22 April 2013 |
Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board |
Chief of Police, Ottawa Police Service |
That the Ottawa Police Services Board:
1. Receive this report for information.
2. Approve the appointment of eight (8) new recruit sworn officers who successfully completed the required Ontario Police College training in Q1, in accordance with Section 31(1)(a) of the Police Services Act.
3. Approve the appointment of six (6) experienced sworn officers who were sworn in during Q1, in accordance with Section 31(1)(a) of the Police Services Act.
Section 31(1) of the Police Services Act sets out the Board’s responsibilities with respect to the provision of adequate and effective police service in the municipality. Under Section 31(1) (a), the Board is responsible for the appointment of sworn members to its municipal police force.
The Board has also requested information be submitted, on a quarterly basis, that captures key elements of the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) workforce activities including hiring, retirements, resignations and promotions.
The purpose of this report is to:
1. Identify all new members and fulfill the Board’s obligation to approve all appointments of new members;
2. Provide the Board with an overview of workforce management activities that have occurred in Q1 2013, including: sworn officer recruitment, retirements and resignations, sworn officer promotions and civilian activities;
3. Summarize the 2013 hiring activities; and
4. Summarize hiring goals for 2013 including assumptions related to retirements and resignations.
Information provided in this report includes names and ranks of personnel as governed by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Sworn Officer Staffing
2013 Hiring Requirements
The forecast of sworn officer hiring requirements for the year is developed annually by OPS. It is built around the estimated number of officers that must be hired to fill both new and existing vacant positions.
In developing a hiring plan, five (5) key factors are considered:
1. A new recruit takes 9 months, on average, to become deployable;
2. The Ontario Police College typically only holds 3 training sessions per year for new recruits with limited space in each class;
3. An experienced officer from another police service takes 1 to 2 months, on average, to become deployable;
4. Retirements tend to occur at the beginning of each new fiscal year; and,
5. A complement carry-over of 40% of the following year’s forecasted retirements is needed to ensure that staffing levels in Q1 do not fall below acceptable levels.
2013 Forecast
The 2013 Sworn Officer Hiring requirements take into consideration the number of new positions budgeted in the year, and any change to the number of seconded positions in the organization. It also considers the number of officers over (or under) complement at the beginning of the year, the projected number of retirements and resignations during the year, and how many extra officers will be needed to begin the following year, to ensure staffing levels do not fall below acceptable levels when the majority of retirements occur in Q1.
In 2013, it is expected that 25 officers will retire and another 10 will resign or vacate their position for other reasons. At year end 2012, OPS had a complement shortfall of 6 officers. This year there should be 12 extra officers carried over to help meet operational needs in Q1 2014.
Other impacts on the plan this year include the reduction of sworn JIT (Just-In-Time) positions by 19. These positions were used to create a cadre of officers that would be hired, have completed OPC and coach officer training (a 9 month process) and be ready to be deployed as retirements occurred. By beginning the hiring and training process 9 months in advance of a retirement, gaps in front-line staffing can be minimized. The original number of JIT positions was 50 when the plan was approved in 2002. One of these positions was transferred to another directorate and 19 were eliminated leaving 30 positions. This number is in line with the number of retirements typically forecasted each year.
The forecast has changed since originally tabled with the Board in the Q4 2012 report. It has been increased from 29 to 32 sworn officers due to a forecasted increase in complement carry-over to 2014 from 9 to 12. Although the carry over target was always 12, the timing of the members leaving and entering the organization can impact the cost of the plan. The original plan as forecasted could only afford a carry over of 9 additional bodies to begin 2014.
In Q1, however, there were more retirements than anticipated and less new hires were successful in meeting OPS standards (see Q1 2013 Activities below). As a result, the 2013 Sworn Officer Hiring Plan was adjusted. These adjustments have made the plan more affordable and have also allowed an additional 3 hires to meet the target of 12 with no impact on costs.
Table 1 below summarizes the 2013 sworn officer forecasted hiring requirements as compared to the actual requirements. It is expected that a total of 32 officers will need to be hired to meet requirements.
Table 1
2013 Summary of Sworn Officer Hiring Requirements
Q1 2013 Activities
In Q1 2013, there were 17 retirements, 2 resignations and one “other” employee who vacated their position. Annex A to this report lists the names and ranks of the sworn officers who left the employment of OPS in Q1 2013 due to retirement and resignation.
