28 May 2012 |
Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board |
Chief of Police, Ottawa Police Service |
When setting the strategic direction for the 2010-2012 Business Plan, the Ottawa Police Services Board emphasized the importance of continued investment to support and develop the members of the Ottawa Police Service (OPS). One of the four priorities of the 2010-2012 Business Plan was “Investing in Our People”.
“This business plan is about ensuring that our community is safer tomorrow than today, by having the right people at the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.”
A number of goals were established to further define the Business Plan priorities with clear objectives to enhance the internal capacity for growth and improvement. Specifically, objective 4.3 states:
“Create a succession planning strategy that includes all levels of the organization to guide and promote succession within the organization.”
In addition, the City of Ottawa Police Services Board Policy Manual contains two Chief Requirements (CR) policies outlining the Board’s direction to the Chief of Police regarding executive succession planning (CR-3) and non-executive succession planning under the title of workforce management (CR-7 (g)).
The goal of the policy on “Chief’s Requirement - Executive Succession Planning (CR-3)” is to ensure there is a robust and targeted executive succession plan by ensuring the development of a qualified pool of leaders who are able to step into the executive positions both in the short-term and on a permanent basis. “Chief’s Requirement - (CR-7)” aligns closely with the 2010-2012 Business Plan objective, which is to guide and promote succession within the organization.
Both Chief’s Requirements policies CR-3 and CR-7 require the Chief of Police to report annually on the status of succession management.
This report outlines the processes and programs currently underway to support both sworn and civilian succession management at all levels within the organization. The report will deal with each of the Chief’s Requirements separately.
Non-Executive Succession Planning (CR-7)
Succession planning can be defined as: the set of organizational practices and processes designed to identify, manage, develop, motivate and retain key people. At the non-executive level, the goal is to create a highly responsive and sustainable organization that enhances the OPS’ internal capacity for the longer term.
The OPS’ Non-Executive Succession Plan involves a number of programs managed by the Resourcing & Development Directorate including, but not limited to: 1) Tenure; 2) Promotions; and 3) the Civilian Career Initiative (CCI). Each of the programs supports the important concepts of career development, knowledge acquisition, and knowledge transfer which are all critical pillars to retain and develop OPS’ talent and to also create a sustainable organization for the future. Together they ensure that the OPS is actively seeking replacement candidates for non-executive roles in a way that is transparent and equitable.
The Tenure Program adopted in October 2008 is a strategic staffing initiative which introduced a mandatory rotation of sworn personnel after a specified period of time in a tenured position. The objective is to rotate experienced officers to patrol and to provide more experienced leadership and direction to younger members on the front line. The Tenure Program targets three ranks: constable, sergeant and staff sergeant. The objectives of this program directly support the development and career movement of officers to build a wider breadth of knowledge, knowledge transfer and cross-functional skill development within the sworn ranks. (A separate detailed report provided to the Board on 30 April 2012 provides an update on this program.)
The Sworn Promotion Process facilitates the advancement of officers to the next rank in the OPS hierarchy. The promotion process establishes a pool of qualified officers ready to take on acting assignments and be eligible for promotion. Through acting assignments and through promotion, officers are provided the opportunity to develop their careers, acquire new skills and replace both temporary and permanent vacancies within the organization. In 2011, the Ottawa Police Service ran two promotion processes: one at the rank of Staff Sergeant and one at the rank of Inspector. (A separate detailed report provided to the Board on 26 March 2012 provides an update on this program.)
The job competition process under the Civilian Career Initiative (CCI) is designed to enable the movement of civilian personnel within the OPS. Guidelines and protocols for the civilian competition process have been introduced. Similar to the Sworn Promotion Process, the job competition process provides career development opportunities for civilian personnel. In 2012, the focus of CCI will be on career development and career enhancement for civilian employees. (A separate detailed report provided to the Board on 27 February 2012, outlines the specifics of this program.)
Executive Succession Management (CR-03)
While executive succession management has been underway for several years, a formalized and documented program was not previously in place. Traditionally, the Chief provides the Board with an in-camera report at each year-end to share his view of the successful candidates within the OPS.
