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28 May 2012



Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board



Chief of Police, Ottawa Police Service









That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report and presentation for information.




The ‘2011: A Year in Review’ is an annual compilation of organizational achievements and operational initiatives, along with preliminary crime statistics and performance figures.  The Year in Review forms part of the Ottawa Police Service’s ongoing performance monitoring and meets Provincial Adequacy Standards for annual reporting on organizational priorities and objectives.




The Review features contributions written by sworn and civilian members of the Ottawa Police as well as from our professional and community partners.  The articles, videos, and other media illustrate tangible accomplishments in 2011 and reflect the strategic focus and priorities of the Ottawa Police as identified in the 2010-2012 Plan for a Safer Ottawa.  Throughout, viewers will experience the interconnected themes of public accountability and transparency, together with community engagement and partnerships. 




This edition of the Year in Review has been given a fresh new look and feel and delivers a dynamic and interactive online presence.  The digital online format offers numerous benefits, including:



Accessibility is increased as those viewers that may not have the capability of viewing images, will be able to easily navigate the text-based content.  The Review is available in both English and French, and in a downloadable print format.


Content and media ranges from articles on community engagement and partnerships, initiatives and activities that involve working with youth in our community, reducing and preventing crime in the community, to assistance for victims of crime, and our use of technology to support policing operations.  Also featured is a selection of photos of Ottawa Police members engaged in daily police work across the City and in community interactions.


A range of performance figures and key statistics including Use of Force, calls for police assistance, key crime trends, authorized strength of the Ottawa Police, and the cost of policing in 2011 are also presented.  This year’s Review allows users to select a citywide view or their local police district using an interactive map.  A full report on crime, traffic offenses, calls for service, and response times across the City and by ward will be available later in the spring.




Similar to previous years, a promotion and communications strategy has been developed to create awareness and expand and diversify our audience.  This year’s goal is to increase awareness and readership by introducing new, no-cost strategies such as a link-building strategy that allows us to reach a broader community through our partners and other community groups by placing the annual report’s unique URL on their websites.


The Year in Review will be posted on, with the ability to download and/or print a paper version (in .pdf), and making it available to a wider audience, both in the City, as well as throughout Canada and internationally.  An advertising campaign will be launched which includes ads through print and online media such as Le Droit and EMC, the community newspaper which reaches the entire City including rural residents.  Alerts will be broadcast using a variety of electronic distribution networks, such as existing OPS networks, the Mayor and City Councillors, list servers and bulletin boards such as Ottawa’s Community 2-1-1.  It can also be shared through a range of social networking sites including Facebook and Twitter.  A new advertising tool will be introduced through an existing partnership with Scotiabank Place and exposure through the use of animated advertisements on Scotiabank Place’s video display board.


An online feedback evaluation survey tool will assist in gathering community opinions and input on how to improve future publications.


Existing Policy


The Year in Review forms part of the Ottawa Police Service’s ongoing performance monitoring, and meets Provincial Adequacy Standards for annual reporting on organizational priorities and objectives and the Ottawa Police Service Board Policy AI-011 ‘Framework for Annual Reporting’. 




The Review features over 20 written contributions from sworn and civilian members of the Ottawa Police along with community members.  Feature stories such as #NoMoreBullies by Majic 100’s morning show host Stuart (Stuntman Stu) Schwartz, as well as videos from Rogers “On Patrol” services and CTV’s ‘Amazing People’ provided by news anchor Kimothy Walker, are examples of community engagement and should assist in expanding the readership of the Annual Report.




The Ottawa Police moved from print to an online version of the annual report for 2010 which is more environmentally conscious, while achieving cost savings.  The total costs for the Year in Review were reduced by 10 percent for 2010 and a further 10 percent for 2011, for a total cost savings of $5,500 since moving to a digital, on-line format.




The ‘2011: A Year in Review’ represents the ongoing commitment of the Ottawa Police to be accountable and transparent to the community.  It highlights operational initiatives, preliminary performance figures, community engagement activities, investments made in our sworn and civilian members, and investments to reduce and prevent crime in our neighbourhoods.


In adopting the online format, the Ottawa Police is among the first police services in Canada to go electronic in preparing its annual report.  In addition to meeting legislative requirements, the Review is an opportunity for continued communication and engagement with our citizens and the community.




(Original signed by)


Charles Bordeleau

Chief of Police







This document contains information that reports on activities related to the Ottawa Police Business Plan.