Table 2 below summarizes the Q1 2013 hiring activity and the hiring plan for the year. The original plan was to hire 9 experienced officers in Q1 2013 but only 6 of the officers who went through the process met OPS standards.
Table 2
2013 Sworn Officer Hiring Plan
The reduced number of officers hired in Q1 and the increased overall requirements for 2013 have led to a revised hiring plan. Along with the 6 officers hired in Q1, the new plan allows for 14 new recruits in August and 12 in December for a total of 32. Typically, there is an annual intake in April however, this year, this class was cancelled by OPC due to lack of registration province wide. OPS staff will continue to monitor the requirements and make changes to the plan as needed.
Annex B to this report lists the names of the 8 new recruits and 6 experienced officers who were sworn in during Q1 2013. The 8 new recruits were hired in August 2012 and completed their training at OPC late in 2012. The 6 experienced officers were hired in March 2013 as part of the first of three intakes planned to meet the 2013 forecasted staffing requirement of 32. Table 3 provides a demographic overview of these new OPS sworn officers.
Table 3
Demographic Highlights of New OPS Sworn Officers
Q1 2013 Hiring Activities
Total Number |
Men |
Women |
Average Age |
English and French Speaking |
Other Languages |
Representative Indicator |
College Diploma University Degree Military Service |
Q1 New Recruits |
8 |
4 |
4 |
32 |
3 |
Spanish |
1 |
College – 3 University – 4 Military – 3 High school - 1 |
Q1 Experienced Officers |
6 |
4 |
2 |
30 |
3 |
Tamil |
0* |
College – 4 University – 1 High School -1 |
* No members have self-identified
Q1 2013 Sworn Officer Promotions
Sworn officer promotions in OPS are generally made on a quarterly basis, taking into account the number of vacancies arising through attrition. This activity is detailed in Table 4 below. Annex C lists the names of the 15 sworn employees promoted in Q1 2013.
Q1 2013 Sworn Officer Promotions
Superintendent |
Inspector |
S/Sergeant |
Sergeant |
Total |
Q1 Sworn Officer Promotions |
0 |
0 |
6 |
9 |
15 |
2013 Staffing Plan
Civilian staffing is driven each year by many of the same factors that influence Sworn Officer hiring, but the volume and timing can be somewhat more difficult to predict. The 2013 plan forecasted 172 staffing actions. This number has 6 components:
1. 13 new positions have been added to the complement as part of the reallocation of capital and operating funding in the 2013 budget process;
2. At the start of 2013 there were 24 vacant positions, 10 forecasted retirements and 5 forecasted resignations;
3. 25 subsequent staffing actions are forecasted to occur to backfill positions that become vacant as a result of internal candidates successfully competing for the 24 vacant positions (staff have assumed internal candidates will succeed in the majority of the staffing actions);
4. 40 staffing actions to fill medium-to-long-term temporary requirements;
5. 40 staffing actions to fill short-term (4 months or less) temporary requirements; and
6. 15 staffing actions to fill casual opportunities.
Table 5 outlines the 2013 Civilian Staffing Plan and actual staffing actions to the end of Q1. In total 38 staffing actions occurred to the end of March, with the majority (25) falling into the Temporary and Casual categories.
Table 5
2013 Civilian Staffing Plan
2013 Original Forecasted Requirements |
Q1 Actions |
Q2 Forecast |
Q3 Forecast |
Q4 Forecast |
2013 Total Staffing Actions |
New Positions (from reallocation of capital funding) |
13 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
6 |
13 |
Existing Positions |
Existing Vacancies |
24 |
4 |
10 |
3 |
7 |
24 |
Retirements |
10 |
7 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
10 |
Resignations |
5 |
1 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
5 |
Backfilling Requirements |
25 |
1 |
10 |
4 |
10 |
25 |
Mid–Long Term Temporary Requirements |
40 |
5 |
23 |
5 |
7 |
40 |
Short Term Temporary Requirements (EOI) |
40 |
9 |
11 |
10 |
10 |
40 |
Casual Requirements |
15 |
11 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
15 |
Total Staffing Forecast |
172 |
38 |
62 |
30 |
42 |
172 |
Annex D to this report lists the names and positions held by the 8 civilian members who left the permanent employment of OPS in Q1 2013 due to retirement or resignation.
Annex E to this lists the names of the 4 civilian employees hired in Q1 2013 into permanent positions to address staffing needs. Table 6 provides the demographic overview of these new employees.
