Strategic Objective Name & Description |
Performance Measure(s) |
TM1 - Ensure sustainable transit services Offer reliable travel options at the lowest possible cost and in a financially and operationally sustainable way. |
TM1-A: Increase total ridership per revenue service hour by 14% by the end of 2014. |
Strategic Initiative Name |
Performance Measure(s) |
Strategic Objective Supported |
4- O-Train Service Expansion |
4-A: Complete 100% of the key project milestones. |
TM1 |
5- Double-decker Purchase |
5-A: Increase the proportion of seats available to customers from 79% to 91% by Q2 2013. |
TM1 |
6- Route Optimization Savings |
6-A: Increase productivity measure and achieve savings target ($19.5 Million per year) |
TM1 |
TM4 – Promote alternative mobility choices |
15- OC Transpo Marketing Revitalization and Employee Engagement |
15A: Increase customer connections made through social media channels by 10% per quarter, on a year-over-year basis.
15B: Launch a comprehensive Employee Engagement Strategy by Q4, 2012. |
TM4 |
Strategic Initiative Name |
Performance Measure(s) |
Strategic Objective Supported |
53- Transit Technology |
53-A: Achieve 12,000 Apple App downloads by the end of 2014. 53-B: Achieve 100 API keys approved by the end of 2014. 53-C: Issue PRESTO cards to more than 50% of OC Transpo customers by the end of 2014. |
SE2 |
The table below contains recommended amendments to the Term of Council Priorities as identified through consultation with the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Transit Commission and Standing Committee’s of Council.
Oversight |
Strategic Priority Affected |
Nature of Amendment |
Recommended Amendment |
Transportation and Mobility |
Revise the description of strategic initiative Double-decker purchase
Change from: Purchase will improve the financial sustainability of the transit system while maintaining excellence in customer service. Operating and long-term capital costs will be reduced as we will not compromise overall capacity as a result of the network optimization process. To: 75 double-decker buses will be purchased. These buses will improve customer service, capacity and efficiency. |
Service Excellence |
Edit the name of strategic initiative Transit Technology Roadmap and Presto Smartcard |
Change from: Transit Technology Roadmap and Presto Smartcard To: Transit Technology |
Service Excellence |
Revise the description of strategic initiative Transit Technology Roadmap and Presto Smartcard |
Change from: With PRESTO Smartcard customers will be able to load their PRESTO Smartcard, via the internet, phone, mail and through the OC Transpo sales and information offices. Passenger boarding will be quicker as customer load times with the PRESTO Smartcard will be faster. IT Road map includes Next Stop Announcement, Real time bus arrival information system and an improved customer service platform (Smart Bus). To: OC Transpo is implementing the Presto Smartcard July 1, 2012. Customers will be able to load their Smartcard via the internet, phone, and at the sales and information offices. Two other major technologies that will improve our customer experience is the release of real time open data to the development community and release of an Apple app for the IPad, IPhone and IPod. We will be looking at developing an App for the Blackberry and Android smart phones later this year. |