Working together for a safer community La sécurité de notre communauté, un travail d’équipe |
DATE 28 January 2013
TO/DEST. Chair and Members of the Ottawa Police Services Board
FROM/EXP. Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board
That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve the appointment of Member Smallwood to the Board’s Human Resources Committee and Finance & Audit Committee.
The Police Services Board’s policy on Board Committees (Policy #GA-4) attached as Annex A requires that membership on Board and external committees be reviewed annually and revised accordingly. With the addition of new Board member Smallwood, who was appointed by City Council in December 2012 to replace former member Jensen effective December 31, 2012, new appointments are required to committees on which Member Jensen served.
It is within the Board’s purview to establish the number and nature of its committees and the membership of them, except for the Complaints Committee membership, which must have no fewer than three members in accordance with the Police Services Act. To assist in conducting its business, the Ottawa Police Services Board has established four standing committees and in 2006 it formally adopted terms of reference for each of the committees as set out in the attached policy. In general, unless specifically stated in the terms of reference the committees are not decision-making bodies, but rather working committees responsible for providing input to staff prior to matters coming to the full Board, or for making recommendations to the Board.
The Board has traditionally emphasized the desirability of maintaining an even workload by ensuring that all members serve on at least one committee, and that no member is unduly burdened by serving on all committees. Membership on the various committees at the present time is as follows:
Board Committees
a) Complaints Committee – J. Harder, C. Nicholson, J. Watson
b) Finance and Audit Committee - J. Durrell, E. El-Chantiry
c) Human Resources Committee – E. El-Chantiry, J. Harder
d) Policy and Governance Committee – A. Doyle, J. Durrell, C. Nicholson
OPS Committees
e) OPS Thomas G. Flanagan Scholarship Award Committee – C. Nicholson
f) OPS Police Scholarship and Charitable Fund – A. Doyle
g) Police Community Awards Selection Committee – W. Fedec.
A brief summary of each committee is provided below including its origins, responsibilities and workload.
1. Complaints Committee
The Board’s Complaints Committee was struck in March 1998 as a result of Bill 105, which introduced increased responsibilities for boards into the Police Services Act. In accordance with the Act, boards composed of more than three members may appoint a committee of not fewer than three members of the Board (two of whom constitute quorum) to review a complaint and to make recommendations to the Board [section 63(7)]. The Complaints Procedure Guideline adopted by the Board in February 1998 established a Complaints Committee of three members. The Ottawa Police Services Board adopted a revised Complaints Policy in 2010 to reflect the new complaint system established by Bill 103, which set up the new Office of the Independent Police Review Director on 19 October 2009.
The committee only considers appeals of complaints dealing with services or policies of the Police Service. It does not hear appeals of complaints regarding officer misconduct. As the vast majority of complaints deal with officer misconduct, the Board does not receive many requests for review of complaints; in the past, the number has ranged from zero to five per year. Each review takes less than half a day plus time to read the related material. If the Committee feels a public hearing is warranted, an additional day would be needed, although this is very uncommon.
2. Finance and Audit Committee
In July 2005 the Auditor-General for the City of Ottawa submitted a report to the Police Services Board on the Budget Development Process. Among the recommendations was the suggestion that the Board establish a budget advisory committee, which would be in a better position to provide more frequent and substantive input to budget development and financial performance monitoring. The Board accepted the Auditor-General’s recommendation and in October 2005 appointed three members to the Finance and Audit Committee (FAC).
The Committee works closely with Chief Bordeleau and Finance staff on development of the OPS budget and financial planning matters. The Committee is also responsible for providing input into the OPS annual audit work plan. It is required to meet a minimum of four times a year under its terms of reference.
3. Human Resources Committee
The Human Resources Committee is responsible for dealing with labour relations matters such as collective bargaining, grievance appeals and other issues. Its members work with the Board Solicitor, Board Executive Director, Chief and OPS Labour Relations personnel. One board member (usually the Chair) must be present at all collective bargaining sessions. When collective bargaining negotiations are in progress the workload is significant for the Board member attending bargaining sessions, and they can last over a period of several months. In addition to collective bargaining, the Human Resources Committee sometimes receives requests to review the Chief’s decision on employee grievances. The Committee typically meets three or four times a year.
