From: Jennifer Lanzon []
Sent: November 23, 2012 12:01 PM
To: Jennifer Lanzon
Subject: CAPB Membership Renewal 2013 | Conference Report | Budget



November 23, 2012


 Dear CAPB Member,


On behalf of the CAPB Board of Directors, please find enclosed a Canadian Association ofPolice Boards membership renewal form for 2013.  You will note that there is a 2.5% increase in fees for this year. The increase was discussed at the Annual General Meeting in 2011 and there was consensus that CAPB would increase the membership dues by 2.5% for 4 years and this is the second such increase.  The board of directors has taken the comments of our members under advisement and we will continue to do so.


The CAPB was again very active throughout 2012, representing your interests and concerns, on the federal, provincial and municipal stages. We strengthened our partnerships with stakeholders, especially in the work on the Coalition for Sustainable Public Policing, a group that includes the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Canadian Police Association (CPA) and the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP).  Anita Dagenais, Senior Director from the Law Enforcement Branch of the Department of Public Safety has been a very welcome addition to the Coalition meetings and we value her input.


We hope you have been enjoying the weekly CAPB Quorum, news compilation on policing as well as The Hill Times, Bulletins and Board Connection.  This is part of our commitment to share information quickly and in an environmental friendly format.  The Board has made a conscious shift to provide as much information electronically as possible. The resources previously used to print and mail material is now being put into strengthening our communications, including hiring a part-time writer/web resource specialist who will be transforming the website.   


The CAPB website will offer even more useful information for members as we look to expand online training, legislative updates, resources, and policies and procedures that can be used as templates. Our intention is to give our membership timely updates on the activities of the CAPB Board, the Executive and what’s on the horizon. Keeping our members informed and up to date is very important to us. I encourage you to visit the website in the coming months to see what’s new.


This year’s Conference in Victoria, British Columbia was incomparable in conveying well-timed and significant information, stimulating dialogue and great networking opportunities with colleagues from across the country.  Delegates were disappointed that our planned harbor cruise on Saturday evening was cancelled due to technical problems but we are happy to report that that company provided a partial refund to CAPB and the Board has added that to our reserve fund.


Plans are underway for next year’s conference, hosted in the picturesque city of Saskatoon, at the Radisson from August 15 to 17th, preceded by agolf tournament on August 14th.  More details will be forthcoming in the New Year. I hope you will beable to join us.


The CAPB Board of Directors and Executive Director look forward to continuing to represent your views in the coming year.  Please do not hesitate to contact the CAPB office in Ottawa if we can be of assistance.


Please find attached a copy of the preliminary CAPB Conference Report. An electronic version with photos and sponsors logos is in the works. Please circulate this text version to members of your Board/Commission.   A copy of the CAPB operating budget for 2013 is also attached for your information.


On behalf of the Board of Directors and Executive, I wish you all the best in 2013.


Very sincerely,


r. Alok Mukherjee



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