Working together for a safer community La sécurité de notre communauté, un travail d’équipe |
DATE 17 January 2012
TO/DEST. Chair and Members, Ottawa Police Services Board
FROM/EXP. Policy & Governance Committee
That the Ottawa Police Services Board:
1. Approve the 2012 – 2014 Board Strategic Plan attached as Annex A.
2. Forward the Strategic Plan to City Council and to other partners for information.
Early in 2011 the Police Services Board retained a consultant to develop a Communications Plan for the Board. In May, consultant Derek Johnston, Face Value Communications presented a draft Communications Plan to the Board’s Policy & Governance Committee for review. During the discussion that ensued at that meeting, it was acknowledged that before the Board adopts a Communications Plan, it ought to agree on what it wants to accomplish and what difference it wants to make in the community, and then put a communications strategy in place to support those goals. It was agreed by the Committee and subsequently by the full Board that the Board should hold a strategic planning session to decide what its goals are and develop a strategic plan, and then revisit the communications plan prepared by Mr. Johnston.
The Communications Plan was received and approved by the Board in June 2011. Several recommendations have already been implemented while others are on hold pending the finalization of a Board Strategic Plan.
The Board held two half-day strategic planning sessions with the assistance of a facilitator on September 26 and 28, 2011. Since that time, the Policy & Governance Committee has taken the lead in reviewing and fine-tuning a draft Strategic Plan, with input from all Board members. The final product is attached as Annex A. In working on the plan, other large police boards across Canada were consulted regarding their strategic plans; it is worth noting that the Ottawa Police Services Board will become the first police board in the country that we are aware of to develop a strategic plan solely for itself as opposed to the police service it governs.
The Board Strategic Plan contains a Vision, Mission and Values, which are as follows:
A respected provider of firm, fair and fiscally responsible governance.
The Ottawa Police Services Board is committed to providing excellent governance and oversight for the Ottawa Police Service by understanding community and police service needs in fulfilling its legislative mandate.
* Ethical and Transparent * Accountable and Autonomous
* Fiscally Responsible * Communicative and Consultative
* Respectful of Diversity
The Plan also contains three broad Themes under which specific goals and objectives are noted. Thought was given to ensuring the Board’s themes, goals and objectives support those contained in the Police Service’s Business Plan where possible and appropriate. The Board’s themes are as follows:
1. Governance and Oversight: This captures the legislatively mandated responsibilities of the Board to provide oversight and governance to the police service through functions such as: setting policies for the adequate and effective delivery of police services; strategic planning and priority setting; developing strong leadership capacity with the Service; providing oversight through the receipt of regular reports from the Chief of Police on various aspects of the police service, in accordance with the Board’s Calendar of Monitoring Requirements; as well as advocacy work.
2. Fiscal Responsibility: This theme recognizes the Board’s desire to demonstrate ongoing respect for taxpayers and to display efficiency through the goal of Planning and Operating within Fiscal Realities, while at the same time ensuring OPS members have the tools to do their jobs safely and effectively.
3. Connecting with the Community: This addresses many of the elements of the Board’s Community Engagement Strategy adopted in 2008. It is divided into two goals: “Communicate”, and “Educate and Engage”. Both goals are aimed at continuing to enhance two-way understanding, trust and respect between the Board, its partner organizations and the public, through a variety of mechanisms.
Once the Strategic Plan is adopted, it will be posted on the Board’s website and widely disseminated to community partners and other individuals on the Board’s distribution lists. It will also be forwarded to City Council and to the Police Service for information. It is hoped that the document will provide greater clarity around the work of the Board and its priorities over the next three years, as well as guiding the Board’s work plan in each of those years.
As it is the first of such plans, it is considered a starting point that the Board can build on in the future. Feedback from outside parties will be welcomed and collected over the life of the first plan, to be taken into consideration when it is next reviewed.
The Policy & Governance Committee will also revisit the Communications Plan received last June to identify which outstanding recommendations should be implemented in support of the Strategic Plan, recognizing the Board’s existing financial and human resources.
Chief White and members of the Police Service were consulted and given the opportunity to provide input into the draft Plan.
There are no financial implications associated with this report.
The Ottawa Police Services Board has not previously had a strategic plan of its own; in fact, with approval of the attached Plan, it is believed that this Board will become the first police governing body in the country to adopt a strategic plan for itself as opposed to the police service it oversees. The Plan will serve to provide clarity to the public and the Board about what the Board sees as its primary goals and what it hopes to accomplish over the 2012 to 2014 timeframe. It will also provide clearer direction to guide the Board’s activities in support of the identified goals.
Submitted by the Policy & Governance Committee:
Carl Nicholson, Chair
Adriana Doyle
Jim Durrell
Attach. (1)