Special Meeting
Ottawa Police Services Board
Minutes 29
Wednesday, 24 October 2012, 8:30 a.m.
Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa
Present: Councillor E. El-Chantiry (Chair), Councillor J. Harder, H. Jensen, C. Nicholson, Mayor J. Watson
Regrets: J. Durrell (Vice Chair), A. Doyle
2013 Draft Operating & Capital Budget book tabled at the meeting
Presentation by the Chief of Police and the Director General
Chief Bordeleau began by saying staff would give a short presentation of some of the important aspects of the Ottawa Police budget. As Chief, he recognizes the importance of sound financial management and this budget provides a financial plan for 2013 that allows the OPS to serve the citizens of Ottawa with high quality policing services.
Before beginning the presentation, Chief Bordeleau thanked Director General D. Frazer, Ms. K. Murray, Director of Finance, and their team for the work they have done in preparing the budget. He also thanked Chair El-Chantiry and members of the Board for the leadership they continue to provide. (A copy of the presentation will be kept on file with the Board’s Executive Director.)
Following the presentation, Director General Frazer thanked her team for the smoothest budget preparation to date, saying they have done an outstanding job.
Chair El-Chantiry clarified that the meeting today was for tabling the budget and answering questions from Board members only. Following this meeting, City Council would be tabling the 2013 City budget. He noted this budget has two main goals: to honour the Board’s direction that the increase not exceed 2.5%, and maintain the quality of policing in our community. He thanked the Chief and staff for all their efforts to meet these two goals.
Member Watson thanked staff for a very solid document and said he appreciated the high level of cooperation between OPS and City staff. It was a much smoother process this year, with added potential for mid and long term savings.
Regarding the loss of the Federal Government’s Police Officers Recruitment Fund (PORF), Member Watson noted that no response to the Board’s letter has been received to date. On the other hand, he was pleased to note that the uploading of court security costs continues and those funds will remain with the Service.
Chief Bordeleau noted that the PORF program will expire on 31 March 2013 and therefore the OPS will receive approximately $170,000 of compensation for the first three months of the year.
Member Watson offered his sincere congratulations to the Chief and staff for a very clear and concise budget presentation.
Chair El-Chantiry suggested a technical amendment to recommendation 2 by removing the words “and approve”.
Moved by H. Jensen
3. Upon approval, forward the Ottawa Police Service Operating and Capital Budgets to Council for review and approval.
CARRIED as amended
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 a.m.
____________________________ _____________________________
W. Fedec E. El-Chantiry
Executive Director Chair