17 January 2012 |
Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board |
Chief of Police, Ottawa Police Service |
That the Ottawa Police Services Board:
1. Receive this report for information.
Section 31(1) of the Police Services Act sets out the Board’s responsibilities with respect to the provision of adequate and effective police service in the municipality. Under Section 31(1) (a), the Board is responsible for the appointment of sworn members of the municipal police force.
The Board has also requested information on a quarterly basis that would capture key elements of the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) workforce activities including hiring, retirements, resignations and promotions.
The purpose of this report is to:
1. Identify all new members and fulfill the Board’s obligation to approve all appointments of new members;
2. Provide the Board with an overview of workforce management activities that have occurred in Q4 2011, including: sworn officer recruitment, hiring of civilian employees, retirements and resignations, as well as sworn officer and civilian member promotions;
3. Summarize the 2011 hiring activities; and
4. Summarize hiring goals for 2012 including assumptions related to retirements and resignations.
Information provided in this report includes names and ranks of personnel as governed by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Sworn Officer Staffing
The forecast of sworn officer hiring requirements for the year is developed annually by OPS. It outlines the estimated number of officers that must be hired to fill both new and existing vacant positions. A Hiring Plan is then prepared to meet this requirement.
In developing the forecast, three key factors are considered:
1. A new recruit takes 9 months, on average, to become deployable;
2. The Ontario Police College only holds 3 training sessions per year for new recruits with limited space in each class; and,
3. Retirements tend to occur at the beginning of each new fiscal year.
The Sworn Officer Hiring Requirements takes into consideration the number of new positions budgeted in the year, and any change to the number of seconded positions in the organization. It also considers the number of officers over (or under) complement at the beginning of the year, the projected number of retirements and resignations during the year, and how many extra officers will be needed to begin the following year.
Q4 2011 Activities
In Q4 2011, there were a total of four (4) retirements and two (2) resignations. Annex A to this report lists the names and ranks of the sworn officers who left the employment of OPS in Q4 2011.
The forecasted hiring requirements were very close to the actual results. Overall, one more officer was required than planned for in 2011.
As Table 1 shows, the number of resignations was slightly less than expected (seven versus ten). This result was almost offset by an unplanned need for an additional four officers due to long-term vacancy matters. The 2012 complement carry-forward number has been adjusted downward by one—to seven—to ensure that balance is maintained with the 2011 hiring plan of 26 officers.
2011 Q4 Hiring Plan
As planned, there were 5 new hires in Q4 2011 bringing the total number of hires for 2011 to 26. The 5 officers hired in Q4 will be brought forward for Board approval in the Q1 2012 Workforce Management report upon their successful completion of Basic Constable training at the Ontario Police College. Table 2 below summarizes the Q4 2011 hiring activity and the original hiring plan for the year. Given that only 26 officers were hired in 2011, the complement carry over to 2012 will be one less, at 7 instead of 8. This is reflected in the 2012 Hiring Plan.
Annex B to this report lists the names of the 12 new sworn officers who were sworn-in by OPS in Q4 2011. Table 3 provides a demographic overview of these new OPS sworn officers.
Table 3
Demographic Highlights of New OPS Sworn Officers
2011 Q4 Hiring Activities
Total Number |
Men |
Women |
Average Age |
English and French Speaking |
Other Languages |
College Diploma University Degree Military Service |
Q4 Sworn Recruits |
11 |
9 |
2 |
26 |
11 |
Mandarin Spanish |
0* |
College – 2 University – 10 Military – 2 |
Q4 Civilian to Sworn |
1 |
1 |
0 |
35 |
1 |
None |
0* |
University – 1
*No members have self-identified.
2011 Q4 Sworn Officer Promotions
Sworn officer promotions in OPS are generally made on a quarterly basis, taking into account the number of vacancies arising through attrition. There were no sworn promotions in Q4.
In 2012, it is expected that 20 officers will retire and another 10 will resign. The 2012 budget does not allow for any new sworn positions to be added to the complement. At year end 2011, the OPS carried 7 extra officers to help meet operational needs in the first quarter of 2012 when the majority of retirements occur. The number of extra officers required at 2012 year-end to cover off for Q1 2013 retirements is projected to be 10. The resulting 2012 hiring requirement is 33.
