July 17, 2001


Executive Director

Ottawa Police Services Board


Chief of Police

Ottawa Police Service






That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.





Attached for the information of the Board are excerpts from letters of appreciation/thanks received from the public, since the last regular Board meeting, for services rendered by members of the Ottawa Police Service .



Vince Bevan

Chief of Police


Attach (1)

Letters of Commendation Received since last Regular Police Services Board Meeting




Agency/Member of Public





Excerpt from Letters



James McIntosh




“My concern with the police budget is the heroic effort they are now putting into seeing that shoppers and tourists and pedestrians feel safe on Rideau Street where my store is.  They are getting more drug busts and drunk or disorderly or beggar or vandal or punk or young offender busts here, than any other place in the city.  My store will survive even if the police budget fails them, due to income from selling on the web with eBay.  But it is not fair to the city or Rideau Street to have the police budget fail them.”








Subadra Kappagoda


Sgt. John McGetrick


“I am writing this letter to bring to your attention the very helpful and courteous service that I received from Sergeant John McGetrick on Sunday the 13th of May.  He acted in a manner that would be an example to all those serving the community.”








John Kuiack

Scouts Canada


Officers - Ottawa Police Service


“You can take pride in the fact that you have made a very positive contribution to this “experience of a lifetime” for the youth.  We couldn’t have done it without your assistance.”








Etelvina Da Costa-Kaplan


Det. Isobel Anderson


“Although I could write a book on my case I will keep this short by sharing with you that I believe that through Detective Isobel Anderson’s persistence, professionalism, dedication and objectivity, she had the insight to follow through on a very thorough investigation and summarized a very revealing report which I utilized for legal purposes.”








Louise Larocque


Officer Khalid


“...To make a long story short, Officer Khalid managed to obtain the Canadian Tire Gold Card telephone number and contacted them while I was desperately trying to stop the alarm on my car.  Afterwards, he and another gentleman pushed my car over to a spot where it would be out of the way.  I wanted to ask his name, but when he saw I was in good hands with the tow truck driver, he waved goodbye and was gone.  ( I phoned that night and asked the dispatcher the name of the officer who had helped me.  She recognized me as the “Canadian Tire Gold Card lady”, so I knew she was not making a mistake as far as Officer Khalid’s name was concerned.)”








Margaux Béland


Art Auction 2001


Chief Vince Bevan


“Already the impact of your support is being felt in our community.  More people who are experiencing vision loss are turning to the CNIB for assistance and they will have access to services to help them live productive lives.  Men, women, children and families will get the support they need to deal with their blindness and vision loss.  In all, more than 3,000 people in this region will find assistance through the CNIB this year.”








Patty-Jane Stanley

Teacher and Bike Day Coordinator

Counterpoint Academy


Constable Claude Parent and

Constable Uday Jaswal


“On June 1, 2001, Counterpoint Academy held a Bike Day for our primary children ages 5-8.  As an introduction, Constable Claude Parent and Constable Uday Jaswal visited our school to speak to the students about bicycle safety.  (There was another officer whose name I did not get.)  They spoke at the perfect level for our children.  We were all very impressed and benefitted greatly from this informative, interesting, and humourous presentation.  I wish to thank  them very much for adding to our special event.”


Joel B. Taller


Congregation Machzikei Hadas


Traffic Control Services


“I am writing to you on behalf of Congregation Machzikei Hadas with respect to the professional manner in which your officers provided traffic control services at the recent funeral of Naomi Bulka, of blessed memory, the wife of our Congregation’s Rabbi, Rabbi R. Bulka.  At the end of the service, the Hearse traveled from the synagogue at a slow speed to the Bulka’s residence followed on foot by some 1500 individuals in attendance.  It was through the good efforts of your officers on motorcycles, that this procession occurred in an orderly manner.” 








Peter F. Burnet



Special Constable Sam Saloum


“It was clearly a busy day for Special Constable Saloum.  Despite this, he gave a detailed, thorough tour of the facilities and answered all of the students questions carefully.  He showed a real interest in the students and gave them a real “eye opener” at precisely the right time in their lives.  Frankly, I was quite overwhelmed with Special Constable Saloum’s kindness and cooperation.  The school has advised me that the tour was a great success, mainly  due to Special Constable Saloum’s efforts.”








