Date Received: 16 June 2005

From: Algonquin College

OPS Member: Cst. Patricia Ferguson

Excerpts from letter:

(Addressed to Cst. Patricia Ferguson) On behalf of the Police Foundations Program at Algonquin College, I want to thank you very much for the considerable time and effort you spent organizing the Student-Police Patrol Experience this past May.  This program could not have happened this year without your commitment and dedication.  The time and effort you put into coordinating police personnel, assisting student applicants, and organizing the comprehensive orientation session exceeded all expectations.  Please also extend appreciation and thanks to all those in your department who assisted you in making this year's program such a success.


Date Received: 17 June 2005

From: Member of the Public

OPS Member: Cst. Shane Henderson

Excerpts from letter:

I commute to and from work by bicycle for between 8 and 9 months of every year.  While the majority of drivers that I meet on the streets of Ottawa are thoughtful and careful, unfortunately there are always the exceptions. This morning I ran into one of these individuals at the corner of Beechwood and the Vanier Parkway - or at least he almost ran into me.  I was lucky, but it was a rather close call.  I am writing not to complain about the driver but to offer my sincere thanks to one of your officers, Constable Shane Henderson.  Constable Henderson was nearby and observed the latter stages of the close encounter.  He quickly took the initiative and caught up with the driver along the Parkway.  I arrived at the scene very shortly after and heard part of the conversation between Constable Henderson and the driver.  Although the driver was rather rude, Constable Henderson dealt with him in a most professional and quite appropriate manner.  After he had finished with the driver we had a brief conversation and I was even more impressed with his thinking, his outlook, and his approach to his work.  Although this is rather a small incident in the overall scheme of things, I am confident that Constable Henderson brings the same perspective and integrity to all aspects of his work.  He is an excellent ambassador of the Ottawa Police Service and I commend him most highly.


Date Received: 21 June 2005

From: Member of the Public

OPS Members: OPS

Excerpts from letter:

I have lived in Ottawa most of my life.  I don't usually respond to media stories, but I wish to publicly express my appreciative opinion of the Ottawa Police as a citizen, taxpayer, and community member.  I wish to compliment the Ottawa Police for the quick action taken in response to the potential public safety hazard on the Queensway Monday June 20.  I have heard from the media that some people are discussing the police response.  The headlines say that loss of revenue to the local economy (via loss of worker productivity) is a public concern.  Individuals have commented, on the news, that they were upset and/or bewildered by the delay in rush-hour traffic.  I did not experience or witness the incident, except on the news.  However, I can assuredly say that I am proud of the Ottawa Police for their immediate and prudent response.  I feel safe knowing that public safety is a priority for the Ottawa Police.  It seems clear to me that the police response was the right action to take and should be commended.  I also think that the police were right to take action even if people were delayed or unable to get to work. Loss of revenue is not as important as public safety.  I always hear about mismanaged money in government at municipal, provincial, and federal levels, so it seems to me that the delay and resulting loss of productivity was time and money very well spent.  Thank you again, and I hope the Police Services Board determine that the actions of Ottawa Police were commendable, necessary for our public safety, and the unquestionably right thing to do.


Date Received: 22 June 2005

From: Hon. Albina Guarnieri, Minister of Veterans Affairs

OPS Members: OPS

Excerpts from letter:

We have received only enthusiastic and positive comments from our Veterans who attended the Ottawa ceremonies on May 8, marking the 60th Anniversary of Victory in Europe and the opening of the new Canadian War Museum.  A large measure of that success is due to the efforts and the expertise of the Ottawa Police officers who attended the ceremonies in a variety of different roles.  There were numerous reports of officers personally assisting our Veterans during the ceremonies.  As Chief of Police, you can be proud of the professionalism and compassion these officers demonstrated, regardless of whether they were on regular or paid duty.


