22 October 2012



Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board



Chief of Police, Ottawa Police Service







That the Ottawa Police Services Board:


  1. Approve the award of contract to Bramic Creative Business Products Ltd. to supply, deliver and install dispatch/call analyst consoles in the Communication Centre for an amount not to exceed $ 761,000 (excluding tax);


  1. Approve a standing offer agreement with Bramic Creative Business Products Ltd. for the provision of dispatch/call analyst consoles for a period of five (5) years, with two (2) possible five (5) year extensions; and


  1. Delegate authority to the Chief of Police to award contracts and execute payments for all remaining project related construction services and fit-up work for an amount not to exceed $ 2,900,000 (excluding tax).




The Ottawa Police Service’s Communication Centre (Comm Centre), located at 474 Elgin Street, operates on a 24/7 basis dispatching police officers and engaging other emergency service providers through the computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system.  The Centre is responsible for answering all 911 calls and all other police emergency calls.  The Comm Centre staff play a key role in supporting Patrol Operations by managing required resources and engaging specialized units.  They help to ensure officer health and safety.  Comm Centre staff perform a difficult job in a very high stress environment.  Their effectiveness is directly dependent on having the right tools, modern technology and an efficient physical work environment. 


In 2009, the OPS consulted with CAE Professional Services (Canada) Inc. to develop a long term service delivery strategy for Comm Centre functions using industry best practices.  CAE recommended a new Comm Centre Service Delivery Model (SDM) that would meet the goal of improving efficiency and effectiveness. The tasks of the dispatcher have been refined and two new roles have been identified: dispatch support and call analyst.  The SDM has been approved and is being implemented. 


In order to maximize the benefits and efficiencies garnered from the new SDM, the physical work environment must be modified.  Under the new model a Dispatcher and a Dispatch Resource work together as a team and are situated side-by-side.  Call analysts triage all in-coming calls.  They are grouped into clusters and placed around the periphery of the space to help minimize the impact of the noise they generate.  Supervisors workstations are in locations that provide maximum visibility.


The need to modify the Comm Centre to implement the new approach to doing business is very timely.  This area of 474 Elgin St. is overdue for refurbishment.  The Comm Centre was originally established at Elgin Street in 1983. Since then only minor physical modifications have occurred.  In 2001, the space was renovated to improve the mechanical and life safety systems.


The consoles in the Comm Centre (a large workstation at which the dispatcher sits and which houses a desktop computer, several video screens and is connected to the radio and telephone systems) have been replaced once since 1993.  They are now more than 15 years old and are well past a typical console life cycle of approximately five (5) to ten (10) years.  They are in a state of significant disrepair; are out of date based on today’s technology; the warranties have expired and replacement parts are no longer available.  Everything possible has been done to keep the units operating given these constraints. 


Ergonomic issues and health and safety complaints continue to rise in the Comm Centre.   Dispatchers, dispatch support and call analysts work primarily in a seated position for extended periods of time.  This causes significant stress on the body and requires specialized equipment to deal with the ergonomic issues that are unique to a work environment of this nature.


The purpose of this report is to outline the physical changes that will be made to the Comm Centre to implement the new service delivery model and to improve working conditions for members.  Staff is requesting the award of a contract and standing offer as well as the delegation of authority in order to carry out the Comm Centre Renewal Project tasks and activities.




Communication Centre Renewal Project


The objective and scope of the Renewal Project have been influenced by two important factors: 1) the recently approved SDM, and 2) the ergonomic and health and safety issues that are apparent in the workplace.  The objective for the project is to create a highly functional and more ergonomic environment for Comm Centre staff.  The scope of the renewal project will include essential improvements to the lighting and raised flooring system, along with minor mechanical upgrades and replacement of all dispatch/call analyst consoles, furniture and seating.  The physical space will be realigned within the existing footprint allowing staff to operate under the new Service Delivery Model.


Replacement of the consoles with modern units for dispatcher functions is a major contributor in delivering a functional work environment.  A competitive procurement process to identify appropriate dispatch consoles and establish a long term standing offer was undertaken and is outlined in detail below.  Seating arrangements are another key element of an effective work environment.  As part of the project, all Comm Centre seating will be replaced.  Staff will receive new 24/7 seating specifically designed for the dispatch function.  Ergonomics professionals and a Comm Centre user group were engaged in the evaluation process for both consoles and seating. 


Procurement of Dispatch Consoles


The following procurement process was undertaken to obtain a dispatch console provider.


Stage 1 – Request for Qualifications (RFQ)


In April 2012, City Supply Branch issued a RFQ to pre-qualify console vendors.  A total of seven (7) firms responded to the RFQ.  The Evaluation Committee, chaired by Supply Branch, scored each submission in accordance with the evaluation criteria outlined in the RFQ.  Each submission was reviewed and rated by the Committee and as a result, two (2) console vendors were pre-qualified and invited to submit proposals in the Request for Proposal (RFP) stage.


Stage 2 – Request for Proposal (RFP)


A request for Proposal was issued to the two (2) prequalified proponents.  The intent of the RFP was to enter into a standing offer agreement with one vendor that would provide consoles for the immediate project need in addition to anticipated future business continuity requirements.  The standing offer agreement period is for five (5) years from date of award with the option to extend for two (2) additional five (5) year periods.


