Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

EP2 - Effectively integrate immigrants

Make it easier for immigrants to become part of the local urban and rural economies by improving programs and services provided by the City that help immigrants integrate into Ottawa.

EP2-A: Inventory 10% of the City programs and services available to immigrants by Q1 2012, 30% by Q2 2012, 60% by Q3 2012 and 100% by Q4 2012.


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

2- City of Ottawa Immigration Strategy

2-A:  Complete 10% of the City programs and services available to immigrants by Q1 2012, 30% by Q2 2012, 60% by Q3 2012 and 100% by Q4 2012.






Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

HC1 - Achieve equity and inclusion for an aging and diverse population

Accommodate the needs of a diverse and aging population by effectively planning and implementing changes to major infrastructure development and service delivery.

HC1-A: Increase the number of staff trained in how to apply the Equity and Inclusion Lens in their daily work to 400 staff and 100 managers by the end of 2014 as follows:

-            25% of the staff target by the end of 2012

-            50% of each target by the end of 2013

-            100% of each target by the end of 2014

HC1-B: Complete 28% of the departmental deliverables to meet Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) regulations by the end of 2012, 85% by the end of 2013 and 100% by the end of 2014.


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

32-  Community Development Funding for Priority Neighbourhoods

32-A:  Complete 30% of the action plan recommendations for Community Development Funding for Priority Neighbourhoods by the end of 2012, 60% by the end of 2013 and 100% by the end of 2014.


33-  Community and Social Services Partnership Capital Funding

33-A:  Use capital partnership activity to ensure the funding available annually is allocated and directly benefiting the community.


34-  Seniors Summit and Older Adult Plan

34-A:  Obtain a satisfaction rating of at least 80% from participants in the Seniors Summit.

34-B:  Develop an Older Adult Action Plan by the end of 2012.

34-C:  Implement 70% of the recommendations with 2013 and 2014 timelines identified in the Older Adult Action Plan.




Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

HC2 - Improve parks and recreation

Provide accessible, inclusive and quality parks, recreation services and urban spaces that respond to demographic trends in population and activity.

HC2-A: Maintain 2011 participation levels in all registered recreation programs (2012 – 2014).

HC2-B: Maintain 2011 participation levels in registered senior-specific recreation programs (2012 – 2014).


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

36-  Recreation Major/Minor Capital Partnership

36-A:  Maintain a 50% return on investment (ROI) of City assets based on actual spending as opposed to anticipated spending through 2014.


38-  Lansdowne - Urban Park Revitalization

38-A:  Complete the Urban Park construction within schedule and budget. Proceeding subject to, and in accordance with, Council approvals.


39-  Parks and Recreation Master Plan

39-A:  Complete 20% of the deliverables identified in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan by the end of 2012, 40% by the end of 2013 and 100% by the end of 2014.


40-  Rink of Dreams

40-A:  Complete the construction of the Rink of Dreams in 2012.




Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

HC3 - Improve social and affordable housing

Provide affordable, attractive and accessible supportive and permanent housing for residents in need, and improve the range and quality of housing for people of diverse abilities and incomes to live in a community through various life stages.

HC3-A: Increase the number of individuals receiving supports to housing by 150 in 2011, 700 in 2012, 700 in 2013 and 700 in 2014.


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

41-  Housing and Homelessness Investment Plan

41-A:  Increase the number of households granted the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) by 150 annually (2011 - 2014).

41-B:  Increase youth participation in the Youth Futures and Youth-at-Risk Program by 10 annually. (Total number of participants will be 50 youth in 2011, 60 youth in 2012, 70 youth in 2013 and 80 youth in 2014).





Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

HC4 - Improve Arts and Heritage

Support citizens in creating and enjoying the city’s vibrant arts and heritage, by providing innovative opportunities that engage and support the diversity of our population in reflecting and expressing our collective identity.

HC4-A: Maintain the municipal government funding per capita for arts and festivals above the mean with the six other large Canadian cities.


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

42-  Arts Court Redevelopment Project: New OAG Space at Arts Court; New Performance Space at Arts Court

42-A:  Complete the Arts Court redevelopment within schedule and budget. Proceeding subject to achieving funding and fundraising targets and in accordance with Council approvals.


43-  Arts and Heritage Renewal Plan

43-A:  Complete 5% of the Arts and Heritage Renewal 5-year Action Plan recommendations by the end of 2012, 15% by the end of 2013 and 30% by the end of 2014.






The table below contains recommended amendments to the Term of Council Priorities as identified through consultation with the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Transit Commission and Standing Committee’s of Council.



Strategic Priority Affected

Nature of Amendment

Recommended Amendment


Healthy and Caring Communities

Realign strategic initiative Recreation Major and Minor Capital Partnership from one strategic objective to another


Move strategic initiative Recreation Major and Minor Capital Partnership from strategic objective HC1 (Achieve equity and inclusion for an aging and diverse population) to strategic objective HC2 (Improve parks and recreation).


Healthy and Caring Communities

Revise the description of strategic initiative Community Development Funding for Priority Neighbourhoods


Change from: 

Funding to stabilize the five priority neighbourhoods identified in the Community Development Framework. Funding assists these priority neighbourhoods to develop leadership capacity and respond to identified needs. The investment will be evaluated yearly.


Funding to stabilize the five priority neighbourhoods identified in the Community Development Framework and to implement new CDF model across the city. Funding assists these priority neighbourhoods to develop leadership capacity and respond to identified needs. The investment will be reviewed yearly.


Healthy and Caring Communities

Edit the name of strategic initiative Lansdowne – Urban Park Redevelopment


Change from: 

Lansdowne – Urban Park Redevelopment


Lansdowne – Urban Park Revitalization