Date Received: 26 June 2005

From: Member of the Public

OPS Member: Cst. Randy Wagner

Excerpts from letter:

I just heard that one of your police officers saved an injured fawn on June 10.  It is people like this that give my heart great hope for injured wild life in this city that we have such kind and compassionate police officers working in this city.  It was a very dark day when the wildlife centre was shut down.  I would like you to send my thanks and best wishes to this wonderful man.


Date Received: 29 June 2005

From: Principal, Alta Vista Public School

OPS Member: Cst. Tammy Nault

Excerpts from letter:

(Addressed to Cst. Tammy Nault) On behalf of the staff, students, parents and the community of Alta Vista Public School, I would like to thank you for the tremendous service that you have provided to our school this year.  Your proactive educational programming, quick response time in difficult situations, and interaction with the community through the spring fair, parent information nights, and Safe and Caring Schools Assemblies are greatly appreciated.  We also appreciate your pleasant manner and great sense of humour in what is sometimes a very challenging job.  The role that you have played at Alta Vista has been one similar to a member of our staff.  Parents, students and staff are comfortable with your presence in the school.  Also, you have helped us deal with a number of very difficult issues over the past year and a half.  I personally want to thank you for your support in dealing with a sexual assault case that started in February 2004, and just recently ended with the conviction of four young people from our community.  Your advice and constant support for our students and staff made all the difference in the last year and a half.


Date Received: 29 June 2005

From: YOUCAN (Youth Organizing to Understand Conflict and Advocate Non-Violence)

OPS Members: Sgt. Peter Couillard, Cst. Michael Marelic, Tactical/Explosive Disposal Unit

Excerpts from letter:

We wanted to thank you for the awesome tour that you gave us on March 29th when we were on the YOUCAN Ottawa-Edmonton Facilitators Exchange!  We had a great time and we all learned so much.  The tour that you gave us was very intriguing and diverse.  We really enjoyed learning about the law enforcement and how conflict resolution is very important and successful avenue in the police force.  This tour was definitely an educational experience, in which we were able to see, touch, and hear about the different things that the police deal with.  We enjoyed going through the explosives truck, meeting the tactical officers, seeing their equipment, and hearing their stories.  Speaking on behalf of all of the youth, we especially liked seeing your police dogs in action!  Thank you for giving us this opportunity to learn about police and your role in the community.  It was great to see the truth and understand more clearly how you really work.  This experience demystified our ideas about the police, and helped us understand how conflict can be resolved in a peaceful manner, reinforcing the peace builders’ trainings we took during the exchange.  We had a fantastic time!


Date Received: 30 June 2005

From: Member of the Public

OPS Members: OPS Tattoo

Excerpts from letter:

Last Saturday evening, my wife and I were privileged to attend the 150th Anniversary Tattoo staged by the Ottawa Police Service.  It was a wonderful evening; one which we thoroughly enjoyed, and one which we will long remember.  Each of the bands was superb, and the various other performers were at the tops of their games.  I'm sure that each of those who viewed the show returned home convinced that "it doesn't get any better than this."  Certainly, the tactical squad, the K-9 unit and the other police displays provided us with an insight of what modern policing has become.  In this "Year of the Veteran", the tribute to them was tasteful, well done and most moving.  Thank you for including it.  The Tattoo was a memorable and thoroughly marvellous event.


Date Received: 4 July 2005

From: Member of the Public

OPS Member: Cst. Robert Hagarty

Excerpts from letter:

This letter is to thank the Police Department, especially Constable Robert Hagarty.  Early on June 19th, Constable Hagarty noticed my brother's car in an unusual state.  He initiated an investigation, and with the help of many other officers, they notified family members, looked for my brother, and eventually found him.  Constable Hagarty was compassionate and very professional in dealing with myself and other members of the family, and handled the situation effectively.  I appreciate the efforts of Constable Hagarty and the other officers involved.  The whole experience left me with a good feeling about our Police Force.