4. Policy and Governance Committee
A three-member Policy and Governance (P&G) Committee was struck in September 1998 to work on the development of a detailed policy governance framework for the Board. The resulting Policy Manual was implemented in June 1999 and has since been amended several times. A comprehensive review of the overall policy model and its contents was undertaken in 2006 and again in 2010. The Board has a schedule whereby all policies are routinely reviewed every three years, although amendments can be made at any time as required. In addition to conducting periodic reviews of Board policies, this Committee is also responsible for overseeing the development of new policies needed by the Board and reviewing draft policies prior to submission to the full Board.
The P&G Committee also takes the lead in the development of the Police Service’s Business Plan, which is renewed every three years, as well as community outreach and engagement initiatives, and any other matters pertaining to governance. The Committee is required to meet a minimum of four times a year but typically meets more frequently.
In addition to the Board committees noted above, there are three OPS committees with Board representation on them.
1. Police Community Awards Selection Committee
Each year, two awards ceremonies are held. The Police Community Awards are usually held in May in conjunction with “Police Week”. It honours officers and community members with Awards of Valour, Certificates of Merit and Certificates of Community Service. The other ceremony, the Police Service Awards Ceremony, honours retiring and long-serving members of the Police Service and is usually held in the fall. Both ceremonies are organized by Police Service staff, however, a board member serves on the Community Awards Selection Committee responsible for reviewing all nominations for Police and Community Service awards. The Selection Committee usually meets in February to fulfil this function. The Board’s Executive Director has represented the Board on this committee for the past several years.
2. Police Scholarship and Charitable Fund
The Police Scholarship Fund is available to the children of permanent members of the Ottawa Police Service. The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarships to applicants in need of financial assistance to continue their education. Once a year, a Board of Trustees comprised of a member of the Police Services Board, members of the Police Service and the Association, and a member of a local university faculty, meets to review applications and to determine the number of scholarships and the amount of them. One Board member is needed to fulfil this responsibility and currently member Doyle is fulfilling that requirement.
3. Thomas G. Flanagan Scholarship Award Selection Committee
The former Ottawa Police Services Board established the Thomas G. Flanagan, S.C. Scholarship as a means to assist visible minority women and Aboriginal women who have expressed an interest in a policing career. The scholarship funds are derived from an endowment that was arranged upon the retirement in 1993 of the late Ottawa Chief of Police Thomas G. Flanagan, S.C. The selection process is facilitated by the Diversity and Race Relations Section of the OPS, and is based on criteria initially established by the Police Services Board. The Selection Committee has been comprised at different times of a representative of the Police Services Board, a member of the community, the Director of Community Development and the officer in charge of the Diversity and Race Relations Section. The Committee meets once or twice a year to review the essays submitted by candidates and select a recipient. Member Nicholson currently serves as the Board’s representative on the Committee.
Consultation is not required.
There are no financial implications associated with this report.
The Board has established four standing committees to assist it in fulfilling its responsibilities. Committee membership is renewed annually and whenever there is significant turnover in Board members. Due to the appointment of a new Board member, changes in committee membership are required at this time.
(original signed by)
W. Fedec
Attach. (1)
Policy Number: Policy Subject: |
Police Services Act, sections 34 & 61(9) |
26 June 2006 |
24 September 2007 01 November 2010 |
2013 |
Addressed through Annual Report on Board Performance |
Section 34 of the Police Services Act states that, “A Board may delegate to two or more of its members any authority conferred on it by this Act, except the authority to bargain under Part VIII, which the Board may delegate to one or more members.”
Section 61(9) of the Police Services Act states that, “A board that is composed of more than three members may appoint a committee of not fewer than three members of the board (two of whom constitute a quorum for the purpose of this subsection) to review a complaint and to make recommendations to the board after the review and the board shall consider the recommendations and shall take any action, or no action, in response to the complaint as the board considers appropriate.”
The Ottawa Police Services Board has established four standing committees to assist it in performing its responsibilities, as is permitted under the Act. This policy sets out the general principles for the functioning of these committees and the terms of reference for each.
1. The function of a Board committee is to assist the Board with its tasks in the exercise of its authority and responsibilities.
2. The Board may establish standing or ad hoc committees to inquire into and report on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Board.
