Working together for a safer community La sécurité de notre communauté, un travail d’équipe |
DATE 22 October 2012
TO/DEST. Chair and Members, Ottawa Police Services Board
FROM/EXP. Policy & Governance Committee
That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve the amendments to Board policies outlined in this report.
Each policy has a routine review date associated with it; the Board’s general practice is that, unless otherwise stated, policies are to be reviewed at least once every three years to ensure they remain current and relevant. This year most of the policies in Chapter Three, which provide direction to the Chief, are due for review. In addition to the ‘Chief’s Requirements’ policies, Policy GA-13 – Official Languages, is due for review. It is contained in Chapter One, which consists of policies related to Board Governance and Administration. There are two additional Governance policies that are not scheduled for review but that require updating; these are GA-3 – Board Training, and GA-10 – Acting Pay for Senior Executive Positions.
The policies up for review were examined by the Policy & Governance (P&G) Committee, the Board’s Executive Director, and OPS staff. Proposed amendments are the result of a number of factors such as: new or amended legislation; aligning policies with actual practice; consistency; and administrative/housekeeping updates. Of the 14 policies reviewed, it is the Committee’s recommendation that nine are still current and fulfilling the objectives they were designed to meet. Amendments are proposed for the remaining five policies.
The following chart identifies all the policies that were reviewed, the Committee’s recommendations, and the rationale for any changes. The five policies with the proposed amendments incorporated are attached at Annex A.
Policy |
Recommendations |
GA-3: Board Training |
- Add “Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, S.O. 2005 and Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, O. Reg. 429-07” under Legislative Reference/Authority. - Amend 1(b) to read “Any orientation sessions for new members provided by the Chief of Police, Board Executive Director and Board Solicitor”. - Add the following point 4 under Required Training: “Each member of the Board must complete training on Accessibility Standards for Customer Service as outlined in the training program of the City of Ottawa.” Rationale: As of 1 January 2012 the Board must be compliant with the Provincial Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Regulation 429/07, which requires Board members to receive training. |
GA-10: Acting Pay for Senior Executive Positions |
- Remove references to the Chief’s General Counsel, as the policy is no longer applicable to that position. - Remove clause 3, dealing with an Acting Chief Pay Grid. Rationale: the former Chief did not have a salary range and for acting purposes one was required; the current Chief does have a salary range so an Acting Chief Pay Grid is no longer needed. |
GA-13: Official Languages - Board |
- No change |
CR-1: Positive Workplace |
- Add “Occupational Health & Safety Act” to Legislative Reference / Authority section. - Under Board Policy, change (d) “Safety” to “A safe and healthy environment” - Remove existing 1(d) from Reporting Requirements [requires the Chief to submit the results of any audits in the annual report on the audit plan]. Rationale: the Audit Policy (CR-9) requires the Chief to report on all audits so it is redundant to restate the requirement in the Positive Workplace policy. - Delete point 2 under Reporting Requirements [requires the Chief to provide quarterly reports on progress with the “Employer of Choice for All in Policing” strategy], and add a new 1(d) requiring the Chief to report annually on progress with the Employer of Choice for All” strategy. Rationale: Staff recommended to the P&G Committee that this report be changed from quarterly to annual, and the Committee concurred with the suggestion. |
CR-2: Financial Planning & Operations |
No change |
CR-3: Executive Succession Planning |
No change |
CR-4: Asset Management |
No change |
CR-5: Communication and Counsel to the Board |
No change
CR-6: Public Consultation |
Amend Reporting Requirements section to indicate that the Chief shall submit an annual report [instead of specifying the report will be submitted in July]. Rationale: The report submission date was changed in 2011 from July to September. |
CR-7: Workforce Management |
No change |
CR-8: The Acceptance of Donations, Gifts, Loans and Sponsorships |
No change |
CR-11: Official Languages – Police Service |
No change |
CR-12: Commemorative Naming of Police Facilities |
- Amend subsection 7.4 – Police Commemorative Naming Committee, to read, “The Director of Community Development (or designate). - Add new subsection 7.5 that reads, “The Director of Corporate Communications (or designate), and renumber remaining subsection 7.6. Rationale: The former position of Director of Community Development and Corporate Communications was split in two earlier in 2012. - Amend section 11 – Responsibilities, by removing references to OPS Executive Directors. Rationale: the positions no longer exist. |
CR-13: Workplace Violence and Harassment |
No change |
Consultation has taken place with OPS staff, and the Board’s Legal Counsel where appropriate.
There is no cost associated with the review of the Board policies.
The Ottawa Police Services Board maintains a comprehensive set of policies to assist it in providing effective governance and oversight for the Ottawa Police Service. Such policies are necessary to successfully fulfill the Board’s legislative responsibilities of providing adequate and effective police services in the City of Ottawa. The Board has committed itself to regular review of its policies to ensure they remain relevant and up-to-date. This current review of the majority of policies contained in Chapter 3 – Chief’s Requirements, updates policies the Board uses to provide direction to the Chief of Police.
Submitted by the Policy & Governance Committee:
Carl Nicholson, Chair
Adriana Doyle
Jim Durrell
Attach. (1)