Date Received: 4 July 2005

From: Niagara Regional Police Service

OPS Member: Cst. Steve Boucher

Excerpts from letter:

On behalf of the Niagara Regional Police Service Video Unit and the Ontario Police Video Training Alliance, I appreciate this opportunity to pass along our thanks for the kind assistance that a member of your Service provided to us during the production of a recent OPVTA production.  Constable Steve Boucher conducted a stirring on-camera interview for the recent "Edged Weapons" program, reflecting on his own encounter with an assailant armed with a knife.  Candid and insightful, Constable Boucher's comments will undoubtedly influence how thousands of Ontario officers approach these dangerous situations. 


Date Received: 5 July 2005

From: Major-General E.S. Fitch

OPS Members: OPS Tattoo

Excerpts from letter:

The purpose of this letter is to thank you again for your kind hospitality Saturday evening at the OPS Tattoo, and for the close cooperation the Canadian Forces continue to enjoy with the Ottawa Police Service.  It was truly heart-warming to see our police and military working together during the show as we do in serving the people of our community.  The Tattoo was a great success for which all the organizers and participants are to be congratulated.


Date Received: 5 July 2005

From: Canadian Police College

OPS Member: Cst. Leo Benvenuti

Excerpts from letter:

On behalf of the Explosives Training Section, I would like to take this opportunity to express our most sincere appreciation to Constable Leo Benvenuti for being a guest instructor on the recent Police Explosives Technicians and Radiography Course.  Under the current course training format there is a tremendous responsibility placed upon guest instructors.  The selection criteria we look at are communication skills, leadership, patience and understanding, knowledge, technical skills and dedication.  The use of the guest instructor is maximized in assisting regular staff to prepare course candidates for their new position as police explosives technicians.  They are expected to spend significant instructional time beyond the normal eight-hour day assisting candidates who have additional training requirements.  During the practical scenario portion of the course, he is called upon to provide an assessment of each candidate's ability to function as a police explosives technician and either pass or fail an individual.  These critical assessments necessitate that the guest instructor possess an exceptional and previously demonstrated confidence in their own ability and knowledge to function as a police explosives technician.  Without question Cst. Benvenuti meets our selection criteria and has proven to be an exceptional individual with exceptional ability. His local area knowledge and genuine interest in the program made him a valuable asset during all aspects of training.  The overall success of the course and the opinions of staff, other guest instructors and course candidates reflect this opinion.  Cst. Benvenuti is a credit to your Police Service and a valuable asset to our police explosives training program.


Date Received: 7 July 2005

From: International Association of Chiefs of Police

OPS Members: Criminal Investigative Services

Excerpts from letter:

As President of The International Association of Chiefs of Police, I wish to thank you for applying for the 2005 IACP/ChoicePoint Award for Excellence in Criminal Investigation.  While your application was not selected as a winner this year, I want you to know how much we appreciate the time and interest that was taken to develop and submit your application (Project CODI).  The competition was rigorous among the many agencies that submitted applications, a factor that made the judging process and final decision difficult. The applications that we reviewed provided us with greater insight to the degree of investigative innovation that is undertaken by agencies today.  Many of the techniques and approaches that were presented can be transferred for the benefit of other police agencies that may be confronted with similar investigations.  The dedication of your agency and investigative staff is a credit to your community and a valuable addition to the advancement of the science and practice of police investigations.


Date Received: 7 July 2005

From: Principal, Canterbury High School

OPS Member: Cst. Vanessa McNeil

Excerpts from letter:

Constable McNeil has been the School Resource Officer assigned to Canterbury High School for the past several years.  She has provided this school with outstanding service in counsel and action when required.  Her professionalism in the management of her portfolio is of note.  Whether dealing with students, parents, staff and the community associated with Canterbury, she approached all tasks with diligence and tenacity all the while maintaining a true sense of compassion and dignity.  She is a model member of the Ottawa Police Service.  While we will miss her, we are assured that her continued contributions to the greater Ottawa community will be for the betterment of all.  I would also like to acknowledge and voice my support for the School Resource Officer Program. This sector of police operations is a vital investment in our community.  As in education, the greater the term of investment the greater positive results prevail.  Working with young people in our school communities is critical in managing the future.


