28 January 2013 |
Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board |
Chief of Police, Ottawa Police Service |
That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.
Section 31(1) of the Police Services Act sets out the Board’s responsibilities with respect to the provision of adequate and effective police service in the municipality. Under Section 31(1) (a), the Board is responsible for the appointment of sworn members to its municipal police force.
The Board has also requested information be submitted, on a quarterly basis, that captures key elements of the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) workforce activities including hiring, retirements, resignations and promotions.
The purpose of this report is to:
1. Identify all new members and fulfill the Board’s obligation to approve all appointments of new members;
2. Provide the Board with an overview of workforce management activities that have occurred in Q4 2012, including: sworn officer recruitment, retirements and resignations, as well as sworn officer promotions and civilian activities;
3. Summarize the 2012 hiring activities; and
4. Summarize hiring goals for 2013 including assumptions related to retirements and resignations.
Information provided in this report includes names and ranks of personnel as governed by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Sworn Officer Staffing
2012 Hiring Requirements
The forecast of sworn officer hiring requirements for the year is developed annually by OPS. It is built around the estimated number of officers that must be hired to fill both new and existing vacant positions.
In developing a hiring plan 5 key factors are considered:
1. A new recruit takes 9 months, on average, to become deployable;
2. The Ontario Police College only holds 3 training sessions per year for new recruits with limited space in each class;
3. An experienced officer hired from another police service takes 1 to 2 months, on average, to become deployable;
4. Retirements tend to occur at the beginning of each new fiscal year; and,
5. A complement carry-over of 40% of the following year’s hiring requirement is needed to ensure that staffing levels in Q1 do not fall below acceptable levels.
For 2012 these factors combined to create a need for 33 sworn officers.
Q4 2012 Activities
Table 1 below summarizes the 2012 sworn officer forecasted hiring requirements as compared to the actual requirements. As reported in the 3rd quarter, the forecast has changed since originally tabled with the Board. It has been lowered from 33 to 17 sworn officers to ensure that staffing levels at year end align with the approved staff complement level for 2013. In the 2013 budget the Sworn Officer Just-In-Time Replacement Program was re-sized and adjusted downward from 49 to 30 positions. Staffing levels are being managed to this level by moderating 2012 and 2013 hiring activities.
In Q4 2012, there was 1 retirement and 1 death in the sworn officer cadre. As well, the number of secondments through Operational Backfill was reduced by 3 in keeping with actual levels.
Annex A to this report lists the names and ranks of the sworn officers who left the employment of OPS in Q4 2012. It also lists the name of an officer who resigned this quarter who had previously vacated their position due to an extended leave of absence. This workforce adjustment was captured in a previous report in accordance with OPS reporting rules.
The year end data shows that OPS required a total of 18 officers to be hired in 2012 to meet its requirements. This level would leave it with 6 less officers at year end compared to the 2012 budgeted complement, in preparation for 2013 reductions to the Just-In-Time Program.
Table 1
2012 Summary of Sworn Officer Hiring Requirements
With respect to hiring activities, as planned there were no officers hired in Q4 2012: the total officers hired remained at the revised forecast of 17 for 2012. Given the requirement for 18 described above, this resulted in hiring one less officer than the requirement.
Table 2 below summarizes the Q4 2012 hiring activity and the revised hiring plan for the year.
Table 2
2012 Sworn Officer Hiring Plan
2013 Sworn Officer Forecasted Hiring Plan
The 2013 Hiring Plan was developed with the assumption that 25 officers will retire and another 10 will resign or vacate their position for other reasons. Other key assumptions include: a) 19 Just In Time positions have been removed from the complement; b) there are 2 less secondment positions available through Operational Backfill; and c) the complement shortage from 2012 is 6 officers. The resulting 2013 hiring requirement is forecasted at 29 officers. This number will be monitored and updated as required throughout the year.
The 2013 hiring requirements are outlined in Table 3 below.
Table 3
2013 Summary of Sworn Officer Hiring Requirements
Table 4 below summarizes the 2013 Sworn Officer Hiring Plan designed to meet the requirements outlined above. A total of 9 experienced officers will be hired in March, with the goal of being deployable before the peak of operations begins in the summer months. The remaining 20 officers will be split into 2 groups of 10 recruits. One group be hired in August, attend OPC in September with the goal of being deployable in June 2014. The second group be hired in December, attend OPC in January with the goal of being deployable in October 2014.
Table 4
2013 Sworn Officer Hiring Plan
No civilian members left the permanent employment of OPS in Q4 2012 due to retirement or resignation. However, 5 new permanent members were hired into OPS in Q4 to address attrition created in previous quarters. Table 5 provides a demographic overview of these new civilian employees. Annex B to this report lists their names and their new positions in OPS.
Table 5
Demographic Highlights of New OPS Civilian Employees
Q4 2012 Hiring Activities
Total Number |
Men |
Women |
Average Age |
English and French Speaking |
Other Languages |
College Diploma University Degree Military Service |
Q4 Civilian Hires |
5 |
2 |
3 |
27 |
4 |
Spanish |
* |
College – 2 University Degree – 1 Masters Degree – 1
* No members have self-identified.
Civilian staffing activities also include internal movement and promotion opportunities that are created as a result of attrition and growth and which are filled through a competition process. Priority placement of members requiring accommodation and the fulfilment of Labour Relations Agreements are also a factor in the movement of civilians to new permanent positions. Annex C to this report lists the names of the 4 permanent civilian members and their new OPS permanent positions as of Q4 2012 resulting from internal workforce changes.
