Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

EP1 - Promote Ottawa Globally

Find ways to integrate visitor services for both the leisure and business travel market. This includes destination marketing, urban and rural tourism development, sports and major event hosting, and visitor services.

EP1-A:  Increase the number of major events won by the City to 5 per year.

EP1-B:  Increase the number of hotel room nights booked by visitors in Ottawa by 2% (on a year-over-year basis).

EP1-C:  Increase the number of international travellers visiting Ottawa by 2% per year (on a year-over-year basis).


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

1-  Support Celebrations of Canada's 150th Anniversary

1-A:  Secure the federal and provincial funding for Canada's 150th Anniversary celebrations in Ottawa.





Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

EP3 - Support growth of local economy

Invest in community organizations that support the local economy, both urban and rural, by promoting local industry, creating infrastructure to stimulate growth, including hubs for innovation, promoting investments in our businesses, and working cooperatively with the federal government to retain federal employment in Ottawa.

EP3-A: Increase the number of new business establishments in targeted industry sectors since 2011 by 2% (on a year-over-year basis).

EP3-B: Rank among the top 3 Canadian Census Metropolitan Areas for median total family income by 2014.


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

3- Economic Development Strategy

3-A:  Implement 80% of the initiatives identified in Invest Ottawa's annual operating plan (2012 – 2014).






Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

8- Ottawa Light Rail Transit (OLRT) Project

8-A:  Complete 28% of the Ottawa Light Rail Transit (OLRT) key project milestones by the end of Q1 2012, 57% by the end of Q2 2012, 71% by the end of Q3 2012 and 100% by the end of Q4 2012.






Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

35-  Service Enhancements - Accessibility Program

35-A:  Increase the percentage of barrier-free City facilities accessible to the public to over 90% by the end of 2014.


37-  Lansdowne Stadium and Parking Redevelopment

37-A:  Complete the Lansdowne Park Stadium and Parking construction within schedule and budget. Proceeding subject to, and in accordance with, Council approvals.






Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

SE1 - Ensure a positive experience for every client interaction

Provide consistent and high-quality information and services to residents, visitors and enterprises and improve clients’ interactions with the City by ensuring services are timely and coordinated, easy to find and access, and delivered in a way that respects residents’ needs.

SE1-A: Increase the number of customers rating the City of Ottawa's services at 4 or 5 out of 5 by 5%.


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

44-  Social Media Enablement

44-A:  Complete 100% of the Social Media Enablement Framework deliverables by the end of Q4 2012.

44-B:  Achieve 100% of official social media accounts in compliance with related policies and guidelines by the end of 2012.


45-  ServiceOttawa - Citizen Centric Services Project

45-A:  Increase the percentage of service and information requests processed via all ServiceOttawa channels (Web, 311 and Client Service Centre counters) by 5% in 2012, 2013, and 2014. The shift in delivery of service requests processed by the Web will increase to 10% in 2012, 20% in 2013 and 30% in 2014.


46-  ServiceOttawa - Technology Roadmap

46-A:  Complete 33% of the overall annual project milestones of ServiceOttawa Technology Roadmap initiatives by the end of 2011, 56% by the end of 2012, 59% by the end of 2013 and 73% by the end of 2014.




Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

SE2 - Improve operational performance

Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery to reach targets that have been approved by Council and communicated to residents and staff.

SE2-A: Meet efficiency savings of $39.15M by 2014: $11.1M in 2012, $10.7M in 2013 and $4.19M in 2014. The remaining savings were achieved in 2010: $4.07M and 2011: $10.67M.


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

47-  ServiceOttawa Benefits Realization Program

47-A:  Meet efficiency savings of $39.15M by 2014: $11.1M in 2012, $10.7M in 2013 and $4.19M in 2014. The remaining savings were achieved in 2010: $4.07M and 2011: $10.67M.