Date Received: 11 July 2005

From: Thomas Rowe, U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement Attaché, U.S. Embassy

OPS Members: Supt. Patrick Hayes, OPS Tattoo

Excerpts from letter:

I want to take this occasion to express my sincere appreciation for your kindness in having invited me to attend the Ottawa Police Services' recent Tattoo as your guest.  May I say what a spectacular presentation your department put on, truly showcasing your department's proud heritage and reputation as being one of Canada's premier law enforcement agencies.  I hope you will pass along my congratulations on job well done to all of those involved in this massive effort and especially to Superintendent Patrick Hayes for his outstanding contributions. 


Date Received: 11 July 2005

From: Christie Lake Kids

OPS Members: Sgt. Andrew Roach, Cst. Gary Leach, Cst. Reg MacDonald, Cst. Mark MacMillan, Cst. Paul Hart, Claydon Guppy

Excerpts from letter:

On behalf of Christie Lake Kids, we would like to thank the Ottawa Police Service for their tremendous support at the 10th Annual Enbridge Canoe for Kids event held June 11th at Mooney's Bay.  The Ottawa Police Service was very well represented at this event with an extremely popular K9 demonstration by Csts. Gary Leach, Reg MacDonald and Mark MacMillan, the use of the Command Vehicle by Driver Claydon Guppy, for counting the proceeds raised, and the water safety provided by Marine Patrol Officers, Sgt. Andy Roach and Cst. Paul Hart.  All of these officers demonstrated their outstanding commitment and support to their community and should be commended for a job well done.  We were extremely pleased with this year's event.  The weather was hot but spirits were high with over 40 enthusiastic teams comprised of family, friends and colleagues from local businesses and corporations paddling their canoes to send kids to camp.  This year we raised $63,000, with proceeds still coming in, which will send 61 kids from economically disadvantaged families to camp.  It is with the support of community leaders like the members of the Ottawa Police Service that make this event a success and enable us to continue making a difference in the lives of economically disadvantaged children and youth.







Date Received: 14 July 2005

From: Hillel Academy of Ottawa

OPS Member: Cst. Dave Bal

Excerpts from letter:

This letter is being written in praise and recognition of Constable Dave Bal, our School's Resource Officer.  One of our staff recently went through an unfortunate and ugly episode of harassment by one of our students.  While the pain she suffered was real, the saving grace was that Constable Bal was there for us every step of the way.  He guided us, helped identify the perpetrator and most of all - made her feel safe….I would like to share one more insight into what I feel is a true strength of Constable Bal.  While he is a man of large stature, he conveys the greatest sense of gentleness, warmth and humility while at the same time, being firm when necessary.  This was displayed to us, the victim and even to the perpetrator; no easy task.  In our opinion, Constable Bal is the finest example of what a Police Officer stands for and we hope that this letter serves its intended purpose, that he should receive the recognition that he truly deserves.


Date Received: 14 July 2005

From: RCMP

OPS Members: Insp. Terry Charbot, Sgt. James Montgomery, Sgt. Mark Hayes, Sgt. Mike Maloney

Excerpts from letter:

My purpose in writing is to express my appreciation for the leadership and support the Ottawa Police Service provided to the National Incident Commanders course held in Ottawa.  The Ottawa Police Service, led by Inspector Terry Charbot, delivered the second National Incident Commanders course.  Organizing the course and hosting 16 Incident Commanders from outside policing services was a major undertaking for Inspector Charbot and his coordinating team.  They should be commended for a job well done.  The RCMP is grateful for the efforts of your organization as six of our Incident Commanders from different regions of Canada were successfully trained. The professionalism displayed by Inspector Charbot during the three-week course is noteworthy, and RCMP members have indicated that this course was an overwhelming success.  This should be attributed directly to the efforts of Inspector Charbot, Sergeants James Montgomery, Mark Hayes and Mike Maloney.  I understand they all worked tirelessly to facilitate, instruct and lead the "live" scenario assessment teams during the final week.