The 2012 hiring requirements are outlined in Table 4 on the following page:
2012 Hiring Plan
Table 5 below summarizes the 2012 Hiring Plan designed to meet the requirements outlined above. A total of 33 officers will be hired. A large intake (12) of experienced officers is planned for March 2012, followed by two recruit classes at the Ontario Police College (OPC): an August intake of 10 recruits and a December intake of 11 recruits.
Civilian Staffing
Annex C to this report lists the names and positions held by the 3 permanent civilian members who left the employment of OPS in Q4 2011 due to retirements and resignation.
A total of 9 civilian employees were hired in Q4 2011 into permanent positions to address attrition and SGI requirements. Annex D to this report lists their names and Table 6 provides a demographic overview of these employees.
Table 6
Demographic Highlights of New OPS Civilian Employees
Q4 2011 Hiring Activities
Total Number |
Men |
Women |
Average Age |
English and French Speaking |
Other Languages |
College Diploma University Degree Military Service |
Q4 Civilian Hires |
9 |
3 |
6 |
29 |
8 |
Japanese Spanish
* |
College – 3 University – 4 |
* No members have self-identified.
Civilian staffing includes internal movement and promotion opportunities for existing permanent employees which are created as a result of attrition and growth, and filled through a competition process. Priority placement of members requiring accommodation and the fulfilment of labour relations agreements are also a factor in the movement of civilians to new permanent positions. Annex E to this report lists the names of the 4 permanent civilian members in new permanent positions as of Q4 2011.
The 2011 plan forecasted 151 staffing actions. This number had 4 components: 1) there were 41 vacant positions in OPS as of January 1, 2011 – 15 new positions from the 2009/2010 SGI Program, 11 existing vacant positions and 15 forecasted retirements and resignations; 2) the subsequent 30 staffing actions were forecasted to occur to backfill positions that become vacant as a result of internal candidates successfully competing for the 41 vacant positions; staff have assumed internal candidates will succeed in three quarters of staffing actions; 3) 50 staffing actions to fill medium-to-long-term temporary requirements; and 4) 30 staffing actions to fill short-term (4 months or less) temporary requirements.
Table 7 outlines the 2011 Civilian Staffing Plan and the total actual staffing actions for 2011. In total, 196 staffing actions occurred, roughly 30 per cent higher than expected. Activity was higher than expected in the area of: 1) medium-to-long-term temporary requirements; and 2) short-term temporary requirements.
Table 7
2011 Civilian Staffing Plan
2011 Original Forecasted Requirements |
Q1 Actions |
Q2 Actions |
Q3 Actions |
Q4 Actions |
2011 Total Staffing Actions |
SGI Positions |
Strategic Growth Initiative |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Existing Positions |
2009/2010 SGI Positions |
15 |
8 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
13 |
Existing Vacancies |
11 |
8 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
11 |
Retirements |
10 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
10 |
Resignations |
5 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
6 |
Backfilling Requirements |
30 |
1 |
16 |
11 |
4 |
32 |
Mid – Long Term Temporary Requirements |
50 |
18 |
18 |
27 |
8 |
71 |
Short Term Temporary Requirements (EOI) |
30 |
10 |
11 |
5 |
10 |
36 |
Casual Requirements |
0 |
7 |
2 |
0 |
8 |
17 |
Total Staffing Forecast |
151 |
56 |
54 |
53 |
33 |
196 |
* Actions reported in quarters may vary due to the timing of board reports and known vacancies.
2012 Staffing Plan
The 2012 Staffing Plan forecasts a total of 114 staffing actions. Table 8 below outlines the plan, which will be at roughly half the level of activity of the previous year. This change reflects the impact of no growth in the civilian staff complement and the completion of projects which required staffing actions for temporary employees.
Table 8 |
2012 Forecasted Civilian Staffing Plan |
2012 |
Original Forecasted Requirements |
SGI Positions |
Strategic Growth |
0 |
Existing Positions |
Existing Vacancies |
14 |
Retirements |
5 |
Resignations |
5 |
Backfilling Requirements |
20 |
Casuals |
5 |
Mid-Long-Term Temporary Requirements |
40 |
Short-Term Temporary Requirements |
25 |
Total Staffing Forecast |
114 |
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
This report summarizes the 2011 OPS Sworn and Civilian hiring plans; summarizes the activities that have occurred in the fourth quarter to fulfill the goals of the plans; sets out the actual hiring requirements for 2011; and outlines the forecasted hiring requirements for 2012. In addition, this report provides an overview of other workforce management activities including sworn and civilian employee retirements, resignations, and promotions.
