Working together for a safer community La sécurité de notre communauté, un travail d’équipe |
DATE 17 April 2012
TO/DEST. Chair and Members, Ottawa Police Services Board
FROM/EXP. Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board
That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve a grant in the amount of $1,000 to assist the Ottawa Police Dragon Boat Club in representing the Ottawa Police Service at the “Washington DC Dragon Boat Festival” boat race on May 19 and 20, 2012.
Attached at Annex A is a letter dated April 5, 2012 from Pamela Twining, Secretary, Ottawa Police Dragon Boat Club and a member of the Ottawa Police Service, requesting financial assistance from the Ottawa Police Services Board in connection with an international dragon boat race in Washington DC on May 19 and 20, 2012.
The Ottawa Police Dragon Boat Club was established in 1998 as a way for members of the Police Service to participate in the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival and increase the Service’s community involvement. They began as a recreational group and have developed into a competitive racing team.
They are seeking a grant of $1,000 CAD cover the event’s registration fee. This is just one event of several in which the Police Dragons will be participating this season. All costs associated with travel, accommodation and incidentals are covered through the team’s fundraising efforts and by the team’s members.
The Police Dragon Board Club submitted requests for funding in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. The Board provided grants in the range of $700 to $1,000 in those years to assist the team in representing the City of Ottawa and Ottawa Police Service.
The Board’s Discretionary Fund Policy at Annex B sets out four categories for priority funding, one of which is Board / Police Service Relations. This category of funding is intended to enable the Board “to assist members of the Police Service to participate in police-sponsored events, with the goal of enhancing the image of the Ottawa Police Service (and City of Ottawa) in other communities as well as at home”. This grant request fits well within this funding priority. The Board’s support of the Ottawa Police Dragon Boat Club will assist the team in representing Ottawa and the Ottawa Police Service at an international event and will demonstrate to members of our Police Service that the Board supports their involvement in events that help to build relations with other communities.
Consultation was not required as the Board has a policy that provides guidance in this matter.
Discretionary funds in the amount of $30,000 were included in the Board’s 2012 budget. Of this amount, $17,000 was pre-committed or earmarked: $10,000 for the Street Ambassador Program, and $7,000 for the Police Association scholarship fund, leaving $13,000 to meet all other requests. There is currently $2,600 remaining in the account, which is sufficient to meet this request. Two further requests are anticipated this year: the Ottawa Police Annual Gala in the range of $1,750; and the Canadian Association of Police Boards annual conference, which the Board has traditionally supported with $1,000 in sponsorship funding.
(Original signed by)
Wendy Fedec