Working together for a safer community

La sécurité de notre communauté, un travail d’équipe




DATE                              26 November 2012


TO/DEST.                       Chair and Members, Ottawa Police Services Board


FROM/EXP.                   Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board







That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve:


1.         The amended Board Policy #CR-13 on Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention attached at Annex A.

2.         The amended Board Policy #AI-003 on Equal Opportunity, Discrimination and Workplace Harassment Prevention attached at Annex B.  




The Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services publishes a Policing Standards Manual that contains guidelines to assist police services boards, chiefs of police and municipalities with their understanding and implementation of the Police Services Act and associated regulations, including the Regulation on the Adequacy and Effectiveness of Police Services.  The Ottawa Police Services Board has adopted the standard guidelines published by the Ministry through its policies contained in Chapter 4 of the Board’s Policy Manual.  These policies form part of the Board’s instructions to the Chief of Police.  For each Board policy there is a corresponding police service “procedure” that contains the detailed operational requirements mandated by the Ministry.


On 15 October 2012 the Ministry issued an “All Chiefs Memo” advising of amendments to the Ministry Guideline on Equal Opportunity, Discrimination and Workplace Harassment (AI-003).  This Ministry guideline is captured in the Board’s Policy AI-003 of the same name.  In the same memo, the Ministry introduced a new Guideline AI-016 on Workplace Violence Prevention. 


The revised Guideline AI-003 and new Guideline AI-016 were developed in response to amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), through Bill 168, which enhance protections against workplace violence and address workplace harassment.  The former Policing Standards Advisory Committee was consulted by the Ministry and was supportive of the changes. 


Policy CR-13:  Workplace Violence and Harassment (Annex A)


The Ministry has developed a new Guideline (AI-016) on Workplace Violence Prevention, however, the Ottawa Police Services Board already has a comprehensive Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy (CR-13) that was put in place in 2010 to meet the requirements of Bill 168.  The existing policy captures almost all of the requirements of the new Ministry Guideline AI-016.  Rather than adopt a new policy that copies the Ministry Guideline AI-016, it is proposed that instead the Board amend its existing policy CR-13 to incorporate the changes required.  The only amendments to the Board’s existing policy needed to be compliant with the Ministry Guideline on Workplace Violence Prevention are as follows:


·         Add the word “Prevention” to the policy title, so that it reads, “Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention”.

·         Include Board Policy AI-003 as a reference document.

·         Add two new references to applicable sections of the Ontario Human Rights Code under the Legislative Reference heading.

·         Add a second paragraph to the “Reporting Requirements” section that reads, “Any incidents where a person is killed, critically injured, or disabled from performing his or her usual work because of workplace violence shall be reported to the Joint Health and Safety Committee, a Health and Safety representative, and the applicable police association.”


A copy of the revised Board Policy CR-013 is attached at Annex A with the changes indicated. 


Policy AI-003:  Equal Opportunity, Discrimination and Workplace Harassment (Annex B)


As previously noted, the Board already has a robust policy on Workplace Violence and Harassment (CR-13) and it is therefore proposed that the content in Policy AI-003 dealing with workplace harassment be moved to Policy CR-13.  Rather than change the title of a Ministry Guideline policy it is proposed that the title of AI-003 remain the same but that a notation be included under the title to indicate that the workplace harassment content is contained in Policy CR-13. 


The policy as amended contains the following changes:



A copy of the revised Board policy AI-003 is attached at Annex B with the amendments indicated.   




Senior staff at the Ottawa Police Service with carriage of these subject areas were consulted to ensure consistency in approach.  No further consultation was required as the amendments were made by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and all police services boards must be compliant with the guidelines issued by the Province. 




There are no financial implications associated with this report.




All police services boards in Ontario are expected to adopt policies that are consistent with the standard guidelines issued by the Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services.  The Ministry has made revisions and introduced a new guideline that required amendments to be made to our Board policies CR-13 – Workplace Violence and Harassment, and AI-003 – Equal Opportunity, Discrimination and Workplace Harassment.  Approval of the amendments proposed in this report will ensure the Ottawa Police Services Board remains compliant with Ministry standard guidelines. 



(original signed by)


W. Fedec


Attach. (A, B)