(Original signed by)
Vern White
Chief of Police
Annex A – 2011 Q4 Sworn Officer Retirements and 2011 Q4 Sworn Officer Resignations
Annex B – 2011 Q4 Sworn Hires
Annex C – 2011 Q4 Civilian Retirements and 2011 Q4 Civilian Resignations
Annex D – 2011 Q4 Permanent Civilian Hires
Annex E – 2011 Q4 Civilian Promotions
2011 Q4 Sworn Officer Retirements
1. |
John Copeland |
R&D |
UN Secondment |
Inspector |
1-Nov-11 |
2. |
James Jordon |
R&D |
Sergeant |
1-Nov-11 |
3. |
Monique Perras |
RCMP Secondment |
Staff Sergeant |
7-Nov-11 |
4. |
Steve Miles |
District |
Info Desk |
Constable |
1-Dec-11 |
2011 Q4 Sworn Officer Resignations
1. |
Nancy Desjardins |
R&D |
Just in Time |
Recruit |
22-Oct-11 |
2. |
Matthew LaFrance |
Patrol |
Platoon E |
Constable |
4-Dec-11 |
2011 Q4 Sworn Members OPC Trained Hires - Class R2011-2(3)
1. |
Mark Bradley |
R&D |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
15-Aug-11 |
2. |
Michaela Clermont |
R&D |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
15-Aug-11 |
3. |
Christian Destrempes |
R&D |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
15-Aug-11 |
4. |
Jonathan Gardiner |
R&D |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
15-Aug-11 |
5. |
Lisa Grison |
R&D |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
15-Aug-11 |
6. |
Salomon Gutierrez |
R&D |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
15-Aug-11 |
7. |
Curtis Hebert |
R&D |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
15-Aug-11 |
8. |
Ryan McEachran* |
R&D |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
15-Aug-11 |
9. |
Michael Rose |
R&D |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
15-Aug-11 |
10. |
Paul Stam |
R&D |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
15-Aug-11 |
11. |
Nicholas Tookenay |
R&D |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
15-Aug-11 |
12. |
Kewei Xiao |
R&D |
Prof. Development Centre |
Recruit |
15-Aug-11 |
*from Civilian to Sworn
Q4 2011 Civilian Retirements
1. |
Susan Mar |
Office of the Chief |
Crime Intel. Analysis |
Crime Intel. Analyst |
1-Oct-11 |
2. |
Howard Sarault |
Corporate Support |
Evidence Control |
Evid. Ctrl. Attendant |
8-Nov-11 |
Q4 2011 Civilian Resignations
1. |
Andre Lafontaine |
Special Services |
Pilot |
10-Nov-11 |
Q4 2011 Permanent Civilian Hires
1. |
Shannon Hobbs |
Support Services |
Court Liaison |
Court Liaison Clerk |
7-Oct-11 |
2. |
Christine Mathieu |
Corporate Support |
Evidence Control |
Evidence Control Attendant |
31-Oct-11 |
3 |
Jan Myre |
Corporate Support |
IT Operations |
IT Support Desk Analyst |
4-Nov-11 |
4. |
Heather Bland |
R&D |
Health & Wellness |
WSIB Coordinator |
14-Nov-11 |
5. |
Meghan Skinner |
Support Services |
Comm Centre |
Comm Centre Clerk |
18-Nov-11 |
6. |
Jayme Foley |
Support Services |
Comm Centre |
Comm Centre Clerk |
12-Dec-11 |
7. |
Gabriel Godin |
Support Services |
Call Centre |
Call Centre Agent |
16-Dec-11 |
8. |
Jean-Michel Levert |
Support Services |
Call Centre |
Call Centre Agent |
16-Dec-11 |
9. |
Natalie Mears |
Support Services |
Call Centre |
Call Centre Agent |
16-Dec-11 |
Q4 2011 Civilian Staffing
1. |
Chantal Letourneau |
Support Services |
Court Liaison |
Charge Coordinator |
3-Oct-11 |
2. |
Melinda Otterspoor |
Office of the Chief |
Crime Intel. Analysis |
Crime Intel. Analyst |
3-Oct-11 |
3. |
Tracy Grant |
Corporate Support |
Background Clearance |
Background Clearance Rep. |
28-Nov-11 |
4. |
Joelle Drouin |
Support Services |
Comm Centre |
Comm Centre Clerk |
5-Dec-11 |