As such, during 2011 the OPS developed a comprehensive strategic program framework for Succession Management (SM). The framework document set out a high-level process and detailed plan to guide the future development of SM tools and the methodology for executive succession management. Additionally, the framework document outlined the scope of the program, its guiding principles, a process overview, the governance structure, the program cycle and recommended evaluation metrics.
The objective of the Executive Succession Management Program is more than replacement planning for specific executive positions; rather, it will result in a pool of talented members in which development investment can be made, thereby creating a strong supply of future leaders.
On the sworn side, SM will focus on creating future Deputy Chiefs and Chiefs. In order to create a strong pool of talent, SM will tap into several ranks (Staff Sergeants to Superintendents) to develop a pool of candidates for these positions.
On the civilian side, SM will focus on filling future vacancies at the Director General level. To accomplish this, SM will seek out talent at pay grades 9 and above.
Succession Management within the OPS will be guided by a transparent process that relies on robust information for each candidate seen to have executive potential. The following diagram outlines the four key phases in the SM cycle. They include:
1. Prepare workforce data and environmental scan;
2. Identify executive potential candidates;
3. Create developmental plan; and
4. Monitor and evaluate.
Executive Approval
The ‘Strategic Program Framework for Succession Management’ document was presented to and approved by the OPS Executive Command on 10 April 2012. A high-level implementation plan for the next three years was also outlined and approved. The focus for 2012 will be on the refinement of the succession management process and supporting tools and templates, the identification of training and development opportunities, the compilation of employee data, the development of policy and the design of a communication plan. In 2013, the Succession Management Process will nominate and select executive-potential candidates from the Superintendent, Inspector and Staff Sergeant ranks.
On the civilian side, given the opportunity for external recruitment over the short-term for specialized executive talent, parallel efforts will be dedicated to enhancing the CCI Program to support the development of civilian personnel. Over the medium-term, SM be applied to identify civilian members for executive leadership positions.
In May 2010, a Succession Planning Steering Committee was formed to guide the creation of a succession planning strategy and policy for OPS to develop the next generation of police leaders. The Committee was comprised of both sworn and civilian representatives including: Chief Charles Bordeleau, Director General Debra Frazer, Deputy Chief Gilles Larochelle, Superintendent Ed Keeley, Superintendent Scott Nystedt, Inspector Scott Brown, Acting/Inspector John McGetrick, Inspector Uday Jaswal, Director Randy Mar, Director Michelle Rathwell, Staff Sergeant Dan Longpré, Manager Dawn Jordon and Sergeant Nicole St. John.
Employee Consultation
In July and August 2010, OPS civilian and sworn members of all ranks took part in two focus group sessions. The goal of the sessions was to gain an understanding of the employees’ view of succession planning and the factors which influence it. The sessions were facilitated by an expert, who then completed a summary report of her findings. From the sessions, it is clear that members strongly view succession planning as a key HR program for the OPS.
Throughout Phase I of the Executive Succession Management Project, OPS members were consulted as part of ‘working groups’. Representation included both sworn and civilian members at all ranks and from all directorates.
Research into succession planning in private, public and police organizations was conducted, and several members of the Committee attended various succession-planning workshops — including one held by the Police Sector Council in Toronto, in February 2011. Internal research into employee data and OPS programs was also examined.
Subject-Matter Experts
Following a Request for Proposal process, the Succession Management Committee contracted the services of Mary Daly Consulting Incorporated in June 2010 to provide expertise in this area.
Funds have been provided within the Resourcing and Development Directorate budget to support this work.
The Succession Planning Project demonstrates the ongoing commitment of the OPS to strengthen its investment in current and future employees. It will help to ensure that we have the right people in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing, in order to provide excellent police service to the City of Ottawa.
In addition to meeting the goals of the OPS 2010-2012 Business Plan, this is an opportunity for improved integration of existing human resources processes, enhancing employee engagement and aligning staffing strategies with organizational goals.
(original signed by)
Charles Bordeleau
Chief of Police