2012 Summary
Civilian staffing is driven each year by many of the same factors that influence Sworn Officer hiring but the volume and timing can be somewhat more difficult to predict. The 2012 plan forecasted 114 staffing actions. In Q4 there were 34 actions bringing the 2012 total to a level of 120.
While the overall number of actions has been in keeping with the predicted level, the distribution between permanent and temporary opportunities has shifted toward temporary ones. Fewer than expected retirements and vacancies have led to fewer competitions for permanent positions and fewer follow-on backfilling opportunities. As a result at year end only 30 staffing actions for permanent positions occurred, compared to the forecast of 44.
Conversely the number of staffing actions for temporary and casual opportunities increased significantly from the expected level of 70 to the year end level of 90. They were divided almost evenly between the mid-long term opportunities (47) and short-term requirements (39). Table 6 outlines the 2012 Civilian Staffing Plan and actual staffing actions to the end of Q4.
Table 6
2012 Civilian Staffing Plan
2012 Original Forecasted Requirements |
Q1 Actions |
Q2 Actions |
Q3 Actions |
Q4 Actions |
2012 Total Staffing Actions |
Existing Positions |
Permanent |
Existing Vacancies |
14 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
4 |
Retirements |
5 |
4 |
4 |
2 |
0 |
10 |
Resignations |
5 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
5 |
Backfilling Requirements |
20 |
0 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
11 |
Sub-total |
44 |
6 |
12 |
6 |
6 |
30 |
Temporary |
Mid–Long Term Temporary Requirements |
40 |
4 |
15 |
14 |
14 |
47 |
Short Term Temporary Requirements (EOI) |
25 |
6 |
8 |
13 |
12 |
39 |
Casual Requirements |
5 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
Sub-total |
70 |
10 |
23 |
29 |
28 |
90 |
Total Staffing Forecast |
114 |
16 |
35 |
35 |
34 |
120 |
The 2013 Staffing Plan forecasts a total of 172 staffing actions. This number is a significant increase (45%) over last year. It reflects the impact which the Service Initiative and other re-structuring exercises will have on staffing actions as civilian jobs are re-designed and transformed. A total of 77 of the actions (44%) are expected to relate to permanent positions. The level of activity for temporary positions (95 actions) is forecast based on the actual experience for 2012. They represent 54% of the total. Table 7 below outlines the civilian staffing plan by category.
Table 7
2013 Forecasted Civilian Staffing Plan
2013 Forecasted Requirements |
Existing Positions |
Permanent |
Service Initiative |
13 |
Existing Vacancies |
24 |
Retirements |
10 |
Resignations |
5 |
Backfilling Requirements |
25 |
Sub-total |
77 |
Temporary |
Casuals |
15 |
Mid-Long Term Temporary Requirements |
40 |
Short-Term Temporary Requirements |
40 |
Sub-total |
95 |
Total Staffing Actions |
172 |
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
This report provides the Board with an overview of the workforce activities for Q4 and a summary of overall activity for 2012. Sworn hiring requirements and the civilian staffing plan for 2013 have also been identified. Staff will use this plan to coordinate and monitor all workforce management and related activities for 2013, including recruiting, training, promotion, tenure and transfer. Quarterly updates will be provided to the Board in 2013 to track progress against the plan. This approach will ensure that all legislative obligations are met and that workforce activities are carried out in a clear and transparent manner.
(original signed by)
Charles Bordeleau
Chief of Police
Annex A – 2012 Q4 Sworn Officer Retirements, Resignations and Deaths
Annex B – 2012 Q4 Permanent Civilian Hires
Annex C – 2012 Q4 Civilians in New Permanent Positions
Responsible for this report: Director-General Debra Frazer
This document contains information that reports on activities related to the Ottawa Police Service Business Plan.
Q4 2012 Sworn Officer Retirements
1. |
Walter Da Rio |
Criminal Investigations |
Organized Fraud |
Constable |
1 November 2012 |
Q4 2012 Sworn Officer Resignations
1. |
Kerry Rocheleau |
District |
District Team East |
Constable |
17 December 2012 |
Q4 2012 Sworn Officer Deaths
1. |
Robert Greaves |
District |
Collision Reporting Centres |
Staff Sergeant |
10 November 2012 |
Q4 2012 Permanent Civilian Hires
1. |
Christian Martin-Llames |
Support Services |
Call Centre |
Call Centre Agent |
16 November 2012 |
2. |
Ashley Mason |
Support Services |
Call Centre |
Call Centre Agent |
16 November 2012 |
3. |
Jean-Francois Blouin |
Support Services |
Communication Centre |
Comm. Centre Clerk |
30 November 2012 |
4. |
Lindsey Pecaric |
Office of the Chief |
Quality Assurance |
Risk Management Analyst |
3 December 2012 |
5. |
Lindsay Andovic |
Corporate Support |
IT Operations |
Admin. Asst. IT Operations |
28 December 2012 |
Q4 2012 Civilians in New Permanent Positions
1. |
Annie Trahan |
Criminal Investigations |
Partner Assault |
Investigative Support Partner Assault |
1 October 2012 |
2. |
Rosanna Carrozzi |
Support Services |
Court Liaison |
Court Liaison Clerk |
22 October 2012 |
3. |
Jeff Ryan |
Support Services |
Court Liaison |
Court Liaison Clerk |
22 October 2012 |
4. |
Peter Kettles |
Corporate Support |
Evidence Control & QM |
Mgr Evidence Control & QM |
26 November 2012 |