3. The Board defines the mandate of committees and appoints the committee membership by resolution. Each Committee shall appoint a Chair of the Committee. If the Board Chair is not appointed to a committee, he/she is an ex officio member of all committees.
4. Expectations and authority shall be clearly defined in order to not conflict with authority delegated to the Chief of Police.
5. Committees shall deal through the Board Executive Director with the Chief, or his/her designate(s), when services are required from staff to assist the committee.[1]
6. The Board may delegate tasks and projects to the committees, and each committee shall obtain direction from the Board for its activity or mandate and shall report back on its activities on a regular basis.
7. Committees make recommendations to the Board unless specific authority is delegated to a committee to make a decision.
8. Board committees may not speak or act for the Board except when formally given such authority for specific and time-limited purposes. The Board Chair may designate a committee Chair to speak to the media regarding deliberations of the committee.
9. Membership on Board committees and external committees shall be reviewed annually and revised accordingly.
10. The general principles contained in this policy apply to any group that is formed by Board action, whether or not it is called a committee and regardless of whether the group includes non-Board members. It does not apply to committees formed under the authority of the Chief.
11. To meet its legislated responsibilities under the Police Services Act and to assist the Board in fulfilling its duties, the Board will have four standing committees (terms of reference for each of the committees are set out below):
a) Complaints Committee
b) Finance and Audit Committee
c) Human Resources Committee
d) Policy and Governance Committee.
- Police Services Act section 61(9)
- Board’s Complaints Policy (Reference Board Policy GA-9)
To review complaints about policies or services of the Ottawa Police Service at the request of the complainant.
1. The Committee shall be composed of three or more members appointed by the Board, with one member designated by the Committee to serve as Chair.
2. The Committee shall operate in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Board’s Complaints Policy and the Board’s Policy Manual.
3. The Committee shall meet as required, at the call of the Chair or by agreement of the Committee.
4. The Board Executive Director shall consult with the Chair on the agenda development, be responsible for preparation and distribution of the agenda package and shall maintain a record of the meetings.
5. The Committee may invite such Board members and outside parties, and in consultation with the Chief such employees, as may be deemed desirable to attend meetings and assist in the discussion and consideration of the business of the committee.
1. Upon receipt of a request for a review pursuant to section 63(5) of the Police Services Act, immediately notify the Chief in writing and request the materials set out in the Board’s Complaints Policy.
2. Within 30 days of receiving the request, review the complaint and submit a recommendation to the Board, including a recommendation on whether or not to hold a public meeting.
1. The Committee shall review the terms of reference for the Committee at least once every three (3) years and make recommendations to the Board as required.
2. The Committee shall keep a record of its meetings and the meeting minutes shall be submitted to all Board members along with the Committee’s recommendations.
Police Services Act section 34.
To assist the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities in the areas of financial planning, budget preparation and monitoring, auditing, quality assurance and risk management.
1. The Committee shall be composed of three (3) members appointed by the Board, with one member designated by the Committee to serve as Chair.
2. The Committee shall operate in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Board’s Policy Governance Manual.
3. The Committee shall meet at least four times a year.
4. The Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair, or by agreement of the Committee.
5. The Board Executive Director shall consult with the Chair on the agenda development, be responsible for preparation and distribution of the agenda package and shall maintain a record of the meetings.
6. The Committee may invite such Board members and outside parties, and in consultation with the Chief such employees, as may be deemed desirable to attend meetings and assist in the discussion and consideration of the business of the committee.
1. Provide input into the development of fiscal policies, objectives and priorities.
2. Provide input and feedback to staff during the annual budget development process.
3. Review annually the budget development process and guidelines, and make recommendations to the Board for revisions as required.
4. Review the annual budget for consistency with the Service’s long range financial plans.
5. Review periodically the Service’s long range financial plans to ensure stability and consistency with strategic directions for the organization.
6. Review quarterly financial statements and any audited financial statements provided to the Board.
7. Provide input into the annual Audit Workplan.
8. Review the results of any internal and external audits.
9. Review the annual consolidated report on the operations of the Ottawa Police Service’s Quality Assurance Section.
1. The Committee shall review the terms of reference for the Committee at least once every three (3) years and make recommendations to the Board as required.
2. The Committee shall keep a record of its meetings and the meeting minutes shall be available to all Board members upon request.
Police Services Act section 34.
To assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight and employer responsibilities under the Police Services Act in relation to human resource and compensation matters.
1. The Committee shall be composed of three (3) members appointed by the Board, with one member designated by the Committee to serve as Chair.
2. The Committee shall operate in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Board’s Policy Governance Manual.
3. The Committee shall meet as required, at the call of the Chair or by agreement of the Committee.
4. The Board Executive Director shall consult with the Chair on the agenda development, be responsible for preparation and distribution of the agenda package, and shall maintain a record of the meetings.
5. The Committee may invite such Board members and outside parties, and in consultation with the Chief such employees, as may be deemed desirable to attend meetings and assist in the discussion and consideration of the business of the committee.
1. To develop Board collective bargaining objectives and a strategy for negotiations with the respective Associations, in consultation with the Chief of Police (or designate), labour relations advisor and/or legal counsel[2].
2. A member of the Committee will participate in collective bargaining sessions with the associations.
3. Review and render decisions on grievances referred to the Board by the associations in accordance with the processes outlined in their respective collective agreements.
4. Annually review and recommend compensation for the Chief of Police, Deputy Chiefs, Director General and General Counsel, taking their submissions into account.
5. Annually review the performance of the Board’s Executive Director.
6. Annually review the performance evaluation process for the Chief of Police and Board Executive Director, and recommend changes if necessary.
7. Review with the Chief, or designate(s), existing management resources and plans, including recruitment and training programs, to ensure that qualified personnel will be available for succession to executive positions in the Police Service, and report the results of the review to the Board at least once a year.
8. Communicate on a regular basis with representatives of other large boards in the Province to stay abreast of trends and strategies in collective bargaining.
1. The Committee shall review the terms of reference for the Committee at least once every three (3) years and make recommendations to the Board as required.
2. The Committee shall keep a record of its meetings and the meeting minutes shall be available to all Board members on a confidential basis upon request.
Police Services Act section 34.
To develop and evaluate performance associated with all Board policies related to governance and police service delivery.
1. The Committee shall be composed of three members appointed by the Board, with one member designated by the Committee to serve as Chair.
2. The Committee shall operate in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Board’s Policy Governance Manual.
3. The Committee shall meet at least four times a year.
4. The Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair, or by agreement of the Committee.
5. The Board Executive Director shall consult with the Chair on the agenda development, be responsible for preparation and distribution of the agenda package and shall maintain a record of the meetings.
6. The Committee may invite such Board members and outside parties, and in consultation with the Chief such employees, as may be deemed desirable to attend meetings and assist in the discussion and consideration of the business of the committee.
1. Take the lead in identifying the need for new policies.
2. Develop new policies, procedures and tools that will enhance the performance of the Board and the Police Service.
3. Develop an annual work plan for the Board.
4. Provide input throughout the development phase of the Business Planning process.
5. Review Board policies at least once every three (3) years and submit results of review, including recommended revisions, to Board.
6. Review the Board’s committee structure at least once every three (3) years to assess its continued appropriateness.
7. Review the Board’s annual performance self-evaluation process on an annual basis and make recommendations for changes to the Board.
8. Review the Ottawa Police Service Board’s Finance and Administration Procedure Manual, in consultation with the Director General, at least once every four (4) years and make recommendations for revisions to the Board as required.
9. Prior to vacancies occurring on the Board, assess the composition and skill set of the Board, and make recommendations to appointing body regarding the qualities and skills needed to achieve the collective skill set required by the Board.
10. Provide input into Board member orientation and ongoing development needs.
11. At the request of the Board, undertake any other corporate governance initiatives that may be necessary or desirable to contribute to the success of the Board.
1. The Committee shall review the terms of reference for the Committee at least once every three (3) years and make recommendations to the Board as required.
2. The Committee shall keep a record of its meetings and the meeting minutes shall be available to all Board members upon request.
[1] Section 31(3) of the Police Services Act states: “The board may give orders and directions to the chief of police, but not to other members of the police force, and no individual member of the board shall give orders to any member of the police force.”
[2] Police Services Act: Section 120(2) “One legal counsel and one other advisor for each of the bargaining committee and the board may participate in the bargaining sessions”. Section 120(4) “The chief of police, or if the parties consent, another person designated by the chief of police may also attend the parties’ bargaining sessions in an advisory capacity.”