Each proponent demonstrated the suitability of their product by submitting a written proposal and pricing and making a presentation that was supported by the installation of a mock-up that was reviewed by the Evaluation Committee, expert advisors and the Comm Centre User Group.  Supply Branch facilitated the proponent demonstrations and the consensus evaluation process.  Each proposal was reviewed and rated based on the proposal content and mock-up demonstration according to the criteria and available points outlined in the RFP document. 


Recommendations #1 and #2


The proposal submitted by Bramic Creative Business Products Ltd. provided the best overall value to the OPS as it achieved the highest score based on the evaluation criteria and financial proposal.  Staff recommends the award of contract to Bramic Creative Business Products Ltd.:


a)     for an amount not to exceed $761,000 (excluding tax) to supply, deliver and install consoles for the Comm Centre at 474 Elgin Street in accordance with the project plan; and;


b)     for a standing offer agreement for a period of five (5) years with two (2) possible five (5) year extensions.




The replacement of seating will occur under the existing standing offer.  Staff have been involved in the selection of the chair models that will be purchased and deployed.


Construction Services and Fit-Up Work


To implement the new service delivery model, accommodate new consoles and improve the working environment, the existing Comm Centre will need to be renovated.  The construction will include moving walls, demolition of the existing staff kitchenette, partial replacement of the coffered ceiling, upgrades to lighting, electrical and mechanical systems, partial replacement of the raised floor system and refreshing the finishes. 


A construction contract will be required to complete the physical modifications.  The construction work itself is not particularly extensive; however project delivery is sufficiently complex from an electrical perspective coupled with the fact that work must be completed while the Communication Centre continues to operate on a 24/7 basis.  In consultation with OPS staff and design and construction experts, a four (4) phase approach to construction will be required to ensure successful implementation and to minimize disruption.  The work is expected to be completed by Q2 of 2013.  


City of Ottawa Supply Branch will work with the OPS to undertake procurement using the existing OPS pre-qualification list for “Construction Services”.  Prequalified contractors will be invited to competitively bid for the work to ensure best value.  The results will be compared to the Class “A” estimate completed as part of the project design package.


The budget will cover all items required to complete the project including but not limited to professional services, investigations and testing, City permits, demolition, construction, furniture, fixtures and equipment, security modifications and IT/Telecommunications infrastructure costs.  These items will be procured in accordance with City of Ottawa purchasing by-laws and the OPS Finance and Accountability procedures.  Existing standing offers will be utilized where possible to facilitate the timely completion of the project.


Recommendation #3


Staff requests the Board delegate authority to the Chief of Police to proceed with the construction and fit-up work required to complete the Comm Centre Renewal Project.  The delegation of authority is recommended to expedite the work and/or procure goods that are required to complete the project in a timely manner.  Without such authority, staff will be required to seek Board approval throughout the project for many of these individual expenditures.  Such an approach would result in an unacceptable delay to the project completion date.  Delegated authority is for an amount not to exceed $2,900,000 (excluding taxes).


The Comm Centre in the South Facility


A new Comm Centre will be part of the South facility which is planned for completion in five (5) years.  The Comm Centre in the south of the City will be the primary one for OPS and will be known as Comm 1. 


As part of the Business Continuity Plan, staff will be recommending that a back-up Comm Centre – Comm 2 – be established.  The existing arrangements – 2 workstations at Ottawa City Hall – are inadequate and would not enable the Comm Centre to function at an acceptable level for any length of time. 


The Elgin Street Comm Centre can be used as Comm 2 once the South Facility is complete.  To ensure that it is used on a daily basis, staff will be reviewing the feasibility of re-locating the Call Centre function from Greenbank to Comm 2 at Elgin Street following the opening of the South Facility. A protocol will be established to outline procedures to enable both the Call Centre and Comm Centre staff to work in this space when a business continuity event occurs.


In the long run (10-to-15 year timeframe), Comm 2 will need to be re-located to a safer location.  Elgin Street is in close proximity to important infrastructures which are classified as a potential target for planned disruption activities.  To ensure that the OPS has a sound business continuity plan, Comm 2 will need to move to an area that is free of primary targets.  The consoles and seating being purchased for 474 Elgin can easily be moved.




Public consultation is not required.




Funding to support all project costs relating to this project is available in Capital Project #904516 “Comm Centre/911 Refit”.


Approved Budget to Date                           4,000,000

Total Paid and Committed                            265,400

Balance Available                                       3,734,600

This Request                                                3,661,000

Remaining Balance                                         73,600




The successful implementation and delivery of this project depends on the coordination of a wide variety of activities including project management, design, construction and the purchase and installation of furniture, security, telecom and IT infrastructure.  By approving the recommendations in this report and providing the Chief with delegated authority to award the necessary contracts to complete the project, the Board will ensure the timely delivery of the new Communication Centre Renewal Project.  The Director General will report to the Board, on a quarterly basis, any contracts awarded by the Chief under delegated authority in accordance with the Financial Accountability Procedures Manual.






(original signed by)


Charles Bordeleau

Chief of Police