Peter Scott

Senior Coordinator

St. Anthony’s Church


Chief Vince Bevan

David Pepper

Deputy Chief Larry Hill


“Father  Paul, Superior & Pastor St. Anthony’s Church and Servite Italian & English Community of Ottawa, Parish Council, Coordinating Committee and parishioners of St. Anthony’s Church wish to thank you and your staff sincerely for your efforts and assistance which helped to make our Feast Day celebrations for 2001 a great success.”








Captain Dennis W. Lowe

Directorate of Compensation and Benefits

Canadian Forces

National Defence


Constable A. Hunter


“Notwithstanding, I would like to extend my humble, heartfelt appreciation for the valiant, professional and caring service that Constable Hunter extended to myself and my deceased dog.  She could have said, “here’s your dog and it’s your problem” but instead she went out of her way to assist me.  Please ensure that she receives a copy of this letter and she can always drop in to see the new pup and his mother.”


Francine Chartrand-Lauzon


Lucie Archambault

Directrice adjointe

Denis Yelle

Directeur adjoint


Constable Claude Garneau


“Claude a su nous aider à désamorcer des situations avant qu’elles ne deviennent sérieuses, a su nous aider à solutionner des difficultés et a su nous conseiller à l’occasion.


Il fait preuve d’entregent de bonnes relations, de collaboration, de savoir-faire et de connaissances légales importantes.  Il a su faire partie de notre équipe scolaire et nous aider à travailler.”








Veronica Engelberts

Chair, Board of Directors

Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre Foundation


Traffic Control and

Byron Smith


“I want to extend to you and your entire department our sincere appreciation for the invaluable assistance provided for traffic control for the Colonial’s “Motorcycle Ride for Dad” on May 26th.


I also want to applaud the participation and efforts of Byron Smith, President of the Ottawa Police Association.  Byron has been an integral part of the organizing of this event as the representative of the Association.  Our Foundation looks forward to continuing our partnership in this event that this year raised over $82,000 for prostate cancer and education.”










John Leu

Executive Director

Canadian Ski Patrol System


Detective Isobel Anderson


“Isobel’s story is a very compelling one in and of itself, however, what is so remarkable is that she has taken the time and monumental effort to take her story to the public and try to very positively influence government policy that will protect so many others.  Firefighters, police personnel, ambulance services and even ourselves, as good Samaritans will all benefit someday, I am sure from her efforts.


...She is an outstanding example of the difference and impact that one person can make and, I am sure, a credit to your department.”








Sarah K. Denton


Barrhaven  P.S. BBQ Committee


Volunteers Angela McKinley and Catheryne Price, officers Constable Spencer, Constable Curcio and Constable Tess Innocent


“I am writing to thank some of your officers who dedicated their time and effort with a great deal of professionalism and commitment to educate the students of our school at our recent BBQ.  Volunteers Angela McKinley and Catheryne Price and officers Constable Spencer, Constable Curcio and Constable Tess Innocent were extremely friendly to all the children and talked to them directly making them feel comfortable.


Constable Innocent was the main liaison and coordinator and kept us updated on all the progress as well as attempting to coordinate the canine unit.  She returned all calls promptly and with a great deal of professionalism.”








Larry & Myreille Gareau


Miss Linda Leung

Det. Kevin Bowie


“I would like to take the opportunity at this time to congratulate Miss Linda Leung for being efficient in handling the robbery that occured at our house and in our neighbourhood on Wednesday, June 20, 2001.  Because of her competence in handling this case she apprehended the 3 men and also the stolen van and the car that they were driving with all the stolen property.  She was able to make us feel at ease in this difficult situation.  She was finishing a double shift and was very alert.  We are very grateful to her for having our belongings returned.


I would also like to thank Detective Kevin Bowie and his partner who also were very helpful in returning some of our stolen property on the same day and the rest of it on the following day.”