50-  Open Data

50-A:  Increase the number of Open Data sets per year from 52 in 2010 to 75 in 2011, 95 in 2012, 120 in 2013 and 150 in 2014.


51-  Access to Information Case Management System

51-A:  Decrease the percentage of time to create the annual ATIP report by 25% in 2013 and 50% in 2014.


52-  Vote Tabulating Solution - 2014 Municipal Elections

52-A:  Complete 25% of the Vote Tabulating Solution project by the end of 2012, 50% by the end of 2013 and 100% by the end of 2014.


55-  Right-of-Way Activity Management System

55-A:  Complete 85% of the Right-of-Way (ROW) system by the end of 2012 and 100% by the end of Q2 2013.








Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

GP1 - Improve the public’s confidence in and satisfaction with the way Council works

Put into place business practices that are democratic, engaging and visible by encouraging citizens to participate in decision-making and community life, by informing them in a timely manner of decisions that affect them, and by providing reasons for decisions.

GP1-A: Decrease the number of times Council/Committee discussions went in camera to fewer than 15 per year.

GP1-B: Decrease the number of confidential reports that go to Committee and Council to fewer than 15 per year.


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

56- Council Agenda Building Tool

56-A:  Decrease the time required to publish Committee and Council agendas on the City's website by 75% in 2012 and 100% in 2013.


57- Accountability Framework

57-A:  Complete 100% of the Accountability Framework recommendations by the end of 2012.


58- Mid-Term Governance Review

58-A:  Report back to Council on the Mid-Term Governance Review by Q4 2012.


59- City of Ottawa Client Engagement Strategies and Online Consultation Tools

59-A:  Complete 10% of the Client Engagement Strategy and Plan deliverables by Q1 2012, 40% by Q2 2012, 60% by Q3 2012 and 100% by Q4 2012.




Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

GP2 - Apply management controls to achieve Council’s priorities

Integrate planning and performance processes at the City to strengthen decision-making, improve transparency and accountability, align operations with Council’s priorities, enhance governance, and improve local decision-making while allowing Council and City management to focus on citywide challenges.

GP2-A: Complete 40% of the Auditor General Office's 2009 Audit recommendations on corporate planning and performance management by the end of 2011, 80% by the end of 2012, 90% by the end of 2013 and 100% by the end of 2014.


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

60- Corporate Planning Framework

60-A:  Complete 50% of the deliverables in the Corporate Planning Framework related to strategic planning by the end of 2011, 80% by the end of 2012 and 100% by the end of 2013.




GP3 – Make sustainable choices

61- Comprehensive Asset Management

61-A:   Complete the Asset Management Policy/Strategy approved by Council and the State of the Asset Report (SOAR) by Q4 2012.



64- Performance Measurement

64-A:   Complete 75% of the Corporate Planning Framework deliverables related to performance management by the end of 2012 and 100% by the end of 2013.





Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

GP4 - Improve overall relations with City Unions

Continue to develop a constructive and respectful relationship with all City unions, and productively negotiate all collective agreements being renewed in this term of Council.

GP4-A: Increase the number of union complaints/grievances resolved without arbitration to more than 90% annually.


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

66-  Enhance Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining Process

66-A:  Conclude 100% of the collective agreement negotiations within Council-approved mandates and without work disruptions in 2012, 2013 and 2014.






Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

EE1 - Ensure leaders are strong and effective

Develop strong candidates to take on leadership roles by strengthening the leadership skills of all levels of management.

EE1-A: Complete the first three of five succession planning process steps by the end of 2012.


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

67-  Leadership Development

67-A:  Increase the number of Managers/Supervisors that participate in the Growing Leaders program by 5% over three years, from a participation rate of 14% of Managers/Supervisors to 19% (275 participants/graduates in 2011 to 370 participants/graduates in 2014).






Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

EE2 - Maintain a diverse, high-performing, client-centric workforce

Implement strategies to attract diverse people with the right skills and fit to the organization.