Civilian staffing includes internal movement and advancement opportunities which arise for existing employees as a result of attrition and growth. They are filled through a competition process. Priority Placement of members requiring accommodation and the fulfilment of Labour Relations Agreements are also a factor in the movement of civilians to new permanent positions. Annex F to this report lists the names of the 7 permanent civilian members in new permanent positions as of Q1 2013.
Table 6
Demographic Highlights of New OPS Civilian Employees
Q1 2013 Hiring Activities
Total Number |
Men |
Women |
Average Age |
English and French Speaking |
Other Languages |
Representative Indicator |
College Diploma University Degree Military Service |
Q1 Civilian Hires |
4 |
1 |
3 |
41 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
1 - College Diploma 1 - University Degree 1 - Masters Degree
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
This report summarizes the activities that have occurred in the first quarter to fulfill the goals of the 2013 Sworn and Civilian hiring and staffing plans. In addition, this report provides an overview of other workforce management activities including sworn and civilian employee retirements, resignations, and promotions.
(original signed by)
Charles Bordeleau
Chief of Police
Responsible for the report: Director General Debra Frazer
Annex A – 2013 Q1 Sworn Officer Retirements and Resignations
Annex B – 2013 Q1 New Sworn Members and Experienced Officer Hires
Annex C – 2013 Q1 Sworn Promotions
Annex D – 2013 Q1 Civilian Retirements and Resignations
Annex E – 2013 Q1 Permanent Civilian Hires
Annex F – 2013 Q1 Civilians in New Permanent Positions
This document contains information that reports on activities related to the Ottawa Police Service Business Plan.
Q1 2013 Sworn Officer Retirements
1. |
Robert Landry |
Criminal Investigations |
Organized Fraud |
Sergeant |
3 January 2013 |
2. |
Dave Collins |
Patrol |
Platoon F West |
Sergeant |
25 January 2013 |
3. |
Rob Gilchrist |
Patrol |
Platoon Central Fixed |
Sergeant |
25 January 2013 |
4. |
Scott Lawson |
Emergency Operations |
Traffic Escort |
Sergeant |
25 January 2013 |
5. |
Gary Leach |
Patrol |
Platoon West Fixed |
Sergeant |
25 January 2013 |
6. |
Kevin McCaffery |
District |
District Support East |
Staff Sergeant |
25 January 2013 |
7. |
Mark Myers |
Platoon |
Platoon A West |
Staff Sergeant |
25 January 2013 |
8. |
William Sullivan |
Criminal Investigations |
Organized Fraud |
Staff Sergeant |
25 January 2013 |
9. |
Gregory Tyrer |
Patrol |
Platoon Central Fixed |
Constable |
25 January 2013 |
10. |
Wayne Bell |
Patrol |
Platoon F East |
Sergeant |
27 January 2013 |
11. |
Alain Cammaert |
Emergency Operations |
Traffic Escort |
Constable |
27 January 2013 |
12. |
Daniel Gore |
Criminal Investigations |
Criminal Intelligence |
Constable |
27 January 2013 |
13. |
Denis Chevalier |
Criminal Investigations |
Constable |
31 January 2013 |
14. |
Sabrina Corneanu |
Resourcing & Development |
Secondment |
Constable |
1 February 2013 |
15. |
Dave R Turnbull (Sr) |
Patrol |
Platoon East |
Staff Sergeant |
1 February 2013 |
16. |
Allan McConnell |
District |
District Support Investigations West |
Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
17. |
Paul Ingram |
District |
District Support East |
Sergeant |
11 March 2013 |
Q1 2013 Sworn Officer Resignations
1. |
Michael Storozuk |
Criminal Investigations |
Forensic Identification |
Constable |
7 January 2013 |
2. |
Chamkaur Sandhu |
Patrol |
Platoon C East |
Constable |
18 March 2013 |
Q1 2013 Sworn Members OPC Trained Hires - Class R2012-2
1. |
Shawn Adams |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
13 August 2012 |
2. |
Marc Boulerice |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
13 August 2012 |
3. |
Kristina Correa |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
13 August 2012 |
4. |
Cheryl Cross* |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
13 August 2012 |
5. |
Amy Gagnon-Friesen |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
13 August 2012 |
6. |
Steven Landon |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
13 August 2012 |
7. |
Paige Madden |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
13 August 2012 |
8. |
Christian Nungisa |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
13 August 2012 |