Date Received: 18 July 2005

From: Hon. Monte Kwinter, Minister of Community Safety & Correctional Services

OPS Member: Deputy Chief Larry Hill

Excerpts from letter:

I would like to congratulate you on your appointment as Member of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces.  The prestige of the Order is reflected in the fact that the number of annual appointments is limited to one tenth of one percent of the average number of police officers in Canada in the preceding year.  This recognition is testament to your superior police service as well as your commitment and loyalty to law enforcement throughout your distinguished career.  Most importantly, this award acknowledges your significant contributions to community policing in Canada.  I commend you for the tireless dedication you have demonstrated in working with diverse communities.  Your strong professionalism in all areas has helped us provide our people a quality of life that is second to none.


Date Received: 18 July 2005

From: Member of the Public

OPS Member: Cst. Christopher Tessier, Cst. Wesley Cory

Excerpts from letter:

Following the meeting last evening at the Sandy Hill Community Centre, chaired by Councillor Georges Bédard, the residents of the homes adjacent to a home on Stewart Street wish to express our appreciation for the work done by Const. Tessier and Cst. Cory over the past months in dealing with the problems created for our neighbourhood by the owner of the house and her tenants.  Everyone at that meeting was grateful for the help provided by the police over the years, but frustrated that our innumerable complaints have so far not resulted in stopping this landlord from renting out to tenants who are persistently noisy, harass passers-by on the sidewalk when they are drinking on the front steps of the house, have a dog which barks constantly, indulge in drug trafficking and open smoking of marijuana where they congregate at the front of the house, have frequent, violent outbursts and fights, and encourage prostitution.


Date Received: 20 July 2005

From: Member of the Public

OPS Members: Cst. Edward Yeoumans, Cst. Mannix Velho

Excerpts from letter:

On June 29th, I requested police assistance (my husband was depressed and I feared that he was going to attempt suicide) and two officers came to my house.  They were, Cst. Yeoumans and Cst.Velho.  My husband was found alive at 2:35 a.m. by the OPP and Cst. Yeoumans called me at 3:15 a.m. and gave me the information.  Cst. Yeoumans and Cst. Velho were very kind, professional and I feel went above and beyond the call of duty.  I want them both to know how much I appreciated their kind words and their incredible work ethic.  They helped me through a very difficult time and I feel that they should be commended for "a job well done".


Date Received: 27 July 2005

From: Member of the Public

OPS Member: Cst. Umer Khan

Excerpts from letter:

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciated the conduct of one of your officers, Cst. Khan.  I figure most people only take the time to make complaints and not compliments, basically, my daughter, 16 years old, was walking down the street in Vanier when a man started to ask her a bunch of questions, my daughter was scared, this is when officer Khan drove by and noticed that something did not look right with this man and my daughter.  He turned around and asked if my daughter needed assistance, and made sure all was okay.



Date Received: 27 July 2005

From: Member of the Public

OPS Members: Sgt. Brian McMahon, Cst. Douglas Hill, Cst. Mannix Velho

Excerpts from letter:

