25 March 2013



Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board



Chief of Police, Ottawa Police Service









That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.




In January 2001, the Provincial Government enacted Ontario Regulation 3/99 under the Police Services Act of Ontario.  The regulation, named Adequacy and Effectiveness of Police Services (Adequacy Standards), is intended to ensure police services boards and police services implement the structure and tools required to provide effective delivery of policing services to the community.




The Quality Assurance Section is committed to improving the operation of organization through continuous review of corporate procedures and policies.  The functions encompassed in the Section include:  policy development, quality assurance, audit, and risk management.  This report summarizes the findings and actions taken to ensure compliance with Provincial Adequacy Standards during 2012 and leading to compliance activities in 2013.


Policy Development Office


During the past year, 26 policies were revised or created through the Policy Committee and approved through the executive chain of command.  Two new policies, Disclosure of Officer Misconduct and Personal Protective Equipment, were created to address legislative amendments, while the remaining 24 were revised in accordance with Provincial Adequacy Standards or in compliance with recommendations stemming from internal process changes.


Terms of Reference (TOR) and a flow chart on policy intake were developed to define the authority of the Policy Committee and outline the roles and responsibilities. 


A policy systems framework was established to address retention, purging, and stabilization of the 168 existing OPS policies.  A detailed report outlines potential Phase II requirements regarding policy management software.


Directorate Quality Assurance Unit


Directorate Quality Assurance (DQA) is a self-assessment process and management tool that focuses on risk assessment and prioritized activities to ensure accountability and compliance with Provincial Adequacy Standards.  Quality Assurance Section members engaged in a series of senior management interviews designed to identify and address operational needs.  QA analyzed, organized and prioritized the large amount of information yielded through the collection and interview processes for oversight by senior management.  The consultative process of collecting briefing materials and operational updates from across the organization formed part of the Chief’s 100 Day Transition Plan reported to the Board in May.  The information and management action plans collected were used to assist in the development of the priorities in the 2013-2015 Business Plan, as well as the Directorate Operational Plans.


Risk Management Unit


The Ottawa Police Service hired a Risk Management Analyst (RMA) in December to continue the development of risk monitoring and management practices.  The RMA supports the Professional Accountability and Corporate Excellence (PACE) Committee which examines risk- related issues emanating from legislative changes, audits, investigations and community pressures through a cross-organizational lens.  PACE elevates any identified risks to the Executive Dashboard and reports monthly to the Executive Office.  In 2012, PACE managed a range of operational and administrative issues with varying levels of risk. The committee developed mitigation strategies to ensure each risk was properly addressed, including but not limited to communication, policy development or change, amendments and improvements to training, and equipment management.  A total of 55 issues were managed by PACE, 46 of which were new in 2012, with the remaining 9 carried over from the previous calendar year.


Internal Audit


The Quality Assurance Section completed three internal audits in 2012.  Two audits initiated in 2011 were finalized in February, including the Property and Evidence Control Drug Destruction process and the Firearms process.  Management responses were received for each of the audit recommendations.  




In February, the Canadian Police College Leadership Development Centre hosted an international policy symposium for Executive Police leaders.  This program was designed to assist police leaders in addressing complex policy challenges through consultation and a live case exploration.  The Ottawa Police Service was identified for its development of the Racial Profiling policy as a model of innovative policy creation.  Over twenty police leaders participated in a consultative process designed to explore durable policy solutions through the examination of the OPS Racial Profiling policy process and its successful implementation.    



Section 35 of the Ontario Regulation 3/99 of the Police Services Act provides that:


Every board and chief of police shall implement a quality assurance process relating to the delivery of adequate and effective police services, and compliance with the Act and its regulations.”


Additionally, Ottawa Police Service’s Board Policy CR-9, Section 10 provides that:


“On an annual basis, a consolidated report will be provided to the Board presenting an overview of the operations of the Quality Assurance Section, including any external audits that have taken place during the calendar year.”


Section 13 of the Police Service Board’s Policy CR-9 states:


“The Board shall receive a report on the results of the annual audit of the property and evidence control function.”     


The Quality Assurance Section’s 2012 audit objectives comply with the Chief’s reporting requirements outlined in the following:


a.            Chief’s Monitoring Requirements, Board Policy BC-2;

b.            Board Audit Requirements, Board Policy CR-9;

c.            Adequacy Standard LE-020 on Collection, Preservation and Control of Evidence       and Property Audit; and,

d.            Board Policy LE-020 on Collection, Preservation and Control of Evidence and Property.  




Not applicable. 




Not applicable.




The Ottawa Police Service continues to fulfil its regulatory obligations and maintain compliance with Adequacy Standards through risk management, internal audit, policy development and Directorate Quality Assurance.  Collaborative efforts with internal and external stakeholders, such as the innovative Executive Policy Framework Symposium with the Canadian Police College, will ensure that the Ottawa Police Service continues to remain a

leader in efficient and effective service delivery.  The QA Section has readied the organization with established measurement criteria and evaluation processes to be used with existing tools and templates in order to ensure compliance.




(Original signed by)


Charles Bordeleau

Chief of Police



Responsible for report: Superintendent Terrance Cheslock