EE2-A: Increase the number of co-op placement, internship and apprenticeship positions (feeder group of new talent) by 5% from ~ 90 positions to 95 positions by the end of 2012.

EE2-B: Maintain or increase the percentage of representation of diverse group members relative to their availability in the market based on census data.

Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported


68- Recruitment/Outreach Strategies and Assessment Tools

68-A:   Achieve a 95% retention rate in occupations that are considered difficult to fill or critical to operations (2011 – 2014).




Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

EE3 - Enable employees to develop and contribute to their fullest potential

Develop tools and resources to help in employee career planning and development, and provide opportunities for professional growth. Learning and development will strengthen the ability of employees to meet business challenges.

EE3-A: Staff 90% of full time continuing supervisory/management vacancies with internal candidates versus external (2011 – 2014).

Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported


69- Employee Development

69-A: Increase the Career Growth & Development Score in the next Employee Engagement Survey by 1%, from a score of 3.17 (2011 survey) to a score of 3.20.




Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

EE4 - Build a positive, productive and engaged workplace

Build the capability of the organization by strengthening employees’ connection to the City and fostering a sense of pride in working here.

EE4-A: Increase the Service and Accomplishment Score in the next Employee Engagement Survey by 1%, from a score of 3.83 (2011 survey) to a score of 3.86.

EE4-B: Increase the Recognition Score in the next Employee Engagement Survey by 3%, from a score of 3.3 (2011 survey) to a score of 3.39.


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

70-   Automated Employee Performance Development Program

70-A:  Complete 100% of the Automated Employee Performance Development Program deliverables by the end of 2013.


71-  Management Professional Exempt and Unionized Staff Job Evaluation Plan

71-A:  Complete 100% of the Management Professional Exempt and Unionized Staff Job Evaluation Plan project deliverables by the end of 2014.






Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

FS1 - Align strategic priorities to Council’s tax and user fee targets

Reach stable and affordable property tax levels while maintaining service levels to residents by making decisions that allow us to live within our means and by capping tax increases at 2.5% per year.

FS1-A: Maintain the ratio of the general tax rate increase to the Ottawa-Gatineau rate of inflation (CPI) at 1 or lower each year.

FS1-B: Maintain the ratio of projected total operating spending to total operating budget at 1.


Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported

72-  Update of Long Range Financial Plan

72-A:  Complete 80% of the update of Long Range Financial Plan deliverables by Q2 2012 and 100% by Q4 2012.




Strategic Objective Name & Description

Performance Measure(s)

FS2 - Maintain and enhance the City’s financial position

Develop processes and tools to ensure that tax dollars are spent wisely by making strategic choices and finding ways to improve the value we can deliver for the tax dollar.

FS2-A: Maintain the percentage of annual tax increase at no more than 2.5%.

Strategic Initiative Name

Performance Measure(s)

Strategic Objective Supported


76-  Securing Federal and Provincial Funding Commitments

76-A: Secure commitments for greater than 75% of Federal and Provincial funding allocations in relation to funding requests.






The table below contains recommended amendments to the Term of Council Priorities as identified through consultation with the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Transit Commission and Standing Committee’s of Council.



Strategic Priority Affected

Nature of Amendment

Recommended Amendment


Service Excellence

Merge a number of the Service Ottawa initiatives and use one combined measure

Merge the following strategic initiatives:

Service Ottawa - Mobile Workforce Solutions Project

Service Ottawa - Implement Smart Energy Measures

Service Ottawa - Transform Municipal Fleet Management

Service Ottawa - Sponsorship and Advertising Project

Service Ottawa - Optimizing Use of Recreation Facilities

Service Ottawa - Integrating Community & Social Services

Replace with:

Service Ottawa - Benefits Realization Program


Governance Planning & Decision-Making

Edit the name of strategic initiative Corporate Asset Management Framework

Change from: 

Corporate Asset Management Framework


Comprehensive Asset Management