*from Civilian to Sworn
Q1 2013 Experienced Officers OPC Trained Hires - Class DE2013-1
1. |
Sathiyenthira Balasundaram |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
4 March 2013 |
2. |
Daniel Dumont |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
4 March 2013 |
3. |
Sabastien Chartrand-Despatie |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
4 March 2013 |
4. |
Melissa Haggerty |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
4 March 2013 |
5. |
Christopher Morris |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
4 March 2013 |
6. |
Melanie St. Louis |
Resourcing & Development |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
4 March 2013 |
Q1 2013 Sworn Promotions
1. |
Brian Bonderud |
Support Services |
Court Security |
Staff Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
2. |
Sam Fawaz |
Patrol |
Platoon B Central |
Staff Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
3. |
Timothy Hodgins |
Patrol |
Platoon D Central |
Staff Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
4. |
Peter Jupp |
Support Services |
Communication Centre |
Staff Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
5. |
Stephan Kerr |
Criminal Investigations |
Forensic Identification |
Staff Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
6. |
David Spicer |
Patrol |
Platoon B East |
Staff Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
7. |
Amy Bond |
Patrol |
Platoon F Central |
Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
8. |
Adam Coakley |
Support Services |
Central Cellblock |
Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
9. |
Grant Cotie |
Resourcing & Development |
RCMP Peacekeeping |
Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
10. |
Kulvir Guram |
Patrol |
Platoon A Central |
Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
11. |
Felix Letellier |
Patrol |
Platoon F Central |
Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
12. |
Nathalie Perras |
Patrol |
Platoon A East |
Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
13. |
Brian Samuel |
Support Services |
Courthouse Security & Cell Block |
Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
14. |
Michael Saunders |
Patrol |
Platoon C Central |
Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
15. |
Wayne Stangle |
Patrol |
Platoon D West |
Sergeant |
1 March 2013 |
Q1 2013 Civilian Retirements
1. |
Elizabeth Monahan |
Corporate Support |
Freedom of Information |
FOI Analyst |
25 January 2013 |
2. |
Barbara Pioro |
Criminal Investigations |
Firearms Registration |
Special Constable |
26 January 2013 |
3. |
Christopher Kealey |
Support Services |
Court Liaison |
Special Constable Document Server |
1 February 2013 |
4. |
Delores Murgatroyd |
Support Services |
Switchboard |
Switchboard Operator |
1 February 2013 |
5. |
Ginette Maurier |
Corporate Support |
CPIC Operator |
21 February 2013 |
6. |
Marie Coady |
Office of the Chief |
Professional Standards |
PSS Coordinator |
1 March 2013 |
7. |
Lorraine Seguin |
Support Services |
Switchboard |
Switchboard Operator |
22 March 2013 |
Q1 2013 Civilian Resignations
1. |
Lori-Lyn Gilchrist |
Corporate Support |
Report Analyst |
Report Analyst |
8 March 2013 |
Q1 2013 Permanent Civilian Hires
1. |
Vinitha Thomas |
Office of the Chief |
Enterprise Performance |
Bus. Performance & Intelligence Coordinator |
14 January 2013 |
2. |
Lucie Mason |
Support Services |
Switchboard |
Switchboard Operator |
2 February 2013 |
3. |
David Snoddy |
Executive Services |
Community Development |
Director Community Development |
19 February 2013 |
4. |
Brigitte Louli |
Support Services |
Switchboard |
Switchboard Operator |
22 March 2013 |
Q1 2013 Civilians in New Permanent Positions
1. |
Carol Brunet |
Corporate Support |
Freedom of Information |
FOI Analyst |
25 January 2013 |
2. |
Norma Couturier |
Corporate Support |
Freedom of Information |
Supervisor FOI |
28 January 2013 |
3. |
Shirley Freeman |
Patrol |
Office of the Superintendent |
Sr. Administrative Assistant |
25 February 2013 |
4. |
Matthew Chaput |
Corporate Support |
CPIC Operator |
11 March 2013 |
5. |
Gabriele Alden |
Support Services |
Court Liaison |
Special Constable Document Server |
15 March 2013 |
6. |
Denise Ingram |
Corporate Support |
Report Analyst |
Report Analyst |
25 March 2013 |
7. |
Brooks Tilley |
Corporate Support |
Report Analyst |
Report Analyst |
25 March 2013 |