the sender might not be a troll but a real pervert.  I was grateful and impressed.


Date Received: 14 February 2013

From: Member of the Public

OPS Members:  Cst. Sean Carroll and Cst. James Monroe

Excerpts from Letter:  Lately, we required the help of the police to execute a Form 2.  I am very appreciative of the assistance of Cst. Carroll and Cst. Monroe.  They acted in a very professional manner and treated our family with courtesy and respect.


Date Received: 17 January 2013

From: Member of the Public

OPS Member:  Cst. Kerry Rambarran

Excerpts from Letter: I am writing to express my thanks and applaud the service of Cst. Rambarran who responded to my traffic accident this morning.  He was extremely professional, calm and courteous in dealing with us.  Unfortunately, accidents do not bring out the best in people and the other driver involved in the accident was very agitated and upset.  I was very impressed in Cst. Rambarran’s ability to deal with the situation and he was extremely good at calming people down.  I also appreciate that he really took the time to go over everything with me and was very kind/patient.  It is very impressive that you have such great staff.  Keep up the good work!


Date Received: 11 December 2012

From: Member of the Public

OPS Member:  Cst. Brenda Milloy

Excerpts from Letter: I just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks for your efforts in tracking down the person who damaged my car in the Canada Post parking lot last week.  I am sure that my case is relatively small in the grand scheme of things but your diligence means the world to me.  More importantly, your courtesy and efficient customer service were outstanding and made this difficult and troubling incident much, much easier to handle.  While the Ottawa Police Service should be proud to count you among its members, it is the citizens of this city that are lucky to have you watching out for us -- truly one of Ottawa's finest!


Date Received: 12 January 2013

From: Member of the Public

Excerpts from Letter: I think it is important that senior levels of the Ottawa Police Service are aware when the public recognizes a job well done. Congratulations to the Ottawa Police, the Ontario Provincial Police, the RCMP and Idle No More for a largely peaceful protest.  Voices were heard and rights were protected.  Idle No More was clear that the police were not the enemy and the police were supportive of a peaceful and legal protest.  Well done everyone!  We all like to point fingers when things go wrong but are pretty quiet when they go right.  I'm changing that!


Date Received: 11 December 2012

From: M.A.G. Norman, Rear Amiral, Deputy Commander

OPS Member:  S/Sgt Glenn Wasson

Excerpts from Letter:  I wish to express my gratitude to S/Sgt Glenn Wasson for his assistance to the Royal Canadian Navy Combat Shooting Team during the past summer.  At short notice and due to events beyond its control, the NCST lost its on-site weapons storage facility at Connaught Range and S/Sgt Wasson was contacted for assistance.  Without hesitation, he made a secure storeroom at the Huntmar Station available as an intermediate measure until the team's new weapons lock-up at Connaught Range could be installed.  Without the timely assistance from S/Sgt Wasson, the team's entire summer training and competition schedule would have been jeopardized.  Please pass on my most sincere appreciation and that of the entire RCN Combat Shooting Team to S/Sgt Wasson.  Without his help, it simply could not have been done.


Date Received: 17 September 2012

From: Member of the Public

OPS Member:  Cst. Usama Badran, Cst. Timothy Keen and Sgt Scott Pettis

Excerpts from Letter: I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for the very professional, courteous and compassionate way your officers treated me when my wife passed away at home.  These fine officers were a great help in my being able to deal with the events of that day. I wish I had written sooner but things sometimes take longer in these situations.  My sincere gratitude is what I want to pass along to your officers.