I now am the Site Supervisor of numerous buildings in Ottawa.  Over the years I have seen quite an extensive amount of crime.  It's kind of funny but in my job I have to educate myself on a weekly basis on the new techniques of fraud / theft / vandalism / prostitution / grow-ops / intimidation / swarming, and all the other great things that make us humans great Canadian folks.  I have come to depend on the guidance and assistance of the Ottawa Police almost on a daily basis.  I have also had the opportunity to work very close with certain police officers that are without a doubt much different from the rest.  About 12 years ago, I consider myself extremely fortunate enough to have met an officer by the name of Brian McMahon.  This officer without a doubt went above and beyond the call of duty on a daily basis, and made a profound difference in our area.  He was followed by two other great officers.  I am referring to Cst. Douglas Hill and Cst. Mannix Velho.  These are without a doubt two of Ottawa's finest officers.  They do not just drive by and try not to look at the boys doing a drug deal they stop, look and listen.  Dedication, loyalty, honour are only a few words that I can use to describe Constable Hill.  As in any job there are usually numerous complaints and very few compliments.  I for one would like to personally thank Constable Hill for his dedication and persistence in making my neighbourhood a better and safer place to live. 


Date Received: 27 July 2005

From: Supt. Jean St-Cyr, Canadian Contingent Commander, Jordan International Police Training Centre

OPS Member: Sgt. James Oakes

Excerpts from letter:

This memorandum is being forwarded to you in recognition of the significant contribution Sergeant Jim Oakes has made to the Jordan / Iraq Peacekeeping Mission. Under the Civilian Police Assistance Training Team, Sgt. Oakes volunteered to serve as an instructor in the third Canadian Contingent.  This mission's goal is to train 32,000 Iraqi Police Cadets at the Jordan International Police Training Center (JlPTC) in Amman, Jordan.  Sgt. Oakes served from January to July 2005 at the JIPTC.  Sgt. Oakes not only sacrificed six months away from family and friends but contributed significantly to this mission…The professionalism of police officers such as Sgt. Oakes continues to put the Canadian police officers in very high standing with their international peacekeeping partners and contributes to enhance the well-established reputation of our Canadian law enforcement community on the world stage…Through his strong and positive performance, Sgt. Oakes maintained the respect of both the teaching team and the cadets. Sgt. Oakes was a very good representative of your Service as well as an excellent ambassador for Canada. 






Date Received: 25 July 2005

From: Day for Daniel Organizing Committee

OPS Member: Cst. Raymond Lamarre

Excerpts from letter:

Our heartfelt thanks to you for your participation in “A Day for Daniel.”  Despite the heat, the day was a great success because of the generous contributions of volunteers such as you.  We exceeded our fund raising target and these funds will subsidize many of the expenses when Daniel travels with his parents to Toronto for his transplant.  This will occur next week, and hopefully they will be back in Ottawa around mid-September.  From all of us in Daniel's community, we appreciate your generosity and many thanks.


Date Received: 28 July 2005

From: Member of the Public

OPS Member: S/Sgt. Monique Ackland

Excerpts from letter:

J’aimerais offrir un compliment bien mérité à Madame Monique Ackland. Je vois régulièrement Madame Ackland à la télévision (Radio-Canada, etc.) lors de reportages divers et je trouve qu’elle est extrêmement professionnelle et compétente…Vous avez, dans la personne de Madame Ackland, une employée fort capable et dévouée qui fait honneur à votre corps policier. C’est une ambassadrice hors pair pour la police d’Ottawa. Je ne sais pas quelle position ou quel rang elle occupe en ce moment au sein de votre organisme mais, je peux, très sincèrement, la recommander pour toute promotion. Elle est l’image même de l’intégrité et de la droiture. Nous sommes très chanceux de l’avoir ici à Ottawa dans notre corps policier. Bravo et chapeau Madame Ackland et continuez le beau travail. Votre contribution à la sécurité de notre ville et de notre société est fort appréciée. Votre travail est excellent et d’une qualité supérieure.


Date Received: 8 August 2005

From: Member of the Public

OPS Members: S/Sgt. Patrick Callaghan, East Division Officers

Excerpts from letter:

On behalf of my friends who recently experienced the loss of their loved one, I would like to take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude and appreciation for the professionalism, courtesy and efficiency displayed by the officers, under the guidance of S/Sgt. Pat Callaghan, both at the Chapel and en route to the cemetery.  I cannot stress enough how comforting it was to observe how organized and courteous these officers were to both the public and to the immediate members of the family.  They are a credit to the Ottawa Police Force under your direction.