Robin Pow MSW

Outreach Team

Royal Ottawa Health Care Group


Constable Leslie Maley, Traci Brown (Victim Assistance), Detective Richard Charbonneau and Detective Douglas Wilson


“I am writing this letter to thank the police officers that assisted me after an incident with one of my clients a little over a month ago.  Unfortunately I was stabbed by the person.  I feel that the service and assistance that I received from your staff has made a huge difference in my continuing recovery from this very disturbing incident.  All the officers involved were very concerned, patient, respectful and compassionate.  I really felt like they tried to do everything possible to assist me that day in a caring and sensitive manner.  I would like to specifically thank Constable Leslie Maley, Traci Brown (Victim Assistance), Detective Richard Charbounneau and Detective Douglas Wilson for their help.  Thank-you all for doing such a good job - I really appreciate it!!”








Rev. Dr. Leslie Laszlo


Sgt. Rick Lavigne, Sgt. Jean Lamothe, Sgt. Samir Bhatnagar and S/Sgt. Bob Ralph


“Thanks to Sgt. Rick Lavigne for coordinating the effort, and very special thanks to the off-duty Police Officers who gave generously of their time to escort us safely: Sgt. Jean Lamothe, Sgt. Samir Bhatnagar and S/Sgt. Bob Ralph.”








The Honourable John Manley P.C.


Mr. Vincent Westwick


“On behalf of my colleagues in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and in the Department of Justice who also served on the Canadian delegation, please accept my sincere appreciation for your valuable contribution to Canada’s efforts to combat the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons.  I will certainly pass on your kind words to the members of the Canadian delegation to the Prep Com in March.  Once again, thank you for taking the time to express your views and for your encouragement regarding the Conference in July.”








Floralove Katz


Constable Craig Roberts  and

Constable Mark Horton


“In the meantime, the tremendous resources of the Ottawa-Carleton Regional Police Service and Firefighters Service are tied up time and again, saving this man and no doubt many others like him - from themselves. 


Please pass on my congratulations to Constables Roberts and Horton, as well as to the rest of your excellent team, for their great work on behalf of Ottawans, I was most impressed with their careful assessment, calibration, and handling of last week’s situation.”








Floralove Katz

Supreme Court of Canada


Sergeant Richard Keindel, Senior Constalble William Stewart and Senior Constable Gary Schuiteboer


“Sergeant Richard Keindel, manager of the Professional Development Centre has been not only extremely gracious but also most accommodating in providing direct and tangible assistance to the Supreme Court of Canada.


Further to my letter of yesterday’s date regarding the excellent service to the Supreme Court of Canada by Sergeant Richard Keindel, manager of the Professional Development Centre, this is to extend our earnest thanks as well, to Senior Constable William Stewart who assisted with the Driver’s Training Course, and to Senior Constable Gary Schuiteboer who taught the Defensive Tactics Course to our Court Attendant Drivers.”








Rosemary Rudyk

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation


Jack Gauthier


“On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, I would like to express our appreciation to the O.C.R.P.S. Pipe Band, led by Jack Gauthier, for attending our 8th Annual Shoppers Walk for the Cure and helping to kick-off the event.  They were great!”








Steve Tanner

Deputy Chief

Belleville Police Service


Officers in Courts and Tactical Unit


“Thank you for your assistance regarding the Belleville Police Service “change of venue” application in Ottawa.  My containment team Sergeant advises the cooperation and professionalism of the Ottawa officers and staff was second to none and very much appreciated.








Carl Castilloux


Sgt. John Crozier, Cst. Dan Cross, Cst. Bill Cartwright, Cst. Keith May, Cst. Andy Jasiak, Cst. Amerjit Sahota, Cst. Daryl Coburn, Cst. Dave Lamont, Cst. Gord Campbell, Cst. Raegan Zingbiel, Cst. Paul Charron and Cst. Chaughan Garvey


“I wish to express our sincere gratitude for the participation of the Motorcycle Traffic Officers on the 21 of June 2001.”








Susan Darcy

Claims Representative

Federation Insurance Company of Canada


Records Department

Debbie Jolicoeur, Officers Tim Brophy, Jim Plumb,  Steve Marshall, Towed Vehicle Section


“I would like to take this opportunity to commend both the Records Department and the Traffic Section, particularly Debbie Jolicoeur and also Officers Tim Brophy, Jim Plumb and Steve Marshall.  Over the last 12 months, there has been a significant improvement in the time it takes to receive copies of accident reports.  What was once taking over two months to receive is now taking less than two weeks.


The towed vehicle section has also made great efforts to ensure that we are aware of recovered vehicles as quickly as possible thus reducing the payouts to towing companies.”