Date Received: 10 August 2005

From: Teacher, Sacred Heart Catholic High School

OPS Member: Cst. Stephen Gorgichuk

Excerpts from letter:

On June 9th, I had the pleasure of receiving one of your officers to my grade 10 Career class.  I just wanted to say thank-you to Steve for taking the time to speak to our students. He went through the requirements needed to be a good police officer and spoke highly of his career.  The students were in awe during the presentation.  He definitely inspired some students.  He was informative and funny and full of great stories.  The comments at the end of the class were very positive.  I know that it was a real treat for all of us.


Date Received: 15 August 2005

From: Internal OPS

OPS Members: S/Sgt. Terry Welsh, Sgt. Lynne Turnbull, Cst. Tim Renwick, Cst. Kevin Jaques, Cst. Quan McHenry, Cst. Paul Burnett, Cst. Mike Belanger, Cst. Steve Forsythe, Cst. Serge Clement, Cst. Marc Clement, Cst. Jim Hutchins

Excerpts from letter:

At 06:05, a 911 call was received from a male who said a female had stabbed him.   Csts. Renwick and Jaques arrived at the apartment and were met by the male who was bleeding from a small cut on his neck.  The male said that the woman who had stabbed him was out on the balcony.  The woman, who was brandishing a knife, yelled at the officers not to come close or she would jump.  The officers spoke to the woman trying to calm her down, but she was very distraught, crying, yelling, and was high on crack cocaine.  She kept climbing on top of the balcony railing threatening to jump.  At approximately 07:50, negotiators S/Sgt. Terry Welsh, Sgt. Lynne Turnbull and Cst. Quan McHenry arrived on scene to relieve Cst. Renwick and Cst. Jaques.  A short time, later tactical officers arrived.  While Sgt. Turnbull was speaking to her, the woman, who was still very distraught, climbed onto the outside of the balcony holding the railing.  The woman leaned her head onto her hands and said to the effect ‘just let me go’.  Sensing that the woman was about to jump, Sgt. Turnbull ran onto the balcony and grabbed her.  Cst. McHenry and several tactical officers were right behind to help bring the woman back onto the balcony and into safety.  There is no doubt that Sgt. Turnbull, Cst. McHenry and the tactical officers saved this woman’s life. Csts. Renwick and Jaques should also be commended for their calm demeanour and establishing a rapport with the woman while waiting for the negotiators to arrive.


Date Received: 16 August 2005

From: Member of the Public

OPS Members: Cst. Christopher O’Brien

Excerpts from letter:

We are writing to you to express our sincere thanks for the efforts and actions of one of your officers.  In early evening of August 13th, my wife went into labour.  After a quick discussion on the phone with the hospital, we decided to set out from our home in Greely to the Ottawa General Hospital.  The expectation was she was just starting labour and that time permitted for us to make the trip.  Things quickly changed as we set out and she rapidly went from the starting of labour into full delivery as we were heading down highway 31.  I realized there was no time to stop and we needed to get there quickly.  I believe divine intervention placed one of your officers in our path.  We stopped beside a police car on the route.  Explaining that my wife was into delivery and that we needed to get the hospital fast, without hesitation, he quickly turned the police car around and led us to the hospital.  Once at the hospital, he quickly grabbed a wheelchair, directed me to park my car and assured me he would get her to the right floor.  Knowing exactly where to go, he made a dash to the 8th floor and engaged the hospital staff to help my wife.  It would have been understandable if your officer let us off at the door as we made it in time, but he continued to see this situation through and ensure professional care was engaged.  I made it to the floor no less than 5 minutes after arriving to find my wife with all the required professional care and being lead into the delivery room.  Your officer, knowing she had the right care in place had just left.  Our son was born five minutes later and less than ten minutes after arriving at the hospital.  Your officer left without fanfare or even so much as a simple thank you.  We didn't even know who he was…It's easy to say the story ends well, but there are people put in your path to ensure things fall out like a masterful plan.  Actions your officer had taken were clearly beyond the proverbial call of duty and were the most decent acts of humanity rarely recognized and published.  We needed to find this ‘mystery officer’ and with a call to your team yesterday, they have provided me the name and badge number of the officer.  We want to express our heartfelt thanks to Cst. Christopher O'Brien.  It's very easy to complain when things do not go as wanted.  We read daily about all the negativity we have about us.  Actions of kindness and humanity are rarely published.  We will never be able to show how much the actions of your officer profoundly changed our outcome and given our Christopher a strong chance.  We don't know how to thank Officer O'Brien for what he did for my wife and new son.  We always hold him in highest regard and we will forever keep him in our prayers and our thoughts.  The name "Christopher" will be held for two of the most special people in the world for our family.  He is a very special person to us and an excellent example of a police officer…  


Date Received: 22 August 2005

From: Internal OPS

OPS Members: Cst. Doug Mirau, Cst. Ron McCarthy

Excerpts from letter:

I wish to recognize the efforts of Cst. Doug Mirau and Cst. Ron McCarthy, Central West Neighbourhood Officers.  On Sunday evening, they were dispatched to St. Anthony Soccer Club regarding a male who had apparently suffered a heart attack while attending a party at the club.  Upon arrival, Csts. Mirau and McCarthy found an unconscious elderly male on the ground, being assessed by an off-duty fire fighter.  The male appeared to be without vital signs.  The officers applied the automatic external defibrillator and began resuscitation attempts, working with the off-duty fire fighter and a relative of the victim.  Two shocks from the AED were administered.  A short time later, a pulse and breathing were restored.  The fire department and the ambulance arrived and the 78-year old patient was transported to hospital…It is obvious the officers’ efforts, and teamwork with the off-duty fire fighter, led to this cardiac save.  The Ottawa Police Defibrillator Program is key to bringing both CPR and defibrillation to the aid of someone whose heart has stopped.  Our entire community is grateful to first responders who quickly get to victims with the equipment necessary to save a life.







Date Received: 25 August 2005

From: Member of the Public

OPS Member: Sgt. Mark Houldsworth

Excerpts from letter:

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude to Sgt. Mark Houldsworth for coordinating the Ottawa Police Venturers Program.  My son started in the program last February, and is thoroughly enjoying the meetings, training sessions and community service projects.  In this short timeframe, he has met many new friends, learned a great deal about policing, and gained valuable experience as a volunteer in the community.  We are extremely pleased with the program, and would like to make a donation to help support the various activities and events.  It is truly a pleasure to see all the participants "working together for a safer community". 


Date Received: 26 August 2005

From: Queensway Carleton Hospital

OPS Member: Louise Logue

Excerpts from letter:

I am writing this letter to thank you for allowing Louise Logue to present "Street Drugs in Ottawa" to our staff at the Queensway Carleton Hospital…Attendees were from social work, emergency, pharmacy, psychiatry, administration, security, surgery, medicine, laboratory, health records, nuclear medicine, ICU/CCU, volunteer services, rehabilitation, infection control and childbirth unit.  Louise reached many disciplines who have now gone back to their respective units to "spread the word."  Louise, as always, was an exceptional speaker.  She uses her knowledge and front line experience to make the presentation very informative and "real" for the attendee.  She had everyone's full attention for the two hours and people would have happily stayed longer to learn more. Being an educator myself, I cannot emphasize enough how fortunate the Ottawa Police Service is to have such a talented employee as Louise as part of the team.  It is one thing to have knowledge. It is another to be able to share that knowledge so that others may understand.